# RampenDrills configuration. Drill: NeedPlayerClose: true NeedPlayerCloseRange: 32 RequireDrillTool: true CheckExtraBlocks: true CheckExtraBlocksHorizontalOnly: true AllowShulkerBoxes: true AllowMovingThroughLava: false GravelWaitDelay: 6 Blacklist: - BEDROCK - END_PORTAL_FRAME - END_PORTAL - CHEST - TRAPPED_CHEST - SPAWNER - ENDER_CHEST - LAVA - HOPPER - SKELETON_SKULL - SKELETON_WALL_SKULL - WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL - WITHER_SKELETON_WALL_SKULL - CREEPER_HEAD - CREEPER_WALL_HEAD - DRAGON_HEAD - DRAGON_WALL_HEAD - PLAYER_HEAD - PLAYER_WALL_HEAD - ZOMBIE_HEAD - ZOMBIE_WALL_HEAD - FURNACE - WHITE_SHULKER_BOX - ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX - MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX - LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX - YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX - LIME_SHULKER_BOX - PINK_SHULKER_BOX - GRAY_SHULKER_BOX - LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX - CYAN_SHULKER_BOX - PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX - BLUE_SHULKER_BOX - BROWN_SHULKER_BOX - GREEN_SHULKER_BOX - RED_SHULKER_BOX - BLACK_SHULKER_BOX - SHULKER_BOX - BARREL - BELL - BLAST_FURNACE - CAMPFIRE - CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - COMPOSTER - FLETCHING_TABLE - GRINDSTONE - JIGSAW - LECTERN - LOOM - SMITHING_TABLE - SMOKER - STONECUTTER MoveDelay: 34 RequireFuel: true FuelCost: OnMove: 600 Placement: AllowAirPlacementForSolidBlocks: false KeepMovingIfOutOfItems: false FillerBlocks: - COBBLESTONE - STONE - DIRT AllowedOverride: - AIR - WATER - LAVA Patterns: Rail: Pattern: - RAIL - RAIL - RAIL - RAIL - RAIL - POWERED_RAIL Permission: rampen.drills.rail Torches: Pattern: - AIR - AIR - AIR - AIR - AIR - TORCH Permission: rampen.drills.torches DrillHeads: EMERALD_BLOCK: SilkTouch: true FuelModifier: 1.2 DigFuelCost: 12 Permission: silk Size: Default NormalDelay: 8 LongDelay: 45 SlowBlocks: - OBSIDIAN IRON_BLOCK: SilkTouch: false FuelModifier: 0.5 DigFuelCost: 2 NormalDelay: 16 LongDelay: 70 DIAMOND_BLOCK: SilkTouch: false FuelModifier: 1 DigFuelCost: 10 NormalDelay: 10 LongDelay: 50 NETHERITE_BLOCK: SilkTouch: true FuelModifier: 1.2 DigFuelCost: 0 Permission: silk Size: Default NormalDelay: 16 LongDelay: 70 SlowBlocks: - 'OBSIDIAN' DrillSizes: Default: Height: 3 Width: 3 WidthOffset: Auto DrillLimitCacheDuration: 5000 UseNewLimitPermissionCheck: true PreventCraftingWithDrillTool: true DrillTool: Material: WOOD_HOE Name: '&rDrill Tool' Lore: - '&5Right click on the drill head' - '&5&o(Iron/Diamond/Emerald block)' - '&5from your drill to make it start / stop.' EnableCosmetics: true Cosmetics: Lava: Particle: LAVA ParticleAmount: 4 Sound: BLOCK_LAVA_POP Volume: 1 PitchMin: 1 RandomAdditionalPitch: 1 Explosion: Particle: EXPLOSION_LARGE ParticleAmount: 1 Sound: ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE Volume: 1 PitchMin: 3 RandomAdditionalPitch: 1 Ender: Particle: PORTAL ParticleAmount: 25 Sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT Volume: 1 PitchMin: 1 RandomAdditionalPitch: 1 Crit: Particle: CRIT_MAGIC ParticleAmount: 15 Sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_CRIT Volume: 1.5 PitchMin: 1 RandomAdditionalPitch: 1 Snow: Particle: SNOWBALL ParticleAmount: 20 Sound: ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_HURT Volume: 1.5 PitchMin: 1 RandomAdditionalPitch: 1 Type: randoffset Happy: Particle: VILLAGER_HAPPY ParticleAmount: 12 Sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP Volume: 1 PitchMin: 2 RandomAdditionalPitch: 1 Type: randoffset Spell: Particle: SPELL_WITCH ParticleAmount: 12 Sound: ENTITY_WITCH_THROW Volume: 1 PitchMin: 1 RandomAdditionalPitch: 1 Type: randoffset Messages: NoPermission: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &cYou do not have permission to do that!' Drill: SomeoneElse: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Someone else is using that drill.' StartMoving: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill will start moving now.' StoppedMoving: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill has stopped moving.' TooManyDrills: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7You are not allowed to have another drill.' DrillCantMine: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill is not allowed to mine there, so it stopped.' CantMine: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill cannot mine that block.' CantMove: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill was unable to move and stopped.' NoFuel: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill does not have enough fuel.' NoStorage: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill does not have enough free storage.' SomethingWentWrong: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Something went wrong with the drill, it stopped.' OutOfBlocks: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drill is out of blocks.' CantPlace: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &cYour drill was not allowed to place a block.' Command: Unknown: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Unknown command. try /drill help' OnToolGive: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Added the drill tool to your inventory.' OnToolDisabled: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7You do not require a drill tool to start your drill.' Help: | &8===== &3RampenDrills Help &8===== &3/Drill tool &7- Gives you the drill tool. &3/Drill help &7- Shows this. &3/Drill pattern [name] &7- Select a pattern for the placement drill. &3/Drill filter &7- Stop your drill from picking up certain blocks. &3/Drill cosmetic [name/off] &7- Cosmetic stuff. &3/Drill stop [player] &7- Stop your own drills, or a target players drills. &3/Drill reload &7- Attempts to reload the configuration. Reload: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7&cAttempted to reload configuration. This may cause problems, restart is recommended.' Cosmetic: Usage: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Usage: /drill cosmetic [name/off]' InvalidType: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Invalid cosmetic type. Try: Explosion, Ender, Lava, Crit, Snow, Happy or Spell.' NoPermission: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7You do not have permission to use that cosmetic.' Enabled: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Turned on {type} drill effects.' Disabled: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Turned off cosmetic drill effects.' Pattern: Usage: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Usage: /drill pattern [pattern name]' NotAPattern: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &cThat''s not a valid pattern' Selected: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7{pattern} has been selected.' NoPermission: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &cYou do not have permission to selected that pattern.' Removed: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your selected pattern has been removed.' ItemFilter: Usage: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Usage: /drill filter [add/remove/list/clear]' HoldItem: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7You need to hold the item you want add or remove to your filter.' Added: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &e{type} &7has been added to your item filter.' Cleared: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your item filter has been cleared.' List: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your current item filter is: &e{list}' Empty: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drills are not filtering any items currently.' Removed: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &e{type} &7has been removed from your item filter.' NotFiltered: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &e{type} &7is not in your item filter' Stop: Usage: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Usage: /drill stop [player]' Error: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &cUnable to find drill player.' TargetOffline: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &cTarget player is not online' NoDrills: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7You do not have any running drills ' Stopped: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &7Your drills have been stopped' StoppedAdmin: '&8[&3RampenDrills&8] &e%player%''s &7drills have been stopped.' ConfigVersion: 4.5.0