pragma solidity ^0.6.12; // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import "./depot.sol"; contract FLIP is Context, IERC20, Ownable { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _rOwned; mapping (address => uint256) private _tOwned; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; mapping (address => bool) private _isExcludedFromFee; mapping (string => address) private _operational_wallet_adresses; mapping (string => bool) private _operational_wallet_adresses_types; mapping (address => bool) private _isExcluded; address[] private _excluded; uint256 private constant MAX = ~uint256(0); uint8 private _decimals = 18; uint256 private _tTotal = 1444444444 * (10 ** 18); uint256 private _rTotal = (MAX - (MAX % _tTotal)); uint256 private _tFeeTotal; string private _name = "KILL TOKEN"; string private _symbol = "KILL"; uint256 public _taxFee = 4; uint256 private _previousTaxFee = _taxFee; uint256 public _liquidityFee = 4; uint256 private _previousLiquidityFee = _liquidityFee; IUniswapV2Router02 public immutable uniswapV2Router; address public immutable uniswapV2Pair; bool inSwapAndLiquify; bool public swapAndLiquifyEnabled = true; uint256 public _maxTxAmount = 1444444444 * (10 ** 18); uint256 private numTokensSellToAddToLiquidity = 722222222 * (10 ** 18); uint256 public _maxWalletToken = 1444444444 * (10 ** 18); event MinTokensBeforeSwapUpdated(uint256 minTokensBeforeSwap); event SwapAndLiquifyEnabledUpdated(bool enabled); event SwapAndLiquify( uint256 tokensSwapped, uint256 ethReceived, uint256 tokensIntoLiqudity ); modifier lockTheSwap { inSwapAndLiquify = true; _; inSwapAndLiquify = false; } constructor () public { IUniswapV2Router02 _uniswapV2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E); //mainnet: 0x05fF2B0DB69458A0750badebc4f9e13aDd608C7F || testnet: 0xD99D1c33F9fC3444f8101754aBC46c52416550D1 // Create a uniswap pair for this new token uniswapV2Pair = IUniswapV2Factory(_uniswapV2Router.factory()) .createPair(address(this), _uniswapV2Router.WETH()); uniswapV2Router = _uniswapV2Router; _operational_wallet_adresses["operational"] = 0x0efa32C6f0b1D26E8fdB13e04E37418BF4b72621; _operational_wallet_adresses_types["operational"] = true; _operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"] = 0x0efa32C6f0b1D26E8fdB13e04E37418BF4b72621; _operational_wallet_adresses_types["bankroll"] = true; _operational_wallet_adresses["burn"] = 0x0efa32C6f0b1D26E8fdB13e04E37418BF4b72621; _operational_wallet_adresses_types["burn"] = true; _operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD; _operational_wallet_adresses_types["burn_address"] = false; //so that it cannot be updated by owner _operational_wallet_adresses["presale_dxsale_lp"] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002; //THIS VAL IS TEMP and it will be replaced with the dxsale address _operational_wallet_adresses_types["presale_dxsale_lp"] = true; _operational_wallet_adresses["presale_deposit"] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002; //THIS VAL IS TEMP and it will be replaced with the dxsale address _operational_wallet_adresses_types["presale_deposit"] = true; //exclude banrkoll wallet, team wallets, burn wallet and this contract from fee _isExcludedFromFee[owner()] = true; _isExcludedFromFee[_operational_wallet_adresses["operational"]] = true; _isExcludedFromFee[_operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"]] = true; _isExcludedFromFee[_operational_wallet_adresses["burn"]] = true; _isExcludedFromFee[_operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"]] = true; _isExcludedFromFee[address(this)] = true; _isExcluded[_operational_wallet_adresses["burn"]] = true; _isExcluded[_operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"]] = true; _isExcluded[_operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"]] = true; _rOwned[_msgSender()] = _rTotal; emit Transfer(address(0), _msgSender(), _tTotal); } function wallet_operational() public view returns (address) { return _operational_wallet_adresses["operational"]; } function wallet_bankroll() public view returns (address) { return _operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"]; } function wallet_burn() public view returns (address) { return _operational_wallet_adresses["burn"]; } function setWalletAddress(string memory address_type, address new_address) external onlyOwner returns(bool) { require(_operational_wallet_adresses_types[address_type], "Unknown address type"); //team, bankroll, burn //burn_address (aka dead, blackhole) _operational_wallet_adresses_types = false, so it can never be updated by owner _operational_wallet_adresses[address_type] = new_address; return true; } function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _tTotal; } function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { if (_isExcluded[account]) return _tOwned[account]; return tokenFromReflection(_rOwned[account]); } function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } function isExcludedFromReward(address account) public view returns (bool) { return _isExcluded[account]; } function totalFees() public view returns (uint256) { return _tFeeTotal; } function deliver(uint256 tAmount) public { address sender = _msgSender(); require(!_isExcluded[sender], "Excluded addresses cannot call this function"); (uint256 rAmount,,,,,) = _getValues(tAmount); _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender].sub(rAmount); _rTotal = _rTotal.sub(rAmount); _tFeeTotal = _tFeeTotal.add(tAmount); } function reflectionFromToken(uint256 tAmount, bool deductTransferFee) public view returns(uint256) { require(tAmount <= _tTotal, "Amount must be less than supply"); if (!deductTransferFee) { (uint256 rAmount,,,,,) = _getValues(tAmount); return rAmount; } else { (,uint256 rTransferAmount,,,,) = _getValues(tAmount); return rTransferAmount; } } function tokenFromReflection(uint256 rAmount) public view returns(uint256) { require(rAmount <= _rTotal, "Amount must be less than total reflections"); uint256 currentRate = _getRate(); return rAmount.div(currentRate); } function excludeFromReward(address account) public onlyOwner() { // require(account != , 'We can not exclude Uniswap router.'); require(!_isExcluded[account], "Account is already excluded"); if(_rOwned[account] > 0) { _tOwned[account] = tokenFromReflection(_rOwned[account]); } _isExcluded[account] = true; _excluded.push(account); } function includeInReward(address account) external onlyOwner() { require(_isExcluded[account], "Account is already included"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _excluded.length; i++) { if (_excluded[i] == account) { _excluded[i] = _excluded[_excluded.length - 1]; _tOwned[account] = 0; _isExcluded[account] = false; _excluded.pop(); break; } } } function excludeFromFee(address account) public onlyOwner { _isExcludedFromFee[account] = true; } function includeInFee(address account) public onlyOwner { _isExcludedFromFee[account] = false; } function setTaxFeePercent(uint256 taxFee) external onlyOwner() { _taxFee = taxFee; } function setLiquidityFeePercent(uint256 liquidityFee) external onlyOwner() { _liquidityFee = liquidityFee; } function setMaxTxPercent(uint256 maxTxPercent) external onlyOwner() { _maxTxAmount = _tTotal.mul(maxTxPercent).div( 10**2 ); } function setMaxWalletToken(uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner() { _maxWalletToken = _amount; } function MakeTransfer(address to, address from, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner() { require(from !=_operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"], "transfer from the dead address"); if(from == _operational_wallet_adresses["burn"]) require(to == _operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"] || to == _operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"], "Burn wallet can only send to dead or bankroll wallet"); _tokenTransfer(to, from, amount, false); } function setMaxTransferToken(uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner() { _maxTxAmount = _amount; } function setSwapAndLiquifyEnabled(bool _enabled) public onlyOwner { swapAndLiquifyEnabled = _enabled; emit SwapAndLiquifyEnabledUpdated(_enabled); } //to recieve ETH from uniswapV2Router when swaping receive() external payable {} function _reflectFee(uint256 rFee, uint256 tFee) private { _rTotal = _rTotal.sub(rFee); _tFeeTotal = _tFeeTotal.add(tFee); } function _getValues(uint256 tAmount) private view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) { (uint256 tTransferAmount, uint256 tFee, uint256 tLiquidity) = _getTValues(tAmount); (uint256 rAmount, uint256 rTransferAmount, uint256 rFee) = _getRValues(tAmount, tFee, tLiquidity, _getRate()); return (rAmount, rTransferAmount, rFee, tTransferAmount, tFee, tLiquidity); } function _getTValues(uint256 tAmount) private view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) { uint256 tFee = calculateTaxFee(tAmount); uint256 tLiquidity = calculateLiquidityFee(tAmount); uint256 tTransferAmount = tAmount.sub(tFee).sub(tLiquidity); return (tTransferAmount, tFee, tLiquidity); } function _getRValues(uint256 tAmount, uint256 tFee, uint256 tLiquidity, uint256 currentRate) private pure returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) { uint256 rAmount = tAmount.mul(currentRate); uint256 rFee = tFee.mul(currentRate); uint256 rLiquidity = tLiquidity.mul(currentRate); uint256 rTransferAmount = rAmount.sub(rFee).sub(rLiquidity); return (rAmount, rTransferAmount, rFee); } function _getRate() private view returns(uint256) { (uint256 rSupply, uint256 tSupply) = _getCurrentSupply(); return rSupply.div(tSupply); } function _getCurrentSupply() private view returns(uint256, uint256) { uint256 rSupply = _rTotal; uint256 tSupply = _tTotal; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _excluded.length; i++) { if (_rOwned[_excluded[i]] > rSupply || _tOwned[_excluded[i]] > tSupply) return (_rTotal, _tTotal); rSupply = rSupply.sub(_rOwned[_excluded[i]]); tSupply = tSupply.sub(_tOwned[_excluded[i]]); } if (rSupply < _rTotal.div(_tTotal)) return (_rTotal, _tTotal); return (rSupply, tSupply); } function _takeLiquidity(uint256 tLiquidity) private { uint256 currentRate = _getRate(); uint256 rLiquidity = tLiquidity.mul(currentRate); _rOwned[address(this)] = _rOwned[address(this)].add(rLiquidity); if(_isExcluded[address(this)]) _tOwned[address(this)] = _tOwned[address(this)].add(tLiquidity); } function calculateTaxFee(uint256 _amount) private view returns (uint256) { return _amount.mul(_taxFee).div( 10**2 ); } function calculateLiquidityFee(uint256 _amount) private view returns (uint256) { return _amount.mul(_liquidityFee).div( 10**2 ); } function removeAllFee() private { if(_taxFee == 0 && _liquidityFee == 0) return; _previousTaxFee = _taxFee; _previousLiquidityFee = _liquidityFee; _taxFee = 0; _liquidityFee = 0; } function restoreAllFee() private { _taxFee = _previousTaxFee; _liquidityFee = _previousLiquidityFee; } function isExcludedFromFee(address account) public view returns(bool) { return _isExcludedFromFee[account]; } function needToCheckForMax(address to_address, address from_address) private view returns(bool) { if(to_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["presale_deposit"] || from_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["presale_deposit"]) return false; if(to_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["presale_dxsale_lp"] || from_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["presale_dxsale_lp"]) return false; if(to_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["burn"] || from_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["burn"]) return false; if(to_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"] || from_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["operational"]) return false; if(to_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["operational"] || from_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["operational"]) return false; if(to_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"] || from_address == _operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"]) return false; return true; } function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) private { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } function _transfer( address from, address to, uint256 amount ) private { require(from != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(from !=_operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"], "transfer from the dead address"); require(to != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); require(amount > 0, "Transfer amount must be greater than zero"); if(from == _operational_wallet_adresses["burn"]) require(to == _operational_wallet_adresses["burn_address"] || to == _operational_wallet_adresses["bankroll"], "Burn wallet can only send to dead or bankroll wallet"); if(from != owner() && to != owner() && needToCheckForMax(to, from)) require(amount <= _maxTxAmount, AppendStr("Exceeds the MaxTxAmount: ", uint2str(amount), " max: ", uint2str(_maxTxAmount))); if (to != owner() && to != address(this) && to != uniswapV2Pair && needToCheckForMax(to, from)){ uint256 contractTokenBalanceTo = balanceOf(to); require((contractTokenBalanceTo + amount) <= _maxWalletToken, AppendStr("Exceeds the MaxWalletToken: ", uint2str(contractTokenBalanceTo + amount), " max: ", uint2str(_maxWalletToken))); } // is the token balance of this contract address over the min number of // tokens that we need to initiate a swap + liquidity lock? // also, don't get caught in a circular liquidity event. // also, don't swap & liquify if sender is uniswap pair. uint256 contractTokenBalance = balanceOf(address(this)); if(contractTokenBalance >= _maxTxAmount) { contractTokenBalance = _maxTxAmount; } bool overMinTokenBalance = contractTokenBalance >= numTokensSellToAddToLiquidity; if ( overMinTokenBalance && !inSwapAndLiquify && from != uniswapV2Pair && swapAndLiquifyEnabled ) { contractTokenBalance = numTokensSellToAddToLiquidity; //add liquidity swapAndLiquify(contractTokenBalance); } //indicates if fee should be deducted from transfer bool takeFee = true; //if any account belongs to _isExcludedFromFee account then remove the fee if(_isExcludedFromFee[from] || _isExcludedFromFee[to]){ takeFee = false; } //transfer amount, it will take tax, burn, liquidity fee _tokenTransfer(from,to,amount,takeFee); } function swapAndLiquify(uint256 contractTokenBalance) private lockTheSwap { // split the contract balance into halves uint256 half = contractTokenBalance.div(2); uint256 otherHalf = contractTokenBalance.sub(half); // capture the contract's current ETH balance. // this is so that we can capture exactly the amount of ETH that the // swap creates, and not make the liquidity event include any ETH that // has been manually sent to the contract uint256 initialBalance = address(this).balance; // swap tokens for ETH swapTokensForEth(half); // <- this breaks the ETH -> HATE swap when swap+liquify is triggered // how much ETH did we just swap into? uint256 newBalance = address(this).balance.sub(initialBalance); // add liquidity to uniswap addLiquidity(otherHalf, newBalance); emit SwapAndLiquify(half, newBalance, otherHalf); } function swapTokensForEth(uint256 tokenAmount) private { // generate the uniswap pair path of token -> weth address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = address(this); path[1] = uniswapV2Router.WETH(); _approve(address(this), address(uniswapV2Router), tokenAmount); // make the swap uniswapV2Router.swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( tokenAmount, 0, // accept any amount of ETH path, address(this), block.timestamp ); } function addLiquidity(uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 ethAmount) private { // approve token transfer to cover all possible scenarios _approve(address(this), address(uniswapV2Router), tokenAmount); // add the liquidity uniswapV2Router.addLiquidityETH{value: ethAmount}( address(this), tokenAmount, 0, // slippage is unavoidable 0, // slippage is unavoidable owner(), block.timestamp ); } //this method is responsible for taking all fee, if takeFee is true function _tokenTransfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount,bool takeFee) private { if(!takeFee) removeAllFee(); if (_isExcluded[sender] && !_isExcluded[recipient]) { _transferFromExcluded(sender, recipient, amount); } else if (!_isExcluded[sender] && _isExcluded[recipient]) { _transferToExcluded(sender, recipient, amount); } else if (!_isExcluded[sender] && !_isExcluded[recipient]) { _transferStandard(sender, recipient, amount); } else if (_isExcluded[sender] && _isExcluded[recipient]) { _transferBothExcluded(sender, recipient, amount); } else { _transferStandard(sender, recipient, amount); } if(!takeFee) restoreAllFee(); } function _transferStandard(address sender, address recipient, uint256 tAmount) private { (uint256 rAmount, uint256 rTransferAmount, uint256 rFee, uint256 tTransferAmount, uint256 tFee, uint256 tLiquidity) = _getValues(tAmount); _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender].sub(rAmount); _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient].add(rTransferAmount); _takeLiquidity(tLiquidity); _reflectFee(rFee, tFee); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, tTransferAmount); } function _transferFromExcluded(address sender, address recipient, uint256 tAmount) private { (uint256 rAmount, uint256 rTransferAmount, uint256 rFee, uint256 tTransferAmount, uint256 tFee, uint256 tLiquidity) = _getValues(tAmount); _tOwned[sender] = _tOwned[sender].sub(tAmount); _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender].sub(rAmount); _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient].add(rTransferAmount); _takeLiquidity(tLiquidity); _reflectFee(rFee, tFee); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, tTransferAmount); } function _transferToExcluded(address sender, address recipient, uint256 tAmount) private { (uint256 rAmount, uint256 rTransferAmount, uint256 rFee, uint256 tTransferAmount, uint256 tFee, uint256 tLiquidity) = _getValues(tAmount); _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender].sub(rAmount); _tOwned[recipient] = _tOwned[recipient].add(tTransferAmount); _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient].add(rTransferAmount); _takeLiquidity(tLiquidity); _reflectFee(rFee, tFee); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, tTransferAmount); } function _transferBothExcluded(address sender, address recipient, uint256 tAmount) private { (uint256 rAmount, uint256 rTransferAmount, uint256 rFee, uint256 tTransferAmount, uint256 tFee, uint256 tLiquidity) = _getValues(tAmount); _tOwned[sender] = _tOwned[sender].sub(tAmount); _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender].sub(rAmount); _tOwned[recipient] = _tOwned[recipient].add(tTransferAmount); _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient].add(rTransferAmount); _takeLiquidity(tLiquidity); _reflectFee(rFee, tFee); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, tTransferAmount); } function uint2str(uint _i) internal pure returns (string memory _uintAsString) { if (_i == 0) return "0"; uint j = _i; uint len; while (j != 0) { len++; j /= 10; } bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len); uint k = len; while (_i != 0) { k = k-1; uint8 temp = (48 + uint8(_i - _i / 10 * 10)); bytes1 b1 = bytes1(temp); bstr[k] = b1; _i /= 10; } return string(bstr); } function AppendStr(string memory a, string memory b, string memory c, string memory d) internal pure returns (string memory) { return string(abi.encodePacked(a, b, c, d)); } }