const { Client, VoiceChannel, GuildMember } = require("discord.js"); const fs = require("fs"); const CONFIG = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config.json", { encoding: "utf-8" })); const moment = require("moment"); require("moment-duration-format"); const Voice = new Client({ fetchAllMembers: true, disableMentions: "none" }); Voice.staffJoined = false; Voice.playingVoice = false; Voice.voiceConnection = null; Voice.channelID = null; Voice.on("ready", async() => { Voice.user.setPresence({ status: "dnd", activity: { name: CONFIG.DEFAULTS.ACTIVITY_TEXT } }); Voice.log(`Voice client \'${Voice.user.username}\' has been activated!`); const Guild = Voice.guilds.cache.get(CONFIG.DEFAULTS.GUILD_ID) || Voice.guilds.cache.first(); if(!Guild) { Voice.error("Guild not found!"); return Voice.destroy(); } const Channel = Guild.channels.cache.get(CONFIG.DEFAULTS.VOICE_CHANNEL); if(!Channel) { Voice.error("Channel not found!"); return Voice.destroy(); } Channel.join().then(connection =>{ Voice.voiceConnection = connection; Voice.channelID =; Voice.log("The audio file is playing now...") if(!Channel.hasStaff()) playVoice(Voice); else Voice.staffJoined = true; }).catch(err => { Voice.error(`Cannot connect to voice channel (${}) (${}): ` + err.message) return Voice.destroy(); }); }); Voice.on("voiceStateUpdate", async(oldState, newState) => { if( newState.channelID && (oldState.channelID !== newState.channelID) && newState.member.isStaff() && newState.channelID === Voice.channelID && ! ) { Voice.staffJoined = true; return playVoice(Voice); } if( oldState.channelID && (oldState.channelID !== newState.channelID) && newState.member.isStaff() && oldState.channelID === Voice.channelID && ! ) { Voice.staffJoined = false; return playVoice(Voice); } }); Voice.login(CONFIG.TOKEN).catch(err => { Voice.error("An occured error while connecting to Voice client: " + err.message); return Voice.destroy(); }); /** * * @param {Client} Voice */ function playVoice(Voice) { try { const Path = Voice.staffJoined === true ? "./" + CONFIG.FILES.STAFF : "./" + CONFIG.FILES.WELCOME; Voice.playingVoice = true;, { volume: 1 }).on("finish", async() => { Voice.playingVoice = false; if(Voice.staffJoined === true) return; playVoice(Voice); }); } catch(err) { return Voice.log("An occured error while playing voice file: " + err.message); } }; Client.prototype.log = function(content) { return console.log(`[${moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}] [VOICE BOT] ${content}`); }; Client.prototype.error = function(content) { return console.error(`[${moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}] [VOICE BOT] ERR! ${content}`); }; VoiceChannel.prototype.hasStaff = function(checkMember = false) { if(this.members.some(m => (checkMember !== false ? !== : true) && ! && m.roles.highest.position >= m.guild.roles.cache.get(CONFIG.DEFAULTS.MIN_STAFF_ROLE).position)) return true; // m.roles.highest.position >= this.guild.roles.cache.get(CONFIG.DEFAULTS.MIN_STAFF_ROLE).position return false; } VoiceChannel.prototype.getStaffs = function(checkMember = false) { return this.members.filter(m => (checkMember !== false ? !== : true) && ! && m.roles.highest.position >= m.guild.roles.cache.get(CONFIG.DEFAULTS.MIN_STAFF_ROLE).position).size } GuildMember.prototype.isStaff = function() { if( ! && ([...CONFIG.DEFAULTS.AUTHORS].includes( || this.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR") || this.roles.highest.position >= this.guild.roles.cache.get(CONFIG.DEFAULTS.MIN_STAFF_ROLE).position ) ) return true; return false; }