package today.makrit.utils.mapper; import com.craftrise.dR; import com.craftrise.m9; import; import cr.launcher.BlockPos; import cr.p; import today.makrit.Main; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import static today.makrit.utils.mapper.Minecraft.GetMinecraft; public class ThePlayer { private float yaw, pitch; public static int GetticksExisted; public static com.craftrise.client.dn getTeam() { Object result = null; try { for (Method m : GetMinecraft().getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals("b") && com.craftrise.client.dn.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())) { m.setAccessible(true); result = m.invoke(GetMinecraft()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return (com.craftrise.client.dn) result; } public static double GetPosX(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.bE; } public static double GetPosY(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.aY; } public static double GetPosZ(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.bH; } public static double GetPosX() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bE; } public static double GetPosY() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aY; } public static double GetPosZ() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bH; } public static float GetRotationPitch() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().N; } public static float GetrotationYaw(m9 entity) { return entity.bL; } public static float GetrotationYaw() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bL; } public static void sendMessage(final String message) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().b(message, 31); } public static void setPositionAndRotation(final double x, final double y, final double z, final float yaw, final float pitch) { setPositionAndRotation(Minecraft.GetPlayer(), x, y, z, yaw, pitch); } public static void setPositionAndRotation(final m9 entity, final double x, final double y, final double z, final float yaw, final float pitch) { entity.b(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, 31); } public static void setPositionAndRotation2(final m9 entity, final double x, final double y, final double z, final float yaw, final float pitch) { entity.b(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, 31); } public static double GetMotionX() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bh.b(5L); } public static double GetMotionY() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aT.b(5L); } public static double GetMotionZ() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bf.b(5L); } public static double removeEntity(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.b; } public static void SetMotionX(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().bh = new dR(d); } public static void SetMotionY(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aT = new dR(d); } public static void SetMotionZ(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().bf = new dR(d); } public static float renderYawOffset(float yaw) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().a = yaw; return yaw; } public static void rotationYawHead(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().ap = f; } public static p jumpMovementFactor(float f) { return m9.R; } public static void rotationYawHead2(final BlockPos blockPos, final com.craftrise.lG enumFacing, final com.craftrise.k3 vec3, float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().ap = f; } public static void SetRotationYaw(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().bL = f; } public static void SetRotationPitch(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().N = f; } public static void setRotations(float yaw, float pitch) { ThePlayer.SetRotationYaw(yaw); ThePlayer.SetRotationPitch(pitch); } public static class AxisAlignedBB { public double minX; public double minY; public double minZ; public double maxX; public double maxY; public double maxZ; public AxisAlignedBB(final double x1, final double y1, final double z1, final double x2, final double y2, final double z2) { this.minX = Math.min(x1, x2); this.minY = Math.min(y1, y2); this.minZ = Math.min(z1, z2); this.maxX = Math.max(x1, x2); this.maxY = Math.max(y1, y2); this.maxZ = Math.max(z1, z2); } /** * Adds the coordinates to the bounding box extending it if the point lies * outside the current ranges. Args: x, y, z */ public AxisAlignedBB addCoord(final double x, final double y, final double z) { double d0 = this.minX; double d1 = this.minY; double d2 = this.minZ; double d3 = this.maxX; double d4 = this.maxY; double d5 = this.maxZ; if (x < 0.0D) { d0 += x; } else if (x > 0.0D) { d3 += x; } if (y < 0.0D) { d1 += y; } else if (y > 0.0D) { d4 += y; } if (z < 0.0D) { d2 += z; } else if (z > 0.0D) { d5 += z; } return new AxisAlignedBB(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5); } /** * Returns a bounding box expanded by the specified vector (if negative numbers * are given it will shrink). Args: x, y, z */ public AxisAlignedBB expand(final double x, final double y, final double z) { final double d0 = this.minX - x; final double d1 = this.minY - y; final double d2 = this.minZ - z; final double d3 = this.maxX + x; final double d4 = this.maxY + y; final double d5 = this.maxZ + z; return new AxisAlignedBB(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5); } public AxisAlignedBB union(final AxisAlignedBB other) { final double d0 = Math.min(this.minX, other.minX); final double d1 = Math.min(this.minY, other.minY); final double d2 = Math.min(this.minZ, other.minZ); final double d3 = Math.max(this.maxX, other.maxX); final double d4 = Math.max(this.maxY, other.maxY); final double d5 = Math.max(this.maxZ, other.maxZ); return new AxisAlignedBB(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5); } /** * returns an AABB with corners x1, y1, z1 and x2, y2, z2 */ public static AxisAlignedBB fromBounds(final double x1, final double y1, final double z1, final double x2, final double y2, final double z2) { final double d0 = Math.min(x1, x2); final double d1 = Math.min(y1, y2); final double d2 = Math.min(z1, z2); final double d3 = Math.max(x1, x2); final double d4 = Math.max(y1, y2); final double d5 = Math.max(z1, z2); return new AxisAlignedBB(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5); } /** * Offsets the current bounding box by the specified coordinates. Args: x, y, z */ public AxisAlignedBB offset(final double x, final double y, final double z) { return new AxisAlignedBB(this.minX + x, this.minY + y, this.minZ + z, this.maxX + x, this.maxY + y, this.maxZ + z); } /** * if instance and the argument bounding boxes overlap in the Y and Z * dimensions, calculate the offset between them in the X dimension. return var2 * if the bounding boxes do not overlap or if var2 is closer to 0 then the * calculated offset. Otherwise return the calculated offset. */ public double calculateXOffset(final AxisAlignedBB other, double offsetX) { if (other.maxY > this.minY && other.minY < this.maxY && other.maxZ > this.minZ && other.minZ < this.maxZ) { if (offsetX > 0.0D && other.maxX <= this.minX) { final double d1 = this.minX - other.maxX; if (d1 < offsetX) { offsetX = d1; } } else if (offsetX < 0.0D && other.minX >= this.maxX) { final double d0 = this.maxX - other.minX; if (d0 > offsetX) { offsetX = d0; } } return offsetX; } else { return offsetX; } } /** * if instance and the argument bounding boxes overlap in the X and Z * dimensions, calculate the offset between them in the Y dimension. return var2 * if the bounding boxes do not overlap or if var2 is closer to 0 then the * calculated offset. Otherwise return the calculated offset. */ public double calculateYOffset(final AxisAlignedBB other, double offsetY) { if (other.maxX > this.minX && other.minX < this.maxX && other.maxZ > this.minZ && other.minZ < this.maxZ) { if (offsetY > 0.0D && other.maxY <= this.minY) { final double d1 = this.minY - other.maxY; if (d1 < offsetY) { offsetY = d1; } } else if (offsetY < 0.0D && other.minY >= this.maxY) { final double d0 = this.maxY - other.minY; if (d0 > offsetY) { offsetY = d0; } } return offsetY; } else { return offsetY; } } /** * if instance and the argument bounding boxes overlap in the Y and X * dimensions, calculate the offset between them in the Z dimension. return var2 * if the bounding boxes do not overlap or if var2 is closer to 0 then the * calculated offset. Otherwise return the calculated offset. */ public double calculateZOffset(final AxisAlignedBB other, double offsetZ) { if (other.maxX > this.minX && other.minX < this.maxX && other.maxY > this.minY && other.minY < this.maxY) { if (offsetZ > 0.0D && other.maxZ <= this.minZ) { final double d1 = this.minZ - other.maxZ; if (d1 < offsetZ) { offsetZ = d1; } } else if (offsetZ < 0.0D && other.minZ >= this.maxZ) { final double d0 = this.maxZ - other.minZ; if (d0 > offsetZ) { offsetZ = d0; } } return offsetZ; } else { return offsetZ; } } /** * Returns whether the given bounding box intersects with this one. Args: * axisAlignedBB */ public boolean intersectsWith(final AxisAlignedBB other) { return other.maxX > this.minX && other.minX < this.maxX && (other.maxY > this.minY && other.minY < this.maxY && other.maxZ > this.minZ && other.minZ < this.maxZ); } /** * Returns if the supplied Vec3D is completely inside the bounding box */ public boolean isVecInside(final Vec3 vec) { return vec.xCoord > this.minX && vec.xCoord < this.maxX && (vec.yCoord > this.minY && vec.yCoord < this.maxY && vec.zCoord > this.minZ && vec.zCoord < this.maxZ); } /** * Returns the average length of the edges of the bounding box. */ public double getAverageEdgeLength() { final double d0 = this.maxX - this.minX; final double d1 = this.maxY - this.minY; final double d2 = this.maxZ - this.minZ; return (d0 + d1 + d2) / 3.0D; } /** * Returns a bounding box that is inset by the specified amounts */ public AxisAlignedBB contract(final double x, final double y, final double z) { final double d0 = this.minX + x; final double d1 = this.minY + y; final double d2 = this.minZ + z; final double d3 = this.maxX - x; final double d4 = this.maxY - y; final double d5 = this.maxZ - z; return new AxisAlignedBB(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5); } public String toString() { return "box[" + this.minX + ", " + this.minY + ", " + this.minZ + " -> " + this.maxX + ", " + this.maxY + ", " + this.maxZ + "]"; } public boolean func_181656_b() { return Double.isNaN(this.minX) || Double.isNaN(this.minY) || Double.isNaN(this.minZ) || Double.isNaN(this.maxX) || Double.isNaN(this.maxY) || Double.isNaN(this.maxZ); } /** * Checks if the specified vector is within the YZ dimensions of the bounding box. Args: Vec3D */ private boolean isVecInYZ(Vec3 vec) { return vec != null && vec.yCoord >= this.minY && vec.yCoord <= this.maxY && vec.zCoord >= this.minZ && vec.zCoord <= this.maxZ; } /** * Checks if the specified vector is within the XZ dimensions of the bounding box. Args: Vec3D */ private boolean isVecInXZ(Vec3 vec) { return vec != null && vec.xCoord >= this.minX && vec.xCoord <= this.maxX && vec.zCoord >= this.minZ && vec.zCoord <= this.maxZ; } /** * Checks if the specified vector is within the XY dimensions of the bounding box. Args: Vec3D */ private boolean isVecInXY(Vec3 vec) { return vec != null && vec.xCoord >= this.minX && vec.xCoord <= this.maxX && vec.yCoord >= this.minY && vec.yCoord <= this.maxY; } // Getter ve Setter metotları public double getMinX() { return minX; } public void setMinX(double minX) { this.minX = minX; } public double getMinY() { return minY; } public void setMinY(double minY) { this.minY = minY; } public double getMinZ() { return minZ; } public void setMinZ(double minZ) { this.minZ = minZ; } public double getMaxX() { return maxX; } public void setMaxX(double maxX) { this.maxX = maxX; } public double getMaxY() { return maxY; } public void setMaxY(double maxY) { this.maxY = maxY; } public double getMaxZ() { return maxZ; } public void setMaxZ(double maxZ) { this.maxZ = maxZ; } } private AxisAlignedBB boundingBox; public void setEntitySize(double width, double height) { this.boundingBox.setMinX(0.0); this.boundingBox.setMinY(0.0); this.boundingBox.setMinZ(0.0); this.boundingBox.setMaxX(width); this.boundingBox.setMaxY(height); this.boundingBox.setMaxZ(width); } public static int GethurtResistantTime() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bK; } public static int setHurtTime(double d) { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().a5; } public double GetprevPosX(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.a4; } public double GetprevPosY(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.L; } public static double GetprevPosZ(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return; } public double GetprevPosX() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().a4; } public double GetprevPosY() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().L; } public static double GetprevPosZ() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().at; } public float GetprevRotationYaw() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().C; } public float GetprevRotationPitch() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aM; } public int Getdimension() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().ac; } public int GetportalCounter() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().m; } public int GetchunkCoordX() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aV; } public int GetfireResistance() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aE; } public int Getfire() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aN; } public static int GetticksExisted() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().Z; } public float GetentityCollisionReduction() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().ap; } public boolean GetnoClip() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().by; } public static double GetlastTickPosX(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.a6; } public static double GetlastTickPosY(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.h; } public static double GetlastTickPosZ(com.craftrise.m9 entity) { return entity.G; } public static com.craftrise.lU getInventory(final entityPlayer) { return entityPlayer.J; } public static com.craftrise.lU getInventory() { return getInventory(Minecraft.GetPlayer()); } public static com.craftrise.qJ getInventoryContainer(final entityPlayer) { return entityPlayer.b1; } public static com.craftrise.qJ getInventoryContainer() { return getInventoryContainer(Minecraft.GetPlayer()); } public static com.craftrise.qJ openContainer(final entityPlayer) { return entityPlayer.T; } public static boolean checkAdjacentAndPerformAction(final com.craftrise.gM itemStack, final int x, final int y, final int z) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { int newX = x; int newY = y; int newZ = z; if (i == 0) { ++newY; } else if (i == 1) { --newY; } else if (i == 2) { ++newZ; } else if (i == 3) { --newZ; } else if (i == 4) { ++newX; } else { --newX; } final BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(newX, newY, newZ); //if (BlockHelper.getBlockID(blockPos) != 0) { // if (NeptunePlayerController.onPlayerRightClick(itemStack, blockPos, EnumFacing.values()[i], new Vec3((double) newX, (double) newY, (double) newZ))) { // swingItem(); // } // return true; //} } return false; } public static double GetlastTickPosX() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().a6; } public static double GetlastTickPosY() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().h; } public static double GetlastTickPosZ() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().G; } public static float Getwidth() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aw; } public static float Getheight() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().t; } public float GetprevDistanceWalkedModified() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aG; } public boolean GetisCollided() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().a1; } public static boolean GetisInWeb() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().al; } public static boolean isCollidedHorizontally() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().ax; } public static boolean isCollidedVertically() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aL; } public boolean GetisDead() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().d; } public static void SetprevPosX(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().a4 = d; } public static void SetprevPosY(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().L = d; } public static void SetprevPosZ(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().at = d; } public static void SetprevRotationYaw(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().C = f; } public static void SetprevRotationPitch(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aM = f; } public static void Setdimension(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().ac = n; } public static void SetportalCounter(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().m = n; } public static void SetchunkCoordX(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aV = n; } public static void SetfireResistance(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aE = n; } public static void Setfire(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aN = n; } public static void SetticksExisted(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().Z = n; } public static void SetentityCollisionReduction(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().ap = f; } public static void SetnoClip(boolean bl) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().by = bl; } public static void SetlastTickPosX(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().a6 = d; } public static void SetlastTickPosY(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().h = d; } public static void SetlastTickPosZ(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().G = d; } public static void Setwidth(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aw = f; } public static void Setheight(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().t = f; } public static void SetprevDistanceWalkedModified(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aG = f; } public static void SetisCollidedHorizontally(boolean bl) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().ax = bl; } public static void SetisCollidedVertically(boolean bl) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aL = bl; } public static void SetisCollided(boolean bl) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().a1 = bl; } public static void SetisInWeb(boolean bl) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().al = bl; } public static void SetisDead(boolean bl) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().d = bl; } public static boolean isDead(mg target) { return target.d; } public int GetsprintingTicksLeft() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().m; } public float GetrenderArmYaw() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bb; } public float GetrenderArmPitch() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aG; } public float GetprevRenderArmYaw() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aO; } public float GetprevRenderArmPitch() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().t; } public float GettimeInPortal() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bg; } public float GetprevTimeInPortal() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bC; } public static void SetsprintingTicksLeft(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().m = n; } public static void SetrenderArmYaw(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().bb = f; } public static void SetrenderArmPitch(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aG = f; } public static void SetprevRenderArmYaw(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aO = f; } public static void SetprevRenderArmPitch(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().t = f; } public static void SettimeInPortal(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().bg = f; } public static void SetprevTimeInPortal(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().bC = f; } public int GetsleepTimer() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().m; } public float GetrenderOffsetY() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aO; } public float GetrenderOffsetZ() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().bb; } public int GetexperienceLevel() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().a9; } public int GetexperienceTotal() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().aW; } public float Getexperience() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().cB; } public int GetxpCooldown() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().br; } public double GetprevChasingPosY() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().ch; } public double GetchasingPosZ() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().cI; } public float GetprevCameraYaw() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().b_; } public static void SetsleepTimer(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().m = n; } public static void SetrenderOffsetY(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aO = f; } public static void SetrenderOffsetZ(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().bb = f; } public static void SetexperienceLevel(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().a9 = n; } public static void SetexperienceTotal(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().aW = n; } public static void Setexperience(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().cB = f; } public static void SetxpCooldown(int n) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().br = n; } public static void SetprevChasingPosY(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().ch = d; } public static void SetchasingPosZ(double d) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().cI = d; } public static void SetprevCameraYaw(float f) { Minecraft.GetPlayer().b_ = f; } public static float GetDistanceToEntity(m9 m92) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException { Class clazz = m92.getClass(); Method method = clazz.getMethod("a", m9.class); float f = ((Float) method.invoke((Object) m92, new Object[0])).floatValue(); return f; } public static double Direction() { float f = ThePlayer.GetrotationYaw(); if (Minecraft.GetPlayer().l.b.a(5L) < 0.0f) { f += 180.0f; } float f2 = 1.0f; if (Minecraft.GetPlayer().l.b.a(5L) < 0.0f) { f2 = -0.5f; } else if (Minecraft.GetPlayer().l.b.a(5L) > 0.0f) { f2 = 0.5f; } if (Minecraft.GetPlayer().l.c.a(5L) > 0.0f) { f -= 90.0f * f2; } if (Minecraft.GetPlayer().l.c.a(5L) < 0.0f) { f += 90.0f * f2; } return Math.toRadians(f); } public static void Strafe(float f) { if (!ThePlayer.isMoving()) { return; } ThePlayer.SetMotionX(-Math.sin(ThePlayer.Direction()) * (double) f); ThePlayer.SetMotionZ(Math.cos(ThePlayer.Direction()) * (double) f); } public static float GetSpeed() { return (float) Math.sqrt(ThePlayer.GetMotionX() * ThePlayer.GetMotionX() + ThePlayer.GetMotionZ() * ThePlayer.GetMotionZ()); } public static boolean isMoving() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer() != null && (Minecraft.GetPlayer().l.b.a(5L) != 0.0f || Minecraft.GetPlayer().l.c.a(5L) != 0.0f); } public static boolean onGround() { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().s.a(522424L); } public static boolean onGround2(boolean bl) { return Minecraft.GetPlayer().s.a(522424L); } public static void scaffoldjump() { try { Class clazz = Class.forName(""); Method method = clazz.getMethod("y", Long.TYPE); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(Minecraft.GetPlayer(), 8L); } catch (Exception exception) { Minecraft.addChatMessage(exception.toString() + " Exception"); } } public static void jump() { try { Class clazz = Class.forName(""); Method method = clazz.getMethod("y", Long.TYPE); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke((Object) Minecraft.GetPlayer(), 5L); } catch (Exception exception) { Minecraft.addChatMessage(exception.toString() + " Exception"); } } public static void setPosition_mid(double d1, double d2, double d3) { try { Class EntityClazz = Class.forName("com.craftrise.m9"); for (Method m : EntityClazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().contains("b")) { if (m.getParameterCount() == 4) { m.setAccessible(true); m.invoke((Object) Minecraft.GetPlayer(), d1, d2, d3, Main.idk); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Minecraft.addChatMessage(e.toString() + " Exception"); } } }