command /troll []: permission: troll.admin permission message: &cÜzgünüm bunu yapmaya yetkin yok! trigger: arg-1 is not set: send "&e&l> &aTroll Menüsü Açıldı." open chest with 3 rows named "&r| Troll Menüsü |" to player format slot 9 of player with egg named "&c&lLAV MI O ?" with lore "||&7Her ne kadar yumurta gibi görünsede||&7attığın yeri lavla kaplayan bir mucize bu!" to close then run [execute player command "troll lav"] format slot 11 of player with stick of efficiency 1 named "&6&lUÇMAYA NE DERSİN ?" with lore "||&7Oyun çok mu yavaş ilerliyor||&7birilerini uçurma vakti geldi!" to close then run [execute player command "troll uçur"] format slot 13 of player with potion named "&d&lHAYALET Mİ VURUYOR ?" with lore "||&7Görünmez olmak ister misin||&7oyuncuları çıldırtmak için ideal seçim!" to close then run [execute player command "troll görünmez"] format slot 15 of player with bow named "&9&lOYUN MU DONDU ?" with lore "&7||&7Bu sıradan bir yay değil dostum||&7Vurduğun kişi 5 saniye boyunca hareket edemez||&7trollemeye varmısın ?" to close then run [execute player command "troll yay"] format slot 17 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&a&lKİM BU HACKER ?" with lore "||&7Tek atan kılıçla oynama keyfi||&7Rakip için acımasız bir tercih!" to close then run [execute player command "troll kılıç"] arg-1 is "lav": give player egg named "&c&lLAV TROLL" send "&e&l> &aAlma İşlemi Başarılı!" arg-1 is "uçur": give player stick of knockback 5 named "&6&lUÇ BAKALIM" send "&e&l> &aAlma İşlemi Başarılı!" arg-1 is "görünmez": give player potion of invisibility named "&d&lGÖRÜNMEZLİK" send "&e&l> &aAlma İşlemi Başarılı!" arg-1 is "yay": give player bow named "&9&lDONDURUCU" give 8 arrow to player send "&e&l> &aAlma İşlemi Başarılı!" arg-1 is "kılıç": give player diamond sword of sharpness 9999 named "&a&lTEK ATAN" send "&e&l> &aAlma İşlemi Başarılı!" on any movement: {dondurucu.%player%} is true: cancel event on join: delete {dondurucu.%player%} on shoot: tool of shooter is egg named "&c&lLAV TROLL": wait 1 seconds loop all blocks in radius 1 of projectile: if projectile is not alive: loop-block is air: set {_block} to a random element of loop-block set loop-block to lava else: stop loop wait 10 seconds loop all blocks in radius 1 of {_block}: set loop-block to air on damage: if attacker's held item is bow named "&9&lDONDURUCU": set {dondurucu.%victim%} to true wait 5 seconds delete {dondurucu.%victim%} wait 10 seconds loop all blocks in radius 2 of {_block}: set loop-block to air