// ==UserScript== // @name New Userscriptw // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2024-09-24 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match // @icon  // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var port = 1001; var CONNECTION_URL = "" + port; var insert_winner = 0; var macroCount = 0; var SITE_NAME = window.location; const chatConfig = { typeAll: 0, typeTeam: 1, typeClan: 2, typeMegaphone: 3 }; var chatType = chatConfig.typeAll, chatSize = 19; (function(wHandle, wjQuery) { wHandle.setserver = function(arg) { if (arg != gameMode) { CONNECTION_URL = arg; gameMode = arg; wsClose(); //wsConnect(); } }; var SKIN_URL = "./skins/"; var touchX, touchY, // is this running in a touch capable environment? touchable = 'createTouch' in document, touches = []; // array of touch vectors var leftTouchID = -1, leftTouchPos = new Vector2(0, 0), leftTouchStartPos = new Vector2(0, 0), leftVector = new Vector2(0, 0); var fps_counter = 0; var fps_startTime = 0; var fps_value = 12.345; var txtpos_width = 100; var txtpos_height = 20; var txtpos_share = "!"; var txtpos_lastTime = 0; var mapx = 0; var mapy = 0; var mapDstX = 0; var mapDstY = 0; var drawMapDstPoint = false; var qPressed = false; var cursor_x_old = 0, cursor_y_old = 0; var localProtocol = wHandle.location.protocol, localProtocolHttps = "https:" == localProtocol; var nCanvas, ctx, mainCanvas, lbCanvas, chatCanvas, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, qTree = null, ws = null, nodeX = 0, nodeY = 0, nodesOnScreen = [], playerCells = [], nodes = {}, nodelist = [], Cells = [], leaderBoard = [], lastWinner = '?', recordHolder = '?', gameName = '?', countdown = 3600, chatBoard = [], rawMouseX = 0, rawMouseY = 0, userGold = 0, gold = 0, enterPriceDialog = "wait"; bonusGold = 0, gamePrice = 0, goldDiff = 0, X = -1, Y = -1, cb = 0, timestamp = 0, //userNickName = null, leftPos = 0, topPos = 0, rightPos = 1E4, bottomPos = 1E4, viewZoom = 1, w = null, showSkin = false, showName = false, noColor = false, ua = false, userScoreCurrent = 0, userScoreMax = 0, showDarkTheme = true, // showFps = true, //showMass = false, showScore = true, simpleGreen = false, touchButtons = false, smoothRender = .4, transparentRender = false, hideChat = false, posX = nodeX = ~~((leftPos + rightPos) / 2), posY = nodeY = ~~((topPos + bottomPos) / 2), posSize = 1, gameMode = "", teamScores = null, //ma = false, hasOverlay = true, drawLine = false, lineX = 0, lineY = 0, drawLineX = 0, drawLineY = 0, Ra = 0, teamColor = ["#333333", "#FF3333", "#33FF33", "#3333FF"], zoom = 1, isTouchStart = "ontouchstart" in wHandle && /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent), //splitIcon = new Image, //ejectIcon = new Image, noRanking = false; //splitIcon.src = "split.png"; //ejectIcon.src = "feed.png"; var wCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var playerStat = null; wHandle.isSpectating = false; var teamMapPlayers = []; var clanMapPlayers = []; var lastSendMouseMove = Date.now(); var screenButtonWH = 70; var btnESC_x = 0; var btnESC_y = 0; var btnESC_w = screenButtonWH; var btnESC_h = screenButtonWH; var btnA_x = 0; var btnA_y = 0; var btnA_w = screenButtonWH; var btnA_h = screenButtonWH; var btnS_x = 0; var btnS_y = 0; var btnS_w = screenButtonWH; var btnS_h = screenButtonWH; var btnW_x = 0; var btnW_y = 0; var btnW_w = screenButtonWH; var btnW_h = screenButtonWH; var btnE_x = 0; var btnE_y = 0; var btnE_w = screenButtonWH; var btnE_h = screenButtonWH; var btnE_active = 0; var btnSPACE_x = 0; var btnSPACE_y = 0; var btnSPACE_w = screenButtonWH; var btnSPACE_h = screenButtonWH; var clan_idd = -1; var spectatorId = -1; var pID = -1; var my_clan_id = -1; var my_yetki = ""; var my_userId = -1; var my_team_code = ""; var my_pID = -1; if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position) { position = position || 0; return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString; }; } function getLangCode() { var l = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].getAttribute('lang'); switch (l) { case 'tr': return 'tr'; case 'en': return 'en'; case 'es': return 'es'; case 'de': return 'de'; default: return 'tr'; } } function updateCursorAgain() { updateCursor(cursor_x_old, cursor_y_old); } function updateCursor(x, y) { document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor = 'default'; if (chatBoard.length > 0) wjQuery("#clearChat").show() && wjQuery("#chatban").show() && wjQuery("#kban").show(); for (var i = 0; i < chatBoard.length; i++) if (0 != chatBoard[i].userId && void 0 != chatBoard[i].userId && x >= chatBoard[i].name_x && x <= chatBoard[i].name_x + chatBoard[i].name_w && y <= chatBoard[i].name_y && y >= chatBoard[i].name_y - chatBoard[i].name_h) { if (0 != chatType && chatBoard[i].chatType != chatType) continue; document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor = "pointer"; break } } function screenButtonDown(x, y) { if (x >= btnESC_x && x <= (btnESC_x + btnESC_w) && y >= btnESC_y && y <= (btnESC_y + btnESC_h)) { showOverlays("fast"); wjQuery("#adsBottom").hide(); return true; } else if (x >= btnA_x && x <= (btnA_x + btnA_w) && y >= btnA_y && y <= (btnA_y + btnA_h)) { // btnX_active = 1; sendUint8(35); sendUint8(36); return true; } else if (x >= btnS_x && x <= (btnS_x + btnS_w) && y >= btnS_y && y <= (btnS_y + btnS_h)) { sendUint8(24); return true; } else if (x >= btnW_x && x <= (btnW_x + btnW_w) && y >= btnW_y && y <= (btnW_y + btnW_h)) { sendUint8(21); return true; } else if (x >= btnE_x && x <= (btnE_x + btnE_w) && y >= btnE_y && y <= (btnE_y + btnE_h)) { btnE_active = 1; sendUint8(22); return true; } else if (x >= btnSPACE_x && x <= (btnSPACE_x + btnSPACE_w) && y >= btnSPACE_y && y <= (btnSPACE_y + btnSPACE_h)) { sendUint8(17); return true; } return false; } function screenButtonUp(x, y) { if (btnE_active == 1) { btnE_active = 0; sendUint8(23); } if (btnX_active == 1) { btnX_active = 0; sendUint8(37); sendUint8(38); } } function window_onLoad() { // localStorage{ // Dikkat1: localstorage de saklanan ile deÄŸiÅŸken aynı deÄŸerde, // ama deÄŸiÅŸken ile combobox.value birbirinin tersi olabilir! // Dikkat2: localStorage ekledikten sonra orjinal deÄŸiÅŸkeni kullanmaya devam ettik çünkü; // localStorage.abc deÄŸiÅŸkenleri string deÄŸerler alıyor boolean deÄŸil bu sebeple kodda deÄŸiÅŸkenlerin kullanıldığı yerleride tekrar düzenlemek gerekicekti. if (localStorage.showSkin == null) localStorage.showSkin = true; showSkin = (localStorage.showSkin === 'true'); document.getElementById("noSkin").checked = !showSkin; if (localStorage.showName == null) localStorage.showName = true; showName = (localStorage.showName === 'true'); document.getElementById("noNames").checked = !showName; if (localStorage.noColor == null) localStorage.noColor = false; noColor = (localStorage.noColor === 'true'); document.getElementById("noColor").checked = noColor; if (localStorage.showDarkTheme == null) localStorage.showDarkTheme = false; showDarkTheme = (localStorage.showDarkTheme === 'true'); document.getElementById("darkTheme").checked = showDarkTheme; if (localStorage.hideChat == null) localStorage.hideChat = false; hideChat = (localStorage.hideChat === 'true'); document.getElementById("hideChat").checked = hideChat; if (hideChat) { wjQuery("#chat_textbox").hide(); } else { wjQuery("#chat_textbox").show(); } if (localStorage.smoothRender == null) localStorage.smoothRender = .4; smoothRender = localStorage.smoothRender; document.getElementById("smoothRender").checked = (smoothRender == 2); // if (localStorage.showFps == null) // localStorage.showFps = false; // showFps = (localStorage.showFps === 'true'); // document.getElementById("showFps").checked = showFps; if (localStorage.transparentRender == null) localStorage.transparentRender = false; transparentRender = (localStorage.transparentRender === 'true'); document.getElementById("transparentRender").checked = transparentRender; if (localStorage.showScore == null) localStorage.showScore = false; showScore = (localStorage.showScore === 'true'); document.getElementById("showScore").checked = showScore; if (localStorage.otostart == null) localStorage.otostart = false; otostart = (localStorage.otostart === 'true'); document.getElementById("otostart").checked = otostart; if (localStorage.otoMakro == null) localStorage.otoMakro = false; otoMakro = (localStorage.otoMakro === 'true'); document.getElementById("otoMakro").checked = otoMakro; if (localStorage.simpleGreen == null) localStorage.simpleGreen = false; simpleGreen = (localStorage.simpleGreen === 'true'); document.getElementById("simpleGreen").checked = simpleGreen; // if ( localStorage.skinQuality==null ) // localStorage.skinQuality = 'l'; // document.getElementById("skinQuality").value = localStorage.skinQuality; var isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; if (isTouchDevice == true) { if (localStorage.touchButtons == null) { localStorage.touchButtons = 'true'; } } else { localStorage.touchButtons = 'false'; wjQuery("#labelTouchButtons").hide(); } touchButtons = (localStorage.touchButtons === 'true'); document.getElementById("touchButtons").checked = touchButtons; // } wHandle.resetChatButtons = function(canCreateDiscussions) { $("#chatAll").css("font-size", "14px"); $("#chatTeam").css("font-size", "14px"); $("#chatClan").css("font-size", "14px"); $("#chatMegaphone").css("font-size", "14px"); }; wHandle.setChatSize = function(dataBase64) { chatSize = dataBase64; localStorage.chatSize = dataBase64; }; wHandle.setChatType = function(type) { if (type != chatType) { resetChatButtons(); if (type == chatConfig.typeAll) { $("#chatAll").css("font-size", "18px"); } else { if (type == chatConfig.typeTeam) { console.log("typeTeam"); $("#chatTeam").css("font-size", "18px"); } else { if (type == chatConfig.typeClan) { $("#chatClan").css("font-size", "18px"); } else { if (type == chatConfig.typeClan) { $("#chatClan").css("font-size", "18px"); } else { if (type == chatConfig.typeMegaphone) { console.log("chatMegaphone"); $("#chatMegaphone").css("font-size", "18px"); } } } } } chatType = type; } }; //ma = true; document.getElementById("canvas").focus(); var isTyping = false; var chattxt; var clearButton; var chatban; var kban; var chatAll; var chatTeam; clearButton = document.getElementById("clearChat"); // chatban = document.getElementById("chatban"); // kban = document.getElementById("kban"); chatAll = document.getElementById("chatAll"); chatTeam = document.getElementById("chatTeam"); chatClan = document.getElementById("chatClan"); chatMegaphone = document.getElementById("chatMegaphone"); enterPriceYes = document.getElementById("enterPriceYes"); enterPriceNo = document.getElementById("enterPriceNo"); generalErrorDialog_ok = document.getElementById("generalErrorDialog_ok"); mainCanvas = nCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx = mainCanvas.getContext("2d"); mainCanvas.onmousemove = function(event) { rawMouseX = event.clientX; rawMouseY = event.clientY; mouseCoordinateChange(); updateCursor(rawMouseX, rawMouseY); }; if (enterPriceYes) { enterPriceYes.onmousedown = function(event) { if (bonusGold >= 4) { console.log(" yes " + bonusGold); enterPriceDialog = "yes"; sendConfirmPrice(); $('#enterPriceConfirmDialog')['hide'](); onClickPlay(); } else { $('#generalErrorDialog')['show'](); console.log(" yetersiz gold"); } } } if (enterPriceNo) { enterPriceNo.onmousedown = function(event) { console.log(" no"); enterPriceDialog = "no"; sendConfirmPrice(); $('#enterPriceConfirmDialog')['hide'](); showOverlays("fast"); vMenu = true; } } if (generalErrorDialog_ok) { generalErrorDialog_ok.onmousedown = function(event) { console.log(" Kapat"); $('#enterPriceConfirmDialog')['hide'](); showOverlays("fast"); $('#generalErrorDialog')['hide'](); vMenu = true; } } if (chatAll) { chatAll.onmousedown = function(event) { setChatType(0); } } if (chatTeam) { chatTeam.onmousedown = function(event) { setChatType(1); } } if (chatClan) { chatClan.onmousedown = function(event) { setChatType(2); } } if (chatMegaphone) { chatMegaphone.onmousedown = function(event) { setChatType(3); } } if (clearButton) { clearButton.onmousedown = function(event) { chatBoard.length = 0; console.log("clear button"); wjQuery("#clearChat").hide(); }; } // if (chatban) { // chatban.onmousedown = function (event) { // var chatban = "/chatban "+spectatorId; // console.log("cleat"); // sendChat(chatban); // }; // } // if (kban) { // kban.onmousedown = function (event) { // var kban = "/kban "+spectatorId; // console.log("cleat"); // sendChat(kban); // }; // } mainCanvas.onmousedown = function(event) { var x = event.clientX; // - elemLeft; var y = event.clientY; // - elemTop; var deltaT = (new Date()).getTime() - txtpos_lastTime; if (deltaT > 5000 && x >= 10 && x <= (10 + txtpos_width) && y >= (200 - txtpos_height) && y <= 200) { sendChat(txtpos_share); txtpos_lastTime = (new Date()).getTime(); } var i = 0; for (; i < chatBoard.length; i++) { if (0 != chatBoard[i].userId && void 0 != chatBoard[i].userId && x >= chatBoard[i].name_x && x <= chatBoard[i].name_x + chatBoard[i].name_w && y <= chatBoard[i].name_y && y >= chatBoard[i].name_y - chatBoard[i].name_h) { if (0 != chatType && chatBoard[i].chatType != chatType) { continue; } window.open(SITE_NAME + "home-" + chatBoard[i].userId, "_blank").focus(); break; } } if (isMenuOpen && activeMenu) { closeMenu(); // Eğer bir menü açıksa kapat } updateCursor(x, y); }; mainCanvas.oncontextmenu = function(event) { if (my_yetki == "Admin") event.preventDefault(); // Varsayılan sağ tıklama menüsünü devre dışı bırak if (isMenuOpen && activeMenu) { closeMenu(); // Eğer bir menü açıksa kapat } var mouseX = event.clientX; var mouseY = event.clientY; // Fare pozisyonunu oyun içi koordinatlara çevir var gameX = (mouseX - canvasWidth / 2) / viewZoom + nodeX; var gameY = (mouseY - canvasHeight / 2) / viewZoom + nodeY; // Tüm hücreleri (kendi ve diğer oyuncular) kontrol et let allCells = playerCells.concat(nodelist); for (let i = 0; i < allCells.length; i++) { let cell = allCells[i]; // Hücre ile tıklamanın mesafesini hesapla (dairesel mesafe kontrolü) let distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(gameX - cell.x, 2) + Math.pow(gameY - cell.y, 2)); if (distance <= cell.size) { // Eğer admin yetkisine sahipse menüyü aç if (my_yetki == "Admin" && this.yetki != "Admin") { showMenu(mouseX, mouseY, cell); } else { console.log("Yeterli yetkiye sahip değilsiniz."); } break; } } // updateCursor(x, y); }; // Menü gösterme fonksiyonu function showMenu(x, y, cell) { // Eğer zaten bir menü açık ise, önce kapat if (isMenuOpen) { closeMenu(); } // Menü oluşturma işlemi var menu = document.createElement("div"); menu.id = "context-menu"; menu.style.position = "absolute"; menu.style.left = x + "px"; menu.style.top = y + "px"; menu.style.display = "block"; menu.style.zIndex = 1000; // Menü içeriği (ul ve li yapısı) var ul = document.createElement("ul"); ul.className = "context-list"; // Hücre adı göstermek için li elemanı var nameItem = document.createElement("li"); nameItem.id = "context-name"; nameItem.innerText = cell.name; // Hücre ismi ul.appendChild(nameItem); var nameItem2 = document.createElement("li"); nameItem2.id = "context-name"; nameItem2.innerText = "Oyuncu id: " + cell.pID; ul.appendChild(nameItem2); var muted = document.createElement("li"); muted.id = "menu-close"; muted.className = "context-action"; var closeSpan = document.createElement("span"); closeSpan.innerText = "Chat'den banla"; muted.appendChild(closeSpan); muted.addEventListener("click", () => sendChat("/chatban " + cell.pID)); // Kapatma işlevi ul.appendChild(muted); var unmuted = document.createElement("li"); unmuted.id = "menu-close"; unmuted.className = "context-action"; var closeSpan = document.createElement("span"); closeSpan.innerText = "Chat banı kaldır"; unmuted.appendChild(closeSpan); unmuted.addEventListener("click", () => sendChat("/chatunban " + cell.pID)); // Kapatma işlevi ul.appendChild(unmuted); var banned1 = document.createElement("li"); banned1.id = "menu-close"; banned1.className = "context-action"; var closeSpan = document.createElement("span"); closeSpan.innerText = "Kick"; banned1.appendChild(closeSpan); banned1.addEventListener("click", () => sendChat("/kban " + cell.pID)); // Kapatma işlevi ul.appendChild(banned1); var banned2 = document.createElement("li"); banned2.id = "menu-close"; banned2.className = "context-action"; var closeSpan = document.createElement("span"); closeSpan.innerText = "Banla"; banned2.appendChild(closeSpan); banned2.addEventListener("click", () => sendChat("/bannn " + cell.pID));; // Kapatma işlevi ul.appendChild(banned2); // Ul öğesini menüye ekle menu.appendChild(ul); // Menüyü body'e ekle document.body.appendChild(menu); // Menü durumu ve referansını güncelle isMenuOpen = true; activeMenu = menu; } if (touchable) { mainCanvas.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart, false); mainCanvas.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove, false); mainCanvas.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd, false); } mainCanvas.onmouseup = function() { }; if (/firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", handleWheel, false); } else { document.body.onmousewheel = handleWheel; } mainCanvas.onfocus = function() { isTyping = false; }; document.getElementById("chat_textbox").onblur = function() { isTyping = false; }; document.getElementById("chat_textbox").onfocus = function() { isTyping = true; }; var spacePressed = false, qPressed = false, wPressed = false; var ePressed = false; var int_e = 0; var aPressed = false; var sPressed = false; var zPressed = false; var xPressed = false; wHandle.onkeydown = function(event) { var vMenu = wjQuery("#overlays").is(":visible"); switch (event.keyCode) { case 32: // split if (!spacePressed && !isTyping && vMenu == false) { sendMouseMove(); sendUint8(17); spacePressed = true; } break; case 81: // key q pressed if (!qPressed && vMenu == false) { sendUint8(18); qPressed = true; } break; case 87: // eject mass if (!wPressed && !isTyping && vMenu == false) { sendMouseMove(); sendUint8(21); wPressed = true; } break; case 27: // quit showOverlays("fast"); wHandle.isSpectating = false; wjQuery("#adsBottom").hide(); break; case 13: if (isTyping) { if (isTyping = false, document.getElementById("chat_textbox").blur(), (txtpos_share = document.getElementById("chat_textbox").value).length > 0) { if (0 == chatType) { txtpos_share = "/all " + txtpos_share; } else if (1 == chatType) { txtpos_share = "/typeTeam " + txtpos_share; } else { if (2 == chatType) { txtpos_share = "/clan " + txtpos_share; } else { if (3 == chatType) { txtpos_share = "/megaphone " + txtpos_share; } } } sendChat(txtpos_share); } document.getElementById("chat_textbox").value = ""; } else { if (!hasOverlay) { isTyping = true; } } break; case 69: if ((!ePressed) && (!isTyping) && vMenu == false) { ePressed = true; sendUint8(22); } break; case 65: if ((!aPressed) && (!isTyping) && vMenu == false && (gold > 9)) { // sendUint8(65); aPressed = true; sendMouseMove(); } break; case 83: if ((!sPressed) && (!isTyping) && vMenu == false && (gold > 99)) { sendUint8(83); aPressed = true; } break; case 84: X = (rawMouseX - canvasWidth / 2) / viewZoom + nodeX; Y = (rawMouseY - canvasHeight / 2) / viewZoom + nodeY sendMouseMove(Y, X); console.log(X + " " + Y); console.log("keycode 84"); break; case 90: if ((!zPressed) && (!isTyping) && vMenu == false && (gold >= 10)) { sendUint8(35); zPressed = true; } break; case 88: if ((!xPressed) && (!isTyping) && vMenu == false && (gold >= 100)) { sendUint8(36); xPressed = true; } break; } }; wHandle.onkeyup = function(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 32: spacePressed = false; break; case 87: wPressed = false; break; case 81: if (qPressed) { sendUint8(19); qPressed = false; } break; case 69: if (ePressed) { ePressed = false; sendUint8(23); } if (int_e != 0) { clearInterval(int_e); int_e = 0; } break; case 65: // aPressed = false; break; case 90: zPressed = false; sendUint8(37); break; case 88: xPressed = false; sendUint8(38); break; case 83: sPressed = false; break; } }; wHandle.onblur = function() { //sendUint8(19); wPressed = qPressed = spacePressed = false }; wHandle.onresize = canvasResize; canvasResize(); if (wHandle.requestAnimationFrame) { wHandle.requestAnimationFrame(redrawGameScene); } else { setInterval(drawGameScene, 1E3 / 60); } //setInterval(sendMouseMove, 100); if (w) { wjQuery("#region").val(w); } wjQuery("#overlays").show(); canvasResize(); var txt = ""; //var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; var possible = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { txt += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } var tmp = document.getElementById("myTeam"); //tmp.value = txt; } function onTouchStart(e) { var isMenuVisible = wjQuery("adsBottom").is(":visible"); for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { var touch = e.changedTouches[i]; var buttonRet = false; if (isMenuVisible == false && touchButtons == true) { buttonRet = screenButtonDown(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } if (buttonRet == false) { //if((leftTouchID<0) && (touch.clientX canvasWidth - size) && (touch.clientY > canvasHeight - size)) { sendMouseMove(); sendUint8(17); //split } if ((touch.clientX > canvasWidth - size) && (touch.clientY > canvasHeight - 2*size -10) && (touch.clientY < canvasHeight - size -10 )) { sendMouseMove(); sendUint8(21); //eject } */ } touches = e.touches; } function onTouchMove(e) { // Prevent the browser from doing its default thing (scroll, zoom) e.preventDefault(); for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { var touch = e.changedTouches[i]; if (leftTouchID == touch.identifier) { leftTouchPos.reset(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); leftVector.copyFrom(leftTouchPos); leftVector.minusEq(leftTouchStartPos); rawMouseX = leftVector.x * 3 + canvasWidth / 2; rawMouseY = leftVector.y * 3 + canvasHeight / 2; mouseCoordinateChange(); sendMouseMove(); } } touches = e.touches; } function onTouchEnd(e) { touches = e.touches; for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { var touch = e.changedTouches[i]; screenButtonUp(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); if (leftTouchID == touch.identifier) { leftTouchID = -1; leftVector.reset(0, 0); break; } } } class textMover { constructor(txt, xs, ys, vx, vy, timeOfLife) { this.txt = txt; this.xs = xs; this.ys = ys; this.x = xs; this.y = ys; this.vx = vx; this.vy = vy; this.timeOfLife = timeOfLife; this.birthTime = new Date().getTime(); textMoverList.push(this); } getAge() { return new Date().getTime() - this.birthTime; } checkLife() { if (this.getAge() >= this.timeOfLife) { const index = textMoverList.indexOf(this); textMoverList.splice(index, 1); } } move() { if (this.getAge() < this.timeOfLife) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; const ageRatio = this.getAge() / this.timeOfLife; ctx.globalAlpha = (1 - ageRatio) / 1.5; const fontSize = 30 - Math.floor(ageRatio * 20); ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Ubuntu`; // ctx.font = `${this.getNameSize() - 10}px 'Tangerine'`; // ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; const timePassed = this.getAge() / 1000; this.x = this.xs + this.vx * timePassed; this.y = this.ys + this.vy * timePassed; ctx.fillText(this.txt, this.x, this.y); } } } var textMoverList = []; function drawMoverList() { for (let mover of textMoverList) { mover.checkLife(); mover.move(); } } function handleWheel(event) { zoom *= Math.pow(.9, event.wheelDelta / -300 || event.detail || 0); 0.1 > zoom && (zoom = 0.1); zoom > 4 / viewZoom && (zoom = 4 / viewZoom) } function buildQTree() { if (.4 > viewZoom) qTree = null; else { var a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, d = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, e = 0; for (var i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { var node = nodelist[i]; if (node.shouldRender() && !node.prepareData && 20 < node.size * viewZoom) { e = Math.max(node.size, e); a = Math.min(node.x, a); b = Math.min(node.y, b); c = Math.max(node.x, c); d = Math.max(node.y, d); } } qTree = Quad.init({ minX: a - (e + 100), minY: b - (e + 100), maxX: c + (e + 100), maxY: d + (e + 100), maxChildren: 2, maxDepth: 4 }); for (i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { node = nodelist[i]; if (node.shouldRender() && !(20 >= node.size * viewZoom)) { for (a = 0; a < node.points.length; ++a) { b = node.points[a].x; c = node.points[a].y; b < nodeX - canvasWidth / 2 / viewZoom || c < nodeY - canvasHeight / 2 / viewZoom || b > nodeX + canvasWidth / 2 / viewZoom || c > nodeY + canvasHeight / 2 / viewZoom || qTree.insert(node.points[a]); } } } } } function mouseCoordinateChange() { X = (rawMouseX - canvasWidth / 2) / viewZoom + nodeX; Y = (rawMouseY - canvasHeight / 2) / viewZoom + nodeY } function hideOverlays() { hasOverlay = false; wjQuery("#adsBottom").hide(); wjQuery("#overlays").hide(); } function showOverlays(arg) { sendUint8(5); hasOverlay = true; //userNickName = null; wjQuery("#overlays").fadeIn(arg); } var skipCloseEvent = false; function wsClose() { chatBoard.length = 0; try { //ws.onopen = null; //ws.onmessage = null; //ws.onclose = null; ws.close() } catch (b) {} ws = null; }; wHandle.wsClose = wsClose; function closeMenu() { if (activeMenu) { document.body.removeChild(activeMenu); activeMenu = null; isMenuOpen = false; } } function selectCell(id) { alert("Hücre seçildi: " + id); closeMenu(); // Hücre seçildiğinde menüyü kapat } let isMenuOpen = false; // Menü açık mı kontrolü için değişken let activeMenu = null; // Aktif menü referansı function wsConnect() { sid = Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * 1000000); wsUrl = "ws://" + CONNECTION_URL; // + "/" + sid; nodesOnScreen = []; playerCells = []; nodes = {}; nodelist = []; Cells = []; leaderBoard = []; lastWinner = '?'; // gold = 1000; this.countdown = 0; this.gpcountdown = 0; this.otobascountdown = 0; this.sendTokenTick = 0; this.tickOtoStart = 0; mainCanvas = teamScores = null; userScoreMax = 0; userScoreCurrent = 0; teamMapPlayers = []; clanMapPlayers = []; topMessage1 = ''; topMessage2 = ''; topMessage3 = ''; wjQuery('#playBtn').css("background-color", "yellow"); ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl); ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; ws.onopen = onWsOpen; ws.onmessage = onWsMessage; ws.onclose = onWsClose; ws.onerror = function() { console.log("socket error"); } // sendUserToken(); console.log("wsConnect " + wsUrl); } function prepareData(a) { return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(a)) } function wsSend(a) { ws.send(a.buffer) } function sendPlayInit() { // gold = 0 sendUserId(); sendUserToken(function() { sendNickName(); }); sendTeam(); // sendNickName(); sendHandshakeRequest(); sendSkinName(); } function sendLang() { var msg = prepareData(2); msg.setUint8(0, 25); switch (getLangCode()) { case 'tr': msg.setUint8(1, 1); break; case 'en': msg.setUint8(1, 2); break; case 'es': msg.setUint8(1, 3); break; case 'de': msg.setUint8(1, 4); break; } wsSend(msg); } function onWsOpen() { console.log("onWsOpen"); $.ajax({ url: 'islem3.php', // Kontrol işlemi için uygun sayfanın adı type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if (data.oyundami == 1) { // Eşitlik kontrolü için '==' kullanılmalıdır // alert('Şu anda oyundayken başka bir oyun oynayamazsınız!'); location.reload(); // Sayfayı yenilemek için kullanabilirsiniz } else { // window.location.href = 'oyun.php'; } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('Hata oluştu: ' + textStatus + ', ' + errorThrown); } }); var msg; msg = prepareData(5); msg.setUint8(0, 255); msg.setUint32(1, 1332175218, true); wsSend(msg); sendLang(); if (wHandle.isSpectating == true) { sendUint8(1); // sendUserToken(); } else { sendPlayInit(); } wjQuery('#playBtn').css("background-color", "green"); } $(wHandle).focus(function() {}); $(wHandle).blur(function() { if (ws != null && ws.readyState == 1) { //ws.close(); } }); function onWsClose() { console.log("onWsClose"); ws = null; showOverlays("fast"); wHandle.isSpectating = false; wjQuery("#adsBottom").hide(); wjQuery('#playBtn').css("background-color", "red"); } function onWsMessage(msg) { try { handleWsMessage(new DataView(msg.data)) } catch (b) { var dummy = 0; } } function transLastWinner(gameName, winnerScore, winnerName) { switch (getLangCode()) { case 'tr': return gameName + " KAZANAN " + winnerName + " SKOR " + winnerScore; case 'en': return gameName + " WINNER IS " + winnerName + " SCORE " + winnerScore; case 'es': return gameName + " GANADOR ES " + winnerName + " PUNTUACIÓN " + winnerScore; case 'de': return gameName + " GEWINNER " + winnerName + " ERGEBNIS " + winnerScore; } return 'err lang code!'; } function transNewRecord(gameName, winnerScore, winnerName) { switch (getLangCode()) { case 'tr': return gameName + " REKOR! " + winnerName + " SKOR " + winnerScore; case 'en': return gameName + " NEW RECORD! " + winnerName + " SCORE " + winnerScore; case 'es': return gameName + " NEUVO RECORD! " + winnerName + " PUNTUACIÓN " + winnerScore; case 'de': return gameName + " NEUER EINTRAG! " + winnerName + " ERGEBNIS " + winnerScore; } return 'err lang code!'; } function transMessage(msg) { if (msg.startsWith("trans ")) { var params = msg.substring(6); var parts = params.split(","); if (parts[0] == '1') { var gameName = parts[1]; var winnerScore = parts[2]; var winnerName = parts.slice(3).join(" "); return transLastWinner(gameName, winnerScore, winnerName); } else if (parts[0] == '2') { var gameName = parts[1]; var winnerScore = parts[2]; var winnerName = parts.slice(3).join(" "); return transNewRecord(gameName, winnerScore, winnerName); } else { return msg; } } else { return msg; } } function handleWsMessage(msg) { function getString() { var text = '', char; while ((char = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; text += String.fromCharCode(char); } offset += 2; return text; } var offset = 0, setCustomLB = false; 240 == msg.getUint8(offset) && (offset += 5); switch (msg.getUint8(offset++)) { case 16: // update nodes updateNodes(msg, offset); break; case 17: // update position posX = msg.getFloat32(offset, true); offset += 4; posY = msg.getFloat32(offset, true); offset += 4; posSize = msg.getFloat32(offset, true); offset += 4; break; case 20: // clear nodes playerCells = []; nodesOnScreen = []; break; case 21: // draw line lineX = msg.getInt16(offset, true); offset += 2; lineY = msg.getInt16(offset, true); offset += 2; if (!drawLine) { drawLine = true; drawLineX = lineX; drawLineY = lineY; } break; case 32: // add node nodesOnScreen.push(msg.getUint32(offset, true)); offset += 4; break; case 48: // update leaderboard (custom text) setCustomLB = true; noRanking = true; break; case 49: // update leaderboard (ffa) if (!setCustomLB) { noRanking = false; } teamScores = null; var LBplayerNum = msg.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; leaderBoard = []; for (i = 0; i < LBplayerNum; ++i) { var nodeId = msg.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; var name = getString(); // Get player name var clanID = getString(); // Get player clan ID var pID = getString(); // Get player clan ID var teamCode = getString(); // Get player clan ID // console.log(pID); leaderBoard.push({ id: nodeId, name: name, clan_id: clanID, teamCode: teamCode, pID: pID }) } drawLeaderBoard(); break; case 50: // update leaderboard (teams) teamScores = []; var LBteamNum = msg.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; for (var i = 0; i < LBteamNum; ++i) { teamScores.push(msg.getFloat32(offset, true)); offset += 4; } drawLeaderBoard(); break; case 64: // set border leftPos = msg.getFloat64(offset, true); offset += 8; topPos = msg.getFloat64(offset, true); offset += 8; rightPos = msg.getFloat64(offset, true); offset += 8; bottomPos = msg.getFloat64(offset, true); offset += 8; posX = (rightPos + leftPos) / 2; posY = (bottomPos + topPos) / 2; posSize = 1; if (0 == playerCells.length) { nodeX = posX; nodeY = posY; viewZoom = posSize; } break; case 87: // oyun rekortmeni recordHolder = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; recordHolder += String.fromCharCode(ch); } break; case 88: clanMapPlayers = []; while (offset < msg.byteLength) { var tx = msg.getFloat32(offset, true); offset += 4; var ty = msg.getFloat32(offset, true); offset += 4; clanMapPlayers.push({ x: tx, y: ty }); } break; case 89: // handshake var key = msg.getUint32(offset, true); var ukey = Math.sqrt(key - 347712); var nick = document.getElementById('nick').value; var msg = prepareData(5 + 2 * nick.length); msg.setUint8(0, 28); msg.setUint32(1, ukey); for (var i = 0; i < nick.length; ++i) msg.setUint16(5 + 2 * i, nick.charCodeAt(i), true); wsSend(msg); break; case 90: // TeamMap teamMapPlayers = []; while (offset < msg.byteLength) { var tx = msg.getFloat32(offset, true); offset += 4; var ty = msg.getFloat32(offset, true); offset += 4; teamMapPlayers.push({ x: tx, y: ty }); } break; case 91: // chat2 addChat2(msg, offset); break; case 92: this.gameName = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; this.gameName += String.fromCharCode(ch); } if ("FFA-6" == this.gameName || "FFA-10" == this.gameName || "FFA-7" == this.gameName || "FFA-8" == this.gameName || "FFA-9" == this.gameName) { this.tuna = true; } else { this.tuna = false; } break; case 112: spectatorId = msg.getInt32(offset, true); console.log(spectatorId + " : izlenen oyuncu"); break; case 106: clan_idd = msg.getInt32(offset, true); break; case 105: playerId = msg.getInt32(offset, true); // console.log(playerId+" playerId"); break; case 93: var t = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; t += String.fromCharCode(ch); } user_logout(t); break; case 55: this.userIdd = msg.getInt32(offset, true); break; case 94: var userGoldd = userGold; gold = msg.getInt32(offset, true); userGold = gold; goldDifff = gold - userGoldd; // Kullanıcı altın farkı hesaplanıyor if (goldDifff !== 0) { goldDiff = goldDifff; } // console.log("Gold diff "+ goldDiff+" "+userGoldd); break; case 107: bonusGold = msg.getInt32(offset, true); // console.log(gold); break; case 108: enterPriceDialog = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; enterPriceDialog += String.fromCharCode(ch); } console.log(enterPriceDialog); hideOverlays(); $('#enterPriceConfirmDialog')['show'](); // console.log(gold); break; case 109: gamePrice = msg.getInt32(offset, true); // console.log(gold); break; case 95: // top message var line = msg.getUint8(offset++); // Åžimdilik tek satır. Bu bilgi ilerde kullanmak için... switch (line) { case 1: topMessage1 = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; topMessage1 += String.fromCharCode(ch); } topMessage1 = transMessage(topMessage1); break; case 2: topMessage2 = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; topMessage2 += String.fromCharCode(ch); } topMessage2 = transMessage(topMessage2); break; case 3: topMessage3 = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; topMessage3 += String.fromCharCode(ch); } topMessage3 = transMessage(topMessage3); break; case 4: topMessage4 = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; topMessage4 += String.fromCharCode(ch); } console.log(topMessage4); topMessage4 = transMessage(topMessage4); break; } break; case 96: this.countdown = msg.getUint16(offset, true); if (hasOverlay == true && this.gameName == "FFA-6") { zPressed = false; sendUint8(37); xPressed = false; sendUint8(38); } break; case 57: this.gpcountdown = msg.getUint16(offset, true); break; case 58: this.otobascountdown = msg.getUint16(offset, true); break; case 97: lastWinner = ''; var ch; while ((ch = msg.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; lastWinner += String.fromCharCode(ch); } break; case 98: var cur = msg.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; var max = msg.getUint32(offset, true); setServerStatus(cur, max); break; case 56: this.oyuncu = msg.getInt32(offset, true); offset += 4; // Move the offset for the next integer this.diken = msg.getInt32(offset, true); offset += 4; // Move the offset for the next integer this.spectplayer = msg.getInt32(offset, true); // console.log(this.oyuncu+" "+this.diken); break; case 99: addChat(msg, offset); break; } } function setServerStatus(cur, max) { console.log(cur + " " + max); } function chatCensor(txt) { var kufur = [ "siki", "sike", "siky", "sikm", "skim", "aminak", "aminas", "amini", "amcik", "oç", "ibne", "ipne", "ibine", "orspu", "orospu", "oruspu", "orsbu", "orosbu", "orusbu", "got", "piç", "yarak", "yarag" ]; var ceza = [ "küfür ettiÄŸim için özür dilerim :(", "hadi savaÅŸmayalım seviÅŸelim varmısınız :D", "uff snne be slk", "bende seni seviyorum ;)", "ben kızım", "kanka cidden sevgili olalımmı?", "ben 12 yaşındayken arkadaÅŸlarım bana aynÅŸtayn derdi", "ben zekimiyim?", "sinirlenince çok seksi oluyosun :P", "kalp <3", "sende beni seviyomusuuun?", "kanka çıkıyorum gel hepsini vereyim", "proyum rekorum 8k takım olmak isteyen", "kanki ben biÅŸey yazıyorum bu baÅŸka biÅŸey yazıyo yaaa uff :q" ]; var txt2 = txt.toLowerCase(); //txt2 = txt2.replace(/[ç]/g,'c'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[ı]/g, 'i'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[1]/g, 'i'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[@]/g, 'a'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[4]/g, 'a'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[ö]/g, 'o'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[0]/g, 'o'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[ü]/g, 'u'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[ÄŸ]/g, 'g'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[3]/g, 'e'); //txt2 = txt2.replace(/[ÅŸ]/g,'s'); txt2 = txt2.replace(/[^abcçdeghhijklmnoprstuvyz]/g, ''); txt2 = txt2.replace(/\d/g, ''); var letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'ç', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'y', 'z']; for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) { var l = letters[i]; var ll = l + l; while (txt2.indexOf(ll) != -1) { txt2 = txt2.replace(ll, l); } } var yes = 0; for (var i = 0; i < kufur.length; i++) { if (txt2.indexOf(kufur[i]) != -1) { yes = 1; } } if (yes == 0) { return txt; } else { var r = Math.floor((Math.random() * ceza.length)); return ceza[r]; } } function addChat(view, offset) { function getString() { var text = '', char; while ((char = view.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; text += String.fromCharCode(char); } offset += 2; //if ( text.length>70 ){ // text = text.substring(0,70); //} //text = chatCensor(text); return text; } var flags = view.getUint8(offset++); // for future expansions if (flags & 2) { offset += 4; } if (flags & 4) { offset += 8; } if (flags & 8) { offset += 16; } var r = view.getUint8(offset++), g = view.getUint8(offset++), b = view.getUint8(offset++), color = (r << 16 | g << 8 | b).toString(16); while (color.length > 6) { color = '0' + color; } color = '#' + color; var splitString = getString().split("~"); // console.log(splitString[4]+" NAMEEEE"); chatBoard.push({ "playerId": splitString[0], "premiuStatus": splitString[1], "userId": splitString[2], "name": splitString[3], "chatType": splitString[4], "color": color, "message": getString(), "time": Date.now() }); } function addChat2(view, offset) { function getString() { var text = '', ch; while ((ch = view.getUint16(offset, true)) != 0) { offset += 2; text += String.fromCharCode(ch); } offset += 2; return text; } var r = view.getUint8(offset++), g = view.getUint8(offset++), b = view.getUint8(offset++), color = (r << 16 | g << 8 | b).toString(16); var userId = view.getUint32(offset); offset += 4; while (color.length > 6) { color = '0' + color; } color = '#' + color; chatBoard.push({ "userId": userId, "name": getString(), "color": color, "message": getString(), "time": Date.now(), "name_x": 0, "name_y": 0, "name_w": 0, "name_h": 0, "msg_x": 0, "msg_y": 0, "msg_w": 0, "msg_h": 0 }); if (chatBoard.length > 15) { chatBoard.shift(); } updateCursorAgain(); } function updateNodes(view, offset) { timestamp = +new Date; var code = Math.random(); ua = false; var queueLength = view.getUint16(offset, true); offset += 2; for (i = 0; i < queueLength; ++i) { var killer = nodes[view.getUint32(offset, true)], killedNode = nodes[view.getUint32(offset + 4, true)]; offset += 8; if (killer && killedNode) { killedNode.destroy(); killedNode.ox = killedNode.x; killedNode.oy = killedNode.y; killedNode.oSize = killedNode.size; killedNode.nx = killer.x; killedNode.ny = killer.y; killedNode.nSize = killedNode.size; killedNode.updateTime = timestamp; } } for (var i = 0;;) { var nodeid = view.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; // UserID'yi al if (0 == nodeid) break; ++i; var size, posY, posX = view.getInt16(offset, true); offset += 2; posY = view.getInt16(offset, true); offset += 2; size = view.getInt16(offset, true); offset += 2; for (var r = view.getUint8(offset++), g = view.getUint8(offset++), b = view.getUint8(offset++), color = (r << 16 | g << 8 | b).toString(16); 6 > color.length;) color = "0" + color; var colorstr = "#" + color, flags = view.getUint8(offset++), flagVirus = !!(flags & 1), flagAgitated = !!(flags & 16); flags & 2 && (offset += 4); flags & 4 && (offset += 8); flags & 8 && (offset += 16); for (var char, name = "";;) { char = view.getUint16(offset, true); offset += 2; if (0 == char) break; name += String.fromCharCode(char) } for (var char, skin = "";;) { char = view.getUint16(offset, true); offset += 2; if (0 == char) break; skin += String.fromCharCode(char) } for (var char, yetki = "";;) { char = view.getUint16(offset, true); offset += 2; if (0 == char) break; yetki += String.fromCharCode(char) } // for (var char, wing = "";;) { // char = view.getUint16(offset, true); // offset += 2; // if (0 == char) break; // wing += String.fromCharCode(char) // } for (var char, clan_id = "";;) { char = view.getUint16(offset, true); offset += 2; if (0 == char) break; clan_id += String.fromCharCode(char) } for (var char, pID = "";;) { char = view.getUint16(offset, true); offset += 2; if (0 == char) break; pID += String.fromCharCode(char) } for (var char, teamCode = "";;) { char = view.getUint16(offset, true); offset += 2; if (0 == char) break; teamCode += String.fromCharCode(char) } var userId = view.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; var splitL = name.split("#"); var skin1 = splitL[0]; name1 = splitL[1]; wing2 = splitL[2]; pID2 = splitL[4]; clan_id1 = splitL[3]; var node = null; if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeid)) { node = nodes[nodeid]; node.updatePos(); node.ox = node.x; node.oy = node.y; node.oSize = node.size; node.color = colorstr; } else { node = new Cell(nodeid, posX, posY, size, colorstr, name, skin, clan_id, yetki); nodelist.push(node); nodes[nodeid] = node; node.ka = posX; node.la = posY; node.clan_id = clan_id; node.yetki = yetki; node.userId = userId; node.pID = pID; } node.teamCode = teamCode; node.isVirus = flagVirus; node.isAgitated = flagAgitated; node.nx = posX; node.ny = posY; node.nSize = size; node.updateCode = code; node.updateTime = timestamp; node.flag = flags; name && node.setName(name); skin && node.setSkinName(skin); // wing && node.setWingName(wing); if (-1 != nodesOnScreen.indexOf(nodeid) && -1 == playerCells.indexOf(node)) { document.getElementById("overlays").style.display = "none"; playerCells.push(node); if (1 == playerCells.length) { nodeX = node.x; nodeY = node.y; drawMapDstPoint = true; } } } for (d = 0; d < nodelist.length; d++) { if (nodelist[d].pID == pID) { nodelist[d].clan_id = clan_id; nodelist[d].teamCode = teamCode; nodelist[d].yetki = yetki; nodelist[d].userId = userId; } } if (otoMakro == true) { if (playerCells.length == 0) { sendUint8(36); sendUint8(35); } } if (otostart == true && !wHandle.isSpectating) { if (playerCells.length == 0) { if (this.tickOtoStart <= 0) { this.tickOtoStart = 10; // 20 ticks = 1 second onClickPlay(); } else { this.tickOtoStart--; } } } queueLength = view.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; for (i = 0; i < queueLength; i++) { var nodeId = view.getUint32(offset, true); offset += 4; node = nodes[nodeId]; null != node && node.destroy(); } ua && 0 == playerCells.length && showOverlays("fast"); if (playerCells.length == 0 && drawMapDstPoint == true) { mapDstX = mapx; mapDstY = mapy; } } function sendMouseMove() { var msg; if (wsIsOpen()) { msg = rawMouseX - canvasWidth / 2; var b = rawMouseY - canvasHeight / 2; if (64 <= msg * msg + b * b && !(.01 > Math.abs(oldX - X) && .01 > Math.abs(oldY - Y))) { oldX = X; oldY = Y; msg = prepareData(21); msg.setUint8(0, 16); msg.setFloat64(1, X, true); msg.setFloat64(9, Y, true); msg.setUint32(17, 0, true); wsSend(msg); } } } function sendHandshakeRequest() { if (wsIsOpen()) { var msg = prepareData(1); msg.setUint8(0, 27); wsSend(msg) } } function sendNickName() { var nick = document.getElementById('nick').value; //console.log("sendNickName "+userNickName); if (wsIsOpen()) { var msg = prepareData(1 + 2 * nick.length); msg.setUint8(0, 0); for (var i = 0; i < nick.length; ++i) msg.setUint16(1 + 2 * i, nick.charCodeAt(i), true); wsSend(msg) } } function sendConfirmPrice() { var priceDialog = enterPriceDialog; //console.log("sendNickName "+userNickName); if (wsIsOpen()) { var msg = prepareData(1 + 2 * priceDialog.length); msg.setUint8(0, 5); for (var i = 0; i < enterPriceDialog.length; ++i) msg.setUint16(1 + 2 * i, enterPriceDialog.charCodeAt(i), true); wsSend(msg) } } function sendSkinName() { var skin = document.getElementById('txtSkin').value; //if ( userSkinName==null ) //return; var skinName = skin.toLowerCase(); /*if (skinName.indexOf('[') != -1) { var clanStart = skinName.indexOf('['); var clanEnd = skinName.indexOf(']'); skinName = skinName.slice(clanStart + 1, clanEnd); }*/ //if (-1 != knownNameDict.indexOf(skinName)) { if (wsIsOpen() && null != skinName) { var msg = prepareData(1 + 2 * skinName.length); msg.setUint8(0, 2); for (var i = 0; i < skinName.length; ++i) msg.setUint16(1 + 2 * i, skinName.charCodeAt(i), true); wsSend(msg) } //} } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; } function sendUserToken(callback) { if (this.sendTokenTick <= 0) { this.sendTokenTick = 10; // 20 ticks = 1 second var CookieOne = getCookie("xskajndkjnwqkejnqkjnsa"); if (localStorage.userToken != null && localStorage.userToken.length == 44) { if (wsIsOpen() && localStorage.userToken != null && localStorage.userToken.length == 44) { var msg = prepareData(1 + 2 * 44); var offset = 0; msg.setUint8(offset++, 3); for (var i = 0; i < 44; ++i) { var c = localStorage.userToken.charCodeAt(i); msg.setUint16(offset, c, true); offset += 2; } // console.log(localStorage.userToken+" nBAER"); wsSend(msg); console.log("Token Başarılı..") } setCookie("xskajndkjnwqkejnqkjnsa", this.userIdd, 1); } else if (CookieOne.length < 9) { if (CookieOne.length < 9) { console.log("c ile giriş yaptı") if (wsIsOpen() && CookieOne != null && CookieOne.length > 0) { var msg = prepareData(1 + 2 * CookieOne.length); var offset = 0; msg.setUint8(offset++, 31); for (var i = 0; i < CookieOne.length; ++i) { var c = CookieOne.charCodeAt(i); msg.setUint16(offset, c, true); offset += 2; } wsSend(msg); } } } } else { this.sendTokenTick--; } setTimeout(() => { console.log("User token gönderildi"); // İşlem tamamlandıktan sonra callback'i çağır if (callback) callback(); }, 1000); // 1 saniyelik gecikme simülasyonu } function sendUserId() { var CookieOne = getCookie("userid"); } function numberWithDotted(number) { var text = number.toString(); var dottedText = ""; var count = 0; for (var i = text.length; i >= 0; i--) { dottedText = text.charAt(i) + dottedText; if (count % 3 === 0) { dottedText = "." + dottedText; } count++; } dottedText = dottedText.replace(/^\.+|\.+$/g, ''); return dottedText; } function sendTeam() { var team = document.getElementById('myTeam').value; if (wsIsOpen() && team != null && team.length >= 0) { var msg = prepareData(1 + 2 * team.length); var offset = 0; msg.setUint8(offset++, 26); for (var i = 0; i < team.length; ++i) { var c = team.charCodeAt(i); msg.setUint16(offset, c, true); offset += 2; } wsSend(msg); } } function sendChat(str) { var nick = document.getElementById('nick').value; str = chatCensor(str); if (wsIsOpen() && (str.length < 200) && (str.length > 0)) { var msg = prepareData(2 + 2 * str.length); var offset = 0; msg.setUint8(offset++, 99); msg.setUint8(offset++, 0); // fflags (0 for now) for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { msg.setUint16(offset, str.charCodeAt(i), true); offset += 2; } wsSend(msg); //console.log(msg); } } function wsIsOpen() { return null != ws && ws.readyState == ws.OPEN } function sendUint8(a) { if (wsIsOpen()) { var msg = prepareData(1); msg.setUint8(0, a); wsSend(msg) } } function redrawGameScene() { drawGameScene(); wHandle.requestAnimationFrame(redrawGameScene) } function canvasResize() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); canvasWidth = wHandle.innerWidth; canvasHeight = wHandle.innerHeight; nCanvas.width = canvasWidth; nCanvas.height = canvasHeight; var hello = wjQuery("#helloDialog"); hello.css("transform", "none"); var modalHeight = hello.height(); modalHeight > canvasHeight / 1.1 ? hello.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%) scale(" + canvasHeight / modalHeight / 1.1 + ")") : hello.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%)"); drawGameScene() } function viewRange() { var ratio; ratio = Math.max(canvasHeight / 1080, canvasWidth / 1920); return ratio * zoom; } function calcViewZoom() { if (0 != playerCells.length) { for (var newViewZoom = 0, i = 0; i < playerCells.length; i++); // newViewZoom += playerCells[i].size ; dan öncesinie ekle newViewZoom = Math.pow(Math.min(64 / newViewZoom, 1), .4) * viewRange(); viewZoom = (5 * newViewZoom) / 10 // viewZoom = (5 * viewZoom + newViewZoom) / 10 } } function drawGameScene() { var a, oldtime = Date.now(); ++cb; var deltaT = Date.now() - lastSendMouseMove; if (deltaT > 50) { lastSendMouseMove = Date.now(); sendMouseMove(); } timestamp = oldtime; if (0 < playerCells.length) { calcViewZoom(); var c = a = 0; for (var d = 0; d < playerCells.length; d++) { playerCells[d].updatePos(); a += playerCells[d].x / playerCells.length; c += playerCells[d].y / playerCells.length; } posX = a; posY = c; posSize = viewZoom; nodeX = (nodeX + a) / 2; nodeY = (nodeY + c) / 2 } else { nodeX = (29 * nodeX + posX) / 30; nodeY = (29 * nodeY + posY) / 30; // viewZoom = (9 * viewZoom + posSize * viewRange()) / 10; } buildQTree(); mouseCoordinateChange(); //ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); ctx.fillStyle = showDarkTheme ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); nodelist.sort(function(a, b) { return a.size == b.size ? a.id - b.id : a.size - b.size }); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(canvasWidth / 2, canvasHeight / 2); ctx.scale(viewZoom, viewZoom); ctx.translate(-nodeX, -nodeY); //for (d = 0; d < Cells.length; d++) Cells[d].drawOneCell(ctx); // border --> ctx.strokeStyle = '#FF0000'; ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.lineCap = "square"; ctx.lineJoin = "square"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(leftPos, topPos); ctx.lineTo(rightPos, topPos); ctx.lineTo(rightPos, bottomPos); ctx.lineTo(leftPos, bottomPos); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = showDarkTheme ? "#AAAAAA" : "#000000"; ctx.globalAlpha = .2; ctx.lineWidth = 1; var gridCellSize = 50; ctx.beginPath(); for (var x = leftPos; x <= rightPos; x += gridCellSize) { ctx.moveTo(x, topPos); ctx.lineTo(x, bottomPos); } for (var y = topPos; y <= bottomPos; y += gridCellSize) { ctx.moveTo(leftPos, y); ctx.lineTo(rightPos, y); } ctx.stroke(); // <-- if (transparentRender == true) { ctx.globalAlpha = 0.6; } else { ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } for (d = 0; d < nodelist.length; d++) { nodelist[d].drawOneCell(ctx); } if (playerCells.length > 0) { if (typeof playerCells[0].pID !== 'undefined') { pID = playerCells[0].pID; my_pID = playerCells[0].pID; } if (typeof playerCells[0].teamCode !== 'undefined') { my_team_code = playerCells[0].teamCode; } if (typeof playerCells[0].clan_id !== 'undefined') { my_clan_id = playerCells[0].clan_id; } if (typeof playerCells[0].yetki !== 'undefined') { my_yetki = playerCells[0].yetki; } if (typeof playerCells[0].userId !== 'undefined') { my_userId = playerCells[0].userId; } } /* var wingImage = new Image(); wingImage.src = 'tuna.png'; for (var i = 0; i < playerCells.length; i++) { var ForEyup = playerCells[0]; ctx.save(); // viewRange fonksiyonundan gelen orantılı zoom değerini al var zoomValue = viewRange(); // Kanat genişliğini belirle var wingWidth = 20; var wingHeight = 20; var newWidth = ForEyup.size + 1 * wingWidth; var newHeight = ForEyup.size + 1 * wingHeight; // Hücrenin solundaki kanadı çiz ctx.drawImage(wingImage, ForEyup.x - newWidth - ForEyup.size - 5, ForEyup.y - newHeight - ForEyup.size - 5, newWidth, 2 * (ForEyup.size + 5)); // Hücreyi çiz ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(ForEyup.x, ForEyup.y, ForEyup.size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.lineWidth = zoomValue; ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); // Hücrenin sağındaki kanadı çiz ve boyunu sadece değiştir, tersine çevir ctx.save(); ctx.scale(-1, 1); // X ekseninde tersine çevirme ctx.drawImage(wingImage, -ForEyup.x-newWidth - ForEyup.size - 5, ForEyup.y - newHeight - ForEyup.size - 5, newWidth, 2 * (ForEyup.size + 5)); ctx.restore(); ctx.restore(); } var frameImage = new Image(); frameImage.src = 'yuvarlak.png'; for (var i = 0; i < playerCells.length; i++) { var ForEyup = playerCells[i]; ctx.save(); // viewRange fonksiyonundan gelen orantılı zoom değerini al var zoomValue = viewRange(); // Hücrenin boyutlarını ayarla var cellWidth = ForEyup.size * 3; var cellHeight = ForEyup.size * 3; // Çerçeve boyutlarını ayarla var frameWidth = cellWidth + 2 * 20; // Hücre genişliği + 2 * çerçeve genişliği var frameHeight = cellHeight + 2 * 20; // Hücre yüksekliği + 2 * çerçeve yüksekliği // Hücrenin merkezine çerçeve resmini çiz ctx.drawImage(frameImage, ForEyup.x - frameWidth / 2, ForEyup.y-17 - frameHeight / 2, frameWidth, frameHeight); // Hücreyi çiz ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(ForEyup.x, ForEyup.y, ForEyup.size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.lineWidth = zoomValue; ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); } */ //console.log(Cells.length); if (drawLine) { drawLineX = (3 * drawLineX + lineX) / 4; drawLineY = (3 * drawLineY + lineY) / 4; ctx.save(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFAAAA"; ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; ctx.beginPath(); for (d = 0; d < playerCells.length; d++) { ctx.moveTo(playerCells[d].x, playerCells[d].y); ctx.lineTo(drawLineX, drawLineY); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore() } ctx.restore(); drawMoverList(); // countdown --> if (this.countdown < 3600) { var countDownStr = ""; if (typeof this.gameName !== 'undefined' && this.gameName !== ' ') { countDownStr += this.gameName; } countDownStr += "["; var min = Math.floor(this.countdown / 60); if (min < 10) { countDownStr += "0"; } countDownStr += min + ":"; var sec = this.countdown % 60; if (sec < 10) { countDownStr += "0"; } countDownStr += sec; countDownStr += "]"; ctx.font = "30px Ubuntu"; var countDownStrWidth = ctx.measureText(countDownStr).width; var allStr = countDownStr; var allStrec = recordHolder; var allStrWidth = ctx.measureText(allStr).width; var allStrWidthec = ctx.measureText(allStrec).width; var countDown_x = (canvasWidth - allStrWidth) * 0.5; var countDown_xrec = (canvasWidth - allStrWidthec) * 0.5; // Or another fixed x position if needed var countDown_y = 30; var countDown_yrec = 70; // Fixed y position for recordHolder ctx.globalAlpha = .4; if (showDarkTheme == false) { ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#DDDDDD"; } ctx.fillRect(countDown_x - 10, 0, allStrWidth + 20, 40); ctx.fillRect(countDown_xrec - 10, countDown_yrec - 30, allStrWidthec + 20, 40); // Adjust the position to be fixed ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#0000FF"; ctx.fillText(countDownStr, countDown_x, countDown_y); ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; ctx.fillText(recordHolder, countDown_xrec, countDown_yrec); // Use fixed y position } // <-- if (this.gpcountdown < 0 && this.gpcountdown >0) { var gpcountDownStr = ""; // Zaman bilgisini oluştur var min = Math.floor(this.gpcountdown / 0); if (min < 0) { gpcountDownStr += "0"; } gpcountDownStr += min + ":"; var sec = this.gpcountdown % 0; if (sec < 10) { gpcountDownStr += "0"; } gpcountDownStr += sec; gpcountDownStr += " Saniye boyunca ödüle eklenir"; ctx.font = "20px Ubuntu"; // Gerekli genişlikleri hesapla var countDownStrWidth = ctx.measureText(gpcountDownStr).width; // Sol tarafta gösterim için konum hesapla var gpcountDown_x = 10; // Sol tarafta biraz boşluk bırak var gpcountDown_y = 410; // Y koordinatı ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#AAAA00"; } ctx.fillText(gpcountDownStr, gpcountDown_x, gpcountDown_y); } if (this.otobascountdown < 0 && this.otobascountdown >0) { console.log(this.otobascountdown); var otocountDownStr = ""; // Zaman bilgisini oluştur var min = Math.floor(this.otobascountdown / 0); if (min < 0) { otocountDownStr += "0"; } otocountDownStr += min + ":"; var sec = this.otobascountdown % 0; if (sec < 0) { otocountDownStr += "0"; } otocountDownStr += sec; otocountDownStr += " Saniye Otomatik Gold Basma Aktif"; // "saniye" kelimesini ekliyoruz ctx.font = "20px Ubuntu"; // Gerekli genişlikleri hesapla var countDownStrWidth = ctx.measureText(otocountDownStr).width; // Sol tarafta gösterim için konum hesapla var otobascountDown_x = 10; // Sol tarafta biraz boşluk bırak var otobascountDown_y = 430; // Y koordinatı ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#AAAA00"; } ctx.fillText(otocountDownStr, otobascountDown_x, otobascountDown_y); } // fps --> // if (showFps === true) { if (fps_startTime == 0) { fps_startTime = new Date().getTime(); } else { var diff = new Date().getTime() - fps_startTime; if (diff >= 1000) { var sn = diff / 1000; fps_value = Math.floor(parseFloat(fps_counter / sn) * 10000 / 10000); fps_startTime = new Date().getTime(); fps_counter = 1; } else { fps_counter++; } } ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; } ctx.font = "30px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillText("fps " + fps_value, 10, 240); // } // <-- // gold --> ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#AAAA00"; } ctx.font = "30px Ubuntu"; // ctx.fillText("Gold: "+gold, 10, 270); // ctx.fillText("Gold: "+gold, 10, 310); // if (this.tuna == true) { // ctx.fillText(bonusGold + " TL", 10, 370); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; ctx.fillText("Ödül" + ": " + numberWithDotted(gamePrice), 10, 370); // } // <-- var color = "FFFF00"; ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = color; var goldText = "Gold: " + numberWithDotted(gold); var textWidth = ctx.measureText(goldText).width; ctx.fillText(goldText, 10, 310); if (goldDiff !== 0) { var diffText = (goldDiff > 0) ? "+" + goldDiff : "" + goldDiff; var angle = -Math.PI * 0.25 - Math.random() * Math.PI * 0.5; var radius = 100; var moveX = Math.cos(angle) * radius; var moveY = Math.sin(angle) * radius; var diffWidth = ctx.measureText(diffText).width; new textMover(diffText, 10 + textWidth - diffWidth, 290, moveX, moveY, 2000); goldDiff = 0; } // topMessage --> ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#00AA00"; ctx.font = "30px Ubuntu"; var topMessage_x; var topMessage_y; topMessage_x = (canvasWidth - ctx.measureText(this.topMessage1).width) * 0.5; topMessage_y = 105; ctx.fillText(this.topMessage1, topMessage_x, topMessage_y); topMessage_x = (canvasWidth - ctx.measureText(this.topMessage2).width) * 0.5; topMessage_y = 165; ctx.fillText(this.topMessage2, topMessage_x, topMessage_y); topMessage_x = (canvasWidth - ctx.measureText(this.topMessage3).width) * 0.5; topMessage_y = 135; ctx.fillText(this.topMessage3, topMessage_x, topMessage_y); // topMessage4 için renk ve font ayarlarını değiştirin ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; // Rengi kırmızı yap ctx.font = "30px Ubuntu"; // Font boyutunu 30px yap topMessage_x = (canvasWidth - ctx.measureText(this.topMessage4).width) * 0.5; topMessage_y = 195; ctx.fillText(this.topMessage4, topMessage_x, topMessage_y); // <-- lbCanvas && lbCanvas.width && ctx.drawImage(lbCanvas, canvasWidth - lbCanvas.width - 10, 10); // draw Leader Board if (!hideChat) { if ((chatCanvas != null) && (chatCanvas.width > 0)) ctx.drawImage(chatCanvas, 0, canvasHeight - chatCanvas.height - 50); // draw Chat Board } // score --> userScoreCurrent = calcUserScore(); userScoreMax = Math.max(userScoreMax, userScoreCurrent); /*if (0 != userScore) { if (null == scoreText) { scoreText = new UText(24, '#FF0000'); } scoreText.setValue('Score: ' + ~~(userScore / 100)); c = scoreText.render(); a = c.width; ctx.globalAlpha = .2; ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'; ctx.fillRect(10, 10, a + 10, 34);//canvasHeight - 10 - 24 - 10 ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.drawImage(c, 15, 15);//canvasHeight - 10 - 24 - 5 }*/ var txt_score = 'Score'; var txt_max = 'Max'; switch (getLangCode()) { case 'tr': txt_score = 'Skor'; txt_max = 'Maks.'; break; case 'en': txt_score = 'Score'; txt_max = 'Max'; break; case 'es': txt_score = 'Puntuación'; txt_max = 'Max'; break; case 'de': txt_score = 'Ergebnis'; txt_max = 'Max'; break; } ctx.globalAlpha = .8; if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; } else { ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'; } ctx.font = "24px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillText(txt_score + ': ' + numberWithDotted(userScoreCurrent), 10, 34); ctx.fillText(txt_max + ': ' + numberWithDotted(userScoreMax), 10, 60); // <-- // map --> var pointSize = 5; ctx.globalAlpha = .4; if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = "#DDDDDD"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; } ctx.fillRect(10, 80, 100, 100); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (mapDstX != 0 && mapDstY != 0 && drawMapDstPoint == true) { if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = '#FF0000'; } else { ctx.fillStyle = '#990000'; } ctx.fillRect(mapDstX, mapDstY, pointSize, pointSize); } // team players --> if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = '#CCCC00'; } else { ctx.fillStyle = '#CCCC00'; } for (var i = 0; i < teamMapPlayers.length; i++) { mapx = 10 + (teamMapPlayers[i].x / rightPos) * 100 - pointSize * 0.5; mapy = 80 + (teamMapPlayers[i].y / bottomPos) * 100 - pointSize * 0.5; ctx.fillRect(mapx, mapy, pointSize, pointSize); } // <-- // clan players --> if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = '#0000CC'; } else { ctx.fillStyle = '#0000CC'; } for (var i = 0; i < clanMapPlayers.length; i++) { mapx = 10 + (clanMapPlayers[i].x / rightPos) * 100 - pointSize * 0.5; mapy = 80 + (clanMapPlayers[i].y / bottomPos) * 100 - pointSize * 0.5; ctx.fillRect(mapx, mapy, pointSize, pointSize); } // <-- // me --> mapx = 10 + (nodeX / rightPos) * 100 - pointSize * 0.5; mapy = 80 + (nodeY / bottomPos) * 100 - pointSize * 0.5; if (showDarkTheme == true) { ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; } else { ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; } ctx.fillRect(mapx, mapy, pointSize, pointSize); // <-- ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.font = "16px Ubuntu"; var txt_share = 'share'; switch (getLangCode()) { case 'tr': txt_share = 'paylaş'; break; case 'en': txt_share = 'share'; break; case 'es': txt_share = 'compartir'; break; case 'de': txt_share = 'aktie'; break; } var txt = Math.round(nodeX / 1000) + ' , ' + Math.round(nodeY / 1000) + ' ' + txt_share; txtpos_width = ctx.measureText(txt).width; txtpos_height = 16; txtpos_share = '*** ' + Math.round(nodeX / 1000) + ' , ' + Math.round(nodeY / 1000) + ' ***'; ctx.fillText(txt, 10, 200); // <-- drawSplitIcon(ctx); drawTouch(ctx); // chatboard ---> if (hideChat == false) { var cnt = 0; i = chatBoard.length - 1; for (; i >= 0; i--) { if (0 == chatType || chatBoard[i].chatType == chatType || 3 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { if (cnt++) { if (cnt > 15) { break; } } else { if (cnt > 13) { break; } } var name = chatBoard[i].name; if (name == '') { name = 'AgarVs'; } if (name == 'undefined') { name = '[console]'; } var msgRaw = chatBoard[i].message.trim(); var msgTag = msgRaw.substring(0, 3); if (msgTag == '-t ') { msgRaw = msgRaw.substring(3); } else if (msgTag == '-c ') { msgRaw = msgRaw.substring(3); } var value = chatBoard[i].name; if ("" == value) { value = chatBoard[i].name; } var tempPathText = " : " + chatBoard[i].message.trim(); var opt_by = 3 == chatBoard[i].chatType ? "bold " : ""; ctx.font = opt_by + chatSize + "px Arial"; chatBoard[i].name_x = 15; chatBoard[i].name_y = canvasHeight - 60 - 20 * cnt; chatBoard[i].name_w = ctx.measureText(value).width; chatBoard[i].name_h = 18; chatBoard[i].msg_x = 15 + chatBoard[i].name_w; chatBoard[i].msg_y = chatBoard[i].name_y; chatBoard[i].msg_w = ctx.measureText(tempPathText).width; chatBoard[i].msg_h = chatBoard[i].name_h; ctx.fillStyle = chatBoard[i].color; ctx.fillText(value, chatBoard[i].name_x, chatBoard[i].name_y); // if (0 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { // if (true == showDarkTheme) { // ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; // } else { // ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; // } // } else { // if (1 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { // ctx.fillStyle = "#CCCC00"; // } else { // if (2 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { // ctx.fillStyle = "#0aadff"; // } else { // if (3 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { // ctx.fillStyle = "#f2244e"; // } // } // } // } if (0 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { if (true == showDarkTheme) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; } } else { if (1 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { ctx.fillStyle = "#CCCC00"; } else { if (2 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { ctx.fillStyle = "#0aadff"; } else { if (3 == chatBoard[i].chatType) { ctx.fillStyle = "#18d8eb"; } } } } ctx.fillText(tempPathText, chatBoard[i].msg_x, chatBoard[i].msg_y); } } } // <--- // touch buttons ---> if (touchButtons == true) { ctx.font = "18px Arial"; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; //if ( showDarkTheme==true ){ // ctx.fillStyle = "#DDDDDD"; //}else{ ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; //} var buttonGap = 10; // ESC if (hideChat == true) { btnESC_x = buttonGap; } else { btnESC_x = 400; } btnESC_y = canvasHeight - screenButtonWH - 10; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; ctx.fillStyle = "#F1C40F"; ctx.fillRect(btnESC_x, btnESC_y, btnESC_w, btnESC_h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillText("Esc", btnESC_x + 5, btnESC_y + 34); // A btnA_x = btnESC_x + btnESC_w + buttonGap; btnA_y = btnESC_y; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; ctx.fillStyle = "#F1C40F"; ctx.fillRect(btnA_x, btnA_y, btnA_w, btnA_h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillText("A", btnA_x + 5, btnA_y + 34); // S btnS_x = btnA_x + btnA_w + buttonGap; btnS_y = btnA_y; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; ctx.fillStyle = "#F1C40F"; ctx.fillRect(btnS_x, btnS_y, btnS_w, btnS_h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillText("S", btnS_x + 5, btnS_y + 34); // W btnW_x = btnS_x + btnS_w + buttonGap; btnW_y = btnS_y; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; ctx.fillStyle = "#F1C40F"; ctx.fillRect(btnW_x, btnW_y, btnW_w, btnW_h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillText("W", btnW_x + 5, btnW_y + 34); // E btnE_x = btnW_x + btnW_w + buttonGap; btnE_y = btnW_y; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; ctx.fillStyle = "#F1C40F"; ctx.fillRect(btnE_x, btnE_y, btnE_w, btnE_h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillText("E", btnE_x + 5, btnE_y + 34); // SPACE btnSPACE_x = btnE_x + btnE_w + buttonGap; btnSPACE_y = btnE_y; ctx.globalAlpha = .5; ctx.fillStyle = "#F1C40F"; ctx.fillRect(btnSPACE_x, btnSPACE_y, btnSPACE_w, btnSPACE_h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillText("Space", btnSPACE_x + 5, btnSPACE_y + 34); } // <--- var deltatime = Date.now() - oldtime; deltatime > 1E3 / 60 ? z -= .01 : deltatime < 1E3 / 65 && (z += .01); .4 > z && (z = .4); 1 < z && (z = 1) drawRoomInfo(); } function drawRoomInfo(){ ctx.globalAlpha = .8; if ( showDarkTheme==true ){ ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; }else{ ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'; } var margin = 20; var fontSize = 16; ctx.font = fontSize+"px Ubuntu"; var txt_y = nCanvas.height-fontSize*10-30; txt_y += fontSize; txt = 'Ping: ' + 31; txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; ctx.fillText(txt, nCanvas.width-txt_w-margin, txt_y); txt_y += fontSize; txt = 'Fps: ' + Math.round(fps_value); txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; ctx.fillText(txt, nCanvas.width-txt_w-margin, txt_y); txt_y += fontSize;// 1 satır boÅŸluk txt_y += fontSize; var txt = "Parça boyutu"+': ' + "220.000"; var txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; ctx.fillText(txt, nCanvas.width-txt_w-margin, txt_y); txt_y += fontSize; txt = "Parça sayısı"+': ' + "25"; txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; ctx.fillText(txt, nCanvas.width-txt_w-margin, txt_y); txt_y += fontSize; txt = "Diken"+': ' + this.diken; txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; ctx.fillText(txt, nCanvas.width-txt_w-margin, txt_y); txt_y += fontSize; txt = "Oyuncu"+': ' + this.oyuncu; txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; ctx.fillText(txt, nCanvas.width-txt_w-margin, txt_y); txt_y += fontSize; txt = "İzleyici"+': ' + this.spectplayer; txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; ctx.fillText(txt, nCanvas.width-txt_w-margin, txt_y); } function drawTouch(ctx) { ctx.save(); if (touchable) { for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { var touch = touches[i]; if (touch.identifier == leftTouchID) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#0096ff"; ctx.lineWidth = 6; ctx.arc(leftTouchStartPos.x, leftTouchStartPos.y, 40, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#0096ff"; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.arc(leftTouchStartPos.x, leftTouchStartPos.y, 60, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#0096ff"; ctx.arc(leftTouchPos.x, leftTouchPos.y, 40, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); ctx.stroke(); } else { ctx.beginPath(); //ctx.fillStyle = "#0096ff"; //ctx.fillText("touch id : "+touch.identifier+" x:"+touch.clientX+" y:"+touch.clientY, touch.clientX+30, touch.clientY-30); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#0096ff"; ctx.lineWidth = "6"; ctx.arc(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, 40, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); ctx.stroke(); } } } else { //ctx.fillStyle = "white"; //ctx.fillText("mouse : "+touchX+", "+touchY, touchX, touchY); } //c.fillText("hello", 0,0); ctx.restore(); } function drawGrid() { ctx.fillStyle = showDarkTheme ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); ctx.save(); ctx.strokeStyle = showDarkTheme ? "#AAAAAA" : "#000000"; ctx.globalAlpha = .2; ctx.scale(viewZoom, viewZoom); var a = canvasWidth / viewZoom, b = canvasHeight / viewZoom; for (var c = -.5 + (-nodeX + a / 2) % 50; c < a; c += 50) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(c, 0); ctx.lineTo(c, b); ctx.stroke(); } for (c = -.5 + (-nodeY + b / 2) % 50; c < b; c += 50) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, c); ctx.lineTo(a, c); ctx.stroke(); } ctx.restore() } function drawSplitIcon(ctx) { //if (touchable && splitIcon.width) { //var size = ~~ (canvasWidth / 7); //ctx.drawImage(splitIcon, canvasWidth - size, canvasHeight - size, size, size); //} //if (touchable && splitIcon.width) { // var size = ~~ (canvasWidth / 7); //ctx.drawImage(ejectIcon, canvasWidth - size, canvasHeight - 2*size-10, size, size); //} } function calcUserScore() { for (var score = 0, i = 0; i < playerCells.length; i++) { score += playerCells[i].getScore(); } //score += playerCells[i].nSize * playerCells[i].nSize; return score } function drawLeaderBoard() { lbCanvas = null; if (teamScores !== null || leaderBoard.length !== 0) { if (teamScores !== null || showName) { lbCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const ctx = lbCanvas.getContext("2d"); let boardLength = 60; boardLength += (teamScores === null) ? 24 * leaderBoard.length : 180; const scaleFactor = Math.min(0.22 * canvasHeight, Math.min(250, 0.3 * canvasWidth)) / 250; lbCanvas.width = 250 * scaleFactor; lbCanvas.height = boardLength * scaleFactor; ctx.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 250, boardLength); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (teamScores === null) { drawLeaderBoardWithoutTeamScores(ctx); } else { drawLeaderBoardWithTeamScores(ctx); } } } } function drawLeaderBoardWithoutTeamScores(ctx) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; ctx.font = "20px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillText(lastWinner, 125 - ctx.measureText(lastWinner).width / 2, 40); ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; leaderBoard.forEach((item, i) => { let name = item.name?.trim() || 'AgarV.com'; let txt = noRanking ? name : `${i + 1}. ${name}`; let txtWidth = ctx.measureText(txt).width; setColorForRankedItem(ctx, item); ctx.fillText(txt, 125 - txtWidth / 2, 70 + 24 * i); }); } function setColorForRankedItem(ctx, item) { if (item.pID === pID) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFAAAA"; } else if (item.teamCode === my_team_code && my_team_code.length > 0) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; console.log(`${my_team_code} takımda biri var`); } else if (item.clan_id === my_clan_id) { ctx.fillStyle = "#0000FF"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; } } function drawLeaderBoardWithTeamScores(ctx) { const teamColorMap = { 'Kırmızı': "#FF0000", 'YeÅŸil': "#00FF00", 'Mavi': "#0000FF" }; ctx.fillStyle = teamColorMap[lastWinner] || "#FFFFFF"; // Default color ctx.font = "20px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillText(lastWinner, 100 - ctx.measureText(lastWinner).width / 2, 40); let startAngle = 0; teamScores.forEach((score, index) => { const endAngle = startAngle + score * Math.PI * 2; ctx.fillStyle = teamColor[index + 1]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(100, 140); ctx.arc(100, 140, 80, startAngle, endAngle, false); ctx.fill(); startAngle = endAngle; }); } /*eski function drawLeaderBoard() { lbCanvas = null; if (null != teamScores || 0 != leaderBoard.length) if (null != teamScores || showName) { lbCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx = lbCanvas.getContext("2d"), boardLength = 60; boardLength = null == teamScores ? boardLength + 24 * leaderBoard.length : boardLength + 180; var scaleFactor = Math.min(0.22 * canvasHeight, Math.min(250, .3 * canvasWidth)) / 250; lbCanvas.width = 250 * scaleFactor; lbCanvas.height = boardLength * scaleFactor; ctx.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); ctx.globalAlpha = .3; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 250, boardLength); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; //if ( this.lastWinner!=null ){ //} var b; var i; var tmp = document.getElementById("myTeam"); if (null == teamScores) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; ctx.font = "20px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillText(lastWinner, 125 - ctx.measureText(lastWinner).width / 2, 40); ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; for (let i = 0; i < leaderBoard.length; i++) { let item = leaderBoard[i]; let name = 'AgarZ.com'; if (item.name != null) { name = item.name.trim(); if (name == '') { name = 'AgarZ.com'; } } let txt; if (!noRanking) { txt = "" + (i + 1) + ". " + name; } else { txt = name; } let txt_w = ctx.measureText(txt).width; //ctx.fillText(txt, 125 - txt_w/ 2, 70 + 24 * i); if (item.pID == pID) { // ctx.font = "5px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillStyle = "#FFAAAA"; } else if (item.teamCode == my_team_code && my_team_code.length > 0) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00"; console.log(my_team_code+" takımda biri var") } else if (item.clan_id == my_clan_id) { // console.log("İki klanda Eşit"); // my_clan_id = 0; // if ( playerCells.length>0 ){ // if ( item.clan_id !== 0 ){ // my_clan_id = item.clan_id; // console.log(my_clan_id+" KLAN İD MY"); // } // } ctx.fillStyle = "#0000FF"; } else { //ctx.font = "20px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; } ctx.fillText(txt, 125 - txt_w / 2, 70 + 24 * i); //ctx.fillText(txt, 5, 70 + 24 * i); } } else { switch (lastWinner) { case 'Kırmızı': ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; break; case 'YeÅŸil': ctx.fillStyle = "#00FF00"; break; case 'Mavi': ctx.fillStyle = "#0000FF"; break; } ctx.font = "20px Ubuntu"; ctx.fillText(lastWinner, 100 - ctx.measureText(lastWinner).width / 2, 40); for (b = c = 0; b < teamScores.length; ++b) { var d = c + teamScores[b] * Math.PI * 2; ctx.fillStyle = teamColor[b + 1]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(100, 140); ctx.arc(100, 140, 80, c, d, false); ctx.fill(); c = d } } } }*/ function Cell(uid, ux, uy, usize, ucolor, uname) { this.id = uid; this.ox = this.x = ux; this.oy = this.y = uy; this.oSize = this.size = usize; this.color = ucolor; this.points = []; this.pointsAcc = []; this.createPoints(); this.setName(uname) } function UText(usize, ucolor, ustroke, ustrokecolor) { usize && (this._size = usize); ucolor && (this._color = ucolor); this._stroke = !!ustroke; ustrokecolor && (this._strokeColor = ustrokecolor) } wHandle.onClickPlay = function() { hasOverlay = false; let nick = document.getElementById('nick').value; //var nick = document.getElementById('nick').value; //var skin = document.getElementById('txtSkin').value; //userNickName = nick; //userSkinName = skin; sendUserId(); userScoreCurrent = 0; userScoreMax = 0; spectatorId = -1; playerId = -1; if (ws == null || ws.readyState == 2 || ws.readyState == 3) { wsClose(); wsConnect(); } else { hideOverlays(); sendUserId(); // sendUserToken(); sendPlayInit(); } }; function clickclickplay() { // AJAX ile sunucudan veriyi çek } wHandle.setSkins = function(arg) { showSkin = arg; localStorage.showSkin = arg; }; wHandle.setNames = function(arg) { showName = arg; localStorage.showName = arg; }; wHandle.setDarkTheme = function(arg) { showDarkTheme = arg; localStorage.showDarkTheme = arg; }; // wHandle.setFps = function(arg) { // showFps = arg; // localStorage.showFps = arg; // }; wHandle.setNoColor = function(arg) { noColor = arg; localStorage.noColor = arg; }; // wHandle.setShowMass = function (arg) { // showMass = arg //}; wHandle.setSmooth = function(arg) { smoothRender = arg ? 2 : .4; localStorage.smoothRender = arg ? 2 : .4; }; wHandle.setTransparent = function(arg) { transparentRender = arg; localStorage.transparentRender = arg; }; wHandle.setShowScore = function(arg) { showScore = arg; localStorage.showScore = arg; }; wHandle.setOtoStart = function(arg) { otostart = arg; localStorage.otostart = arg; }; wHandle.setOtoMakro = function(arg) { otoMakro = arg; localStorage.otoMakro = arg; }; wHandle.setSimpleGreen = function(arg) { simpleGreen = arg; localStorage.simpleGreen = arg; }; wHandle.setTouchButtons = function(arg) { touchButtons = arg; localStorage.touchButtons = arg; }; wHandle.setHideChat = function(arg) { hideChat = arg; localStorage.hideChat = arg; if (arg) { wjQuery("#chat_textbox").hide(); } else { wjQuery("#chat_textbox").show(); } }; wHandle.spectate = function() { spectatorId = -1; playerId = -1; wHandle.isSpectating = true; hideOverlays(); wjQuery("#adsBottom").show(); console.log("izleyici"); if (ws == null || ws.readyState == 2 || ws.readyState == 3) { //userNickName = null; //userSkinName = null; wsConnect(); } else { //userNickName = null; sendUint8(1); } }; wHandle.setGameMode = function(arg) { if (arg != gameMode) { gameMode = arg; wsConnect(); } }; // wHandle.setskinquality = function (arg) { // localStorage.skinQuality = arg; // }; wHandle.connect = wsConnect; wHandle.sendUserToken = sendUserToken; /* var response = null; wjQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "text", url: "skins_metadata/skinlist", done:function() { //alert( "success" ); }, success: function (data) { response = data.split('\n'); knownNameDict = []; for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { knownNameDict.push(response[i]); } }, error: function(jqxhr, status, errorThrown){ var dummy = 0; } }); */ var delay = 500, oldX = -1, oldY = -1, Canvas = null, z = 1, scoreText = null, skins = {}, wings = {}, skinsLoaded = {}, wingLoaded = {}, //knownNameDict = [], //knownNameDict_noDisp = ["8", "nasa"], ib = ["_canvas'blob"]; Cell.prototype = { id: 0, points: null, pointsAcc: null, name: null, skinName: null, hasSkinName: false, nameCache: null, sizeCache: null, x: 0, y: 0, size: 0, ox: 0, oy: 0, oSize: 0, nx: 0, ny: 0, nSize: 0, flag: 0, //what does this mean updateTime: 0, updateCode: 0, drawTime: 0, destroyed: false, isVirus: false, isAgitated: false, wasSimpleDrawing: true, destroy: function() { var tmp; for (tmp = 0; tmp < nodelist.length; tmp++) if (nodelist[tmp] == this) { nodelist.splice(tmp, 1); break } delete nodes[this.id]; tmp = playerCells.indexOf(this); if (-1 != tmp) { ua = true; playerCells.splice(tmp, 1); } tmp = nodesOnScreen.indexOf(this.id); if (-1 != tmp) { nodesOnScreen.splice(tmp, 1); } this.destroyed = true; Cells.push(this) }, getNameSize: function() { return Math.max(~~(.3 * this.size), 24) }, setName: function(a) { if (this.name = a) { if (null == this.nameCache) { this.nameCache = new UText(this.getNameSize(), "#FFFFFF", true, "#000000"); this.nameCache.setValue(this.name); } else { this.nameCache.setSize(this.getNameSize()); this.nameCache.setValue(this.name); } } }, setSkinName: function(a) { this.skinName = a; }, setWingName: function(a) { this.wingName = a; // console.log(a); }, createPoints: function() { for (var samplenum = this.getNumPoints(); this.points.length > samplenum;) { var rand = ~~(Math.random() * this.points.length); this.points.splice(rand, 1); this.pointsAcc.splice(rand, 1) } if (0 == this.points.length && 0 < samplenum) { this.points.push({ ref: this, size: this.size, x: this.x, y: this.y }); this.pointsAcc.push(Math.random() - .5); } while (this.points.length < samplenum) { var rand2 = ~~(Math.random() * this.points.length), point = this.points[rand2]; this.points.splice(rand2, 0, { ref: this, size: point.size, x: point.x, y: point.y }); this.pointsAcc.splice(rand2, 0, this.pointsAcc[rand2]) } }, getNumPoints: function() { if (0 == this.id) return 16; var a = 10; if (20 > this.size) a = 0; if (this.isVirus) a = 30; var b = this.size; if (!this.isVirus)(b *= viewZoom); b *= z; if (this.flag & 32)(b *= .25); return ~~Math.max(b, a); }, movePoints: function() { this.createPoints(); for (var points = this.points, pointsacc = this.pointsAcc, numpoints = points.length, i = 0; i < numpoints; ++i) { var pos1 = pointsacc[(i - 1 + numpoints) % numpoints], pos2 = pointsacc[(i + 1) % numpoints]; pointsacc[i] += (Math.random() - .5) * (this.isAgitated ? 3 : 1); pointsacc[i] *= .7; 10 < pointsacc[i] && (pointsacc[i] = 10); - 10 > pointsacc[i] && (pointsacc[i] = -10); pointsacc[i] = (pos1 + pos2 + 8 * pointsacc[i]) / 10 } for (var ref = this, isvirus = this.isVirus ? 0 : (this.id / 1E3 + timestamp / 1E4) % (2 * Math.PI), j = 0; j < numpoints; ++j) { var f = points[j].size, e = points[(j - 1 + numpoints) % numpoints].size, m = points[(j + 1) % numpoints].size; if (15 < this.size && null != qTree && 20 < this.size * viewZoom && 0 != this.id) { var l = false, n = points[j].x, q = points[j].y; qTree.retrieve2(n - 5, q - 5, 10, 10, function(a) { if (a.ref != ref && 25 > (n - a.x) * (n - a.x) + (q - a.y) * (q - a.y)) { l = true; } }); if (!l && points[j].x < leftPos || points[j].y < topPos || points[j].x > rightPos || points[j].y > bottomPos) { l = true; } if (l) { if (0 < pointsacc[j]) { (pointsacc[j] = 0); } pointsacc[j] -= 1; } } f += pointsacc[j]; 0 > f && (f = 0); f = this.isAgitated ? (19 * f + this.size) / 20 : (12 * f + this.size) / 13; points[j].size = (e + m + 8 * f) / 10; e = 2 * Math.PI / numpoints; m = this.points[j].size; this.isVirus && 0 == j % 2 && (m += 5); points[j].x = this.x + Math.cos(e * j + isvirus) * m; points[j].y = this.y + Math.sin(e * j + isvirus) * m } }, updatePos: function() { if (0 == this.id) return 1; var a; a = (timestamp - this.updateTime) / 120; a = 0 > a ? 0 : 1 < a ? 1 : a; var b = 0 > a ? 0 : 1 < a ? 1 : a; this.getNameSize(); if (this.destroyed && 1 <= b) { var c = Cells.indexOf(this); - 1 != c && Cells.splice(c, 1) } this.x = a * (this.nx - this.ox) + this.ox; this.y = a * (this.ny - this.oy) + this.oy; this.size = b * (this.nSize - this.oSize) + this.oSize; return b; }, shouldRender: function() { if (0 == this.id) { return true } else { return !(this.x + this.size + 40 < nodeX - canvasWidth / 2 / viewZoom || this.y + this.size + 40 < nodeY - canvasHeight / 2 / viewZoom || this.x - this.size - 40 > nodeX + canvasWidth / 2 / viewZoom || this.y - this.size - 40 > nodeY + canvasHeight / 2 / viewZoom); } }, getScore: function() { var r = ~~(this.nSize * this.nSize / 100); return r; }, drawOneCell: function(ctx) { if (this.shouldRender()) { var b = (0 != this.id && !this.isVirus && !this.isAgitated && smoothRender > viewZoom); if (5 > this.getNumPoints()) b = true; if (this.wasSimpleDrawing && !b) for (var c = 0; c < this.points.length; c++) this.points[c].size = this.size; this.wasSimpleDrawing = b; ctx.save(); this.drawTime = timestamp; c = this.updatePos(); this.destroyed && (ctx.globalAlpha *= 1 - c); ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineJoin = this.isVirus ? "miter" : "round"; if (this.score < 20) { console.log("Bu yem"); } if (noColor) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.strokeStyle = "#AAAAAA"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ctx.strokeStyle = this.color; } if (b || simpleGreen == true) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); } else { this.movePoints(); ctx.beginPath(); var d = this.getNumPoints(); ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y); for (c = 1; c <= d; ++c) { var e = c % d; ctx.lineTo(this.points[e].x, this.points[e].y) } } ctx.closePath(); c = null; if (!this.isAgitated && showSkin && ':teams' != gameMode) { if (this.skinName != "") { // console.log(this.skinName+" assasa"); if (!skins.hasOwnProperty(this.skinName)) { skins[this.skinName] = new Image; skins[this.skinName].src = SITE_NAME + "skins/" + this.skinName + '.png'; // console.log(skins[this.skinName].src = SITE_NAME+"skins/" + this.skinName + '.png'); skins[this.skinName].onload = function() { skinsLoaded[this.src] = true; } } if (0 != skins[this.skinName].width && skins[this.skinName].complete) { c = skins[this.skinName]; } } if (this.wingName != "") { // console.log(this.wingName+" wing"); if (!wings.hasOwnProperty(this.wingName)) { wings[this.wingName] = new Image; wings[this.wingName].src = SITE_NAME + "wing/" + this.wingName + '.png'; console.log(wings[this.wingName].src = SITE_NAME + "wing/" + this.wingName + '.png'); wings[this.wingName].onload = function() { wingLoaded[this.src] = true; } } if (0 != wings[this.wingName].width && wings[this.wingName].complete) { c = wings[this.wingName]; } } } c = (e = c) ? -1 != ib.indexOf(this.skinName) : false; b || ctx.stroke(); ctx.fill(); if (!(null == e || c)) { if (skinsLoaded.hasOwnProperty(e.src)) { ctx.save(); ctx.clip(); ctx.drawImage(e, this.x - this.size, this.y - this.size, 2 * this.size, 2 * this.size); ctx.restore(); } if (wingLoaded.hasOwnProperty(e.src)) { ctx.save(); // viewRange fonksiyonundan gelen orantılı zoom değerini al var zoomValue = viewRange(); // Kanat genişliğini belirle var wingWidth = 60; var wingHeight = 20; var newWidth = this.size + 1; var newHeight = this.size + 1; // Hücrenin solundaki kanadı çiz ctx.drawImage(e, this.x - newWidth - this.size - 5, this.y - newHeight - this.size - 5, newWidth, 2 * (this.size + 5)); // Hücreyi çiz ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.lineWidth = zoomValue; ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); // Hücrenin sağındaki kanadı çiz ve boyunu sadece değiştir, tersine çevir ctx.save(); ctx.scale(-1, 1); // X ekseninde tersine çevirme ctx.drawImage(e, -this.x - newWidth - this.size - 5, this.y - newHeight - this.size - 5, newWidth, 2 * (this.size + 5)); ctx.restore(); ctx.restore(); } } if ((noColor || 15 < this.size) && !b) { ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000'; ctx.globalAlpha *= .1; ctx.stroke(); } ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (null != e && c) { if (skinsLoaded.hasOwnProperty(e.src)) { ctx.drawImage(e, this.x - 2 * this.size, this.y - 2 * this.size, 4 * this.size, 4 * this.size); } if (wingLoaded.hasOwnProperty(e.src)) { ctx.drawImage(e, this.x - 2 * this.size, this.y - 2 * this.size, 4 * this.size, 4 * this.size); } } c = -1 != playerCells.indexOf(this); var ncache; //draw name if (this.id !== 0) { const b = ~~this.y; if ((showName || c) && this.name && this.nameCache) { const isAdmin = my_yetki === "Admin"; const isCurrentAdmin = this.yetki === "Admin"; const clanStr = this.userId; // Admin yetkisi kontrolü if (isAdmin && !isCurrentAdmin && !this.isVirus) { ctx.font = `${this.getNameSize() - 50}px Ubuntu`; ctx.fillStyle = "#00fff3"; const clanStrWidth = ctx.measureText(clanStr).width; ctx.fillText(clanStr, this.x - clanStrWidth * 0.5, b - this.getNameSize()); } if ((isAdmin && isCurrentAdmin && !this.isVirus) || isCurrentAdmin) { ctx.font = `${this.getNameSize() - 10}px 'Tangerine'`; ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; const adminStr = "Admin"; const adminStrWidth = ctx.measureText(adminStr).width; const adminY = b - this.getNameSize() - (isAdmin ? 20 : 10); ctx.fillText(adminStr, this.x - adminStrWidth * 0.5, adminY); } // İsim önbelleğini güncelle ncache = this.nameCache; ncache.setValue(this.name); ncache.setSize(this.getNameSize()); const ratio = Math.ceil(10 * viewZoom) / 10; ncache.setScale(ratio); // Renk ayarları let strokeColor = "#FFFFFF"; let fillColor = "#FFFFFF"; if (nodesOnScreen.indexOf(this.id) === -1) { if (my_clan_id > 1 && this.clan_id === my_clan_id) { fillColor = "#0000FF"; } else if (my_team_code.length > 0 && this.teamCode === my_team_code) { fillColor = "#FFFF00"; } } ncache.setStrokeColor(strokeColor); ncache.setColor(fillColor); const rnchache = ncache.render(); const m = ~~(rnchache.width / ratio); const h = ~~(rnchache.height / ratio); ctx.drawImage(rnchache, ~~this.x - ~~(m / 2), b - ~~(h / 2), m, h); } // Skor yazdırma if (showScore && this.size > 35 && !this.isVirus) { ctx.fillStyle = (nodesOnScreen.indexOf(this.id) === -1 && my_clan_id > 1 && this.clan_id === my_clan_id) ? "#0000FF" : (nodesOnScreen.indexOf(this.id) === -1 && my_team_code.length > 0 && this.teamCode === my_team_code) ? "#FFFF00" : "#FFFFFF"; ctx.font = `${this.getNameSize()}px Ubuntu`; const str = this.getScore().toString(); const strWidth = ctx.measureText(str).width; ctx.fillText(str, this.x - strWidth * 0.5, this.y + this.getNameSize() + 6); } } ctx.restore(); } } }; UText.prototype = { _value: "", _color: "#000000", _stroke: false, _strokeColor: "#000000", _size: 16, _canvas: null, _ctx: null, _dirty: false, _scale: 1, setSize: function(a) { if (this._size != a) { this._size = a; this._dirty = true; } }, setScale: function(a) { if (this._scale != a) { this._scale = a; this._dirty = true; } }, setColor: function(a) { if (this._color != a) { this._color = a; this._dirty = true; } }, setStrokeColor: function(a) { if (this._strokeColor != a) { this._strokeColor = a; this._dirty = true; } }, setValue: function(a) { if (a != this._value) { this._value = a; this._dirty = true; } }, render: function() { if (null == this._canvas) { this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this._ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d"); } if (this._dirty) { this._dirty = false; var canvas = this._canvas, ctx = this._ctx, value = this._value, scale = this._scale, fontsize = this._size, font = fontsize + 'px Ubuntu'; ctx.font = font; var h = ~~(.2 * fontsize); canvas.width = (ctx.measureText(value).width + 6) * scale; canvas.height = (fontsize + h) * scale; ctx.font = font; ctx.scale(scale, scale); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.lineWidth = 3; ctx.strokeStyle = this._strokeColor; ctx.fillStyle = this._color; this._stroke && ctx.strokeText(value, 3, fontsize - h / 2); ctx.fillText(value, 3, fontsize - h / 2) } return this._canvas }, getWidth: function() { return (ctx.measureText(this._value).width + 6); } }; Date.now || (Date.now = function() { return (new Date).getTime() }); var Quad = { init: function(args) { function Node(x, y, w, h, depth) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.depth = depth; this.items = []; this.nodes = [] } var c = args.maxChildren || 2, d = args.maxDepth || 4; Node.prototype = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0, depth: 0, items: null, nodes: null, exists: function(selector) { for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { var item = this.items[i]; if (item.x >= selector.x && item.y >= selector.y && item.x < selector.x + selector.w && item.y < selector.y + selector.h) return true } if (0 != this.nodes.length) { var self = this; return this.findOverlappingNodes(selector, function(dir) { return self.nodes[dir].exists(selector) }) } return false; }, retrieve: function(item, callback) { for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) callback(this.items[i]); if (0 != this.nodes.length) { var self = this; this.findOverlappingNodes(item, function(dir) { self.nodes[dir].retrieve(item, callback) }) } }, insert: function(a) { if (0 != this.nodes.length) { this.nodes[this.findInsertNode(a)].insert(a); } else { if (this.items.length >= c && this.depth < d) { this.devide(); this.nodes[this.findInsertNode(a)].insert(a); } else { this.items.push(a); } } }, findInsertNode: function(a) { return a.x < this.x + this.w / 2 ? a.y < this.y + this.h / 2 ? 0 : 2 : a.y < this.y + this.h / 2 ? 1 : 3 }, findOverlappingNodes: function(a, b) { return a.x < this.x + this.w / 2 && (a.y < this.y + this.h / 2 && b(0) || a.y >= this.y + this.h / 2 && b(2)) || a.x >= this.x + this.w / 2 && (a.y < this.y + this.h / 2 && b(1) || a.y >= this.y + this.h / 2 && b(3)) ? true : false }, devide: function() { var a = this.depth + 1, c = this.w / 2, d = this.h / 2; this.nodes.push(new Node(this.x, this.y, c, d, a)); this.nodes.push(new Node(this.x + c, this.y, c, d, a)); this.nodes.push(new Node(this.x, this.y + d, c, d, a)); this.nodes.push(new Node(this.x + c, this.y + d, c, d, a)); a = this.items; this.items = []; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) this.insert(a[c]) }, clear: function() { for (var a = 0; a < this.nodes.length; a++) this.nodes[a].clear(); this.items.length = 0; this.nodes.length = 0 } }; var internalSelector = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }; return { root: new Node(args.minX, args.minY, args.maxX - args.minX, args.maxY - args.minY, 0), insert: function(a) { this.root.insert(a) }, retrieve: function(a, b) { this.root.retrieve(a, b) }, retrieve2: function(a, b, c, d, callback) { internalSelector.x = a; internalSelector.y = b; internalSelector.w = c; internalSelector.h = d; this.root.retrieve(internalSelector, callback) }, exists: function(a) { return this.root.exists(a) }, clear: function() { this.root.clear() } } } }; wHandle.onload = window_onLoad; })(window, window.jQuery);