options: p: &3PvP &7» #Burdan pvp yazısının prefixini değiştirebilirsin command /pvp [] []: trigger: arg-1 is not set: send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP SKRİPT &6&l&m------" send "" send "&e /pvp join: &dPvp oyununa katılmanızı sağlar" send "&e /pvp stats : &dPvp oyunnundaki istatistiklerinize bakmanızı sağlar" send "&e /pvp lobi: &dPvp lobisine ışınlandırır" send "" send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP SKRİPT &6&l&m------" arg-1 is "join": {pvp} is set: teleport player to {pvp} execute console command "clear %player%" execute console command "gamemode 0 %player%" message "{@p} &eOyuna Başarıyla Giriş Yaptın!" equip player with chain ChestPlate of unbreaking 1 equip player with chain Boots of unbreaking 1 equip player with chain helmet of unbreaking 1 equip player with chain leggings of unbreaking 1 give player 1 wooden sword of sharpness 1 give 8 golden apple to player give 1 bow to player give 64 arrow to player else: message "{@p} &cOyun başlangıç noktası ayarlanmamış" arg-1 is "stats": arg-2 is not set: send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP STATS &6&l&m------" send "" send "&e Öldürme: &a%{pvp.öldürme.%player%}%" send "&e Ölme: &a%{pvp.ölme.%player%}%" send "&e Coin: &a%player's balance%" send "" send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP STATS &6&l&m------" arg-2 is set: send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP STATS &6&l&m------" send "" send "&e Öldürme: &a%{pvp.öldürme.%arg-2%}%" send "&e Ölme: &a%{pvp.ölme.%arg-2%}%" send "&e Coin: &a%arg-2's balance%" send "" send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP STATS &6&l&m------" arg-1 is "lobi": clear player's inventory teleport player to {pvp.lobi} message "{@p} &aBaşarıyla lobiye ışınlandın" arg-1 is not "lobi" or "stats" or "join": send "{@p} &cBöyle bir komut bulunamadı" on death of player: if world is {pvpworld}: if victim is not attacker: add 1 to {pvp.ölme.%victim%} add 1 to {pvp.öldürme.%attacker%} send "{@p} &cÖldün..." to victim send "{@p} &c%victim% &eadlı oyuncuyu katlettin. &a(+1 Öldürme)" to attacker send "{@p} &c%victim% &eadlı oyuncuyu katlettin. &a(+5 Coin)" to attacker add 5 to attacker's balance wait 20 tick execute victim command "pvp join" on damage: damage cause is fall: world is {pvpworld}: cancel event on damage of player: world is {pvpworld}: if damage < victim's health: if victim is not attacker: attacker's held item is bow: message "{@p} &a%victim% &eadlı oyuncunun &6%health of victim%&c ❤ &ekalbi kaldı!" to attacker else: cancel event command /pvp-admin []: permission message: "&cBuna yetkin yok! permission: sk.admin trigger: arg-1 is not set: send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP KURULUM &6&l&m------" send "" send "&e /pvp-admin başlangıç: &darenanın başlangıç yerini ayarlar" send "&e /pvp-admin lobi: &dpvp lobisini ayarlar" send "&e /pvp-admin dünya: &dbulunduğun dünyayı pvp skriptinin çalışacağı dünyayı olarak ayarlar" send "" send "&6&l&m------&0 &6&lPVP KURULUM &6&l&m------" arg-1 is "başlangıç": set {pvp} to player's location send "{@p} &eOyun başlangıç noktası ayarlandı." arg-1 is "lobi": set {pvp.lobi} to player's location send "{@p} &eOyunun lobi noktası ayarlandı." arg-1 is "dünya": set {pvpworld} to player's world send "{@p} &eOyunun çalışacağı dünya &6%player's world% &eolarak ayarlandı." arg-1 is not "dünya" or "başlangıç" or "lobi": send "{@p} &cBilinmeyen veya hatalı bir komut girdiniz." on join: if {pvp.öldürme.%player%} isn'T set: set {pvp.öldürme.%player%} to 0 if {pvp.ölme.%player%} isn'T set: set {pvp.ölme.%player%} to 0