Skyward Pride lv20 Noelle c5 80 level but upgraded to 90 has all artifacts +20, Friendship lv10 weapon Whiteblind Refinement 5 lv90 Talents Attack lv7 breastplate lv9 Sweeping time lv11 Childe lv81 all artifacts +20 Friendship lv9 Weapon Viridescent Hunt LV90 no refinement, Talents Attack lv7 Four Legacy Lv 9 Havoc lv8 Xiangling c1 lv80 Friendship lv10, Weapon Crescent Pike lv80 Refinement lv3, Artifacts all +20, Talents Attack lv8, gouba lv 6 Pyronado lv7 Mona c1(sorry i thought it was 2) lv80 Friendship lv10, Weapon The Widsith lv90 Refinement lv3, All artifacts lv20, Talents Attack lv6, E lv 6 Ulti lv 8 Aethre lv81 c6 weapon festering desire lv90, Artifacts all +20, Talents Attack lv5 E lv9 Ulti lv 10 Venti lv80 Friendship lv10 Weapon The Stringless lv80 Refinement lv2, all artifacts +20, Attack lv4, E lv 4, Ulti Lv 8 Ganyu Lv80 but has nothing only artifacts are all +16 Fischl c4 Lv 80, Friendship lv9, Weapon Rush lv 90 Refinement lv3 Artifacts all +20, Tallents Attack lv8, E lv9, ulti lv4 Diona c2 lv70 not compeleted weapon and artifacts Bennet c2 lv60 Jean lv 50 Lisa LV40 Xinqhiu c3 Lv40 Beidou c5 Barbara c1 Ninnguang, Chongyun, Kayea, Amber In total there is 35 lv 20 artifacts almost all of them have good sub-stats and 25 more legendary artifacts that are waiting to be upgraded 691 White Iron chunk 744 Crystal Chunk 2.6m mora 526 primo gem( there are a lot of new quest which will give a lot more primogems) Its also AR 53 I levelled up and stopped playing, its a pretty good account with a lot of 5 stars and still has play time with good comps, I was able to do the abyss 3 star without any problem almost without dying.