([[This file was protected with MoonSec V3]]):gsub('.+', (function(a) _QbodYRlWbUwn = a; end)); return(function(f,...)local a;local o;local u;local l;local c;local t;local e=24915;local n=0;local d={};while n<809 do n=n+1;while n<0x2e1 and e%0x4246<0x2123 do n=n+1 e=(e-323)%30536 local p=n+e if(e%0x2918)>0x148c then e=(e*0x24e)%0x6f69 while n<0x251 and e%0x39de<0x1cef do n=n+1 e=(e*640)%28358 local p=n+e if(e%0x2290)<0x1148 then e=(e-0x7f)%0x48a8 local e=78595 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 c=function(d)local e=0x01 local function n(n)e=e+n return d:sub(e-n,e-0x01)end while true do local d=n(0x01)if(d=="\5")then break end local e=u.byte(n(0x01))local e=n(e)if d=="\2"then e=o.dAlVVPHM(e)elseif d=="\3"then e=e~="\0"elseif d=="\6"then t[e]=function(n,e)return f(8,nil,f,e,n)end elseif d=="\4"then e=t[e]elseif d=="\0"then e=t[e][n(u.byte(n(0x01)))];end local n=n(0x08)o[n]=e end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e+0x13d)%0xa138 local e=15137 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 end else e=(e-0x34e)%0x7be1 n=n+1 local e=2225 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 l="\4\8\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114\100\65\108\86\86\80\72\77\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\99\104\97\114\115\86\85\80\101\76\104\69\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\3\115\117\98\95\104\98\119\103\103\103\76\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\98\121\116\101\67\67\104\81\66\97\88\111\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\99\111\110\99\97\116\120\106\67\118\106\111\76\75\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\105\110\115\101\114\116\79\89\104\97\69\88\102\73\5";end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x1c2)%0x4b01 while n<0x38c and e%0x4004<0x2002 do n=n+1 e=(e-488)%23280 local c=n+e if(e%0x3176)<=0x18bb then e=(e-0x3cd)%0x71f0 local e=17543 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 t=getfenv and getfenv();end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e+0x34d)%0xc76 local e=32165 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 t=(not t)and _ENV or t;end else e=(e+0x57)%0x72d4 n=n+1 local e=42423 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 a=tonumber;end end end else e=(e-0x217)%0x627b n=n+1 while n<0x1a3 and e%0x4606<0x2303 do n=n+1 e=(e*518)%36346 local t=n+e if(e%0x35b4)<0x1ada then e=(e+0x29b)%0x4b8c local e=42683 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 o={};end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e+0x2b6)%0x9a20 local e=60988 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 end else e=(e*0x272)%0x9714 n=n+1 local e=65926 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 u=string;end end end end end e=(e*835)%3971 end c(l);local n={};for e=0x0,0xff do local d=o.sVUPeLhE(e);n[e]=d;n[d]=e;end local function p(e)return n[e];end local d=(function(l,u)local f,d=0x01,0x10 local n={{},{},{}}local t=-0x01 local e=0x01 local c=l while true do n[0x03][o._hbwgggL(u,e,(function()e=f+e return e-0x01 end)())]=(function()t=t+0x01 return t end)()if t==(0x0f)then t=""d=0x000 break end end local t=#u while e278 then return e end d=d+1 n=(n+622)%27383 if(n%240)<120 then n=(n*756)%32460 return e(e(e))else return e end return e end)return n;end)())local ee=(getfenv)or(function()return _ENV end);local h=o.TMMYKpnF or o.BQfQrtMR;local t=2;local l=4;local ne=1;local c=3;local function _(b,...)local r=d(e,"_4EC9+8W2*p,c{upC89,CCEE9E+C+89Eu8<,<{u2{CcWp8E+fu*uc{8,upWpWW*8E9,C+4{K8u8uu{EuWp9*CW8+<+2C44{(C<4{+,*u22W9++{{c{pc*+Wupu,+p{W+W388+CE<4E<{29W,+CCcE+8S+c+gC+4,2SW,<.{{,WuW<+99pC9p{*cWc8+9u2*2*Ws+p9WEu,<9<2p82e then if e>=1 then if e~=1 then n=-41;s=-1;else a=f(6,88,3,27,g);z=de _=0;end else u=f(6,95,1,25,g);m=f(6,39,2,76,g);end else if e<=4 then if e>1 then for n=41,94 do if e~=4 then b={};r={...};break;end;k=o.xmGVuEid('#',...)-1;j={};break;end;else b={};r={...};end else if 2~=e then for n=36,53 do if e~=6 then d=f(7);break;end;e=-2;break;end;else d=f(7);end end end e=e+1;end;for e=0,k do if(e>=a)then b[e-a]=r[e+1];else d[e]=r[e+1];end;end;local e=k-a+1 local e;local f;local function o(...)while true do end end while true do if n<-40 then n=n+42 end e=u[n];f=e[ne];if f>=40 then if f>59 then if 70<=f then if 75>f then if f<=71 then if f~=71 then for f=0,3 do if f>=2 then if f>=0 then for h=42,75 do if 3>f then d[e[t]]=p[e[c]];n=n+1;e=u[n];break;end;if(d[e[t]]~=e[l])then n=n+1;else n=e[c];end;break;end;else if(d[e[t]]~=e[l])then n=n+1;else n=e[c];end;end else if 1~=f then d[e[t]]=(e[c]~=0);n=n+1;e=u[n];else p[e[c]]=d[e[t]];n=n+1;e=u[n];end end end else local e=e[t]d[e]=d[e]()end else if 73<=f then if f>=69 then for h=12,80 do if f<74 then d[e[t]]=p[e[c]];break;end;d[e[t]]=d[e[c]][e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];d[e[t]]=d[e[c]][e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];d[e[t]]=d[e[c]][e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];d[e[t]][e[c]]=e[l];n=n+1;e=u[n];do return end;break;end;else d[e[t]]=p[e[c]];end else for f=0,6 do if f<3 then if f<1 then d[e[t]]=p[e[c]];n=n+1;e=u[n];else if f~=1 then d[e[t]]=d[e[c]][e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];else d[e[t]]=d[e[c]][e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];end end else if f<5 then if 2<=f then repeat if 3f then d[e[t]][e[c]]=d[e[l]];else local p,o,r,s,a,k,b,f;for f=0,6 do if 3>f then if f<1 then p=e[t];o=d[e[c]];d[p+1]=o;d[p]=o[e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];else if 1~=f then p=e[t]d[p]=d[p](h(d,p+1,e[c]))n=n+1;e=u[n];else f=0;while f>-1 do if 3<=f then if 4>=f then if 2<=f then for e=27,89 do if 4>f then k=r[a];break;end;b=r[s];break;end;else k=r[a];end else if 5~=f then f=-2;else d(b,k);end end else if 0>=f then r=e;else if f~=1 then a=c;else s=t;end end end f=f+1 end n=n+1;e=u[n];end end else if 5<=f then if 2-1 do if f<=2 then if 1<=f then if f>=-2 then for e=37,77 do if 13 then b=r[s];break;end;k=r[a];until true;else b=r[s];end end end f=f+1 end n=n+1;e=u[n];break;end;p=e[t];o=d[e[c]];d[p+1]=o;d[p]=o[e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];break;end;else f=0;while f>-1 do if f<=2 then if 1<=f then if f>=-2 then for e=37,77 do if 13 then b=r[s];break;end;k=r[a];until true;else b=r[s];end end end f=f+1 end n=n+1;e=u[n];end end end end end else local t=e[t];local n=d[e[c]];d[t+1]=n;d[t]=n[e[l]];end else if 79>f then local o,b,s,a,r,f,k;for f=0,6 do if f>=3 then if 4>=f then if 1<=f then repeat if 3f then d[e[t]]=d[e[c]][e[l]];n=n+1;e=u[n];else d[e[t]]=d[e[c]][e[l]];end end else if f<=0 then f=0;while f>-1 do if 2=5 then if f==5 then d(r,a);else f=-2;end else if 4>f then a=o[s];else r=o[b];end end else if 1>f then o=e;else if f~=1 then s=c;else b=t;end end end f=f+1 end n=n+1;e=u[n];else if 2>f then f=0;while f>-1 do if 3<=f then if f<5 then if f>2 then for e=24,63 do if f~=4 then a=o[s];break;end;r=o[b];break;end;else r=o[b];end else if 4~=f then for e=18,74 do if f~=5 then f=-2;break;end;d(r,a);break;end;else d(r,a);end end else if 1<=f then if-2=76 then repeat if 80~=f then local o;for f=0,6 do if f<=2 then if 0