All code is here. Function names are not english, don't mind them. #include #include #include LiquidCrystal_I2C_AvrI2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); #include SoftwareSerial mySerial(10,11); //YAğız // Pin definitions const int currentSensorPin = A2;      // Current sensor analog input const int relayPin = 5;               // Relay digital output const int ldrPin = A0;                // LDR analog input const float currentThreshold = 10.0;  // Current threshold in Amps const int lightThreshold = 500;       // Light threshold (analog value) const int tempThreshold = 28; // Variables float currentReading; int ldrReading; float voltage; float current; //------------------ //tuğrul const int pirPin = 2;   // PIR sensor pin const int reedPin = 3;  // Reed switch pin int pirState = LOW; int reedState = LOW; //----------- //onur DFRobot_DHT11 DHT; //#define DHT11_PIN 10 int tempPin = 7; int temperature; //-------- //İlker //CURRENT FLOAT???? //int datas[] = {current,ldrReading,pirState,reedState,temperature}; void yagi(); void tugrul(); void onur(); void ilker(); void enes(String message1, String message2, int sensorData); void setup() {     //yağız   pinMode(currentSensorPin, INPUT);   pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);   pinMode(ldrPin, INPUT);   // Initially turn off the relay   digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);   //-----------------   //tuğrul   pinMode(pirPin, INPUT);   pinMode(reedPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Using internal pull-up resistor   //---------------   //onur   pinMode(tempPin, INPUT);   //-------   //ilker   lcd.begin();   lcd.backlight();   lcd.clear();   //----------   Serial.begin(9600);   mySerial.begin(9600); } void loop() {   yagi();   tugrul();   onur();   ilker();   delay(5000); } void yagi() {   currentReading = analogRead(currentSensorPin);   // Assuming ACS712 20A sensor, 100mV/A, Vcc/2 at no current   voltage = (currentReading / 1024.0) * 5.0;   current = (voltage - 2.5) / 0.1;   ldrReading = analogRead(ldrPin);   // Control the relay based on current threshold   if (current > currentThreshold) {     digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);  // Turn off relay   } else {     digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);  // Turn on relay   } } void tugrul() {   // Read the state of the PIR sensor   pirState = digitalRead(pirPin);   Serial.println(pirState);   // Read the state of the reed switch   reedState = digitalRead(reedPin); } void onur() {;   temperature = DHT.temperature; } void ilker() {   //int datas[] = {current,ldrReading,pirState,reedState,temperature};   lcd.clear();   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("Sensors data");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   lcd.print("will display");   enes("Sensors data will be displayed", "\n", -1);   delay(3500);   lcd.clear();   //Current display   if (current > currentThreshold) {     enes("Current is ", " higher than desired current. It will be shutting down.\n", current);   } else {     enes("Current is ", " in the desired range. Flow will go on.\n", current);   }   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("Instant current");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   lcd.print(current);   lcd.setCursor(4, 1);   lcd.print("Amp");   delay(3500);   //ldrstatus   lcd.clear();   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("Light status");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   // Control the LED based on light threshold   if (ldrReading < lightThreshold) {     lcd.print("House is bright");     enes("House is bright", "\n", -1);   } else {     lcd.print("House is dark");     enes("House is dark", "\n", -1);   }   delay(2500);   //pirState & reedState   lcd.clear();   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("Motion status");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   if (pirState == HIGH) {     lcd.print("Motion detected");     enes("Motion detected in house", "\n", -1);     delay(500);   } else {     lcd.print("No motion");     enes("Motion didn't detect in house", "\n", -1);   }   delay(3800);   lcd.clear();   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("Window status");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   // Check if the door/window is open (assuming LOW means open due to pull-up)   if (reedState == LOW) {     lcd.print("Window opened!");     enes("Window opened in house!", "\n", -1);   } else {     enes("Window is closed", "\n", -1);     lcd.print("Window closed!");   }   delay(3800);   //Temperature   lcd.clear();   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("Heat status");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   lcd.print(String(temperature) + " C");   if (temperature > tempThreshold) {     delay(500);     enes("House is ", " degree.\nPlease cool down the temperature for your own safety", temperature);     lcd.clear();     lcd.setCursor(0, 0);     lcd.print("House is hotter");     lcd.setCursor(0,1);     lcd.print("Than desired");   } else {     enes("House is ", " degree.\nIf you want you can warm up.", temperature);     lcd.clear();     lcd.setCursor(0, 0);     lcd.print("House is warm");     lcd.setCursor(1, 0);     lcd.print("As desired");   } } void enes(String message1, String message2, int sensorData) {   String messageToSend;   if (sensorData != -1) {     messageToSend = message1 + String(sensorData) + message2;   } else {     messageToSend = message1 + message2;   }   mySerial.println(messageToSend); }