@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion Set "Copyright=by Devansh Title %~n0 %Copyright% Mode con cols=75 lines=8 cls & color 0A & echo. echo *********************************************** echo %~n0 %Copyright% echo *********************************************** echo( if _%1_==_Main_ goto :Main Set Count=0 Set L=0 :getadmin echo %~nx0 : self elevating set vbs=%temp%\getadmin.vbs ( echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "Main %~sdp0 %*", "", "runas", 1 )> "%vbs%" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" goto :eof ::************************************************************************************* :Main Call :init Call :CountLines Set "PasswordLog=%~dp0Wifi_Passwords_on_%ComputerName%.txt" %Mod% echo( echo *********************************************** echo %~n0 %Copyright% echo *********************************************** echo( Call :Color 0E " [N][SSID] ================ Password" 1 echo( ( echo *********************************************** echo %~n0 %Copyright% echo *********************************************** echo( echo [N][SSID] ==============^> "Password" echo( )>"%PasswordLog%" for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do ( if not "%%a"=="" ( set "ssid=%%a" set "ssid=!ssid:~1!" call :Getpassword "!ssid!" ) ) echo( echo Done If exist "%PasswordLog%" start "" "%PasswordLog%" pause>nul exit ::************************************************************************************* :Getpassword set "name=%1" set "name=!name:"=!" Set "passwd=" for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles %1 key^=clear ^|find /I "Cont"') do ( set "passwd=%%a" Set /a Count+=1 ) If defined passwd ( set passwd=!passwd:~1! echo [!Count!][!name!] ====^> "!passwd!" echo [!Count!][!name!] ====^> "!passwd!" >> "%PasswordLog%" ) else ( Set /a Count+=1 call :color 0C " [!Count!][!name!] The Password is empty" 1 echo [!Count!][!name!] The Password is empty >> "%PasswordLog%" ) exit /b ::************************************************************************************* :init prompt $g for /F "delims=." %%a in ('"prompt $H. & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%a" exit /b ::************************************************************************************* :color set nL=%3 if not defined nL echo requires third argument & pause > nul & goto :eof if %3 == 0 ( %2 & findstr /v /a:%1 /r "^$" %2 nul & del %2 2>&1 & goto :eof ) else if %3 == 1 ( echo %bs%>%2 & findstr /v /a:%1 /r "^$" %2 nul & del %2 2>&1 & goto :eof ) exit /b ::************************************************************************************* :CountLines for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do ( if not "%%a"=="" ( set /a L+=1 ) ) set /a L=!L! + 10 Set Mod=Mode con cols=75 Lines=!L! exit /b ::*************************************************************************************