confirm: expired_confirm: $2Verilen onay suresi doldu. Lutfen komutu tekrar deneyin! failed_confirm: $2Onaylamak icin bekleyen bir isleminiz yok! requires_confirm: '$2Bunun olamayacagina emin misin execute: $1%s$2?&-$2 undone! If you are sure: $1/plot confirm' move: move_success: $4Successfully moved plot. copy_success: $4Successfully copied plot. requires_unowned: $2The location specified is already occupied. set: set_attribute: $4Successfully set %s0 set to %s1 web: generating_link: $1Processing plot... generating_link_failed: $2Failed to generate download link! save_failed: $2Failed to save load_null: $2Please use $4/plot load $2to get a list of schematics load_failed: $2Failed to load schematic load_list: '$2To load a schematic, use $1/plot load #' save_success: $1Successfully saved! compass: compass_target: $4Successfully targeted plot with compass cluster: cluster_available_args: '$1The following sub commands are available: $4list$2, $4create$2, $4delete$2, $4resize$2, $4invite$2, $4kick$2, $4leave$2, $4members$2, $4info$2, $4tp$2, $4sethome' cluster_list_heading: $2There are $1%s$2 clusters in this world cluster_list_element: $2 - $1%s&- cluster_intersection: '$2The proposed area overlaps with: %s0' cluster_outside: '$2The proposed area is outside the plot area: %s0' cluster_added: $4Successfully created the cluster. cluster_deleted: $4Successfully deleted the cluster. cluster_resized: $4Successfully resized the cluster. cluster_added_user: $4Successfully added user to the cluster. cannot_kick_player: $2You cannot kick that player cluster_invited: '$1You have been invited to the following cluster: $2%s' cluster_removed: '$1You have been removed from cluster: $2%s' cluster_kicked_user: $4Successfully kicked the user invalid_cluster: '$1Invalid cluster name: $2%s' cluster_not_added: $2That player was not added to the plot cluster cluster_cannot_leave: $1You must delete or transfer ownership before leaving cluster_added_helper: $4Successfully added a helper to the cluster cluster_removed_helper: $4Successfully removed a helper from the cluster cluster_regenerated: $4Successfully started cluster regeneration cluster_teleporting: $4Teleporting... cluster_info: '$1Current cluster: $2%id%&-$1Name: $2%name%&-$1Owner: $2%owner%&-$1Size: $2%size%&-$1Rights: $2%rights%' border: border: $2Dunya sinirinin disindasiniz. unclaim: unclaim_success: $4Bu arsayi almaktan vazgectiniz unclaim_failed: $2Arsayi kimse talep etmemis. worldedit masks: worldedit_delayed: $2Please wait while we process your WorldEdit action... worldedit_run: '$2Apologies for the delay. Now executing: %s' require_selection_in_mask: $2%s of your selection is not within your plot mask. You can only make edits within your plot. worldedit_volume: $2You cannot select a volume of %current%. The maximum volume you can modify is %max%. worldedit_iterations: $2You cannot iterate %current% times. The maximum number of iterations allowed is %max%. worldedit_unsafe: $2Access to that command has been blocked worldedit_bypass: $2&oTo bypass your restrictions use $4/plot wea worldedit_bypassed: $2Currently bypassing WorldEdit restriction. worldedit_unmasked: $1Your WorldEdit is now unrestricted. worldedit_restricted: $1Your WorldEdit is now restricted. gamemode: gamemode_was_bypassed: $1You bypassed the GameMode ($2{gamemode}$1) $1set for $2{plot} height limit: height_limit: $1Bir arsa alanina insa etme yuksekligi $2{limit} bloktur. records: record_play: $2%player $2rekor calmaya basladi $1%name notify_enter: $2%player $2arsana giris yapti ($1%plot$2) notify_leave: $2%player $2arsani terk etti ($1%plot$2) swap: swap_overlap: $2The proposed areas are not allowed to overlap swap_dimensions: $2The proposed areas must have comparable dimensions swap_syntax: $2/plot swap swap_success: $4Successfully swapped plots started_swap: $2Started plot swap task. You will be notified when it finishes comment: inbox_notification: '%s okunmamis mesaj. /plot inbox kutusunu kullan' not_valid_inbox_index: $2%s dizininde yorum yok inbox_item: $2 - $4%s comment_syntax: $2Kullanim /plot comment [X;Z] <%s> invalid_inbox: '$2That is not a valid inbox.&-$1Accepted values: %s' no_perm_inbox: $2Bu gelen kutusunu gormek icin izniniz yok no_perm_inbox_modify: $2Bu gelen kutusunu degistirmeye izniniz yok no_plot_inbox: $2Durmali veya bir arsa argumani saglamalisiniz. comment_removed: $4Basariyla yorum kaldirildi/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2' comment_added: $4A Yorum birakildi comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Yorumlar $2&m---------&r inbox_empty: $2Yorum yok console: not_console: $2For safety reasons, this command can only be executed by console. is_console: $2This command can only be executed by a player. inventory: inventory_usage: '&cUsage: &6{usage}' inventory_desc: '&cDescription: &6{desc}' inventory_category: '&cCategory: &6{category}' clipboard: clipboard_set: $2The current plot is now copied to your clipboard, use $1/plot paste$2 to paste it pasted: $4The plot selection was successfully pasted. It has been cleared from your clipboard. paste_failed: '$2Failed to paste the selection. Reason: $2%s' no_clipboard: $2You don't have a selection in your clipboard clipboard_info: '$2Current Selection - Plot ID: $1%id$2, Width: $1%width$2, Total Blocks: $1%total$2' toggle: toggle_enabled: '$2Etkin ayar: %s' toggle_disabled: '$2Devre disi ayar: %s' blocked command: command_blocked: $2Bu komut arsada engellenmis. done: done_already_done: $2This plot is already marked as done done_not_done: $2This plot is not marked as done. done_insufficient_complexity: $2This plot is too simple. Please add more detail before using this command. done_success: $1Successfully marked this plot as done. done_removed: $1You may now continue building in this plot. ratings: ratings_purged: $2Bu arsa icin temizlenen derecelendirmeler rating_not_valid: $2 1 ile 10 arasinda sayi belirtmeniz gerekiyor. rating_already_exists: $2Zaten arsaya puan verdiniz $2%s rating_applied: $4Arsaya basariyla puan verdiniz $2%s rating_not_your_own: $2Kendi arsani degerlendiremezsin. rating_not_done: $2Yalnizca bitmis arsalara puan verebilirsiniz. rating_not_owned: $2Kimse tarafindan uzerinde hak iddia edilmeyen bir arsaya puan veremezsiniz. tutorial: rate_this: $2Arsaya puan birakildi! comment_this: '$2Bu arsa hakkinda biraz geri bildirim birakin: %s' economy: econ_disabled: $2Economy is not enabled cannot_afford_plot: $2You cannot afford to buy this plot. It costs $1%s not_for_sale: $2This plot is not for sale cannot_buy_own: $2You cannot buy your own plot plot_sold: $4Your plot; $1%s0$4, has been sold to $1%s1$4 for $1$%s2 cannot_afford_merge: $2You cannot afford to merge the plots. It costs $1%s added_balance: $1%s $2has been added to your balance removed_balance: $1%s $2has been taken from your balance removed_granted_plot: $2You used %s plot grant(s), you've got $1%s $2left setup: setup_init: '$1Usage: $2/plot setup ' setup_step: '$3[$1Step %s0$3] $1%s1 $2- $1Expecting: $2%s2 $1Default: $2%s3' setup_invalid_arg: '$2%s0 is not a valid argument for step %s1. To cancel setup use: $1/plot setup cancel' setup_valid_arg: $2Value $1%s0 $2set to %s1 setup_finished: $4You should have been teleported to the created world. Otherwise you will need to set the generator manually using the bukkit.yml or your chosen world management plugin. setup_world_taken: $2%s is already a world setup_missing_world: $2You need to specify a world name ($1/plot setup &l$1 $2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup &-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel setup_missing_generator: $2You need to specify a generator ($1/plot setup &l&r$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup &-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel setup_invalid_generator: '$2Invalid generator. Possible options: %s' schematics: schematic_too_large: $2The plot is too large for this action! schematic_missing_arg: '$2You need to specify an argument. Possible values: $1test $2 , $1save$2 , $1paste $2, $1exportall' schematic_invalid: '$2That is not a valid schematic. Reason: $2%s' schematic_valid: $2That is a valid schematic schematic_paste_failed: $2Failed to paste the schematic schematic_paste_success: $4The schematic pasted successfully titles: title_entered_plot: '$1%world%: %x%;%z%' title_entered_plot_sub: $4Sahibi %s prefix_greeting: '$1%id%$2> ' prefix_farewell: '$1%id%$2> ' core: task_start: Baslangic gorevi... prefix: $3[$1P2$3] $2 enabled: $1%s0 simdi etkin reload: reloaded_configs: $1Ceviriler ve dunya ayarlari tekrardan yuklendi reload_failed: $2Dosya yapilandirmalari yeniden yuklenemedi desc: desc_set: $2Arsaya bir aciklama eklendi desc_unset: $2Arsa aciklamasi eklenemedi missing_desc: $2Bir aciklama belirtmeniz gerekiyor alias: alias_set_to: $2Arsa takma adi $1%alias% olarak ayarlandi alias_removed: $2Arsa takma ad kaldirildi missing_alias: $2Bir takma ad belirtmeniz gerekiyor alias_too_long: $2Takma adin uzunlugu < 50 karakter olmalidir alias_is_taken: $2Bu takma ad zaten alinmis position: missing_position: '$2You need to specify a position. Possible values: $1none' position_set: $1Home position set to your current location position_unset: $1Home position reset to the default location home_argument: $2Use /plot set home [none] invalid_position: $2That is not a valid position value cap: entity_cap: $2You are not allowed to spawn more mobs time: time_format: $1%hours%, %min%, %sec% permission: no_schematic_permission: $2You don't have the permission required to use schematic $1%s no_permission: '$2You are lacking the permission node: $1%s' no_permission_event: '$2You are lacking the permission node: $1%s' no_plot_perms: $2You must be the plot owner to perform this action cant_claim_more_plots: $2Daha fazla arsa alamazsiniz. cant_claim_more_clusters: $2You can't claim more clusters. cant_transfer_more_plots: $2You can't send more plots to that user cant_claim_more_plots_num: $2You can't claim more than $1%s $2plots at once you_be_denied: $2Bu arsaya girmenize izin verilmiyor merge_request_confirm: Arsa %s'den gelen birlestirme istegi merge: merge_not_valid: $2Bu birlestirme istegi hala gecerli degil. merge_accepted: $2Bu birlestirme istegi kabul edildi! success_merge: $2Arsalar basariyla birlestirildi! merge_requested: $2Bir birlestirme istegi basariyla gonderildi. no_perm_merge: '$2Arsanin sahibi sen degilsin: $1%plot%' no_available_automerge: $2Belirtilen yonde bitisik arsalara sahip degilsiniz veya boyutlar uygun degil. unlink_required: $2Bunu yapmak icin bir baglantinin kaldirilmasi gerekir. unlink_impossible: $2Yalnizca bir mega-arsanın baglantisini kaldirabilirsiniz. unlink_success: $2Basariyla arsalarin baglantisi kaldirildi. commandconfig: not_valid_subcommand: $2Bu gecerli bir alt komut degil. did_you_mean: '$2Demek istedigin: $1%s' name_little: $2%s0 isim cok kisa, $1%s1$2<$1%s3 no_commands: $2Uzgunum, ancak herhangi bir alt komut kullanmaniza izin verilmiyor. subcommand_set_options_header: '$2Olasi degerler: ' command_syntax: '$1Kullanim: $2%s' flag_tutorial_usage: '$1Bu yetkiniz yok: $2%s' errors: invalid_player_wait: '$2Oyuncu bulunamadi: $1%s$2, getiriyor. Yakinda tekrar deneyin.' invalid_player: '$2Oyuncu bulunamadi: $1%s$2.' invalid_player_offline: '$2Oyuncu cevrimici olmali: $1%s.' invalid_command_flag: '$2Gecersiz komut ozelligi: %s0' error: '$2Bir hata olustu: %s' command_went_wrong: $2Bu komut calisirken bir seyler ters gitti... no_free_plots: $2Kullanilabir bedava arsa yok. not_in_plot: $2Bir arsa da degilsin. not_loaded: $2Arsa yuklenemedi. not_in_cluster: $2Bu islemi gerceklestirmek icin bir arsa kumesi icinde olmalisiniz. not_in_plot_world: $2Bir arsa alaninda degilsin. plotworld_incompatible: $2Iki dunya uyumlu olmali not_valid_world: $2Bu gecerli bir dunya degil (buyuk/kucuk harfe duyarlı) not_valid_plot_world: $2Bu gecerli bir dunya degil (buyuk/kucuk harfe duyarlı) no_plots: $2Hic arsan yok wait_for_timer: $2Bir setblock zamanlayicisi, gecerli arsaya veya size baglidir. Lutfen bitmesini bekleyin. paste: debug_report_created: '$1Suraya tam bir hata ayiklama yuklendi: $1%url%' purge: purge_success: $4Basariyla temizlendi %s plots trim: trim_in_progress: Bir dunya trim gorevi zaten devam ediyor! not_valid_hybrid_plot_world: Bu islemi gerceklestirmek icin karma arsa yoneticisi gereklidir. block list: block_list_separater: '$1,$2 ' biome: need_biome: $2Gecerli bir biyom belirtmeniz gerekir. biome_set_to: $2Biyomu ayarladiniz; $2 teleport: teleported_to_plot: $1Arsaya isinlaniyorsun teleported_to_road: $2Yola isinlandin teleport_in_seconds: $1 %s saniye icinde isinlaniyor. Hareket etme. teleport_failed: $2Hareket veya hasar nedeniyle isinlanma iptal edildi. set block: set_block_action_finished: $1Son setblock islemi simdi tamamlandi. unsafe: debugallowunsafe_on: $2Guvenli olmayan islemlere izin verildi debugallowunsafe_off: $2Guvenli olmayan islemler devre disi birakildi debug: debug_header: $1Debug Bilgi&- debug_section: $2>> $1&l%val% debug_line: $2>> $1%var%$2:$1 %val%&- invalid: not_valid_data: $2Bu gecerli bir veri ID degil. not_valid_block: '$2Bu gecerli bir blok degil: %s' not_allowed_block: '$2Bu bloga izin verilmiyor: %s' not_valid_number: '$2Bu, aralik icinde gecerli bir sayi degil: %s' not_valid_plot_id: $2Bu gecerli bir arsa ID degil. plot_id_form: '$2Arsa kimligi biciminde olmalidir: $1X;Y $2e.g. $1-5;7' not_your_plot: $2Bu senin arsan degil. no_such_plot: $2Boyle bir arsa yok. player_has_not_been_on: $2O oyuncu arsa dunyasinda bulunamadi found_no_plots: $2Arama sorgunuzla ilgili arsa bulunamadi found_no_plots_for_player: '$2Oyuncu icin arsa bulunamadi: %s' camera: camera_started: $2Arsa icin kamera moduna girdiniz $1%s camera_stopped: $2Artik kamera modunda degilsiniz need: need_plot_number: $2Bir arsa numarasi veya takma ad belirtmelisiniz need_block: $2Bir blok belirtmelisiniz need_plot_id: $2Bir arsa kimligi belirtmelisiniz need_plot_world: $2Bir arsa alani belirtmelisiniz need_user: $2Bir kullanici adi belirtmeniz gerekiyor near: plot_near: '$1Oyuncular: %s0' info: none: Yok now: Simdi never: Asla unknown: Unknown everyone: Herkes plot_unowned: $2Bu eylemi gerçekleştirmek için mevcut arsanın bir sahibi olmalıdır plot_info_unclaimed: $2Bu arsa $1%s$2 alinmamis. plot_info_header: $3&m---------&r $1BILGI $3&m--------- plot_info: '$1ID: $2%id%$1&-$1Takmaad: $2%alias%$1&-$1Sahibi: $2%owner%$1&-$1Biyom: $2%biome%$1&-$1Can Build: $2%build%$1&-$1Degerlendirme: $2%rating%&-$1Son giris: $2%seen%&-$1Yardimcilar: $2%trusted%$1&-$1Uyeler: $2%members%$1&-$1Engellendi: $2%denied%$1&-$1Ozellikler: $2%flags%' plot_info_footer: $3&m---------&r $1BILGI $3&m--------- plot_info_trusted: $1Trusted:$2 %trusted% plot_info_members: $1Members:$2 %members% plot_info_denied: $1Denied:$2 %denied% plot_info_flags: $1Flags:$2 %flags% plot_info_biome: $1Biome:$2 %biome% plot_info_rating: $1Rating:$2 %rating% plot_info_owner: $1Owner:$2 %owner% plot_info_id: $1ID:$2 %id% plot_info_alias: $1Alias:$2 %alias% plot_info_size: $1Size:$2 %size% plot_info_seen: $1Seen:$2 %seen% plot_user_list: ' $1%user%$2,' plot_flag_list: $1%s0:%s1$2 info_syntax_console: $2/plot info X;Y working: generating_component: $1Started generating component from your settings clearing_plot: $2Arsa temizlendi. clearing_done: $4Arsa temizleme tamamlandi! temizleme islemi %sms surdu. deleting_done: $4Arsa silme tamamlandi! silme islemi %sms surdu. plot_not_claimed: $2Bu arsa kimse tarafindan alinmamis. plot_is_claimed: $2Bu arsa kimse tarafindan alinmis. claimed: $4Bu arsayi basariyla aldiniz. list: comment_list_header_paged: $2(Sayfa $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Yorum %amount% listesi clickable: ' (interactive)' area_list_header_paged: $2(Sayfa $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1%amount% alan mevcut plot_list_header_paged: $2(Sayfa $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1%amount% arsa mevcut plot_list_header: $1Arsalar %word% listesi plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% a total of $2%num% $1claimed %plot%. left: left_plot: $2Bir arsa biraktiniz. chat: plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%' plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%' plot_chat_forced: $2Bu dunya herkesi arsa sohbetini kullanmayi zorlar. plot_chat_on: $4Arsa sohbeti etkinlestirildi. plot_chat_off: $4Arsa sohbeti devre disi. deny: denied_removed: $4Oyuncuyu basariyla bu arsadan engelini kaldirdiniz. denied_added: $4Oyuncuyu basariyla bu arsadan engellediniz. denied_need_argument: $2Argumanlar eksik. $1/plot denied add $2veya $1/plot denied remove was_not_denied: $2Bu oyuncu arsadan engellenmedi. you_got_denied: $4Daha demin oldugunuz arsadan sahibi tarafindan engellendin. kick: you_got_kicked: $Oyuncu arsadan atildi! rain: need_on_off: '$2You need to specify a value. Possible values: $1on$2, $1off' setting_updated: $4You successfully updated the setting flag: flag_key: '$2Anahtar: %s' flag_type: '$2Tipi: %s' flag_desc: '$2Aciklamasi: %s' not_valid_flag: $2Bu gecerli bir arsa ozelligi degil. not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2Bu gecerli bir ozellik degil. Demek istedigin: $1%s' not_valid_value: $2Ozellik degerleri alfasayisal olmalidir. flag_not_in_plot: $2Arsa da o ozelligi yok. flag_not_removed: $2Arsa ozelligi kaldirilamadi. flag_not_added: $2Arsaya ozellik eklenemedi. flag_removed: $4Arsa ozelligi basariyla kaldirildi. flag_added: $4Arsaya bir ozellik eklendi. trusted: trusted_added: $4Bir oyuncuyu arsaya basariyla yardimci eklediniz. trusted_removed: $4Bu arsadan %s oyuncu kaldirildi. was_not_added: $2Bu oyuncuya bu arsa da guvenilmedi plot_removed_user: $1Eklendiginiz $1Plot %s, sahibinin hareketsizligi nedeniyle silindi member: removed_players: $2Bu arsadan %s oyuncu kaldirildi. already_owner: '$2Bu kullanici zaten arsa sahibi: %s0' already_added: '$2Bu kullanici zaten o kategoriye eklendi: %s0' member_added: $4Bu oyuncu artik arsa sahibi cevrimiciyken arsaya insa edebilir member_removed: $1Bu arsadan %s oyuncu kaldirildi. member_was_not_added: $2Bu oyuncu bu arsaya uye olarak eklenmedi plot_max_members: $2Bu arsaya daha fazla oyuncu ekleyemezsin owner: set_owner: $4Basariyla arsa sahibi ayarladiniz set_owner_cancelled: $2Arsa devretme islemi iptal edildi now_owner: $4Artik arsa sahibisiniz %s signs: owner_sign_line_1: '$1ID: $1%id%' owner_sign_line_2: '$1Sahibi:' owner_sign_line_3: $2%plr% owner_sign_line_4: $3Sahipli help: help_header: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Help $3&m--------- help_page_header: '$1Category: $2%category%$2,$1 Page: $2%current%$3/$2%max%$2' help_footer: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Help $3&m--------- help_info_item: $1/plot help %category% $3- $2%category_desc% help_item: $1%usage% [%alias%]&- $3- $2%desc%&- direction: '$1Current direction: %dir%' grants: granted_plots: '$1Result: $2%s $1grants left' granted_plot: $1You granted %s0 plot to $2%s1 granted_plot_failed: '$1Grant failed: $2%s' '-': custom_string: '-'