Literature Review (600 words) The literature on Chinese investments in Europe has grown substantially in recent years, covering various aspects such as motivations for investment, the nature of partnerships, and the consequences of these investments (Casarini, 2015; Mayer et al., 2020). While many studies have focused on the economic and commercial dimensions of Chinese investments, the political implications have received less attention. Research on the political impact of Chinese investments in Europe has primarily focused on the implications for EU-China relations (Godement & Vasselier, 2017) and the role of Chinese investments in shaping the EU's foreign policy (Duchâtel et al., 2016). However, there is a lack of systematic analysis of the consequences of Chinese investments on the domestic political landscape and policy choices in individual European countries, particularly in Greece and Hungary (Vangeli, 2017). Some studies have started to explore the impact of Chinese investments on the political landscape and policy choices in Greece (Platias & Vlachos, 2019) and Hungary (Turcsányi, 2018), highlighting the role of these investments in shaping the countries' relations with the EU and China. However, these studies have largely focused on individual cases and specific projects, leaving room for a more comprehensive and comparative analysis of the political implications of Chinese investments in Greece and Hungary. Recent research has also begun to address the role of Chinese investments in shaping the political landscape of Central and Eastern European countries, including the 17+1 initiative (Szczudlik, 2020) and the impact of these investments on EU cohesion (Brattberg & Soula, 2020). However, a more focused examination of Greece and Hungary is still needed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the political implications of Chinese investments in these countries.