options: prefix: &6Drop #Skriptin prefixi sure: 15 #Kaç dakikada bir düşsün dunya: world #AirDropların düşeceği dünyanın adı (klasik dünya tipi olmalıdır.) function Kalp(l: location): show 1 Cloud particles at {_l} offset by 0, -1.0, 0 show 1 Cloud particles at {_l} offset by 0, 0, 0 show 1 Cloud particles at {_l} offset by 0, 1.0, 0 on load: set {dunya::drop} to "{@dunya}" {sayac::drop} is not set: set {sayac::drop} to 0 command /drop []: trigger: if arg 1 is "sandıklar": loop {sandık::drop::*}: send "{@prefix}: &7Buradan sandıkları görebilirsiniz." wait a seconds send "&f%{dunya::drop}% %loop-value%" if arg 1 is "sıfırla": if player is op: clear {sandık::drop::*} send "{@prefix}: &7Açılmayan sandıkların tamamının içleri boşaltıldı." to executor every minute: add 1 to {sayac::drop} if {sayac::drop} >= {@sure}: set {sayac::drop} to 0 loop 62 times: set {_konumlar::*} to location at random integer between -999 and 999, 128, random integer between -999 and 999 in world "{@dunya}" wait a tick wait 1 second loop {_konumlar::*}: if block 0 above loop-value's location is air: set {_konum} to block 0 above loop-value's location while {_konum} is air: y-coordinate of {_konum} > 1: set {_konum1} to block 1 above 0 east of {_konum} set block at {_konum1} to air set {_konum} to block 1 below 0 east of {_konum} set block 1 above {_konum} to chest set {_konum::konum} to location at x-coordinate of {_konum}, y-coordinate of {_konum}+1, z-coordinate of {_konum} in world "{@dunya}" set {sandık::drop::%{_konum::konum}%} to {_konum::konum} loop players: send loop-player title "&6Bir sandık düştü!" with subtitle "&f%x-coordinate of {_konum}% %y-coordinate of {_konum}% %z-coordinate of {_konum}%" for 3 seconds send "{@prefix}: &7Bir sandık &f%x-coordinate of {_konum}% %y-coordinate of {_konum}% %z-coordinate of {_konum}% &7konumuna düştü!" to loop-player on rightclick on chest: if {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} is set: loop players: set {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} to location of block below event-block send loop-player title "&6Bir sandık açıldı!" with subtitle "&f%{sandık::drop::%location of event-block%}%" for 3 seconds send "{@prefix}: &f%{sandık::drop::%location of event-block%}% &7konumundaki bir sandık açıldı!" to loop-player set block {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} to air if chance of 6%: set {drop} to {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {drop} drop 64 diamond at {drop} delete {drop} send "{@prefix}: &7Sandıktan &b64 Elmas &7buldun!" else if chance of 14%: set {drop} to {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {drop} drop 64 diamond at {drop} delete {drop} send "{@prefix}: &7Sandıktan &b64 Elmas &7buldun!" else if chance of 50%: set {drop} to {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {drop} drop 64 diamond at {drop} delete {drop} send "{@prefix}: &7Sandıktan &b64 Elmas &7buldun!" else if chance of 10%: set {drop} to {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {drop} drop 64 diamond at {drop} delete {drop} send "{@prefix}: &7Sandıktan &b64 Elmas &7buldun!" else if chance of 10%: set {drop} to {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {drop} drop 64 diamond at {drop} delete {drop} send "{@prefix}: &7Sandıktan &b64 Elmas &7buldun!" delete {sandık::drop::%location of event-block%} loop 11 times: Kalp(location of event-block) wait a tick