local SS13 = require("SS13") SS13.wait(1) local ADMIN_MODE = false local user = SS13.get_runner_client() local SHOULD_ASK_GHOSTS = SS13.await(SS13.global_proc, "tgui_alert", user, "Ask ghosts for a maintenance clown?", "Maintenance Clown", { "No", "Yes" }) == "Yes" local function notifyPlayer(ply, msg) ply:call_proc("balloon_alert", ply, msg) end function getPlane(new_plane, z_reference) local SSmapping = dm.global_vars:get_var("SSmapping") if SSmapping:get_var("max_plane_offset") ~= 0 then local turfPlaneOffsets = 0 if SSmapping:get_var("max_plane_offset") ~= nil and SS13.istype(z_reference, "/atom") then if z_reference:get_var("z") ~= nil then turfPlaneOffsets = SSmapping:get_var("z_level_to_plane_offset"):get(z_reference:get_var("z")) else if SSmapping:get_var("plane_to_offset") ~= 0 then turfPlaneOffsets = SSmapping:get_var("plane_to_offset"):get(tostring(z_reference:get_var("plane"))) else turfPlaneOffsets = z_reference:get_var("plane") end end end local plane_offset_blacklist = SSmapping:get_var("plane_offset_blacklist") if plane_offset_blacklist == nil or plane_offset_blacklist:get(tostring(new_plane)) then return new_plane else return new_plane - 100 * turfPlaneOffsets end else return new_plane end end local function setupAntag(mind) local damageTypes = { "bleed_mod", "brain_mod", "burn_mod", "brute_mod", "cold_mod", "heat_mod", "hunger_mod", "oxy_mod", "pressure_mod", "stamina_mod", "siemens_coeff", "tox_mod", } function reducePhysDamage(player, amount) local phys = player:get_var("physiology") for _, damageType in damageTypes do phys:set_var(damageType, phys:get_var(damageType) - 0.01 * amount) end end local antagData = { level = 1, image = SS13.new("/atom/movable/screen/text"), showInfo = SS13.new("/atom/movable/screen/text"), button = SS13.new("/atom/movable/screen/text"), unallocatedPoints = 5, stats = { Knife = 0, Beartrap = 0, Traversing = 0, Body = 0, }, stats_upgrade = { Knife = { [1] = "increased attack speed", [2] = "increased stamina damage on secondary attack", [3] = "increased damage", [4] = "increased attack speed", [5] = "increased attack speed" }, Beartrap = { [1] = "-10s activation time", [2] = "-10s activation time", [3] = "apply through helmets", [4] = "explode on target death", [5] = "increased explosion radius and power" }, Traversing = { [1] = "reduced shoe slowdown", [2] = "smash locked doors down with hands, shock immunity", [3] = "slip immunity, +5s c/d reduction on hit", [4] = "reduced shoe slowdown", [5] = "pull people into the floorboards" }, Body = { [1] = "+10% damage reduction, virus and rad immunity", [2] = "+10% damage reduction, immune to flash", [3] = "+10% damage reduction, thermal vision", [4] = "+10% damage reduction, space immunity", [5] = "+10% damage reduction, x-ray vision" } }, stats_description = { Knife = "Your ability to handle a knife. You also have a secondary attack, which you can use by right clicking with a knife, that deals stamina damage and drastically reduces the brute damage you deal. The skill is transferrable to any knife. Higher damage knives will give more lethality and stamina damage.", Beartrap = "Your ability to apply reverse beartraps to people. Killing someone using your reverse beartraps is required for you to gain levels. Reverse beartraps have a base 30 second timer before they set off and you can put them on people by clicking them with it whilst it's in hand your hands.", Traversing = "Your ability to travel quickly around the station. Use in maintenance to jump into the floorboards where you can then scurry around to find your next victim. When exiting floorboards, it enters into cooldown for 100 seconds. Attacking people with a knife will decrease the cooldown by 5 seconds. You can also pry open doors you don't have access to by left clicking on them with your left hand.", Body = "Your ability to survive rough conditions and adapt to your environment. By default, you are immune to knockdown similarly to a hulk, but you can still take stamina damage, which will slow you down." }, stats_upgrade_function = { Knife = {}, Beartrap = {}, Traversing = { [1] = function() local shoes = mind:get_var("current"):get_var("shoes") if shoes then shoes:set_var("slowdown", 0.25) mind:get_var("current"):call_proc("update_equipment_speed_mods") end end, [2] = function() dm.global_proc("_add_trait", mind:get_var("current"), "shock_immunity", "clown_antag") end, [3] = function() dm.global_proc("_add_trait", mind:get_var("current"), "noslip_all", "clown_antag") end, [4] = function() local shoes = mind:get_var("current"):get_var("shoes") if shoes then shoes:set_var("slowdown", 0) mind:get_var("current"):call_proc("update_equipment_speed_mods") end end }, Body = { [1] = function() local player = mind:get_var("current") reducePhysDamage(player, 10) player:call_proc("add_traits", { "virus_immunity", "rad_immunity" }, "clown_antag") end, [2] = function() local player = mind:get_var("current") reducePhysDamage(player, 10) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", player, "noflash", "clown_antag") player:call_proc("update_sight") end, [3] = function() local player = mind:get_var("current") reducePhysDamage(player, 10) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", player, "thermal_vision", "clown_antag") player:call_proc("update_sight") end, [4] = function() local player = mind:get_var("current") reducePhysDamage(player, 10) player:call_proc("add_traits", { "resist_low_pressure", "resist_high_pressure", "resist_cold", "resist_heat" }, "clown_antag") end, [5] = function() local player = mind:get_var("current") reducePhysDamage(player, 10) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", player, "xray_vision", "clown_antag") player:call_proc("update_sight") end, } } } if ADMIN_MODE then antagData.level = 50 antagData.unallocatedPoints = 50 end antagData.button:set_var("screen_loc", "WEST:4,CENTER-0:-11") antagData.button:set_var("maptext_width", 120) antagData.button:set_var("maptext_height", 15) antagData.image:set_var("screen_loc", "WEST:4,CENTER-0:17") antagData.button:set_var("mouse_opacity", 2) antagData.showInfo:set_var("screen_loc", "WEST:4,CENTER-0:0") antagData.showInfo:set_var("maptext_width", 120) antagData.showInfo:set_var("maptext_height", 15) antagData.showInfo:set_var("mouse_opacity", 2) antagData.showInfo:set_var("maptext", "Show Help") local jumpIntoFloorboards = SS13.new("/datum/action/cooldown", mind) jumpIntoFloorboards:set_var("name", "Jump into the floorboards") jumpIntoFloorboards:set_var("button_icon_state", "origami_on") jumpIntoFloorboards:call_proc("Grant", mind:get_var("current")) local maintenanceAreas = { "/area/station/maintenance", "/area/centcom/tdome", "/area/station/service/theater/abandoned", "/area/station/service/electronic_marketing_den", "/area/station/service/abandoned_gambling_den", "/area/station/science/research/abandoned", "/area/station/service/library/abandoned", "/area/station/service/kitchen/abandoned", "/area/station/service/hydroponics/garden/abandoned", "/area/station/medical/abandoned" } local abstract_icon = SS13.new("/obj/effect/abstract", nil) abstract_icon:set_var("icon_state", "mfoam") local jaunter = nil local active = false local floorboardVictim local function exitFloorboards(turf, force) local player = jumpIntoFloorboards:get_var("owner") if not force then local area = turf:get_var("loc") local inValidArea = false for _, areaType in maintenanceAreas do if SS13.istype(area, areaType) then inValidArea = true break end end if turf:get_var("density") ~= 0 or (not inValidArea and not ADMIN_MODE) or SS13.istype(turf, "/turf/open/space") or SS13.istype(turf, "/turf/open/openspace") then notifyPlayer(player, "need to do this in maintenance!") return end for _, item in turf:get_var("contents") do if item:get_var("density") == 1 and not SS13.istype(item, "/mob") then notifyPlayer(player, "there is something blocking your entry here!") return end end end active = true if not ADMIN_MODE then jumpIntoFloorboards:call_proc("StartCooldown", 1000) end player:set_var("anchored", true) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", player, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") player:set_var("density", false) player:set_var("pixel_z", -32) if floorboardVictim ~= nil and not floorboardVictim:is_null() then floorboardVictim:call_proc("Knockdown", 20) floorboardVictim:set_var("pixel_z", -14) floorboardVictim:set_var("anchored", true) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", floorboardVictim, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") floorboardVictim:set_var("density", false) floorboardVictim:set_var("plane", getPlane(-6, turf)) floorboardVictim:set_var("layer", 1.9) end player:set_var("plane", getPlane(-6, turf)) player:set_var("layer", 2) abstract_icon:call_proc("forceMove", turf) abstract_icon:set_var("appearance", dm.global_proc("getFlatIcon", turf)) abstract_icon:set_var("plane", turf:get_var("plane")) turf:set_var("alpha", 1) dm.global_proc("_animate", abstract_icon, { pixel_w = 32 }, 5) SS13.wait(0.5) local itemsToUnset = {} for _, item in turf:get_var("contents") do if item:get_var("anchored") ~= 0 and not SS13.istype(item, "/mob") then itemsToUnset[item] = item:get_var("invisibility") item:set_var("invisibility", 101) end end player:call_proc("forceMove", turf) if floorboardVictim ~= nil and not floorboardVictim:is_null() then floorboardVictim:call_proc("forceMove", turf) end SS13.unregister_signal(player, "mob_statchange") dm.global_proc("qdel", jaunter) jaunter = nil if floorboardVictim ~= nil and not floorboardVictim:is_null() then dm.global_proc("_animate", floorboardVictim, { pixel_z = 24 }, 3, 1, 1) dm.global_proc("_animate", nil, { pixel_z = 16 }, 2) end dm.global_proc("_animate", player, { pixel_z = 6 }, 3, 1, 1) dm.global_proc("_animate", nil, { pixel_z = 0 }, 2) SS13.wait(0.5) if floorboardVictim ~= nil and not floorboardVictim:is_null() then local directions = {1, 2, 4, 8} floorboardVictim:call_proc("throw_at", dm.global_proc("_get_step", turf, directions[math.random(#directions)]), 10, 10) floorboardVictim:set_var("plane", getPlane(-4, turf)) floorboardVictim:set_var("layer", 4) floorboardVictim:set_var("anchored", false) dm.global_proc("_remove_trait", floorboardVictim, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") floorboardVictim:set_var("density", true) floorboardVictim:set_var("pixel_z", 0) floorboardVictim = nil end player:set_var("plane", getPlane(-4, turf)) dm.global_proc("_animate", abstract_icon, { pixel_w = 0 }, 5) SS13.wait(0.5) turf:set_var("alpha", 255) for item, lastInvis in itemsToUnset do if not item:is_null() then item:set_var("invisibility", lastInvis) end end abstract_icon:call_proc("moveToNullspace") player:set_var("layer", 4) player:set_var("anchored", false) dm.global_proc("_remove_trait", player, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") player:set_var("density", true) jumpIntoFloorboards:set_var("name", "Jump into the floorboards") jumpIntoFloorboards:set_var("button_icon_state", "origami_on") jumpIntoFloorboards:call_proc("build_all_button_icons") active = false end SS13.register_signal(jumpIntoFloorboards, "action_trigger", function() SS13.set_timeout(0, function() if active then return end if jaunter == nil then local player = jumpIntoFloorboards:get_var("owner") local turf = player:get_var("loc") if not SS13.istype(turf, "/turf") then notifyPlayer(player, "too tight to do this here!") return end local area = turf:get_var("loc") local inValidArea = false for _, areaType in maintenanceAreas do if SS13.istype(area, areaType) then inValidArea = true break end end if turf:get_var("density") ~= 0 or (not inValidArea and not ADMIN_MODE) or SS13.istype(turf, "/turf/open/space") or SS13.istype(turf, "/turf/open/openspace") then notifyPlayer(player, "need to do this in maintenance!") return end for _, item in turf:get_var("contents") do if item:get_var("density") == 1 and not SS13.istype(item, "/mob") then notifyPlayer(player, "there is something blocking your escape here!") return end end player:call_proc("quick_equip") local pulled = player:get_var("pulling") local shouldPull = false if pulled ~= nil and SS13.istype(pulled, "/mob/living/carbon/human") and antagData.stats.Traversing >= 5 then if not SS13.istype(pulled:get_var("head"), "/obj/item/reverse_bear_trap") then shouldPull = true else notifyPlayer(player, "no chance") end end active = true player:call_proc("Stun", 1) player:set_var("anchored", true) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", player, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") player:set_var("density", false) if shouldPull then pulled:call_proc("Knockdown", 10) pulled:call_proc("forceMove", turf) pulled:set_var("pixel_z", 16) pulled:set_var("anchored", true) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", pulled, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") pulled:set_var("density", false) pulled:set_var("plane", getPlane(-4, turf)) end player:set_var("plane", getPlane(-4, turf)) abstract_icon:call_proc("forceMove", turf) abstract_icon:set_var("appearance", dm.global_proc("getFlatIcon", turf)) abstract_icon:set_var("plane", turf:get_var("plane")) turf:set_var("alpha", 1) dm.global_proc("_animate", abstract_icon, { pixel_w = 32 }, 5) SS13.wait(0.5) local itemsToUnset = {} for _, item in turf:get_var("contents") do if item:get_var("anchored") ~= 0 and not SS13.istype(item, "/mob") then itemsToUnset[item] = item:get_var("invisibility") item:set_var("invisibility", 101) end end if not player:is_null() then player:set_var("plane", getPlane(-6, turf)) player:set_var("layer", 2) if shouldPull and not pulled:is_null() then pulled:set_var("plane", getPlane(-6, turf)) pulled:set_var("layer", 1.9) dm.global_proc("_animate", pulled, { pixel_z = 24 }, 3, 1, 1) dm.global_proc("_animate", nil, { pixel_z = -14 }, 2, 1, 1) end dm.global_proc("_animate", player, { pixel_z = 6 }, 3, 1, 1) dm.global_proc("_animate", nil, { pixel_z = -32 }, 2, 1, 1) end SS13.wait(0.5) dm.global_proc("_animate", abstract_icon, { pixel_w = 0 }, 5) if not player:is_null() and player:get_var("stat") == 0 then jaunter = SS13.new("/obj/effect/dummy/phased_mob", player:call_proc("drop_location"), player) player:call_proc("add_traits", { "magically_phased", "resist_low_pressure", "resist_high_pressure", "resist_cold", "resist_heat", "no_breath", "rad_immunity", "bomb_immunity", "xray_vision", "emotemute", "mute", }, "jaunting_clown") player:call_proc("update_sight") if shouldPull and not pulled:is_null() then pulled:call_proc("forceMove", player) pulled:call_proc("add_traits", { "magically_phased", "resist_low_pressure", "resist_high_pressure", "resist_cold", "resist_heat", "no_breath", "rad_immunity", "bomb_immunity", "emotemute", "mute", }, "jaunting_clown") end SS13.register_signal(jaunter, "spell_mob_eject_jaunt", function(_) player:call_proc("remove_traits", { "magically_phased", "resist_low_pressure", "resist_high_pressure", "resist_cold", "resist_heat", "no_breath", "rad_immunity", "bomb_immunity", "emotemute", "xray_vision", "mute" }, "jaunting_clown") player:call_proc("update_sight") if shouldPull and not pulled:is_null() then pulled:call_proc("remove_traits", { "magically_phased", "resist_low_pressure", "resist_high_pressure", "resist_cold", "resist_heat", "no_breath", "rad_immunity", "bomb_immunity", "emotemute", "mute" }, "jaunting_clown") player:call_proc("update_sight") end end) SS13.register_signal(player, "mob_statchange", function(_, new_stat) if new_stat ~= 0 then exitFloorboards(turf, true) end end) jumpIntoFloorboards:set_var("name", "Jump out of the floorboards") jumpIntoFloorboards:set_var("button_icon_state", "origami_off") jumpIntoFloorboards:call_proc("build_all_button_icons") end for item, lastInvis in itemsToUnset do if not item:is_null() then item:set_var("invisibility", lastInvis) end end player:set_var("layer", 4) player:set_var("plane", getPlane(-6, turf)) player:set_var("pixel_z", 0) player:set_var("anchored", false) dm.global_proc("_remove_trait", player, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") player:set_var("density", true) if shouldPull and not pulled:is_null() then pulled:set_var("layer", 4) pulled:set_var("plane", getPlane(-6, turf)) pulled:set_var("pixel_z", 0) pulled:set_var("anchored", false) dm.global_proc("_remove_trait", pulled, "block_transformations", "clown_antag") pulled:set_var("density", true) floorboardVictim = pulled end active = false SS13.wait(0.5) abstract_icon:call_proc("moveToNullspace") turf:set_var("alpha", 255) else local turf = dm.global_proc("_get_step", jaunter, 0) exitFloorboards(turf, false) end end) end) local _reverseBeartrap = SS13.new("/obj/item/reverse_bear_trap") local spawnReverseBeartrap = SS13.new("/datum/action/cooldown", mind) spawnReverseBeartrap:set_var("name", "Spawn reverse beartrap") spawnReverseBeartrap:set_var("button_icon", _reverseBeartrap:get_var("icon")) spawnReverseBeartrap:set_var("button_icon_state", _reverseBeartrap:get_var("icon_state")) spawnReverseBeartrap:call_proc("Grant", mind:get_var("current")) dm.global_proc("qdel", _reverseBeartrap) local beartrapActivated = {} SS13.register_signal(spawnReverseBeartrap, "action_trigger", function() if jaunter ~= nil then return end SS13.set_timeout(0, function() local beartrap = SS13.new("/obj/item/reverse_bear_trap") local player = spawnReverseBeartrap:get_var("owner") local result = player:call_proc("equip_to_slot_or_del", beartrap, 8192, true) if result == 1 then if not ADMIN_MODE then spawnReverseBeartrap:call_proc("StartCooldown", 300) end SS13.register_signal(beartrap, "item_equip", function(_, equipper) local original = beartrapActivated[dm.global_proc("REF", beartrap)] if original == equipper and beartrap:get_var("ticking") ~= 1 then beartrapActivated[dm.global_proc("REF", beartrap)] = nil end SS13.set_timeout(1, function() if beartrap:get_var("ticking") == 1 and beartrap:get_var("loc") == equipper then beartrapActivated[dm.global_proc("REF", beartrap)] = equipper local activationTimeReduction = 200 if antagData.stats.Beartrap >= 1 then activationTimeReduction = activationTimeReduction + 100 end if antagData.stats.Beartrap >= 2 then activationTimeReduction = activationTimeReduction + 100 end beartrap:set_var("kill_countdown", beartrap:get_var("kill_countdown") - activationTimeReduction) end end) end) SS13.register_signal(beartrap, "item_pre_attack", function(_, attackingPerson) if antagData.stats.Beartrap < 3 then return end if SS13.istype(attackingPerson, "/mob/living/carbon/human") then local headSlot = attackingPerson:call_proc("get_item_by_slot", 64) if headSlot ~= nil then attackingPerson:call_proc("doUnEquip", headSlot, true, attackingPerson:call_proc("drop_location"), false, true, true) headSlot:call_proc("visible_message", "The " .. headSlot:get_var("name") .. " gets knocked to the ground!") end end end) SS13.register_signal(beartrap, "atom_attack_hand", function(_, attackingUser) if beartrap:get_var("loc") ~= attackingUser and attackingUser ~= mind:get_var("current") then dm.global_proc("playsound", beartrap, "sound/effects/explosion1.ogg", 50, true) dm.global_proc("qdel", beartrap) return end end) end end) end) local function updateVisualData() local statAmounts = 4 local statString = "" for _ = 1, statAmounts do statString = statString .. "
%s" end antagData.image:set_var( "maptext", string.format( "Level: %d
", antagData.level, "Knife: "..antagData.stats.Knife, "Beartrap: "..antagData.stats.Beartrap, "Traversing: "..antagData.stats.Traversing, "Body: "..antagData.stats.Body, antagData.unallocatedPoints ~= 0 and "
Unallocated Ability Points: "..antagData.unallocatedPoints or "" ) ) if antagData.unallocatedPoints ~= 0 then antagData.button:set_var("maptext", "Spend Ability Points") else antagData.button:set_var("maptext", "") end end local function doLevelUp() antagData.level = antagData.level + 1 antagData.unallocatedPoints = antagData.unallocatedPoints + 1 notifyPlayer(mind:get_var("current"), "level up!") updateVisualData() end local killedPlayers = {} SS13.register_signal(dm.global_vars:get_var("SSdcs"), "!mob_death", function(_, deadPlayer, gibbed) if not SS13.istype(deadPlayer, "/mob/living/carbon/human") or not deadPlayer or gibbed then return end local beartrap = deadPlayer:get_var("head") if beartrap ~= nil and SS13.istype(beartrap, "/obj/item/reverse_bear_trap") and beartrapActivated[dm.global_proc("REF", beartrap)] == deadPlayer and beartrap:get_var("ticking") ~= 1 then if not killedPlayers[dm.global_proc("REF", deadPlayer)] and deadPlayer:get_var("key") ~= nil then doLevelUp() killedPlayers[dm.global_proc("REF", deadPlayer)] = true end if antagData.stats.Beartrap >= 4 then local lightRadius = 2 local flameRadius = 0 local flashRadius = 0 if antagData.stats.Beartrap >= 5 then lightRadius = 3 flameRadius = 5 flashRadius = 7 end dm.global_proc("explosion", deadPlayer, 0, 0, lightRadius, flameRadius, flashRadius) end end end) local isOpen = false SS13.register_signal(antagData.button, "screen_element_click", function(_, _, _ , _, clickingUser) if isOpen or antagData.unallocatedPoints <= 0 or clickingUser ~= mind:get_var("current") then return end SS13.set_timeout(0, function() isOpen = true local response = SS13.await(SS13.global_proc, "tgui_input_list", mind:get_var("current"), "Select Stat Point", "Stat Point Selection", antagData.stats) isOpen = false if antagData.unallocatedPoints <= 0 then notifyPlayer(mind:get_var("current"), "insufficient stat points!") return end if response == nil then return end local currentValue = antagData.stats[response] if antagData.level <= 1 and currentValue >= 3 then notifyPlayer(mind:get_var("current"), "need to reach level 2 before upgrading beyond level 3") return elseif antagData.level <= 2 and currentValue >= 4 then notifyPlayer(mind:get_var("current"), "need to reach level 3 before upgrading beyond level 4") return end if currentValue >= 5 then notifyPlayer(mind:get_var("current"), "max ability level reached!") else antagData.stats[response] = antagData.stats[response] + 1 notifyPlayer(mind:get_var("current"), antagData.stats_upgrade[response][antagData.stats[response]]) local func = antagData.stats_upgrade_function[response][antagData.stats[response]] if func then func() end antagData.unallocatedPoints = antagData.unallocatedPoints - 1 end updateVisualData() end) end) SS13.register_signal(antagData.showInfo, "screen_element_click", function(_, _, _ , _, clickingUser) local browser = SS13.new("/datum/browser", clickingUser, "Maintenance Clown Help", "Maintenance Clown Help", 600, 700) local data = "

Maintenance Clown Infodex

" data = data .. "As the maintenance clown, your goal is to embrace and cause anarchy. To gain levels, so that you can upgrade your abilities, you must kill people using your reverse beartraps." data = data .. "
You start with 3 ability points. Depending on your preferred playstyle, you can choose how to allocate your points. It's recommended to get at least 1 point in traversal so that you have a decent amount of movespeed." for stat, levelData in antagData.stats_upgrade do data = data .. "


" data = data .. antagData.stats_description[stat] .. "
" for level, info in levelData do data = data .. "Level "..level..": "..info.."" if level ~= 5 then data = data .. "
" end end end browser:call_proc("set_content", data) browser:call_proc("open") end) local function registerSignals(player) SS13.register_signal(player, "atom_examine", function(_, observing, examineList) if SS13.istype(observing, "/mob/dead") then examineList:add(string.format( "
Maintenance Clown
Level: %d
%s | %s | %s | %s
", antagData.level, "Knife: "..antagData.stats.Knife, "Beartrap: "..antagData.stats.Beartrap, "Traversing: "..antagData.stats.Traversing, "Body: "..antagData.stats.Body, "Unallocated Ability Points: "..antagData.unallocatedPoints )) end end) SS13.register_signal(player, "human_pre_attack_hand", function(_, target) local locked = SS13.istype(target, "/obj/machinery/door") and (target:get_var("locked") ~= 0 or target:get_var("welded") ~= 0) if SS13.istype(target, "/obj/machinery/door") and (target:call_proc("allowed", player) == 0 or locked) and target:get_var("density") == 1 then if locked then if antagData.stats.Traversing >= 2 and player:get_var("combat_mode") == 1 then player:call_proc("do_attack_animation", target, "smash") player:call_proc("Stun", 10) player:call_proc("visible_message", ""..player:get_var("name").." uses their sheer strength to smash the "..target:get_var("name").."", "You use your sheer strength to smash the "..target:get_var("name")..", leaving you momentarily stunned.") target:call_proc("take_damage", 50, "brute", "", false) dm.global_proc("playsound", target, "sound/effects/meteorimpact.ogg", 100, true) else return end else target:call_proc("try_to_crowbar", nil, player, true) end return 1 end end) local isAttacking = false -- Autoaim mode start, removed for now -- local autoAimTarget = nil -- SS13.register_signal(player, "mob_clickon", function(_, target, modifiers) -- if SS13.istype(target, "/mob") or autoAimTarget == nil then -- return -- end -- local attackingItem = player:get_var("held_items"):get(player:get_var("active_hand_index")) -- if not SS13.istype(attackingItem, "/obj/item/knife") or dm.global_proc("_get_dist", autoAimTarget, player) >= 7 then -- SS13.unregister_signal(autoAimTarget, "parent_preqdeleted") -- autoAimTarget = nil -- return -- end -- player:set_var("next_click", player:get_var("next_click") - 10) -- local params = "" -- for key, value in modifiers do -- params = params .. key .. "=" .. value .. ";" -- end -- player:call_proc("ClickOn", autoAimTarget, params) -- return 1 -- end) -- Autoaim end SS13.register_signal(player, "mob_item_attack", function(_, target_mob, _, params) local attackingItem = player:get_var("held_items"):get(player:get_var("active_hand_index")) if not SS13.istype(attackingItem, "/obj/item/knife") then return end local damageBuff = 0 if antagData.stats.Knife >= 3 then damageBuff = 5 end if SS13.istype(target_mob, "/mob/living/carbon/human") and target_mob:get_var("stat") ~= 4 then if math.random(10) == 1 then player:call_proc("emote", "laugh") player:call_proc("add_mood_event", "bloodlust", dm.global_proc("_text2path", "/datum/mood_event/chemical_laughter")) end local floorboardCooldownReduction = 50 if antagData.stats.Traversing >= 3 then floorboardCooldownReduction = floorboardCooldownReduction + 50 end jumpIntoFloorboards:set_var("next_use_time", jumpIntoFloorboards:get_var("next_use_time") - floorboardCooldownReduction) end if antagData.stats.Knife >= 1 then SS13.set_timeout(0, function() local newSpeed = player:get_var("next_move") - 2 if antagData.stats.Knife >= 4 then newSpeed = newSpeed - 2 end if antagData.stats.Knife >= 5 then newSpeed = newSpeed - 2 end player:set_var("next_move", newSpeed) end) end local paramList = dm.global_proc("_params2list", params) if damageBuff > 0 and not isAttacking and paramList:get("right") ~= "1" then isAttacking = true local originalForce = attackingItem:get_var("force") attackingItem:set_var("force", originalForce + damageBuff) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() attackingItem:set_var("force", originalForce) isAttacking = false end) end if not isAttacking and paramList:get("right") == "1" then isAttacking = true local originalForce = attackingItem:get_var("force") attackingItem:set_var("force", originalForce * 0.25) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() attackingItem:set_var("force", originalForce) isAttacking = false end) local multiplier = 1 if antagData.stats.Knife >= 2 then multiplier = 1.5 end target_mob:call_proc("apply_damage", (originalForce + damageBuff) * multiplier, "stamina") end end) local hud = player:get_var("hud_used") local hudElements = hud:get_var("static_inventory") hudElements:add(antagData.image) hudElements:add(antagData.button) hudElements:add(antagData.showInfo) hud:call_proc("show_hud", hud:get_var("hud_version")) updateVisualData() end local function unregisterSignals(player) SS13.unregister_signal(player, "human_early_unarmed_attack") SS13.unregister_signal(player, "atom_examine") SS13.unregister_signal(player, "mob_item_attack") SS13.unregister_signal(player, "mob_clickon") local hud = player:get_var("hud_used") local hudElements = hud:get_var("static_inventory") hudElements:remove(antagData.image) hudElements:remove(antagData.button) hudElements:remove(antagData.showInfo) end SS13.register_signal(mind, "mind_transferred", function(_, old) unregisterSignals(old) registerSignals(mind:get_var("current")) end) registerSignals(mind:get_var("current")) end local function createPlayer() local spawnPosition = user:get_var("mob"):get_var("loc") local client local markedDatum = user:get_var("holder"):get_var("marked_datum") local showToGhosts = true if SHOULD_ASK_GHOSTS then local players = SS13.await(dm.global_vars:get_var("SSpolling"), "poll_ghost_candidates", "The mode is looking for volunteers to become Clown for Maintenance Clown", nil, nil, 300, nil, true, spawnPosition, spawnPosition, "Maintenance Clown") if players.len == 0 then dm.global_proc("message_admins", "Not enough players volunteered for the Maintenance Clown role.") return end client = dm.global_proc("_pick_list", players) dm.global_proc("message_admins", "Selected "..dm.global_proc("key_name_admin", client).." for the role of Maintenance Clown.") elseif SS13.istype(markedDatum, "/client") then client = markedDatum elseif SS13.istype(markedDatum, "/mob") then client = markedDatum:get_var("client") dm.global_proc("qdel", markedDatum) else client = user showToGhosts = false end if not SS13.istype(client, "/client") then client = client:get_var("client") end local mind = SS13.new("/datum/mind", client:get_var("key")) local player = SS13.new("/mob/living/carbon/human", spawnPosition) mind:call_proc("transfer_to", player, true) sleep() player:call_proc("add_traits", { "dismember_immunity" }, "clown_antag_inherent") mind:call_proc("set_assigned_role", dm.global_vars:get_var("SSjob"):call_proc("GetJobType", dm.global_proc("_text2path", "/datum/job/clown"))) mind:set_var("special_role", "Maintenance Clown") local antag = SS13.new("/datum/antagonist/custom") antag:set_var("antag_hud_name", "cultmaster") antag:set_var("name", "Maintenance Clown") antag:set_var("show_to_ghosts", false) antag:set_var("antagpanel_category", "Maintenance Clown") antag:set_var("ui_name", nil) local objective = SS13.new("/datum/objective") objective:set_var("owner", mind) objective:set_var("explanation_text", "Deliver Honkmother's Vision upon the station and embrace Anarchy. Gain levels and upgrade your ability by killing people with your beartraps.") objective:set_var("completed", true) antag:get_var("objectives"):add(objective) mind:call_proc("add_antag_datum", antag) sleep() player:set_var("status_flags", 13) player:call_proc("equipOutfit", dm.global_proc("_text2path", "/datum/outfit/job/clown")) player:get_var("client"):get_var("prefs"):call_proc("apply_prefs_to", player, true) sleep() player:call_proc("apply_pref_name", dm.global_proc("_text2path", "/datum/preference/name/clown"), client) dm.global_proc("to_chat", player, "Recently I've been visited by a lot of VISIONS. They're all about the great HONKMOTHER, and the belief It brings. I will do EVERYTHING to spread the belief of ANARCHISM, to show that ANARCHY must be embraced.") dm.global_proc("to_chat", player, "Kill people using your reverse beartraps to increase your level so that you can upgrade your abilities. The maximum level of each ability is level 5.") local knife = SS13.new("/obj/item/knife/butcher") knife:set_var("name", "sharpened butcher's cleaver") knife:set_var("force", 20) player:call_proc("equip_to_slot_or_del", knife, 8192, true) local shirt = player:get_var("w_uniform") shirt:set_var("has_sensor", 0) shirt:set_var("sensor_mode", 0) player:call_proc("update_suit_sensors") local shoes = player:get_var("shoes") dm.global_proc("_add_trait", shoes, "nodrop", "clown_antag") shoes:set_var("resistance_flags", 243) function punishTheClown() local heart_failure = SS13.new("/datum/disease/heart_failure") heart_failure:set_var("stage", 5) player:call_proc("ForceContractDisease", heart_failure, false, true) player:call_proc("add_mood_event", "my_shoes", dm.global_proc("_text2path", "/datum/mood_event/depression_severe")) player:call_proc("set_heartattack", true) dm.global_proc("_add_trait", player, "committed_suicide", "clown_antag") if not shoes:is_null() then dm.global_proc("_remove_trait", shoes, "nodrop", "clown_antag") end end SS13.register_signal(shoes, "item_post_unequip", punishTheClown) SS13.register_signal(shoes, "parent_preqdeleted", punishTheClown) sleep() local betterEyes = SS13.new("/obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/night_vision/goliath") betterEyes:call_proc("Insert", player, false, 1) local idCard = player:get_var("wear_id") idCard:get_var("access"):add("maint_tunnels") idCard:set_var("registered_name", player:get_var("real_name")) local bankAccount = idCard:get_var("registered_account") bankAccount:set_var("account_balance", 500) bankAccount:set_var("account_holder", player:get_var("real_name")) bankAccount:set_var("account_job", SS13.new("/datum/job/clown")) sleep() setupAntag(mind) end createPlayer()