### 0.1 Root / uiMessenger.py: # 1. Search: def OnLogin(self, groupIndex ... # 1. After: member.Online() self.OnRefreshList() # 1. Add: if not name in constInfo.ALREADY_NOTIFY_LIST: self.onlinePopup = uiCommon.OnlinePopup() self.onlinePopup.SetUserName(name) self.onlinePopup.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenWhisper), "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP", name) self.onlinePopup.SlideIn() constInfo.ALREADY_NOTIFY_LIST.append(name) # 1.1 After: def OnLogin(... Add: def OpenWhisper(self, eventType, userName): self.whisperButtonEvent(userName) ### 0.2 Root / constInfo.py: # 2. Add: ALREADY_NOTIFY_LIST = [] ### 0.3 Root / ui.py # 3 Search: class Board(Window): (....) # 3 REPLACE this class with: class Board(Window): CORNER_WIDTH = 32 CORNER_HEIGHT = 32 LINE_WIDTH = 128 LINE_HEIGHT = 128 LT = 0 LB = 1 RT = 2 RB = 3 L = 0 R = 1 T = 2 B = 3 BASE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern" IMAGES = { 'CORNER' : { 0 : "Board_Corner_LeftTop", 1 : "Board_Corner_LeftBottom", 2 : "Board_Corner_RightTop", 3 : "Board_Corner_RightBottom" }, 'BAR' : { 0 : "Board_Line_Left", 1 : "Board_Line_Right", 2 : "Board_Line_Top", 3 : "Board_Line_Bottom" }, 'FILL' : "Board_Base" } def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): Window.__init__(self, layer) self.skipMaxCheck = False self.MakeBoard() def MakeBoard(self): CornerFileNames = [ ] LineFileNames = [ ] for imageDictKey in (['CORNER', 'BAR']): for x in xrange(len(self.IMAGES[imageDictKey])): if imageDictKey == "CORNER": CornerFileNames.append("%s/%s.tga" % (self.BASE_PATH, self.IMAGES[imageDictKey][x])) elif imageDictKey == "BAR": LineFileNames.append("%s/%s.tga" % (self.BASE_PATH, self.IMAGES[imageDictKey][x])) self.Corners = [] for fileName in CornerFileNames: Corner = ExpandedImageBox() Corner.AddFlag("not_pick") Corner.LoadImage(fileName) Corner.SetParent(self) Corner.SetPosition(0, 0) Corner.Show() self.Corners.append(Corner) self.Lines = [] for fileName in LineFileNames: Line = ExpandedImageBox() Line.AddFlag("not_pick") Line.LoadImage(fileName) Line.SetParent(self) Line.SetPosition(0, 0) Line.Show() self.Lines.append(Line) self.Lines[self.L].SetPosition(0, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) self.Lines[self.T].SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) self.Base = ExpandedImageBox() self.Base.AddFlag("not_pick") self.Base.LoadImage("%s/%s.tga" % (self.BASE_PATH, self.IMAGES['FILL'])) self.Base.SetParent(self) self.Base.SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) self.Base.Show() def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) def SetSize(self, width, height): if not self.skipMaxCheck: width = max(self.CORNER_WIDTH*2, width) height = max(self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2, height) Window.SetSize(self, width, height) self.Corners[self.LB].SetPosition(0, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) self.Corners[self.RT].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) self.Corners[self.RB].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) self.Lines[self.R].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) self.Lines[self.B].SetPosition(self.CORNER_HEIGHT, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) verticalShowingPercentage = float((height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2) - self.LINE_HEIGHT) / self.LINE_HEIGHT horizontalShowingPercentage = float((width - self.CORNER_WIDTH*2) - self.LINE_WIDTH) / self.LINE_WIDTH self.Lines[self.L].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) self.Lines[self.R].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) self.Lines[self.T].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) self.Lines[self.B].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) if self.Base: self.Base.SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, verticalShowingPercentage) # 3 AFTER CLASS BOARD ADD THIS CLASS: class BorderB(Board): CORNER_WIDTH = 16 CORNER_HEIGHT = 16 LINE_WIDTH = 16 LINE_HEIGHT = 16 BASE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern" IMAGES = { 'CORNER' : { 0 : "border_b_left_top", 1 : "border_b_left_bottom", 2 : "border_b_right_top", 3 : "border_b_right_bottom" }, 'BAR' : { 0 : "border_b_left", 1 : "border_b_right", 2 : "border_b_top", 3 : "border_b_bottom" }, 'FILL' : "border_b_center" } def __init__(self): Board.__init__(self) self.eventFunc = { "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP" : None, } self.eventArgs = { "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP" : None, } def __del__(self): Board.__del__(self) self.eventFunc = None self.eventArgs = None def SetSize(self, width, height): Board.SetSize(self, width, height) def SetEvent(self, func, *args) : result = self.eventFunc.has_key(args[0]) if result : self.eventFunc[args[0]] = func self.eventArgs[args[0]] = args else : print "[ERROR] ui.py SetEvent, Can`t Find has_key : %s" % args[0] def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): if self.eventFunc["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"] : apply(self.eventFunc["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"], self.eventArgs["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"]) ### 0.4 Root / uiCommon.py # 4 Add this to the end of file: ### (Check if you have in this file import app ) class OnlinePopup(ui.BorderB): def __init__(self): ui.BorderB.__init__(self) self.isActiveSlide = False self.isActiveSlideOut = False self.endTime = 0 self.wndWidth = 0 self.textLine = ui.TextLine() self.textLine.SetParent(self) self.textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() self.textLine.SetPosition(13, 0) self.textLine.Show() self.onlineImage = ui.ImageBox() self.onlineImage.SetParent(self) self.onlineImage.SetPosition(8, 8) self.onlineImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_online.sub") self.onlineImage.Show() def __del__(self): ui.BorderB.__del__(self) def SlideIn(self): self.SetTop() self.Show() self.isActiveSlide = True self.endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + 5 def Close(self): self.Hide() def Destroy(self): self.Close() def SetUserName(self, name): self.textLine.SetText("Player %s is online." % str(name)) self.wndWidth = self.textLine.GetTextSize()[0] + 40 self.SetSize(self.wndWidth, 25) self.SetPosition(-self.wndWidth, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 200) def OnUpdate(self): if self.isActiveSlide and self.isActiveSlide == True: x, y = self.GetLocalPosition() if x < 0: self.SetPosition(x + 4, y) if self.endTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() <= 0 and self.isActiveSlideOut == False and self.isActiveSlide == True: self.isActiveSlide = False self.isActiveSlideOut = True if self.isActiveSlideOut and self.isActiveSlideOut == True: x, y = self.GetLocalPosition() if x > -(self.wndWidth): self.SetPosition(x - 4, y) if x <= -(self.wndWidth): self.isActiveSlideOut = False self.Close() ######## Please write in topic If i forgot something. ########