command /surelivip [] []: trigger: if player has permission "SureliVip.Admin": if arg 1 is not set: send "&6Komut Kullanımı: &e/surelivip -nick- -Vip/vip+/MVIP-" to player stop if arg 2 is not set: send "&6Komut Kullanımı: &e/surelivip -nick- -Vip/vip+/MVIP-" to player stop if arg 2 is not "vip" or "vip+" or "mvip" or "mvip+" : send "&6Komut Kullanımı: &e/surelivip -nick- -Vip/vip+/MVIP-" to player stop if arg 2 is "Vip": send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncu &bVip &6grubuna taşındı." to player send "&e%player% &6isimli yönetici sizi &bVip &6grubuna taşıdı." to player execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% Vip" execute console command "cc give p spawner 1 %arg 1%" execute console command "eco give %arg 1% 2500" wait 30 days execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% Oyuncu" send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncunun Vip süresi bitti." to all players if arg 2 is "Vip+": send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncu &bvip+ &6grubuna taşındı." to player send "&e%player% &6isimli yönetici sizi &bvip+ &6grubuna taşıdı." to player execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% vip+" execute console command "cc give p spawner 2 %arg 1%" execute console command "eco give %arg 1% 5000" wait 30 days execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% Oyuncu" send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncunun vip+ süresi bitti." to all players if arg 2 is "mvip": send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncu &bMVIP &6grubuna taşındı." to player send "&e%player% &6isimli yönetici sizi &bMVIP &6grubuna taşıdı." to player execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% mvip" execute console command "cc give p spawner 3 %arg 1%" execute console command "us givespawner %arg 1% iron_golem 1" execute console command "eco give %arg 1% 15000" wait 30 days execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% Oyuncu" send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncunun MVIP süresi bitti." to all players if arg 2 is "mvip+": send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncu &bMVIP+ &6grubuna taşındı." to player send "&e%player% &6isimli yönetici sizi &bMVIP+ &6grubuna taşıdı." to player execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% mvip+" execute console command "cc give p spawner 3 %arg 1%" execute console command "us givespawner %arg 1% iron_golem 1" execute console command "eco give %arg 1% 15000" wait 30 days execute console command "manuadd %arg 1% Oyuncu" send "&e%arg 1% &6isimli oyuncunun MVIP+ süresi bitti." to all players else: send "&6Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player