([[This file was protected with MoonSec V3]]):gsub('.+', (function(a) _IjFvsgackrMi = a; end)); return(function(f,...)local h;local t;local l;local a;local d;local s;local e=24915;local n=0;local o={};while n<649 do n=n+1;while n<0x10a and e%0x1b2e<0xd97 do n=n+1 e=(e+103)%4594 local _=n+e if(e%0x8d4)>=0x46a then e=(e*0x332)%0x1a58 while n<0x139 and e%0x365c<0x1b2e do n=n+1 e=(e*171)%36359 local _=n+e if(e%0xbf2)<0x5f9 then e=(e+0x329)%0x1cb5 local e=4702 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 d=function(d)local e=0x01 local function o(n)e=e+n return d:sub(e-n,e-0x01)end while true do local n=o(0x01)if(n=="\5")then break end local e=t.byte(o(0x01))local e=o(e)if n=="\2"then e=h.nqorYymj(e)elseif n=="\3"then e=e~="\0"elseif n=="\6"then s[e]=function(n,e)return f(8,nil,f,e,n)end elseif n=="\4"then e=s[e]elseif n=="\0"then e=s[e][o(t.byte(o(0x01)))];end local n=o(0x08)h[n]=e end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x34f)%0xce local e=51324 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 l="\4\8\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114\110\113\111\114\89\121\109\106\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\99\104\97\114\84\77\117\121\84\106\68\117\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\3\115\117\98\102\116\122\66\106\79\120\90\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\98\121\116\101\88\104\86\116\99\97\85\90\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\99\111\110\99\97\116\65\113\82\90\107\98\85\86\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\105\110\115\101\114\116\85\82\69\65\114\115\89\118\5";end else e=(e*0x1c)%0x4ae n=n+1 local e=97096 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 a=tonumber;end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x16)%0x641b while n<0x270 and e%0x3cda<0x1e6d do n=n+1 e=(e*979)%20672 local d=n+e if(e%0x1104)>0x882 then e=(e+0x139)%0xa5f2 local e=37481 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 s=(not s)and _ENV or s;end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x2ee)%0xa6a0 local e=34418 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 t=string;end else e=(e+0x33b)%0xb32b n=n+1 local e=75488 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 s=getfenv and getfenv();end end end else e=(e+0x5e)%0x2714 n=n+1 while n<0x27c and e%0xc8a<0x645 do n=n+1 e=(e-517)%4661 local s=n+e if(e%0x2bb8)<0x15dc then e=(e+0x16)%0x5754 local e=53731 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 h={};end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e+0x50)%0xbb43 local e=88838 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 end else e=(e*0x1dc)%0x8bf n=n+1 local e=13135 if not o[e]then o[e]=0x1 end end end end end e=(e-90)%6087 end d(l);local n={};for e=0x0,0xff do local o=h.TMuyTjDu(e);n[e]=o;n[o]=e;end local function _(e)return n[e];end local t=(function(l,t)local f,o=0x01,0x10 local n={{},{},{}}local s=-0x01 local e=0x01 local d=l while true do n[0x03][h.ftzBjOxZ(t,e,(function()e=f+e return e-0x01 end)())]=(function()s=s+0x01 return s end)()if s==(0x0f)then s=""o=0x000 break end end local s=#t while e416 then return n end o=o+1 e=(e+291)%12229 if(e%254)>127 then e=(e+961)%46649 return n(s(n,n),s(n,n))else return s end return s end,function(n,s)if o>469 then return s end o=o+1 e=(e+583)%23742 if(e%1644)<822 then e=(e-219)%40843 return s(n(n,n),n(s,n))else return n end return n end)return e;end)())local r=h.vxkSnh_k or h.Apmzgaup;local se=(getfenv)or(function()return _ENV end);local l=4;local d=3;local ee=1;local s=2;local function y(b,...)local u=t(e,"^oI%Z_qA_Z%KKoKK _-:&=I==_I;;=IIK K%-KI=%qZ;S<-Z_soS%%oKqq= S;Aq%s A_ZZAZ%-s- qqooq=o0;S<%I Sq=G ?_;o_;tS< Z<- _sIq Aq-.SZAsoS=I - q<%Iu ;_K-SAKZ;-_I_ Kqq8S==A__ s%=Z%A-%<;q_A=SSo%_K=< KI;q_;;S=rZ_sqS_IqSKIqs =;Z-AoZoKIsI;iZPIAAIq Aq={K=-_ssI;ZZZKS<;o ;sq,>==Z_S-AS=I- -Z=S-%SKIqAq%SK=< o- KqIIZ;oZS-=S I-Kg<q=SZ=sAS-_1K;;HqZs_Aq%;K=