[11:17:02] Character successfully joined the game [11:17:03] Pick Filter: Loaded [11:17:03] Quest: Loaded [11:17:03] Town: Loaded [11:17:03] Stall: Loaded [11:17:03] Trade: Loaded [11:17:07] Bot started [11:23:42] Party: Party has been joined [11:23:43] Party: Party has been joined [11:23:47] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:23:47] Exchange: Confirmed [11:23:49] Picked 20000000 gold [11:23:49] Exchange: Approved [11:23:49] Exchange: Completed [11:23:58] You leveled up! [11:23:58] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [11:23:58] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [39] [11:23:59] Party: Party has been joined [11:24:00] Stats: Adding Int [11:24:01] Stats: Adding Int [11:24:01] Stats: Adding Int [11:24:59] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:24:59] Exchange: Confirmed [11:25:01] Picked 20000000 gold [11:25:02] Exchange: Approved [11:25:02] Exchange: Completed [11:25:24] Party: Party has been joined [11:29:34] Taxi: Kicking [ozanyaris2] from the party [11:29:34] Taxi: Adding [ozanyaris2] to the blacklist [11:29:34] Taxi: Removing [ozanyaris2] from the taxi [11:29:41] Party: Party has been joined [11:48:21] Party: Party has been joined [12:56:44] Party: Party has been joined [13:06:45] Taxi: Adding [ozanyaris] to the blacklist [13:06:45] Taxi: Removing [ozanyaris] from the taxi [13:22:35] You died at [-1036, -159.4] by 1x Evil Yeti [13:22:36] Dead: Waiting [50] minutes before returning to town [13:43:31] Party: Party has been joined [13:48:15] Party: Party has been joined [14:00:18] You leveled up! [14:00:18] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [14:00:18] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [40] [14:00:21] Stats: Adding Int [14:00:21] Stats: Adding Int [14:00:22] Stats: Adding Int [14:04:34] Party: Party has been joined [14:14:36] Taxi: Kicking [EAGLES41] from the party [14:14:36] Taxi: Adding [EAGLES41] to the blacklist [14:14:36] Taxi: Removing [EAGLES41] from the taxi [14:29:37] Party: Party has been joined [15:00:17] Taxi: Adding [lCDl] to the blacklist [15:00:17] Taxi: Removing [lCDl] from the taxi [15:20:11] You leveled up! [15:20:12] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [15:20:12] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [41] [15:20:14] Stats: Adding Int [15:20:14] Stats: Adding Int [15:20:15] Stats: Adding Int [16:04:46] You died [16:04:47] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [16:04:53] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:12:53] Party: Party has been joined [16:13:21] Bot stopped. Botting time [296 minutes] [16:13:26] Bot started [16:18:12] Party: Party has been joined [16:18:57] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [16:18:57] Exchange: Confirmed [16:19:00] Picked 2000000 gold [16:19:00] Exchange: Approved [16:19:00] Exchange: Completed [16:19:05] Party: Party has been joined [16:35:24] You leveled up! [16:35:24] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [16:35:24] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [42] [16:35:26] Stats: Adding Int [16:35:27] Stats: Adding Int [16:35:27] Stats: Adding Int [16:44:11] Party: Party has been joined [16:45:12] Party: Party has been joined [16:54:13] Taxi: Kicking [P5L3S] from the party [16:54:13] Taxi: Adding [P5L3S] to the blacklist [16:54:13] Taxi: Removing [P5L3S] from the taxi [17:19:55] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [17:19:55] Exchange: Confirmed [17:19:58] Picked 2000000 gold [17:19:58] Exchange: Approved [17:19:58] Exchange: Completed [17:20:13] Party: Party has been joined [18:21:35] You leveled up! [18:21:35] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [18:21:36] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [43] [18:21:38] Stats: Adding Int [18:21:38] Stats: Adding Int [18:21:39] Stats: Adding Int [18:22:56] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:22:56] Exchange: Confirmed [18:22:59] Picked 2000000 gold [18:22:59] Exchange: Approved [18:22:59] Exchange: Completed [18:23:16] Party: Party has been joined [18:42:00] Party: Party has been joined [18:42:59] Party: Party has been joined [18:44:38] Exchange: Cancelled [18:45:27] Party: Party has been joined [18:48:03] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:48:03] Exchange: Confirmed [18:48:05] Picked 4000000 gold [18:48:05] Exchange: Approved [18:48:05] Exchange: Completed [18:48:34] Party: Party has been joined [18:52:02] Taxi: Adding [Amca] to the blacklist [18:52:02] Taxi: Removing [Amca] from the taxi [19:28:25] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:28:26] Exchange: Confirmed [19:28:28] Picked 2000000 gold [19:28:28] Exchange: Approved [19:28:28] Exchange: Completed [19:28:38] Party: Party has been joined [19:34:21] Party: Party has been joined [19:39:50] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:39:50] Exchange: Confirmed [19:39:53] Picked 10000000 gold [19:39:53] Exchange: Approved [19:39:53] Exchange: Completed [20:32:53] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:32:53] Exchange: Confirmed [20:32:55] Exchange: Approved [20:32:59] Picked 10000000 gold [20:32:59] Exchange: Completed [20:33:36] Party: Party has been joined [20:37:30] Taxi: Kicking [The_Vayentha] from the party [20:37:30] Taxi: Adding [The_Vayentha] to the blacklist [20:37:30] Taxi: Removing [The_Vayentha] from the taxi [20:50:23] You leveled up! [20:50:23] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [20:50:23] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [44] [20:50:25] Stats: Adding Int [20:50:26] Stats: Adding Int [20:50:26] Stats: Adding Int [20:55:40] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:55:40] Exchange: Confirmed [20:55:43] Picked 4000000 gold [20:55:43] Exchange: Approved [20:55:43] Exchange: Completed [20:56:15] Party: Party has been joined [20:56:51] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:56:51] Exchange: Confirmed [20:56:53] Picked 2000000 gold [20:56:53] Exchange: Approved [20:56:53] Exchange: Completed [20:57:25] Party: Party has been joined [22:05:17] Taxi: Removing [The_Vayentha] from the taxi [23:04:44] Taxi: Kicking [mehmet9907] from the party [23:04:44] Taxi: Removing [mehmet9907] from the taxi [23:28:20] Party: Party has been joined [23:28:55] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [23:28:55] Exchange: Confirmed [23:28:58] Picked 24000000 gold [23:28:58] Exchange: Approved [23:28:58] Exchange: Completed [23:29:04] Party: Party has been joined [23:38:50] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [23:38:50] Exchange: Confirmed [23:38:53] Picked 8000000 gold [23:38:53] Exchange: Approved [23:38:53] Exchange: Completed [23:38:59] Party: Party has been joined [23:52:47] You leveled up! [23:52:47] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [23:52:48] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [45] [23:52:50] Stats: Adding Int [23:52:50] Stats: Adding Int [23:52:51] Stats: Adding Int [00:48:54] Taxi: Kicking [TR_MASAL_TR] from the party [00:48:54] Taxi: Removing [TR_MASAL_TR] from the taxi [00:57:45] Party: Party has been joined [01:04:27] Party: Party has been joined [01:10:08] Bot stopped. Botting time [536 minutes] [01:10:49] Bot started [01:11:01] Party: Party has been joined [01:13:36] Party: Party has been joined [01:14:40] Party: Party has been joined [01:19:00] Party: Party has been joined [01:35:30] Party: Party has been joined [01:44:12] Party: Party has been joined [01:49:22] You died [01:49:23] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [01:49:42] Auto accepting resurrect request [01:50:17] You died [01:50:18] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [01:50:32] Auto accepting resurrect request [02:23:15] You died at [16.3, 1803.7] by 1x Edimmu [02:23:16] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [02:23:23] Auto accepting resurrect request [02:27:25] Party: Party has been joined [02:28:02] You leveled up! [02:28:02] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [02:28:03] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [46] [02:28:05] Stats: Adding Int [02:28:05] Stats: Adding Int [02:28:06] Stats: Adding Int [02:38:03] Party: Party has been joined [02:38:58] Taxi: Removing [GOS] from the taxi [03:55:14] You died [03:55:15] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [03:55:32] Auto accepting resurrect request [03:55:44] You died [03:55:45] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [03:55:57] Auto accepting resurrect request [04:55:44] You died [04:55:45] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [04:56:20] Auto accepting resurrect request [06:33:02] You died at [16.3, 1803.6] by 1x Edimmu [06:33:03] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [06:33:27] Auto accepting resurrect request [06:33:31] You died [06:33:32] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [06:34:02] Taxi: Removing [DarkTigeR] from the taxi [06:34:06] Auto accepting resurrect request [07:22:13] You died at [16.3, 1803.6] by 1x Edimmu [07:22:14] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [07:22:43] Auto accepting resurrect request [07:28:13] You died [07:28:14] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [07:28:24] Auto accepting resurrect request [07:28:31] You died at [16.3, 1803.6] by 1x Edimmu [07:28:32] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [07:28:49] Auto accepting resurrect request [07:29:45] You died [07:29:46] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [07:30:30] Auto accepting resurrect request [08:06:54] You leveled up! [08:06:54] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [08:06:54] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [47] [08:06:57] Stats: Adding Int [08:06:57] Stats: Adding Int [08:06:58] Stats: Adding Int [08:14:04] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [08:14:05] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [08:15:19] Auto accepting resurrect request [08:35:06] You died [08:35:07] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [08:35:27] Auto accepting resurrect request [08:39:17] You died [08:39:18] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [08:40:01] Auto accepting resurrect request [11:32:50] Taxi: Removing [_HerDiYeZ_] from the taxi [11:37:20] Taxi: Adding [lCDl] to the blacklist [11:37:20] Taxi: Removing [lCDl] from the taxi [12:36:08] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [12:36:09] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [12:36:20] Auto accepting resurrect request [12:36:24] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [12:36:25] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [12:36:43] Auto accepting resurrect request [12:49:54] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [12:49:55] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [12:50:01] Auto accepting resurrect request [13:02:36] You died [13:02:37] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [13:02:43] Auto accepting resurrect request [13:02:48] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [13:02:50] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [13:03:16] Auto accepting resurrect request [13:15:51] Party: Party has been joined [13:21:22] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [13:21:22] Exchange: Confirmed [13:21:24] Picked 4000000 gold [13:21:24] Exchange: Approved [13:21:24] Exchange: Completed [13:21:32] Party: Party has been joined [13:35:08] Party: Party has been joined [13:40:40] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [13:40:41] Exchange: Confirmed [13:40:43] Picked 6000000 gold [13:40:43] Exchange: Approved [13:40:43] Exchange: Completed [13:41:16] Party: Party has been joined [13:43:16] You leveled up! [13:43:16] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [13:43:16] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [48] [13:43:18] Stats: Adding Int [13:43:18] Stats: Adding Int [13:43:19] Stats: Adding Int [14:17:01] Switching to clientless mode [14:29:43] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [14:29:44] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [14:29:49] Auto accepting resurrect request [14:29:50] Auto accepting resurrect request [14:29:53] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [14:29:54] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [14:30:00] Auto accepting resurrect request [14:30:00] Auto accepting resurrect request [14:30:04] You died [14:30:05] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [14:30:10] Auto accepting resurrect request [14:30:11] Auto accepting resurrect request [14:54:37] Party: Party has been joined [14:55:18] Party: Party has been joined [14:55:24] Party: Party has been joined [14:55:28] Party: Party has been joined [15:04:38] Taxi: Kicking [ozanyaris2] from the party [15:04:38] Taxi: Adding [ozanyaris2] to the blacklist [15:04:38] Taxi: Removing [ozanyaris2] from the taxi [15:29:11] You died at [16.3, 1803.5] by 1x Edimmu [15:29:18] Auto accepting resurrect request [15:29:31] You died [15:29:32] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [15:29:40] Auto accepting resurrect request [15:29:54] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:15:28] You died [16:15:35] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:15:35] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:15:35] You died [16:15:36] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [16:15:42] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:24:14] Bot stopped. Botting time [913 minutes] [16:24:26] Teleporting [16:24:27] Returning to town due to clientless to client [16:25:36] Bot started [16:30:04] Bot stopped. Botting time [4 minutes] [16:30:08] Started tracing player [ELITE] [16:30:29] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [16:30:29] Exchange: Cancelled [16:31:21] You died [16:31:22] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [16:31:37] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:33:32] You died [16:33:33] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [16:33:42] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:35:32] Stopped tracing [16:35:34] Bot started [16:36:00] Taxi: Adding [TR_MASAL_TR] to the blacklist [16:36:00] Taxi: Removing [TR_MASAL_TR] from the taxi [16:49:44] Taxi: Kicking [I_qp_I] from the party [16:49:44] Taxi: Removing [I_qp_I] from the taxi [16:58:28] Party: Party has been joined [17:08:29] Taxi: Removing [karakolcu] from the taxi [17:41:18] Party: Party has been joined [17:45:27] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [17:45:27] Exchange: Confirmed [17:45:29] Picked 4000000 gold [17:45:30] Exchange: Approved [17:45:30] Exchange: Completed [17:45:42] Party: Party has been joined [19:15:12] Party: Party has been joined [19:21:14] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:21:14] Exchange: Confirmed [19:21:17] Picked 10000000 gold [19:21:17] Exchange: Approved [19:21:17] Exchange: Completed [19:21:30] Party: Party has been joined [19:39:55] Party: Party has been joined [19:39:56] Party: Party has been joined [19:41:21] Party: Party has been joined [19:41:58] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:41:58] Exchange: Confirmed [19:42:00] Picked 20000000 gold [19:42:01] Exchange: Approved [19:42:01] Exchange: Completed [19:54:57] Taxi: Kicking [Myraa] from the party [19:54:57] Taxi: Removing [Myraa] from the taxi [20:51:51] Party: Party has been joined [21:06:53] Taxi: Removing [masterswampm] from the taxi [21:46:07] You leveled up! [21:46:07] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [21:46:07] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [49] [21:46:09] Stats: Adding Int [21:46:10] Stats: Adding Int [21:46:10] Stats: Adding Int [22:36:55] Party: Party has been joined [22:43:25] Bot stopped. Botting time [367 minutes] [22:45:32] Character successfully joined the game [22:45:33] Pick Filter: Loaded [22:45:33] Quest: Loaded [22:45:33] Town: Loaded [22:45:33] Stall: Loaded [22:45:33] Trade: Loaded [22:45:37] Bot started [22:46:45] Party: Party has been joined [22:47:22] Party: Party has been joined [22:47:29] Party: Party has been joined [22:48:07] Party: Party has been joined [22:51:05] Party: Party has been joined [23:00:10] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [23:00:10] Exchange: Confirmed [23:00:13] Picked 4000000 gold [23:00:13] Exchange: Approved [23:00:13] Exchange: Completed [23:45:34] Party: Party has been joined [00:00:35] Taxi: Kicking [Yldz07] from the party [00:00:35] Taxi: Removing [Yldz07] from the taxi [00:05:57] Party: Party has been joined [00:06:58] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [00:06:59] Exchange: Confirmed [00:07:01] Picked 24000000 gold [00:07:01] Exchange: Approved [00:07:01] Exchange: Completed [00:07:13] Party: Party has been joined [00:10:33] Taxi: Kicking [ELITE] from the party [00:10:33] Taxi: Removing [ELITE] from the taxi [00:10:51] Party: Party has been joined [01:14:14] Taxi: Removing [oO_SUN_Oo] from the taxi [01:41:50] Party: Party has been joined [01:43:47] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [01:43:47] Exchange: Confirmed [01:43:50] Picked 6000000 gold [01:43:50] Exchange: Approved [01:43:50] Exchange: Completed [02:12:11] Party: Party has been joined [02:23:00] Bot stopped. Botting time [217 minutes] [02:24:16] Exchange: Accepted by [oO_SUN_Oo] [02:24:29] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [02:24:29] Exchange: Confirmed [02:24:31] Exchange: Approved [02:24:31] Exchange: Completed [02:24:38] Bot started [04:18:54] You leveled up! [04:18:54] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [04:18:54] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [50] [04:18:56] Stats: Adding Int [04:18:57] Stats: Adding Int [04:18:57] Stats: Adding Int [04:38:32] Taxi: Kicking [oO_SUN_Oo] from the party [04:38:32] Taxi: Adding [oO_SUN_Oo] to the blacklist [04:38:32] Taxi: Removing [oO_SUN_Oo] from the taxi [09:57:51] Taxi: Removing [LouJain] from the taxi [10:05:52] Party: Party has been joined [10:20:54] Taxi: Removing [Trap_0F_HeLL] from the taxi [10:28:03] You leveled up! [10:28:03] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [10:28:04] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [51] [10:28:06] Stats: Adding Int [10:28:06] Stats: Adding Int [10:28:07] Stats: Adding Int [10:40:56] Party: Party has been joined [10:55:58] Taxi: Kicking [Spearint0] from the party [10:55:58] Taxi: Removing [Spearint0] from the taxi [10:56:29] Party: Party has been joined [10:57:21] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [10:57:21] Exchange: Confirmed [10:57:24] Picked 4000000 gold [10:57:24] Exchange: Approved [10:57:24] Exchange: Completed [10:57:30] Party: Party has been joined [11:09:12] Taxi: Kicking [ozanyaris] from the party [11:09:12] Taxi: Removing [ozanyaris] from the taxi [11:14:26] Party: Party has been joined [11:29:28] Taxi: Removing [rush_hour2] from the taxi [11:33:41] Party: Party has been joined [11:37:54] Party: Party has been joined [11:48:42] Taxi: Kicking [STalloNE] from the party [11:48:42] Taxi: Removing [STalloNE] from the taxi [11:52:10] Party: Party has been joined [11:52:59] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:52:59] Exchange: Confirmed [11:53:01] Picked 10000000 gold [11:53:01] Exchange: Approved [11:53:01] Exchange: Completed [11:53:24] Party: Party has been joined [12:21:03] Taxi: Removing [lCDl] from the taxi [12:43:18] Bot stopped. Botting time [618 minutes] [12:47:50] Started tracing player [ELITE] [12:48:37] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [12:48:37] Exchange: Cancelled [12:49:22] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [12:49:22] Exchange: Confirmed [12:49:25] Exchange: Approved [12:49:25] Exchange: Completed [12:49:33] Stopped tracing [12:50:06] Started tracing player [ELITE] [12:52:14] Party: Party has been joined [12:52:25] Party: Party has been joined [12:53:03] Party: Party has been joined [12:53:33] Stopped tracing [12:53:36] Bot started [12:55:39] Kicking [GOS] from the party [12:55:49] Bot stopped. Botting time [2 minutes] [12:56:43] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [12:56:43] Exchange: Confirmed [12:56:46] Exchange: Approved [12:56:46] Exchange: Completed [12:57:08] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [12:57:08] Exchange: Confirmed [12:57:11] Exchange: Approved [12:57:11] Exchange: Completed [12:57:17] Bot started [12:59:20] Bot stopped. Botting time [2 minutes] [12:59:27] Bot started [13:00:39] Party: Party has been joined [13:23:20] Party: Party has been joined [13:26:45] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [13:26:45] Exchange: Confirmed [13:26:47] Exchange: Approved [13:26:49] Picked 48000000 gold [13:26:49] Exchange: Completed [13:26:55] Party: Party has been joined [13:53:59] Bot stopped. Botting time [54 minutes] [13:54:40] Party: Party has been joined [13:56:06] Bot started [15:53:48] Bot stopped. Botting time [117 minutes] [15:53:48] Bot started [15:58:55] Party: Party has been joined [16:13:56] Taxi: Kicking [oO_SUN_Oo] from the party [16:13:56] Taxi: Adding [oO_SUN_Oo] to the blacklist [16:13:56] Taxi: Removing [oO_SUN_Oo] from the taxi [16:18:30] Exchange: Cancelled [16:18:41] You died [16:18:42] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [16:21:14] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:32:48] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [16:32:48] Exchange: Cancelled [16:33:07] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [16:33:07] Exchange: Cancelled [16:33:15] Bot stopped. Botting time [39 minutes] [16:34:24] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [16:34:24] Exchange: Cancelled [16:35:30] Exchange: Cancelled [16:38:49] Bot started [17:09:30] Taxi: Kicking [Spearint0] from the party [17:09:30] Taxi: Adding [Spearint0] to the blacklist [17:09:30] Taxi: Removing [Spearint0] from the taxi [17:14:37] Party: Party has been joined [18:06:10] Party: Party has been joined [18:22:25] Party: Party has been joined [18:37:25] Taxi: Removing [_Myra] from the taxi [19:31:13] You leveled up! [19:31:13] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [19:31:14] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [52] [19:31:16] Stats: Adding Int [19:31:16] Stats: Adding Int [19:31:17] Stats: Adding Int [20:15:31] Party: Party has been joined [22:07:05] Party: Party has been joined [22:09:56] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [22:09:56] Exchange: Confirmed [22:09:58] Picked 6000000 gold [22:09:59] Exchange: Approved [22:09:59] Exchange: Completed [22:10:43] Party: Party has been joined [23:39:27] Party: Party has been joined [00:15:52] Party: Party has been joined [00:30:54] Taxi: Removing [sakarya54] from the taxi [03:37:40] Character successfully joined the game [03:37:42] Pick Filter: Loaded [03:37:42] Quest: Loaded [03:37:42] Town: Loaded [03:37:42] Stall: Loaded [03:37:42] Trade: Loaded [03:37:46] Bot started [04:51:07] Party: Party has been joined [05:06:08] Taxi: Removing [Eraser] from the taxi [07:20:36] Party: Party has been joined [07:21:29] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [07:21:29] Exchange: Confirmed [07:21:32] Picked 30000000 gold [07:21:32] Exchange: Approved [07:21:32] Exchange: Completed [07:21:42] Party: Party has been joined [08:20:55] You leveled up! [08:20:55] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [08:20:56] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [53] [08:20:58] Stats: Adding Int [08:20:58] Stats: Adding Int [08:20:59] Stats: Adding Int [09:47:03] Party: Party has been joined [10:02:05] Taxi: Removing [IKSV] from the taxi [16:42:12] You died at [-24179.1, 62.3] by 1x Envy [16:42:19] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:42:19] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:42:30] You died at [-24179.1, 62.3] by 1x Envy [16:42:31] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [16:42:37] Auto accepting resurrect request [16:43:29] You died at [-24179.1, 62.3] by 1x Envy [16:43:30] Dead: Infinitely waiting for someone to resurrect you [16:45:43] Auto accepting resurrect request [17:23:15] Party: Party has been joined [17:38:17] Taxi: Removing [_BOMBACI_] from the taxi [17:50:42] Party: Party has been joined [17:59:02] Party: Party has been joined [18:05:38] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:05:38] Exchange: Confirmed [18:05:41] Picked 20000000 gold [18:05:41] Exchange: Approved [18:05:41] Exchange: Completed [18:06:33] Party: Party has been joined [18:10:11] You leveled up! [18:10:11] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [18:10:12] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [54] [18:10:14] Stats: Adding Int [18:10:14] Stats: Adding Int [18:10:15] Stats: Adding Int [18:32:10] Taxi: Kicking [oO_SUN_Oo] from the party [18:32:10] Taxi: Removing [oO_SUN_Oo] from the taxi [18:42:03] Party: Party has been joined [18:43:55] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:43:55] Exchange: Confirmed [18:43:58] Picked 4000000 gold [18:43:58] Exchange: Approved [18:43:58] Exchange: Completed [18:44:10] Party: Party has been joined [19:33:41] Party: Party has been joined [20:46:03] Bot stopped. Botting time [1028 minutes] [20:48:08] Exchange: Confirmed [20:48:11] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:48:11] Exchange: Cancelled [20:55:22] Exchange: Accepted by [ELITE] [20:55:26] Exchange: Confirmed [20:55:28] Exchange: Other player has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:55:28] Exchange: Cancelled [10:55:59] Character successfully joined the game [10:56:00] Pick Filter: Loaded [10:56:00] Quest: Loaded [10:56:00] Town: Loaded [10:56:00] Stall: Loaded [10:56:00] Trade: Loaded [10:56:04] Party: Accepting party invite [10:56:04] Bot started [10:56:08] Script: Walking to -5157, 2829 [10:56:08] Script: Walking to -5146, 2819 [10:56:10] Bot stopped. Botting time [0 minutes] [10:56:17] Party: Accepting party invite [00:10:34] Character successfully joined the game [00:10:36] Pick Filter: Loaded [00:10:36] Quest: Loaded [00:10:36] Town: Loaded [00:10:36] Stall: Loaded [00:10:36] Trade: Loaded [00:43:40] Party: Joining [#70885] [00:43:40] Party: Party has been joined [00:44:02] Bot started [05:53:40] Party: Leaving party because the leader was not found in the list [06:07:15] Party: Joining [#74082] [06:07:15] Party: Party has been joined [06:07:15] Party: Party has been joined [09:17:56] You leveled up! [09:17:56] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [09:17:57] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [55] [09:17:59] Stats: Adding Int [09:17:59] Stats: Adding Int [09:18:00] Stats: Adding Int [11:40:46] Party: Party has been joined [11:41:44] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:41:44] Exchange: Confirmed [11:41:44] Exchange: Confirm error [2] [11:41:45] Exchange: Approve error [2] [11:41:47] Exchange: Approve error [2] [11:41:54] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:41:54] Exchange: Confirmed [11:41:54] Exchange: Confirm error [2] [11:41:54] Exchange: Approve error [2] [11:41:56] Exchange: Approve error [2] [11:42:07] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:42:08] Exchange: Confirmed [11:42:08] Exchange: Confirm error [2] [11:42:08] Exchange: Approve error [2] [11:42:10] Exchange: Approve error [2] [11:42:16] Plugin: xChanger configs has been saved [11:42:16] Plugin: xChanger configs has been saved [11:42:17] Plugin: xChanger configs has been saved [11:42:19] Bot stopped. Botting time [658 minutes] [11:42:24] Bot started [11:42:39] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:42:39] Exchange: Confirmed [11:42:42] Picked 20000000 gold [11:42:42] Exchange: Approved [11:42:42] Exchange: Completed [11:55:48] Party: Party has been joined [11:57:19] Exchange: [Bowmann] has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:57:19] Exchange: Confirmed [11:57:22] Picked 10000000 gold [11:57:22] Exchange: Approved [11:57:22] Exchange: Completed [11:57:35] Party: Party has been joined [16:56:23] Party: Party has been joined [16:56:42] Party: Party has been joined [16:57:31] Party: Party has been joined [17:03:07] Party: Party has been joined [17:03:37] Exchange: [HyperVenom] has confirmed and is waiting on you [17:03:38] Exchange: Confirmed [17:03:40] Picked 4000000 gold [17:03:40] Exchange: Approved [17:03:40] Exchange: Completed [17:03:44] Party: Party has been joined [17:03:48] Party: Party has been joined [17:06:42] Exchange: [SLAYERHEART] has confirmed and is waiting on you [17:06:43] Exchange: Confirmed [17:06:45] Picked 4000000 gold [17:06:45] Exchange: Approved [17:06:45] Exchange: Completed [17:06:46] Party: Party has been joined [18:08:16] Party: Party has been joined [18:30:17] Party: Party has been joined [18:45:40] Party: Party has been joined [18:50:02] Exchange: [ProFFeSoR] has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:50:02] Exchange: Confirmed [18:50:04] Picked 30000000 gold [18:50:05] Exchange: Approved [18:50:05] Exchange: Completed [18:50:17] Party: Party has been joined [19:15:33] Party: Party has been joined [19:17:07] Taxi: Kicking [HyperVenom] from the party [19:17:07] Taxi: Removing [HyperVenom] from the taxi [19:20:45] Taxi: Kicking [SLAYERHEART] from the party [19:20:45] Taxi: Removing [SLAYERHEART] from the taxi [19:21:11] Party: Party has been joined [19:21:51] Exchange: [HyperVenom] has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:21:51] Exchange: Confirmed [19:21:54] Picked 4000000 gold [19:21:54] Exchange: Approved [19:21:54] Exchange: Completed [19:22:38] Party: Party has been joined [19:22:41] Party: Party has been joined [19:23:12] Exchange: [SLAYERHEART] has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:23:12] Exchange: Confirmed [19:23:14] Picked 4000000 gold [19:23:14] Exchange: Approved [19:23:14] Exchange: Completed [19:23:17] Party: Party has been joined [20:52:12] Exchange: Cancelled [20:52:22] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:52:22] Exchange: Confirmed [20:52:24] Picked 24000000 gold [20:52:25] Exchange: Approved [20:52:25] Exchange: Completed [20:52:48] Party: Party has been joined [21:35:12] Taxi: Kicking [HyperVenom] from the party [21:35:12] Taxi: Removing [HyperVenom] from the taxi [21:36:42] Taxi: Removing [SLAYERHEART] from the taxi [22:11:43] You leveled up! [22:11:43] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [22:11:43] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [56] [22:11:46] Stats: Adding Int [22:11:46] Stats: Adding Int [22:11:47] Stats: Adding Int [22:28:42] Party: Party has been joined [22:29:46] Exchange: [Bowmann] has confirmed and is waiting on you [22:29:46] Exchange: Confirmed [22:29:48] Picked 10000000 gold [22:29:48] Exchange: Approved [22:29:48] Exchange: Completed [22:31:17] Party: Party has been joined [23:05:09] Party: Party has been joined [23:20:09] Taxi: Removing [idris46] from the taxi [01:02:07] Party: Party has been joined [01:17:09] Taxi: Kicking [idris46] from the party [01:17:09] Taxi: Removing [idris46] from the taxi [03:43:49] Taxi: Removing [Bowmann] from the taxi [04:05:34] Party: Party has been joined [04:06:13] Exchange: [HyperVenom] has confirmed and is waiting on you [04:06:14] Exchange: Confirmed [04:06:16] Picked 4000000 gold [04:06:16] Exchange: Approved [04:06:16] Exchange: Completed [04:06:35] Party: Party has been joined [06:19:34] Taxi: Kicking [HyperVenom] from the party [06:19:34] Taxi: Adding [HyperVenom] to the blacklist [06:19:34] Taxi: Removing [HyperVenom] from the taxi [08:11:57] Party: Party has been joined [08:15:29] Exchange: [_Wisconsin_] has confirmed and is waiting on you [08:15:29] Exchange: Confirmed [08:15:32] Picked 10000000 gold [08:15:32] Exchange: Approved [08:15:32] Exchange: Completed [08:15:49] Party: Party has been joined [08:21:09] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [08:21:09] Exchange: Confirmed [08:21:11] Picked 24000000 gold [08:21:11] Exchange: Approved [08:21:11] Exchange: Completed [08:21:23] Party: Party has been joined [09:41:06] You leveled up! [09:41:06] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [09:41:06] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [57] [09:41:08] Stats: Adding Int [09:41:09] Stats: Adding Int [09:41:09] Stats: Adding Int [10:03:13] Exchange: [ProFFeSoR] has confirmed and is waiting on you [10:03:13] Exchange: Confirmed [10:03:16] Picked 24000000 gold [10:03:16] Exchange: Approved [10:03:16] Exchange: Completed [10:03:37] Party: Party has been joined [11:41:21] Party: Party has been joined [11:41:44] Exchange: [Bowmann] has confirmed and is waiting on you [11:41:44] Exchange: Confirmed [11:41:47] Picked 10000000 gold [11:41:47] Exchange: Approved [11:41:47] Exchange: Completed [11:43:02] Party: Party has been joined [13:29:33] Taxi: Kicking [_Wisconsin_] from the party [13:29:33] Taxi: Removing [_Wisconsin_] from the taxi [13:29:45] Party: Party has been joined [13:30:09] Exchange: [_Wisconsin_] has confirmed and is waiting on you [13:30:09] Exchange: Confirmed [13:30:12] Picked 12000000 gold [13:30:12] Exchange: Approved [13:30:12] Exchange: Completed [14:10:23] Taxi: Kicking [FalcataNecmi] from the party [14:10:23] Taxi: Removing [FalcataNecmi] from the taxi [14:10:41] Taxi: Kicking [UsturaCemal] from the party [14:10:41] Taxi: Removing [UsturaCemal] from the taxi [16:55:22] Taxi: Kicking [Bowmann] from the party [16:55:22] Taxi: Removing [Bowmann] from the taxi [17:21:45] Party: Party has been joined [17:22:25] Exchange: [Bowmann] has confirmed and is waiting on you [17:22:25] Exchange: Confirmed [17:22:28] Picked 10000000 gold [17:22:28] Exchange: Approved [17:22:28] Exchange: Completed [17:22:36] Party: Party has been joined [18:31:59] Party: Party has been joined [18:34:09] Party: Party has been joined [18:34:25] Party: Party has been joined [18:34:45] Exchange: [SLAYERHEART] has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:34:45] Exchange: Confirmed [18:34:47] Picked 2000000 gold [18:34:47] Exchange: Approved [18:34:47] Exchange: Completed [18:34:49] Party: Party has been joined [18:43:13] Party: Party has been joined [18:45:35] Exchange: [DoctorWhoo] has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:45:35] Exchange: Confirmed [18:45:38] Picked 12000000 gold [18:45:38] Exchange: Approved [18:45:38] Exchange: Completed [18:45:46] Party: Party has been joined [19:43:44] Taxi: Kicking [_Wisconsin_] from the party [19:43:44] Taxi: Removing [_Wisconsin_] from the taxi [19:48:10] Taxi: Adding [SLAYERHEART] to the blacklist [19:48:10] Taxi: Removing [SLAYERHEART] from the taxi [19:49:36] Party: Party has been joined [19:51:00] Party: Party has been joined [19:54:58] Exchange: [DeaThScReaM] has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:54:59] Exchange: Confirmed [19:55:01] Picked 6000000 gold [19:55:01] Exchange: Approved [19:55:01] Exchange: Completed [19:55:14] Party: Party has been joined [20:04:36] Taxi: Kicking [_Wisconsin_] from the party [20:04:36] Taxi: Adding [_Wisconsin_] to the blacklist [20:04:36] Taxi: Removing [_Wisconsin_] from the taxi [20:18:02] Party: Party has been joined [20:32:19] Exchange: [ZoLTaN] has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:32:19] Exchange: Confirmed [20:32:22] Picked 6000000 gold [20:32:22] Exchange: Approved [20:32:22] Exchange: Completed [20:32:47] Party: Party has been joined [21:10:22] You leveled up! [21:10:22] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [21:10:22] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [58] [21:10:25] Stats: Adding Int [21:10:25] Stats: Adding Int [21:10:26] Stats: Adding Int [22:02:51] Party: Party has been joined [22:16:07] Exchange: [DeaThScReaM] has confirmed and is waiting on you [22:16:07] Exchange: Confirmed [22:16:10] Picked 4000000 gold [22:16:10] Exchange: Approved [22:16:10] Exchange: Completed [22:17:15] Taxi: Removing [ProFFeSoR] from the taxi [22:22:21] Party: Party has been joined [22:35:45] Taxi: Adding [Bowmann] to the blacklist [22:35:45] Taxi: Removing [Bowmann] from the taxi [23:23:45] Party: Party has been joined [23:23:51] Party: Party has been joined [23:28:19] Exchange: [UsturaCemal] has confirmed and is waiting on you [23:28:19] Exchange: Confirmed [23:28:22] Picked 19000000 gold [23:28:22] Exchange: Approved [23:28:22] Exchange: Completed [23:28:40] Party: Party has been joined [23:29:11] Exchange: [FalcataNecmi] has confirmed and is waiting on you [23:29:12] Exchange: Confirmed [23:29:14] Picked 19000000 gold [23:29:14] Exchange: Approved [23:29:14] Exchange: Completed [23:29:23] Party: Party has been joined [23:46:24] Taxi: Kicking [ZoLTaN] from the party [23:46:24] Taxi: Removing [ZoLTaN] from the taxi [23:46:50] Exchange: [ZoLTaN] has confirmed and is waiting on you [23:46:50] Exchange: Cancelled [23:48:04] Party: Party has been joined [00:03:04] Taxi: Kicking [ZoLTaN] from the party [00:03:04] Taxi: Removing [ZoLTaN] from the taxi [00:09:40] Party: Party has been joined [00:12:59] Exchange: [HyperVenom] has confirmed and is waiting on you [00:13:00] Exchange: Confirmed [00:13:02] Picked 6000000 gold [00:13:02] Exchange: Approved [00:13:02] Exchange: Completed [00:13:18] Party: Party has been joined [00:56:42] Taxi: Kicking [Azged] from the party [00:56:42] Taxi: Removing [Azged] from the taxi [00:59:38] Taxi: Kicking [DoctorWhoo] from the party [00:59:38] Taxi: Removing [DoctorWhoo] from the taxi [01:09:02] Taxi: Kicking [DeaThScReaM] from the party [01:09:02] Taxi: Removing [DeaThScReaM] from the taxi [03:42:09] Character successfully joined the game [03:42:09] Pick Filter: Loaded [03:42:09] Quest: Loaded [03:42:09] Town: Loaded [03:42:09] Stall: Loaded [03:42:10] Trade: Loaded [03:42:15] Bot started [05:36:30] Party: Party has been joined [05:51:32] Taxi: Removing [_Wisconsin_] from the taxi [05:54:42] Party: Party has been joined [05:55:37] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [05:55:37] Exchange: Confirmed [05:55:39] Picked 24000000 gold [05:55:39] Exchange: Approved [05:55:39] Exchange: Completed [05:55:45] Party: Party has been joined [06:20:14] Party: Party has been joined [06:22:24] Exchange: [_Wisconsin_] has confirmed and is waiting on you [06:22:24] Exchange: Confirmed [06:22:27] Picked 12000000 gold [06:22:27] Exchange: Approved [06:22:27] Exchange: Completed [06:22:59] Party: Party has been joined [06:41:52] Party: Party has been joined [06:46:34] Exchange: [harrypotterr] has confirmed and is waiting on you [06:46:34] Exchange: Confirmed [06:46:36] Picked 20000000 gold [06:46:37] Exchange: Approved [06:46:37] Exchange: Completed [06:48:02] Party: Party has been joined [06:51:09] Party: Party has been joined [06:51:15] Party: Party has been joined [07:06:10] Taxi: Kicking [UsturaCemal] from the party [07:06:10] Taxi: Removing [UsturaCemal] from the taxi [07:06:16] Taxi: Kicking [FalcataNecmi] from the party [07:06:16] Taxi: Removing [FalcataNecmi] from the taxi [07:13:58] Party: Party has been joined [07:14:03] Party: Party has been joined [07:17:08] Party: Party has been joined [07:25:45] Exchange: [ProFFeSoR] has confirmed and is waiting on you [07:25:45] Exchange: Confirmed [07:25:48] Picked 28000000 gold [07:25:48] Exchange: Approved [07:25:48] Exchange: Completed [07:26:02] Party: Party has been joined [07:29:00] Taxi: Kicking [FalcataNecmi] from the party [07:29:00] Taxi: Removing [FalcataNecmi] from the taxi [07:29:04] Taxi: Kicking [UsturaCemal] from the party [07:29:04] Taxi: Removing [UsturaCemal] from the taxi [08:29:44] Party: Party has been joined [08:44:14] Party: Party has been joined [08:44:44] Taxi: Kicking [R0yce35] from the party [08:44:44] Taxi: Removing [R0yce35] from the taxi [08:45:24] Party: Party has been joined [08:46:00] Exchange: [R0yce35] has confirmed and is waiting on you [08:46:00] Exchange: Confirmed [08:46:02] Picked 20000000 gold [08:46:03] Exchange: Approved [08:46:03] Exchange: Completed [08:46:11] Party: Party has been joined [10:52:47] Party: Party has been joined [12:36:27] Taxi: Kicking [_Wisconsin_] from the party [12:36:27] Taxi: Removing [_Wisconsin_] from the taxi [12:38:51] Party: Party has been joined [12:39:24] Exchange: [DeaThScReaM] has confirmed and is waiting on you [12:39:24] Exchange: Confirmed [12:39:27] Picked 10000000 gold [12:39:27] Exchange: Approved [12:39:27] Exchange: Completed [12:39:36] Party: Party has been joined [12:53:03] You leveled up! [12:53:03] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [12:53:03] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [59] [12:53:05] Stats: Adding Int [12:53:06] Stats: Adding Int [12:53:06] Stats: Adding Int [16:46:26] Exchange: [harrypotterr] has confirmed and is waiting on you [16:46:26] Exchange: Confirmed [16:46:28] Picked 6000000 gold [16:46:29] Exchange: Approved [16:46:29] Exchange: Completed [16:48:40] Party: Party has been joined [17:51:17] Exchange: [Azged] has confirmed and is waiting on you [17:51:17] Exchange: Confirmed [17:51:20] Picked 40000000 gold [17:51:20] Exchange: Approved [17:51:20] Exchange: Completed [17:51:23] Party: Party has been joined [17:52:51] Taxi: Kicking [DeaThScReaM] from the party [17:52:51] Taxi: Removing [DeaThScReaM] from the taxi [18:05:24] Party: Party has been joined [18:05:59] Exchange: [FalcataNecmi] has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:05:59] Exchange: Confirmed [18:06:02] Picked 19000000 gold [18:06:02] Exchange: Approved [18:06:02] Exchange: Completed [18:06:09] Party: Party has been joined [18:53:13] Party: Party has been joined [18:53:41] Exchange: [R0yce35] has confirmed and is waiting on you [18:53:42] Exchange: Confirmed [18:53:44] Picked 12000000 gold [18:53:44] Exchange: Approved [18:53:44] Exchange: Completed [18:54:02] Party: Party has been joined [18:57:47] Taxi: Kicking [UsturaCemal] from the party [18:57:47] Taxi: Adding [UsturaCemal] to the blacklist [18:57:47] Taxi: Removing [UsturaCemal] from the taxi [19:05:42] Party: Party has been joined [19:07:05] Exchange: [DeaThScReaM] has confirmed and is waiting on you [19:07:05] Exchange: Confirmed [19:07:07] Picked 14000000 gold [19:07:07] Exchange: Approved [19:07:07] Exchange: Completed [19:07:16] Party: Party has been joined [20:00:37] Taxi: Kicking [harrypotterr] from the party [20:00:37] Taxi: Removing [harrypotterr] from the taxi [20:03:37] Exchange: [harrypotterr] has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:03:37] Exchange: Cancelled [20:03:48] Party: Party has been joined [20:04:30] Exchange: [harrypotterr] has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:04:30] Exchange: Confirmed [20:04:33] Picked 20000000 gold [20:04:33] Exchange: Approved [20:04:33] Exchange: Completed [20:20:47] Party: Party has been joined [20:51:28] Exchange: Accepted by [ELITE] [20:51:34] Exchange: Confirmed [20:51:34] Exchange: [ELITE] has confirmed and is waiting on you [20:51:34] Exchange: Cancelled [20:52:45] Script: Walking to -5157, 2829 [20:52:49] Bot stopped. Botting time [1030 minutes] [20:53:14] Bot started [21:39:48] Taxi: Kicking [ProFFeSoR] from the party [21:39:48] Taxi: Removing [ProFFeSoR] from the taxi [21:40:41] Exchange: Cancelled [21:40:47] Party: Party has been joined [21:44:54] Exchange: [FalcataNecmi] has confirmed and is waiting on you [21:44:55] Exchange: Confirmed [21:44:57] Picked 106000000 gold [21:44:57] Exchange: Approved [21:44:57] Exchange: Completed [21:45:27] Party: Party has been joined [22:12:34] Party: Party has been joined [22:16:12] Exchange: [ProFFeSoR] has confirmed and is waiting on you [22:16:12] Exchange: Confirmed [22:16:14] Picked 6000000 gold [22:16:14] Exchange: Approved [22:16:14] Exchange: Completed [22:16:35] Party: Party has been joined [22:42:21] Party: Party has been joined [00:53:29] Exchange: [DeaThScReaM] has confirmed and is waiting on you [00:53:29] Exchange: Confirmed [00:53:32] Picked 4000000 gold [00:53:32] Exchange: Approved [00:53:32] Exchange: Completed [00:53:44] Party: Party has been joined [00:55:54] Exchange: [R0yce35] has confirmed and is waiting on you [00:55:54] Exchange: Confirmed [00:55:57] Picked 14000000 gold [00:55:57] Exchange: Approved [00:55:57] Exchange: Completed [00:56:17] Party: Party has been joined [01:30:15] Taxi: Removing [ProFFeSoR] from the taxi [01:33:21] Party: Party has been joined [01:40:48] You leveled up! [01:40:48] Auto Mastery: Leveling up [Wizard] [01:40:48] [Wizard] mastery leveled up to [60] [01:40:50] Stats: Adding Int [01:40:51] Stats: Adding Int [01:40:51] Stats: Adding Int [01:48:21] Taxi: Kicking [ProFFeSoR] from the party [01:48:21] Taxi: Adding [ProFFeSoR] to the blacklist [01:48:21] Taxi: Removing [ProFFeSoR] from the taxi [03:32:27] Party: Party has been joined [03:47:28] Taxi: Removing [Mesa] from the taxi [04:21:08] Taxi: Kicking [DeaThScReaM] from the party [04:21:08] Taxi: Removing [DeaThScReaM] from the taxi [06:15:25] Exchange: [harrypotterr] has confirmed and is waiting on you [06:15:25] Exchange: Confirmed [06:15:27] Exchange: Approved [06:15:29] Picked 48000000 gold [06:15:29] Exchange: Completed [06:15:42] Party: Party has been joined [07:17:23] Party: Party has been joined [08:00:21] Party: Party has been joined [08:09:57] Taxi: Kicking [R0yce35] from the party [08:09:57] Taxi: Removing [R0yce35] from the taxi [08:12:27] Party: Party has been joined [08:13:40] Exchange: [R0yce35] has confirmed and is waiting on you [08:13:40] Exchange: Confirmed [08:13:42] Picked 22000000 gold [08:13:42] Exchange: Approved [08:13:42] Exchange: Completed [08:13:53] Party: Party has been joined [08:47:03] Exchange: [DeaThScReaM] has confirmed and is waiting on you [08:47:03] Exchange: Cancelled [08:47:19] Party: Party has been joined [08:47:59] Exchange: [DeaThScReaM] has confirmed and is waiting on you [08:47:59] Exchange: Confirmed [08:48:02] Exchange: Approved [08:48:05] Picked 14000000 gold [08:48:05] Exchange: Completed [08:48:11] Party: Party has been joined