SS13 = require("SS13") local HandlerGroup = require("handler_group") local IS_LOCAL = false local admin = "homek" local LOCAL_CLASS = "Zombie (AI)" local DESTRUCTIBLE_SPAWNERS = true local ALLOW_TANK_SPAWN = false local ALLOW_ZOMBIE_CONTROLLABLE = true local tickLag = function(tickUsageStart, worldTime) if ~= worldTime then -- `"time")` -> `` print("We slept somewhere!") return true end return ( - tickUsageStart) >= 50 or (_exec.time / _exec.limit) > 0.7 -- `over_exec_usage` yerine güncel hali end if not IS_LOCAL then SS13.await(SS13.global_procs.__lua_set_execution_limit, 50000) -- `SS13.global_proc` -> `SS13.global_procs` end SS13.await(SS13.global_proc, "__lua_set_execution_limit", 50000) local LAST_TIME_TAKEN local WORLD_TIME local TIME_AVG = {} local SLEEPING_AT = {} local TOTAL_TIME_TAKEN = {} local TOTAL_CALL_COUNT = {} local startPerfTrack = function() WORLD_TIME ="time") local lineNumber =, 'l') TIME_AVG[lineNumber] = 0 TOTAL_TIME_TAKEN[lineNumber] = 0 TOTAL_CALL_COUNT[lineNumber] = (TOTAL_CALL_COUNT[lineNumber] or 0) + 1 LAST_TIME_TAKEN = os.clock() end local istype_old = SS13.istype SS13.istype = function(datum, text) if not datum then return false end if text == "/datum" or text == "/atom" or text == "/atom/movable" then return istype_old(datum, text) end local datumType = tostring(datum:get_var("type")) return string.find(datumType, text) ~= nil end local checkPerf = function(ignoreSleep) local lineNumber =, 'l') if WORLD_TIME ~="time") then if ignoreSleep then return end SLEEPING_AT[lineNumber] = true WORLD_TIME ="time") end local currTime = os.clock() local currentDiff = currTime - LAST_TIME_TAKEN local prevDiff = TIME_AVG[lineNumber] or currentDiff TIME_AVG[lineNumber] = 0.8 * prevDiff + 0.2 * currentDiff TOTAL_TIME_TAKEN[lineNumber] = (TOTAL_TIME_TAKEN[lineNumber] or 0) + currentDiff TOTAL_CALL_COUNT[lineNumber] = (TOTAL_CALL_COUNT[lineNumber] or 0) + 1 LAST_TIME_TAKEN = currTime end sleep() local BLOCK_ACTIVATION = 1 iconsByHttp = iconsByHttp or {} local function getPlane(new_plane, z_reference) local SSmapping = dm.global_vars.SSmapping -- `dm.global_vars:get_var("SSmapping")` -> `dm.global_vars.SSmapping` if SSmapping.max_plane_offset ~= 0 then -- `SSmapping:get_var("max_plane_offset")` -> `SSmapping.max_plane_offset` local turfPlaneOffsets = 0 if SSmapping.max_plane_offset ~= nil and SS13.istype(z_reference, "/atom") then if z_reference.z ~= nil then -- `z_reference:get_var("z")` -> `z_reference.z` turfPlaneOffsets = SSmapping.z_level_to_plane_offset[z_reference.z] -- `SSmapping:get_var("z_level_to_plane_offset"):get()` -> `SSmapping.z_level_to_plane_offset[]` else if SSmapping.plane_to_offset ~= 0 then -- `SSmapping:get_var("plane_to_offset")` -> `SSmapping.plane_to_offset` turfPlaneOffsets = SSmapping.plane_to_offset[tostring(z_reference.plane)] -- `SSmapping:get_var("plane_to_offset"):get()` -> `SSmapping.plane_to_offset[]` else turfPlaneOffsets = z_reference.plane -- `z_reference:get_var("plane")` -> `z_reference.plane` end end end local plane_offset_blacklist = SSmapping.plane_offset_blacklist -- `SSmapping:get_var("plane_offset_blacklist")` -> `SSmapping.plane_offset_blacklist` if plane_offset_blacklist == nil or plane_offset_blacklist[tostring(new_plane)] then -- `plane_offset_blacklist:get()` -> `plane_offset_blacklist[]` return new_plane else return new_plane - 100 * turfPlaneOffsets end else return new_plane end end local setClass local REF = function(ref) return dm.global_procs.REF(ref) -- `dm.global_proc` -> `dm.global_procs` end ALL_HUMAN_DATA = ALL_HUMAN_DATA or {} local function getZombieMutation(human) return ALL_HUMAN_DATA[REF(human)] end local hasTrait = function (target, trait) return dm.global_procs._has_trait(target, trait) == 1 -- `dm.global_proc` -> `dm.global_procs` end local isZombie = function(human) if not SS13.istype(human, "/mob/living/carbon/human") then return false end local dna = human:get_var("dna") if not dna then return false end return SS13.istype(dna:get_var("species"), "/datum/species/zombie/infectious") end local infectTarget = function(human, def_type) local infection = human:get_organ_slot("zombie_infection") -- `human:call_proc("get_organ_slot")` -> `human:get_organ_slot()` if SS13.is_valid(infection) then return end if def_type ~= "bypass" then local armour = human:getarmor(def_type, "bio") -- `human:call_proc("getarmor")` -> `human:getarmor()` if dm.global_procs._prob(armour) == 1 then -- `dm.global_proc` -> `dm.global_procs` return end end infection ="/obj/item/organ/internal/zombie_infection") infection:Insert(human) -- `infection:call_proc("Insert")` -> `infection:Insert()` end soundsByHttp = soundsByHttp or {} local loadSound = function(http) if soundsByHttp[http] then return soundsByHttp[http] end local request ="/datum/http_request") local file_name = "tmp/custom_map_sound.ogg" request:prepare("get", http, "", "", file_name) -- `request:call_proc("prepare")` -> `request:prepare()` request:begin_async() -- `request:call_proc("begin_async")` -> `request:begin_async()` while request:is_complete() == 0 do -- `request:call_proc("is_complete")` -> `request:is_complete()` sleep() end soundsByHttp[http] ="/sound", file_name) return soundsByHttp[http] end local tankFootstepSound = { loadSound(""), loadSound(""), loadSound("") } local tankDeathSound = { loadSound(""), loadSound(""), loadSound("") } local tankRoarSounds = { loadSound(""), loadSound(""), loadSound("") } local loadIcon = function(http) if iconsByHttp[http] then return iconsByHttp[http] end local request ="/datum/http_request") local file_name = "tmp/custom_map_icon.dmi" request:prepare("get", http, "", "", file_name) -- `request:call_proc("prepare")` -> `request:prepare()` request:begin_async() -- `request:call_proc("begin_async")` -> `request:begin_async()` while request:is_complete() == 0 do -- `request:call_proc("is_complete")` -> `request:is_complete()` sleep() end iconsByHttp[http] ="/icon", file_name) return iconsByHttp[http] end local function locate(x, y, z) return dm.global_procs._locate(x, y, z) -- `dm.global_proc` -> `dm.global_procs` end local function rangeTurfs(location, radius) local x = location.x -- `location:get_var("x")` -> `location.x` local y = location.y -- `location:get_var("y")` -> `location.y` local z = location.z -- `location:get_var("z")` -> `location.z` return dm.global_procs._block(locate(x - radius, y - radius, z), locate(x + radius, y + radius, z)) -- `dm.global_proc` -> `dm.global_procs` end local function to_chat(user, message) dm.global_procs.to_chat(user, message) -- `dm.global_proc` -> `dm.global_procs` end local function RegisterClassSignal(humanData, target, signal, func) -- Registers a signal on humanData.human if there are only 3 arguments -- Otherwise, acts the same as a regular register signal call, but cleanups on class removal. if func == nil then table.insert(humanData.classCleanup, { target = humanData.human, signal = target, callback = SS13.register_signal(humanData.human, target, signal) -- `SS13.register_signal` kullanımı doğru }) else table.insert(humanData.classCleanup, { target = target, signal = signal, callback = SS13.register_signal(target, signal, func) -- `SS13.register_signal` kullanımı doğru }) end end local grantAbility = function(humanData, abilityData) local abilityType = abilityData.abilityType local action ="/datum/action/cooldown") if abilityType == "targeted" then action.click_to_activate = true -- `action:set_var("click_to_activate", true)` -> `action.click_to_activate = true` action.unset_after_click = true -- `action:set_var("unset_after_click", true)` -> `action.unset_after_click = true` action.ranged_mousepointer = loadIcon("") -- `action:set_var("ranged_mousepointer", ...)` -> `action.ranged_mousepointer = ...` end action.button_icon = loadIcon(abilityData.icon) -- `action:set_var("button_icon", ...)` -> `action.button_icon = ...` action.button_icon_state = abilityData.icon_state -- `action:set_var("button_icon_state", ...)` -> `action.button_icon_state = ...` action.background_icon_state = "bg_heretic" -- `action:set_var("background_icon_state", ...)` -> `action.background_icon_state = ...` action.overlay_icon_state = "bg_heretic_border" -- `action:set_var("overlay_icon_state", ...)` -> `action.overlay_icon_state = ...` action.active_overlay_icon_state = "bg_nature_border" -- `action:set_var("active_overlay_icon_state", ...)` -> `action.active_overlay_icon_state = ...` action.cooldown_time = (abilityData.cooldown or 0) * 10 -- `action:set_var("cooldown_time", ...)` -> `action.cooldown_time = ...` SS13.register_signal(humanData.human, "mob_ability_base_started", function(source, actionTarget, target) if REF(actionTarget) == REF(action) then local returnValue = abilityData.onActivate(humanData, action, target) if action.unset_after_click == 1 then -- `action:get_var("unset_after_click")` -> `action.unset_after_click` action:unset_click_ability(source, false) -- `action:call_proc("unset_click_ability", ...)` -> `action:unset_click_ability(...)` end source.next_click ="time") + action.click_cd_override -- `source:set_var("next_click", ...)` -> `source.next_click = ...` return returnValue end end) = -- `action:set_var("name", ...)` -> ` = ...` action:Grant(humanData.human) -- `action:call_proc("Grant", ...)` -> `action:Grant(...)` return action end local zombieControllerTargets = {} local dead_players_by_zlevel = dm.global_vars.SSmobs.dead_players_by_zlevel -- `dm.global_vars:get_var("SSmobs"):get_var("dead_players_by_zlevel")` -> `dm.global_vars.SSmobs.dead_players_by_zlevel` local SSspacial_grid = dm.global_vars.SSspatial_grid -- `dm.global_vars:get_var("SSspatial_grid")` -> `dm.global_vars.SSspatial_grid` local makeZombieController = function(location) local controller ="/mob/camera", location) local controllerData = { human = controller } = "Zombie Controller ("..tostring(math.random(101, 999))..")" -- `controller:set_var("name", ...)` -> ` = ...` controller.invisibility = 60 -- `controller:set_var("invisibility", 60)` -> `controller.invisibility = 60` controller.see_invisible = 25 -- `controller:set_var("see_invisible", 25)` -> `controller.see_invisible = 25` controller.layer = 5 -- `controller:set_var("layer", 5)` -> `controller.layer = 5` controller.plane = getPlane(-3, location) -- `controller:set_var("plane", getPlane(-3, location))` -> `controller.plane = getPlane(-3, location)` controller.faction:add("zombie") -- `controller:get_var("faction"):add("zombie")` -> `controller.faction:add("zombie")` controller:set_sight(60) -- `controller:call_proc("set_sight", 60)` -> `controller:set_sight(60)` controller.mouse_opacity = 1 -- `controller:set_var("mouse_opacity", 1)` -> `controller.mouse_opacity = 1` controller.color = "#33cc33" -- `controller:set_var("color", "#33cc33")` -> `controller.color = "#33cc33"` controller.icon = loadIcon("") -- `controller:set_var("icon", ...)` -> `controller.icon = ...` controller.icon_state = "marker" -- `controller:set_var("icon_state", "marker")` -> `controller.icon_state = "marker"` controller.lighting_cutoff_red = 5 -- `controller:set_var("lighting_cutoff_red", 5)` -> `controller.lighting_cutoff_red = 5` controller.lighting_cutoff_green = 35 -- `controller:set_var("lighting_cutoff_green", 35)` -> `controller.lighting_cutoff_green = 35` controller.lighting_cutoff_blue = 20 -- `controller:set_var("lighting_cutoff_blue", 20)` -> `controller.lighting_cutoff_blue = 20` dm.global_procs._add_trait(controller, "mute", "zs_controller") -- `dm.global_proc("_add_trait", ...)` -> `dm.global_procs._add_trait(...)` local nextRally = 0 local controllerRef = REF(controller) local rallyTimer SS13.register_signal(controller, "mob_ctrl_clicked", function(_, object) SS13.end_loop(rallyTimer) zombieControllerTargets[controllerRef] = object if not SS13.istype(object, "/turf") then to_chat(controller, "You rally nearby zombies to attack "..tostring(object).."") rallyTimer = SS13.start_loop(30, 1, function() zombieControllerTargets[controllerRef] = nil end) else to_chat(controller, "You rally nearby zombies to the targeted location") rallyTimer = SS13.start_loop(10, 1, function() zombieControllerTargets[controllerRef] = nil end) end local potentialTargets = dm.global_proc("get_hearers_in_range", 8, controller) for _, zombie in potentialTargets do if not isZombie(zombie) then continue end local mutData = getZombieMutation(zombie) if not mutData or mutData.class ~= "Zombie (AI)" then continue end mutData.zombieAi.nextTargetSearch = 0 end end) local oldZ SS13.register_signal(controller, "mob_client_move_possessed_object", function(_, new_loc, direct) local newZ = new_loc.z -- `new_loc:get_var("z")` -> `new_loc.z` if newZ ~= oldZ then if oldZ then local oldZList = dead_players_by_zlevel[oldZ] -- `dead_players_by_zlevel:get(oldZ)` -> `dead_players_by_zlevel[oldZ]` oldZList:remove(controller) end if newZ then local newZList = dead_players_by_zlevel[newZ] -- `dead_players_by_zlevel:get(newZ)` -> `dead_players_by_zlevel[newZ]` newZList:add(controller) end oldZ = newZ end controller:abstract_move(new_loc) -- `controller:call_proc("abstract_move", new_loc)` -> `controller:abstract_move(new_loc)` return 1 end) SS13.register_signal(controller, "parent_qdeleting", function() if oldZ then local zList = dead_players_by_zlevel[oldZ] -- `dead_players_by_zlevel:get(oldZ)` -> `dead_players_by_zlevel[oldZ]` zList:remove(controller) end end) if not ALLOW_TANK_SPAWN then return controller end local promotedTank local cooldown = 900 grantAbility(controllerData, { name = "Promote Tank", icon = "", icon_state = "tank", abilityType = "targeted", cooldown = cooldown, onActivate = function(humanData, action, target) if SS13.is_valid(promotedTank) and promotedTank.stat ~= 4 then -- `promotedTank:get_var("stat")` -> `promotedTank.stat` controller:balloon_alert(controller, "promoted tank still alive!") -- `controller:call_proc("balloon_alert", controller, "promoted tank still alive!")` -> `controller:balloon_alert(controller, "promoted tank still alive!")` return 1 end if not SS13.istype(target, "/mob/living/carbon/human") then controller:balloon_alert(controller, "invalid target") -- `controller:call_proc("balloon_alert", controller, "invalid target")` -> `controller:balloon_alert(controller, "invalid target")` return 1 end local mutation = getZombieMutation(target) if not mutation or mutation.class ~= "Zombie (AI)" or not mutation.spawned then controller:balloon_alert(controller, "invalid target") -- `controller:call_proc("balloon_alert", controller, "invalid target")` -> `controller:balloon_alert(controller, "invalid target")` return 1 end SS13.set_timeout(0, function() local objective = dm.global_proc("sanitize", SS13.await(SS13.global_proc, "tgui_input_text", controller, "Please input an objective for this tank", "Tank objective")) setClass(mutation, "Tank") local players = SS13.await(dm.global_vars:get_var("SSpolling"), "poll_ghost_candidates", "The mode is looking for volunteers to become a Tank to do the following: "..objective, nil, nil, 100, nil, true, target, target, "Tank") if not SS13.is_valid(target) then if SS13.is_valid(action) then action:StartCooldownSelf(1) -- `action:call_proc("StartCooldownSelf", 1)` -> `action:StartCooldownSelf(1)` end return end if not players or players.len == 0 then dm.global_proc("message_admins", "Not enough players volunteered for the Tank role.") setClass(mutation, "Zombie (AI)") if SS13.is_valid(action) then action:StartCooldownSelf(1) -- `action:call_proc("StartCooldownSelf", 1)` -> `action:StartCooldownSelf(1)` end return end local client = dm.global_proc("_pick_list", players) dm.global_proc("message_admins", "Selected ""key_name_admin", client).." for the role of tank.") local zombieMind ="/datum/mind", client.key) -- `client:get_var("key")` -> `client.key` zombieMind:transfer_to(target, true) -- `zombieMind:call_proc("transfer_to", target, true)` -> `zombieMind:transfer_to(target, true)` promotedTank = target HandlerGroup.register_once(promotedTank, "living_death", function() if SS13.is_valid(action) then action:StartCooldownSelf(cooldown * 10) -- `action:call_proc("StartCooldownSelf", cooldown * 10)` -> `action:StartCooldownSelf(cooldown * 10)` end end) SS13.to_chat(promotedTank, "Your goal is to do the following: "..objective.."") end) end }) return controller end local function makePlayersVulnerable(position) local players = dm.global_proc("get_hearers_in_range", 6, position) if not players then return end for _, player in players:of_type("/mob/living/carbon/human") do local handler = handler:register_signal(player, "atom_expose_reagents", function(_, reagents) for reagent, amount in reagents do if SS13.istype(reagent, "/datum/reagent/toxin/acid/fluacid") then infectTarget(player) end end end) SS13.set_timeout(5, function() handler:clear() end) end end local ZOMBIE_AI = {} CURRENT_ZOMBIE_AI_LIST = ZOMBIE_AI local startAiControllerLoop = function() local currentRun = {} local resumed = false local currentLoop currentLoop = SS13.start_loop(0.5, -1, function() if __ZS_AI_LOOP ~= currentLoop then local exists_zombie = #ZOMBIE_AI > 0 if not exists_zombie then SS13.end_loop(currentLoop) return end end if not resumed then currentRun = {} local i = (#ZOMBIE_AI + 1) while i > 1 do i = i - 1 local zombie = ZOMBIE_AI[i] if not zombie.valid then table.remove(ZOMBIE_AI, i) continue end if zombie.processing then table.insert(currentRun, zombie) end end resumed = true end local tickStart ="tick_usage") local timeStart ="time") local length = #currentRun while length > 0 do if tickLag(tickStart, timeStart) then return end local zombie = table.remove(currentRun) length -= 1 zombie:execute() end resumed = false end) __ZS_AI_LOOP = currentLoop end local isZombieTarget = function(target) if isZombie(target) then return false end return SS13.istype(target, "/mob/living/carbon/human") or (SS13.istype(target, "/mob/living/silicon") and target:get_var("client")) end startAiControllerLoop() local chasedTargets = {} local mobRefToDatum = {} CURRENT_CHASED_TARGETS = chasedTargets CURRENT_MOB_REF_TO_DATUM = mobRefToDatum local SSspacedrift = dm.global_vars:get_var("SSspacedrift") local SSmove_manager = dm.global_vars:get_var("GLOB"):get_var("move_manager") local createZombieAi = function(zombieData) local zombieMob = zombieData.human local aiData = { processing = true, zombie = zombieMob, zombieData = zombieData, valid = true, tick = 0, crawler = math.random(1, 5) == 1, nextRandomWander = 100, setTarget = function(self, target) checkPerf(true) if then self:clearTarget() end checkPerf(true) if self.pathingDatum then SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) end checkPerf(true) = target local targetRef = REF(target) local chasedTarget = chasedTargets[targetRef] checkPerf(true) if not chasedTarget then chasedTarget = 0 end mobRefToDatum[targetRef] = target end checkPerf(true) chasedTarget += 1 chasedTargets[targetRef] = chasedTarget self.processing = true self.targetSearchFails = 0 end, clearTarget = function(self) if not then return end checkPerf(true) local targetRef = REF( checkPerf(true) local chasedTarget = chasedTargets[targetRef] checkPerf(true) if chasedTarget then chasedTarget -= 1 if chasedTarget == 0 then chasedTargets[targetRef] = nil mobRefToDatum[targetRef] = nil else chasedTargets[targetRef] = chasedTarget end end checkPerf(true) if self.pathingDatum then SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) end = nil end, execute = function(self) startPerfTrack() if not SS13.is_valid(zombieMob) then self:cleanup() return end checkPerf() if not self.processing or not self.valid then return end if zombieMob:get_var("stat") ~= 0 then self.processing = false return end checkPerf() local worldTime ="time") self.nextClickOn = self.nextClickOn or 0 if not SS13.istype(zombieMob:get_var("loc"), "/turf") then if self.pathingDatum then SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) end SS13.set_timeout(0, function() zombieMob:call_proc("execute_resist") end) return end checkPerf() if zombieMob:get_var("body_position") == 1 then self.nextGetup = self.nextGetup or 0 if worldTime > self.nextGetup then SS13.set_timeout(0, function() zombieMob:call_proc("on_floored_end") end) self.nextGetup = worldTime + 50 end end checkPerf() if hasTrait(zombieMob, "block_transformations") then if self.pathingDatum then SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) end return end checkPerf() self.nextTargetSearch = self.nextTargetSearch or 0 local closestTarget local zombieLocation = dm.global_proc("_get_step", zombieMob, 0) if not zombieLocation then return end if worldTime >= self.nextTargetSearch then self.nextTargetSearch = worldTime + 100 local closestDist = 1000 checkPerf() local potentialTargets = dm.global_procs.get_hearers_in_LOS(7, zombieMob) checkPerf() for _, target in ipairs(potentialTargets:to_table()) do if not isZombieTarget(target) then continue end if target:get_var("stat") == 4 then continue end local location = dm.global_proc("_get_step", target, 0) local distance = dm.global_proc("_get_dist", zombieLocation, location) if distance > 4 then continue end if distance < closestDist then closestDist = distance closestTarget = target end end checkPerf() if not closestTarget then local tryGetTarget = function(table) for _, target in table do if not SS13.is_valid(target) then continue end local location = target if not SS13.istype(target, "/turf") then local location = dm.global_proc("_get_step", target, 0) end local distance = dm.global_proc("_get_dist", zombieLocation, location) if distance > 9 then continue end if distance < closestDist then closestDist = distance closestTarget = target end end end checkPerf() tryGetTarget(zombieControllerTargets) checkPerf() -- if not closestTarget then -- checkPerf() -- tryGetTarget(mobRefToDatum) -- checkPerf() -- end end if not closestTarget and SS13.istype(, "/turf") then self:clearTarget() end end if closestTarget and (not or REF( ~= REF(closestTarget)) then if SS13.istype(closestTarget, "/turf") then checkPerf() self:setTarget(closestTarget) checkPerf() else checkPerf() self:setTarget(dm.global_proc("get_atom_on_turf", closestTarget)) checkPerf() end end if self.pathingDatum then self.pathingDatum:set_var("delay", zombieMob:get_var("cached_multiplicative_slowdown")) end if not SS13.is_valid( then self:clearTarget() if worldTime >= self.nextRandomWander then SS13.start_loop(0, 1, function() if SS13.is_valid( then return end local dir = dm.global_proc("_pick_list", dm.global_vars:get_var("GLOB"):get_var("cardinals")) zombieMob:call_proc("Move", dm.global_proc("_get_step", zombieMob, dir), dir) end) self.nextRandomWander = worldTime + math.random(50, 100) end return end checkPerf() if (SS13.istype(, "/mob/living") and"stat") == 4) or isZombie( then self:clearTarget() return end checkPerf() local location = dm.global_proc("_get_step",, 0) local distance = dm.global_proc("_get_dist", zombieLocation, location) checkPerf() if distance >= 10 then self:clearTarget() return end checkPerf() if distance > 1 then self.nextClickOn = worldTime + 10 end checkPerf() if (distance ~= -1 and distance <= 1) or zombieLocation == location then if worldTime >= self.nextClickOn and (zombieMob:get_var("body_position") ~= 1 or self.crawler) then SS13.set_timeout(0, function() zombieMob:ClickOn(, {}) end) end end checkPerf() if self.isPathing and self.pathingTarget ~= then SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) end if not self.isPathing and distance > 1 then self.pathingDatum = SSmove_manager:call_proc("home_onto", zombieMob,, zombieMob:get_var("cached_multiplicative_slowdown"), 1e31, SSspacedrift) self.isPathing = true self.pathingTarget = local handler = handler:register_signal(zombieMob, "movable_moved_from_loop", function(_, moveLoop, oldDir, direction) local target = dm.global_proc("_get_step", zombieMob, oldDir) zombieMob:set_var("combat_mode", 1) local toClickOn for _, data in target:get_var("contents") do if isZombie(data) then continue end if data:get_var("density") == 1 and REF(data) ~= REF(zombieMob) then toClickOn = data if"flags_1"), 8) ~= 0 then break end end end if toClickOn then SS13.set_timeout(0, function() zombieMob:ClickOn(toClickOn, {}) end) end end) SS13.register_signal(self.pathingDatum, "parent_qdeleting", function() self.isPathing = false self.pathingTarget = false self.pathingDatum = nil handler:clear() end) checkPerf() elseif distance <= 1 then checkPerf() SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) checkPerf() end cleanup = function(self) self:clearTarget() SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) self.valid = false self.processing = false end if not hasTrait(zombieMob, "relaying_attacker") then zombieMob:call_proc("_AddElement", { SS13.type("/datum/element/relay_attackers") }) end RegisterClassSignal(zombieData, "atom_was_attacked", function(_, attacker, attack_flags) = dm.global_proc("get_atom_on_turf", attacker) end) RegisterClassSignal(zombieData, "living_disarm_hit", function(_, attacker, attack_flags) zombieMob:call_proc("Knockdown", 20) zombieMob:call_proc("Paralyze", 20) SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) end) local insideList = true RegisterClassSignal(zombieData, "mob_statchange", function(_, new_stat) if not aiData.valid then return end if new_stat ~= 0 then aiData.processing = false if insideList then for index, ref in ZOMBIE_AI do if ref == aiData then table.remove(ZOMBIE_AI, index) end end insideList = false end if aiData.pathingDatum then SSmove_manager:call_proc("stop_looping", zombieMob, SSspacedrift) end else aiData.processing = true if not insideList then table.insert(ZOMBIE_AI, aiData) insideList = true end end end) RegisterClassSignal(zombieData, "parent_qdeleting", function() aiData:cleanup() end) RegisterClassSignal(zombieData, "mob_login", function() SS13.set_timeout(0, function() dm.global_proc("to_chat", zombieMob, "Your body is being controlled by a zombie! Wait until the zombification is cured.") zombieMob:call_proc("ghostize", true) end) end) table.insert(ZOMBIE_AI, aiData) return aiData end ABILITIES = { ["boomer_explode"] = { name = "Detonate yourself", icon = "", icon_state = "gel_cocoon", abilityType = "normal", cooldown = 10, onActivate = function(humanData, action) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() humanData.classData:explode(humanData, false, 1) end) end }, ["boomer_spew"] = { name = "Spew bile", icon = "", icon_state = "consume", abilityType = "targeted", cooldown = 30, onActivate = function(humanData, action, target) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() dm.global_procs.playsound(humanData.human, "sound/effects/splat.ogg", 100, true) local fluidGroup = SS13.new_untracked("/datum/fluid_group", 9) local position = humanData.human:drop_location() local targetTurfs = dm.global_procs.get_line(position, target) makePlayersVulnerable(position) local currentDirection local previousTurf = position local endLoop = false local turfTarget local timer = SS13.start_loop(0.1, 5, function(i) if endLoop then return end if turfTarget then previousTurf = turfTarget end if i >= targetTurfs.len - 1 then turfTarget = dm.global_procs._get_step(previousTurf, currentDirection) else turfTarget = targetTurfs[i + 1] currentDirection = dm.global_procs._get_dir(previousTurf, turfTarget) end local atmosAdjacentTurfs = turfTarget:get_var("atmos_adjacent_turfs") local canPass = false if atmosAdjacentTurfs and not atmosAdjacentTurfs[previousTurf] then canPass = true end local prevAtmosAdjacentTurfs = previousTurf:get_var("atmos_adjacent_turfs") if atmosAdjacentTurfs and prevAtmosAdjacentTurfs then for _, turf in atmosAdjacentTurfs do for _, turf2 in prevAtmosAdjacentTurfs do if REF(turf) == REF(turf2) then canPass = true break end end if canPass then break end end end if not canPass then SS13.end_loop(timer) endLoop = true return end local spawnFluid = function(position) local foo = SS13.new_untracked("/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/foam/short_life", position, fluidGroup) foo:set_var("color", "#5050FF") foo:get_var("reagents"):add_reagent(SS13.type("/datum/reagent/toxin/acid/fluacid"), 30) end local angle = 225 if currentDirection == 1 or currentDirection == 2 or currentDirection == 4 or currentDirection == 8 then angle = 90 end spawnFluid(dm.global_procs._get_step(turfTarget, dm.global_procs._turn(currentDirection, angle))) spawnFluid(turfTarget) spawnFluid(dm.global_procs._get_step(turfTarget, dm.global_procs._turn(currentDirection, -angle))) end) end) end }, ["smoker_hook"] = { name = "Entangle", icon = "", icon_state = "carve", abilityType = "targeted", cooldown = 15, onActivate = function(humanData, action, target) if hasTrait(humanData.human, "immobilized") then return BLOCK_ACTIVATION end SS13.set_timeout(0, function() SS13.qdel(humanData.meathook) humanData.meathook ="/obj/item/ammo_casing/magic/hook", humanData.human) SS13.register_signal(humanData.meathook, "fire_casing", function(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, thrown_proj) if not SS13.is_valid(thrown_proj) then return end -- thrown_proj:set_var("icon_state", "lobster_claw") -- local chain = thrown_proj:get_var("initial_chain") -- chain:set_var("icon_state", "tentacle") -- chain:get_var("visuals"):set_var("icon_state", "tentacle") -- local uiBlockedCallback -- uiBlockedCallback = SS13.register_signal(humanData.human, "addtrait uiblocked", function() -- SS13.unregister_signal(humanData.human, "addtrait uiblocked", uiBlockedCallback) -- for _, source in humanData.human:get_var("_status_traits"):get("uiblocked") do -- local thing = dm.global_proc("_locate", source) -- if not thing or not SS13.istype(thing, "/datum/hook_and_move") then -- continue -- end -- local chain = thing:get_var("return_chain") -- chain:set_var("icon_state", "tentacle") -- chain:get_var("visuals"):set_var("icon_state", "tentacle") -- end -- end) SS13.register_signal(thrown_proj, "projectile_self_on_hit", function(_, firer, target, Angle, hit_limb_zone, blocked) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() -- if SS13.is_valid(humanData.human) then -- SS13.unregister_signal(humanData.human, "addtrait uiblocked", uiBlockedCallback) -- end if not hasTrait(target, "hooked") then return end dm.global_proc("_add_trait", target, "block_transformations", "zs_hooked") HandlerGroup.register_once(target, "removetrait hooked", function() dm.global_proc("_remove_trait", target, "block_transformations", "zs_hooked") SS13.unregister_signal(target, "removetrait hooked", removeTraitCallback) end) end) end) end) humanData.meathook:fire_casing(target, humanData.human, nil, nil, nil, "chest", 0, humanData.human) dm.global_procs.playsound(humanData.human, "sound/weapons/batonextend.ogg", 100) end) end }, ["tank_roar"] = { name = "Roar", icon = "", icon_state = "berserk_mode", abilityType = "normal", cooldown = 15, onActivate = function(humanData, action, target) local sound = tankRoarSounds[math.random(#tankRoarSounds)] dm.global_procs.playsound(humanData.human, sound, 80, true, 15, 1.5, nil, 0, true, true, 8) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() humanData.human:emote("me", 1, "roars!", true) end) end }, ["jockey_leap"] = { name = "Leap", icon = "", icon_state = "jetboot", abilityType = "targeted", cooldown = 15, onActivate = function(humanData, action, target) if SS13.is_valid(humanData.riding) then return BLOCK_ACTIVATION end SS13.set_timeout(0, function() dm.global_procs.playsound(humanData.human, "sound/weapons/fwoosh.ogg", 100, true) HandlerGroup.register_once(humanData.human, "movable_pre_impact", function(human, hit_target, thrownthing) if not SS13.istype(hit_target, "/mob/living/carbon/human") or hasTrait(hit_target, "zs_being_ridden") or isZombie(hit_target) or hasTrait(hit_target, "floored") then return end human:set_var("remote_control", hit_target) human:set_var("pixel_z", 12) human:set_var("layer", 4.1) human:forceMove(hit_target:get_var("loc")) hit_target:add_traits({ "block_transformations", "zs_being_ridden", "sleep_immunity" }, "zombie_riding") hit_target:set_var("mobility_flags","mobility_flags"), bit32.bnot(384))) humanData.riding = hit_target local cooldown = 0 local cancelRiding local ridingHandler = ridingHandler:register_signal(hit_target, "atom_relaymove", function(_, user, direction) if REF(user) ~= REF(human) then return end local worldTime ="time") if worldTime < cooldown then return 1 end hit_target:Move(dm.global_procs._get_step(user, direction)) cooldown = worldTime + 10 return 1 end) ridingHandler:register_signal(hit_target, "mob_statchange", function(_, new_stat) if new_stat ~= 0 then cancelRiding() end end) ridingHandler:register_signal(hit_target, "movable_moved", function(_, oldloc, dir) if REF(human:get_var("remote_control")) ~= REF(hit_target) then cancelRiding() return end human:setDir(dir) human:forceMove(hit_target:get_var("loc")) end) ridingHandler:register_signal(hit_target, "parent_qdeleting", function() cancelRiding() end) SS13.register_signal(human, "parent_qdeleting", function() cancelRiding() end) ridingHandler:register_signal(human, "mob_statchange", function(_, new_stat) if new_stat ~= 0 then cancelRiding() end end) ridingHandler:register_signal(hit_target, "addtrait floored", function() cancelRiding() end) ridingHandler:register_signal(human, "addtrait floored", function() cancelRiding() end) local dismount = { name = "Dismount", icon = "", icon_state = "infect", abilityType = "normal", cooldown = 0, onActivate = function() cancelRiding() end } hit_target:emote("scream") local timerId = SS13.start_loop(5, -1, function() hit_target:emote("scream") end) local dismountAbility cancelRiding = function() ridingHandler:clear() human:set_var("remote_control", nil) human:set_var("pixel_z", 0) humanData.riding = nil hit_target:remove_traits({ "block_transformations", "zs_being_ridden", "sleep_immunity" }, "zombie_riding") hit_target:set_var("mobility_flags", bit32.bor(hit_target:get_var("mobility_flags"), 384)) SS13.end_loop(timerId) SS13.qdel(dismountAbility) end dismountAbility = grantAbility(humanData, dismount) end) humanData.human:throw_at(target, 5, 3, humanData.human, false, false, nil, 2000, true) SS13.set_timeout(5, function() if SS13.is_valid(humanData.human) then SS13.unregister_signal(humanData.human, "movable_pre_impact", callback) end end) end) end }, } local zombieMutIcons = {} local setIcon = function(humanData, icon) local zombieIcon = zombieMutIcons[icon] if not zombieIcon then zombieIcon ="/mutable_appearance") zombieIcon:set_var("icon", loadIcon("")) zombieIcon:set_var("icon_state", icon) zombieIcon:set_var("appearance_flags", 837) zombieMutIcons[icon] = zombieIcon end humanData.human:set_var("alpha", 0) humanData.human:add_overlay(zombieIcon) humanData.zombieIcon = zombieIcon end local resetIcon = function(humanData) humanData.human:set_var("alpha", 255) humanData.human:cut_overlay(humanData.zombieIcon) end CLASSES = { ["Non-Zombie"] = { human = true, abilities = {}, onGain = function(self, humanData) RegisterClassSignal(humanData, "atom_entered", function(human, entered) if hasTrait(entered, "zs_zombie_cure") then SS13.set_timeout(0, function() local tumour = human:get_var("zombie_infection") if SS13.is_valid(tumour) then SS13.qdel(tumour) dm.global_proc("to_chat", human, "You feel a wave of relief and tranquility, and your mind feels clear.") end human:set_var("tox_loss", 0) SS13.qdel(entered) end) end end) RegisterClassSignal(humanData, "carbon_gain_organ", function(_, organ, special) if SS13.istype(organ, "/obj/item/organ/internal/zombie_infection") then -- Adds ORGAN_UNREMOVABLE and ORGAN_HIDDEN organ:set_var("organ_flags", bit32.bor(organ:get_var("organ_flags"), 768)) end end) end, }, ["Zombie Controller"] = { onGain = function(self, humanData) local mind = humanData.human:get_var("mind") local controller = makeZombieController(humanData.human:get_var("loc")) if mind then mind:transfer_to(controller) end SS13.qdel(humanData.human) end }, ["Zombie"] = { derived = "Zombie (AI)", aiEnabled = false }, ["Zombie (AI)"] = { slowdown = 0.75, slowdownRandom = 0.5, damageResist = 0, noRevive = true, aiEnabled = true, onGain = function(self, humanData) if self.aiEnabled then local aiData = createZombieAi(humanData) humanData.zombieAi = aiData SS13.set_timeout(0, function() humanData.human:ghostize(true) end) end local head = humanData.human:get_var("head") if head then head:set_var("bodypart_flags", bit32.bor(head:get_var("bodypart_flags"), 1)) end RegisterClassSignal(humanData, "atom_entered", function(human, entered) if hasTrait(entered, "zs_zombie_cure") then SS13.set_timeout(0, function() if human:get_var("stat") ~= 4 then human:death() end local humanMind = human:notify_revival("You are being unzombified!") human:grab_ghost() if humanData.zombieAi then humanData.zombieAi:cleanup() humanData.zombieAi = nil end local tumour = human:get_var("zombie_infection") if SS13.is_valid(tumour) then SS13.qdel(tumour) dm.global_proc("to_chat", human, "You feel a wave of relief and tranquility, and your mind feels clear.") end SS13.qdel(entered) setClass(humanData, "Non-Zombie") end) end end) end, onLoss = function(self, humanData) if humanData.zombieAi then humanData.zombieAi:cleanup() humanData.zombieAi = nil end local head = humanData.human:get_var("head") if head then head:set_var("bodypart_flags","bodypart_flags"), bit32.bnot(1))) end end }, ["Boomer"] = { abilities = { "boomer_explode", "boomer_spew" }, explode = function(self, humanData, gibbed, extraRange) local human = humanData.human dm.global_proc("playsound", human, "sound/effects/splat.ogg", 100, true) local position = human:drop_location() makePlayersVulnerable(position) if not gibbed or gibbed == 0 then human:gib() end dm.global_proc("explosion", position, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5) local foo ="/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/foam/short") foo:set_up(2 + extraRange) foo:set_var("location", position) foo:get_var("chemholder"):add_reagent(SS13.type("/datum/reagent/toxin/acid/fluacid"), 15) foo:start() end, onGain = function(self, humanData) humanData.human:set_var("resistance_flags", 48) setIcon(humanData, "boomer") RegisterClassSignal(humanData, "living_death", function(human, gibbed) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() self:explode(humanData, gibbed, 0) end) end) RegisterClassSignal(humanData, "atom_expose_reagents", function(_, reagents) for reagent, amount in reagents do if SS13.istype(reagent, "/datum/reagent/toxin/acid/fluacid") then return 1 end end end) end, onLoss = function(self, humanData) resetIcon(humanData) humanData.human:set_var("resistance_flags", 0) SS13.stop_tracking(humanData.zombieBoomer) end }, ["Jockey"] = { slowdown = -1.5, damage = 11, noRevive = true, abilities = { "jockey_leap" }, traits = { "passtable", "ventcrawler_always" }, onGain = function(self, humanData) setIcon(humanData, "jockey") humanData.human.pass_flags = 1 end, onLoss = function(self, humanData) resetIcon(humanData) humanData.human.pass_flags = 0 end }, ["Smoker"] = { damage = 31, slowdown = 0.5, abilities = { "smoker_hook" }, noRevive = true, onGain = function(self, humanData) setIcon(humanData, "smoker") end, onLoss = function(self, humanData) resetIcon(humanData) end }, ["Tank"] = { slowdown = 0, damage = 30, damageResist = 50, noRevive = true, traits = { "ignoredamageslowdown", "shock_immunity", "push_immunity", "stun_immunity", "baton_resistance", "resist_high_pressure", "resist_low_pressure", "bomb_immunity", "rad_immunity", "no_blood_overlay", "no_stagger", "noslip_all", "noflash" }, abilities = { "tank_roar" }, onGain = function(self, humanData) setIcon(humanData, "tank") local sound = tankRoarSounds[math.random(#tankRoarSounds)] dm.global_proc("playsound", humanData.human, sound, 80, true, 15, 1.5, nil, 0, true, true, 8) for _, item in humanData.human:get_var("held_items") do if SS13.istype(item, "/obj/item/mutant_hand/zombie") then RegisterClassSignal(humanData, item, "item_afterattack", function(_, target, user, proximity, click_params) if proximity == 0 then return end local position = dm.global_proc("_get_step", user, 0) local direction = dm.global_proc("_get_dir", user, target) if SS13.istype(target, "/mob") then local targetTurf = position for i = 1, 8 do targetTurf = dm.global_proc("_get_step", targetTurf, direction) end target:Knockdown(20) target:throw_at(targetTurf, 8, 2) end if SS13.istype(target, "/turf/closed/wall") then humanData.human:UnarmedAttack(target, 1, {}) end end) end end local stepCount = 0 local nextPlay = 0 humanData.human:_RemoveElement({ SS13.type("/datum/element/footstep"), "footstep_human", 1, -6 }) RegisterClassSignal(humanData, "movable_moved", function(_, target) local worldTime ="time") if humanData.human:get_var("body_position") == 1 then return end stepCount += 1 if stepCount < 2 then return end if nextPlay > worldTime then return end nextPlay = worldTime + 6 local sound = tankFootstepSound[math.random(#tankFootstepSound)] dm.global_proc("playsound", humanData.human, sound, 20, true, 15, 1.5, nil, 0, true, true, 8) stepCount = 0 end) RegisterClassSignal(humanData, "living_death", function() local sound = tankDeathSound[math.random(#tankDeathSound)] dm.global_proc("playsound", humanData.human, sound, 40, true, 15, 1.5, nil, 0, true, true, 8) end) humanData.human:_AddElement({ SS13.type("/datum/element/wall_tearer"), true, 80, 3 }) humanData.human:set_var("status_flags", 0) end, onLoss = function(self, humanData) humanData.human:_AddElement({ SS13.type("/datum/element/footstep"), "footstep_human", 1, -6 }) humanData.human:set_var("status_flags", 15) resetIcon(humanData) end, } } local LOADING = {} for className, class in pairs(CLASSES) do if class.derived then LOADING[className] = class end end local allLoaded = false local attempts = 0 while not allLoaded and attempts < 100 do allLoaded = true for className, class in pairs(LOADING) do if not class.derived then LOADING[className] = nil goto continue end local derivedClass = CLASSES[class.derived] if LOADING[derivedClass] then allLoaded = false goto continue end for key, value in pairs(derivedClass) do if class[key] == nil then class[key] = value end end LOADING[className] = nil ::continue:: end attempts += 1 end if attempts >= 100 then print("Something wrong with the class structure!") end local REF = function(target) return dm.global_proc("REF", target) end local createHref = function(target, args, content) brackets = brackets == nil and true or false return "" .. content .. "" end local function labelDisplay(label_name, content) return "
" .. label_name .. ":
" .. content .. "
" end local function getReadablePerfStat(number) return tostring(math.floor(number * 1000000) / 1000) end local function openMobSettings(user, humanData) local userCkey = user:get_var("ckey") local browser = SS13.new_untracked("/datum/browser", user, "SettingsMenu", "SettingsMenu", 300, 300) local data = "" data = data .. "

Settings Menu

" data = data .. labelDisplay("Refresh", createHref(humanData.human, "refresh=1", "Refresh")) data = data .. labelDisplay("Cure", createHref(humanData.human, "spawn_cure=1", "Spawn Cure Crate")) data = data .. labelDisplay("Cure", createHref(humanData.human, "spawn_cure_spawner=1", "Spawn Cure Spawner")) data = data .. labelDisplay("Zombie AI", createHref(humanData.human, "spawn_zombie_ai=1", "Spawn Zombie AI")) data = data .. labelDisplay("Zombie Spawner", createHref(humanData.human, "spawn_zombie_spawner=1", "Spawn Zombie Spawner")) data = data .. labelDisplay("Supplies", createHref(humanData.human, "spawn_supply_crate=1", "Spawn Supply Crate")) data = data .. labelDisplay("Supplies", createHref(humanData.human, "spawn_supply_crate=1;timed=1", "Spawn Timed Supply Crate")) data = data .. "" data = data .. "TOTAL ZOMBIE AI: " .. tostring(#ZOMBIE_AI) .. "
" local prevLine local TIME_AVG_KEYS = {} for key, value in TIME_AVG do table.insert(TIME_AVG_KEYS, key) end table.sort(TIME_AVG_KEYS) for _, line in ipairs(TIME_AVG_KEYS) do local avg = TIME_AVG[line] local total = TOTAL_TIME_TAKEN[line] local count = TOTAL_CALL_COUNT[line] if not prevLine then prevLine = line continue end local isSleeping = SLEEPING_AT[line] local status = " " if isSleeping then status = "S" end data = data .. tostring(prevLine) .. "-" .. line .. " [" .. status .. "]: " .. getReadablePerfStat(avg) .. " | " .. getReadablePerfStat(total) .. " | " .. tostring(count) .. "
" prevLine = line end browser:set_content(data) browser:open() end local damageTypes = { "bleed_mod", "brain_mod", "burn_mod", "brute_mod", "cold_mod", "heat_mod", "hunger_mod", "oxy_mod", "pressure_mod", "stamina_mod", "siemens_coeff", "tox_mod", } setClass = function(humanData, class) local previousClass = CLASSES[humanData.class] if previousClass.onLoss then previousClass:onLoss(humanData) end for _, callback in ipairs(humanData.classCleanup) do if type(callback) == 'function' then callback() else SS13.unregister_signal(, callback.signal, callback.callback) end end humanData.classCleanup = {} if previousClass.traits then humanData.human:call_proc("remove_traits", previousClass.traits, "zs_class") end humanData.class = nil humanData.human:call_proc("remove_movespeed_modifier", SS13.type("/datum/movespeed_modifier/admin_varedit")) SS13.unregister_signal(humanData.human, "mob_ability_base_started") for _, item in ipairs(humanData.human:get_var("held_items")) do if SS13.istype(item, "/obj/item/mutant_hand/zombie") then item:set_var("force", 21) end end if previousClass.damageResist then local phys = humanData.human:get_var("physiology") for _, damageType in ipairs(damageTypes) do if damageType == "siemens_coeff" then phys:set_var(damageType, phys:get_var(damageType) + 0.8) else phys:set_var(damageType, phys:get_var(damageType) + 0.01 * previousClass.damageResist) end end end if class == nil then return end local newClass = CLASSES[class] local abilities = newClass.abilities or {} local abilityDatums = {} for _, ability in ipairs(abilities) do table.insert(abilityDatums, grantAbility(humanData, ABILITIES[ability])) end table.insert(humanData.classCleanup, function() for _, abilityDatum in ipairs(abilityDatums) do SS13.qdel(abilityDatum) end end) humanData.class = class humanData.classData = newClass if newClass.slowdown then local slowdown = newClass.slowdown if newClass.slowdownRandom then local addedSlowdown = math.floor((math.random() * newClass.slowdownRandom) * 1000) / 1000 if math.random(0, 1) == 1 then addedSlowdown = -addedSlowdown end slowdown += addedSlowdown end humanData.human:call_proc("add_or_update_variable_movespeed_modifier", SS13.type("/datum/movespeed_modifier/admin_varedit"), true, newClass.slowdown) end if isZombie(humanData.human) then if newClass.human then if humanData.oldSpecies then humanData.human:call_proc("set_species", humanData.oldSpecies) else humanData.human:call_proc("set_species", SS13.type("/datum/species/human")) end humanData.human:set_var("voice", humanData.oldVoice) end else if not newClass.human then humanData.human:call_proc("set_species", SS13.type("/datum/species/zombie/infectious")) humanData.oldVoice = humanData.human:get_var("voice") humanData.human:set_var("voice", "Man (Big)") end end if isZombie(humanData.human) then if newClass.damage then for _, item in ipairs(humanData.human:get_var("held_items")) do if SS13.istype(item, "/obj/item/mutant_hand/zombie") then item:set_var("force", newClass.damage) end end end local infection = humanData.human:call_proc("get_organ_slot", "zombie_infection") if newClass.noRevive then if infection:get_var("old_species") then humanData.oldSpecies = infection:get_var("old_species") end infection:set_var("old_species", nil) else infection:call_proc("UnregisterSignal", humanData.human, "living_death") end humanData.human:call_proc("remove_traits", { "nodeath" }, "species") end if newClass.traits then humanData.human:call_proc("remove_traits", newClass.traits, "zs_class") end if newClass.damageResist then local phys = humanData.human:get_var("physiology") for _, damageType in ipairs(damageTypes) do if damageType == "siemens_coeff" then phys:set_var(damageType, phys:get_var(damageType) - 0.8) else phys:set_var(damageType, phys:get_var(damageType) - 0.01 * newClass.damageResist) end end end if newClass.onGain then newClass:onGain(humanData) end end local createCureInjector = function(location) local implanter ="/obj/item/implanter", location) implanter:set_var("name", "biocure injector") implanter:set_var("desc", "An injector that cures PAX-201, commonly known for causing zombification, within humans") local cure ="/obj/item/implant") cure:set_var("allow_multiple", true) cure:set_var("name", "pax-201 cure") implanter:set_var("imp", cure) implanter:call_proc("update_appearance") cure:call_proc("add_traits", { "zs_zombie_cure" }, "innate") return implanter end local function setupZombieMutation(human) local humanRef = REF(human) if ALL_HUMAN_DATA[humanRef] then setClass(ALL_HUMAN_DATA[humanRef], nil) end local humanData = { human = human, class = "Non-Zombie", classCleanup = {} } if IS_LOCAL and human:get_var("ckey") == admin then sleep() setClass(humanData, LOCAL_CLASS) else if isZombie(human) then setClass(humanData, "Zombie") else setClass(humanData, "Non-Zombie") end end ALL_HUMAN_DATA[humanRef] = humanData SS13.unregister_signal(human, "ctrl_click") SS13.unregister_signal(human, "species_gain") SS13.unregister_signal(human, "species_loss") SS13.unregister_signal(human, "atom_examine") SS13.unregister_signal(human, "handle_topic") SS13.unregister_signal(human, "parent_preqdeleted") SS13.register_signal(human, "atom_examine", function(_, examining_mob, examine_list) if SS13.istype(examining_mob, "/mob/dead") or examining_mob:get_var("ckey") == admin then examine_list:add("
Class: " .. humanData.class .. "") local infectionStatus = "Not infected" local infection = human:call_proc("get_organ_slot", "zombie_infection") if SS13.is_valid(infection) then infectionStatus = "Infected" end examine_list:add("Infection Status: " .. infectionStatus .. "") if examining_mob:get_var("ckey") == admin then examine_list:add("" .. createHref(human, "settings=1", "Open settings menu") .. "") end examine_list:add("
") end end) SS13.register_signal(human, "species_loss", function(_, lost_species) if SS13.istype(lost_species, "/datum/species/zombie/infectious") then setClass(humanData, "Non-Zombie") end end) SS13.register_signal(human, "handle_topic", function(_, user, href_list) SS13.set_timeout(0, function() if user:get_var("ckey") ~= admin then return end if href_list:get("settings") or href_list:get("refresh") then openMobSettings(user, humanData) end if href_list["spawn_supply_crate"] then local pod = dm.global_procs.podspawn({ target = user:get_var("loc"), style = 3, }) local crate ="/obj/structure/closet/crate/secure/gear", pod) crate:set_var("name", "secure supply crate") if href_list["timed"] then crate:set_var("req_access", { "admin" }) crate:set_var("anchored", true) crate:call_proc("say", "Disengaging secure locks in 30 seconds") SS13.start_loop(10, 3, function(i) if not SS13.is_valid(crate) then return end if i == 3 then crate:call_proc("bust_open") crate:call_proc("say", "Secure locks disengaged.") else crate:call_proc("say", "Disengaging secure locks in "..tostring(3-i).."0 seconds") end end) end for i = 1, 4 do SS13.new_untracked("/obj/item/gun/energy/laser", crate) end for i = 1, 2 do SS13.new_untracked("/obj/item/defibrillator/compact/loaded", crate) end for i = 1, 3 do SS13.new_untracked("/obj/item/storage/medkit/tactical_lite", crate) end elseif href_list["spawn_cure"] then local crate ="/obj/structure/closet/crate/secure/freezer", user:get_var("loc")) crate:set_var("base_icon_state", "freezer") crate:set_var("icon_state", "freezer") crate:set_var("req_access", { "cmo" }) crate:set_var("name", "secure biocrate") for i = 1, 5 do createCureInjector(crate) end elseif href_list:get("spawn_cure_spawner") then local crate ="/obj/structure/closet/crate/secure/freezer", user:get_var("loc")) crate:set_var("base_icon_state", "freezer") crate:set_var("icon_state", "freezer") crate:set_var("name", "biocure generator") crate:set_var("anchored", true) local crateLoop = SS13.start_loop(5, -1, function() if not SS13.is_valid(crate) then return end local hitLimit = function(location) local count = 0 for _, item in ipairs(location:get_var("contents")) do if SS13.istype(item, "/obj/item/implanter") then count += 1 end end if count >= 5 then return true end return false end if crate:get_var("opened") == 1 then local location = crate:get_var("loc") if not hitLimit(location) then createCureInjector(location) local sparks ="/datum/effect_system/spark_spread/quantum") sparks:call_proc("set_up", 2, true, crate) sparks:call_proc("attach", location) sparks:call_proc("start") end else if not hitLimit(crate) then createCureInjector(crate) end end end) SS13.register_signal(crate, "parent_qdeleting", function() SS13.end_loop(crateLoop) end) elseif href_list:get("spawn_zombie_ai") then local zombo ="/mob/living/carbon/human", user:get_var("loc")) local zomboData = getZombieMutation(zombo) if not zomboData then zomboData = setupZombieMutation(zombo) end zomboData.spawned = true zombo:call_proc("equipOutfit", SS13.type("/datum/outfit/job/assistant")) setClass(zomboData, "Zombie (AI)") elseif href_list:get("spawn_zombie_spawner") then local totalZombies = 0 local zombieSpawn ="/obj/structure/geyser", user:get_var("loc")) zombieSpawn:set_var("name", "biological lump") zombieSpawn:set_var("color", "#008000") if not DESTRUCTIBLE_SPAWNERS then zombieSpawn:set_var("resistance_flags", 499) end zombieSpawn:set_var("anchored", true) zombieSpawn:set_var("layer", 4.1) zombieSpawn:set_var("pixel_y", -4) local spawnZombieFunc = function(force, forceSpecial) if not SS13.is_valid(zombieSpawn) then return end if totalZombies >= 5 and not force then return end local spawnLocation = zombieSpawn:get_var("loc") local zombieClass = "Zombie (AI)" local zombieMind if math.random(1, 10) == 1 or forceSpecial then local class = dm.global_proc("_pick_list", { "Boomer", "Jockey", "Smoker" }) local players = SS13.await(dm.global_vars:get_var("SSpolling"), "poll_ghost_candidates", "The mode is looking for volunteers to become a " .. class, nil, nil, 300, nil, true, zombieSpawn, zombieSpawn, class) if not players or players.len == 0 then dm.global_proc("message_admins", "Not enough players volunteered for the " .. class .. " role.") return end local client = dm.global_proc("_pick_list", players) dm.global_proc("message_admins", "Selected " .. dm.global_proc("key_name_admin", client) .. " for the role of " .. class .. ".") zombieMind ="/datum/mind", client:get_var("key")) zombieClass = class end local zombo ="/mob/living/carbon/human", spawnLocation) local zomboData = getZombieMutation(zombo) if not zomboData then zomboData = setupZombieMutation(zombo) end zomboData.spawned = true zombo:call_proc("equipOutfit", SS13.type("/datum/outfit/job/assistant")) if zombieMind then zombieMind:call_proc("transfer_to", zombo, true) end setClass(zomboData, zombieClass) totalZombies += 1 dm.global_proc("_add_trait", zombo, "block_transformations", "zs_spawner") zombo:set_var("plane", getPlane(-6, spawnLocation)) zombo:set_var("pixel_z", -32) zombo:set_var("anchored", true) dm.global_proc("_animate", zombo, { pixel_z = 0 }, 10) SS13.wait(1) zombo:set_var("plane", getPlane(-4, spawnLocation)) zombo:set_var("anchored", false) dm.global_proc("_remove_trait", zombo, "block_transformations", "zs_spawner") local spent = false local handler = handler:register_signal(zombo, "living_death", function() totalZombies -= 1 handler:clear() end) handler:register_signal(zombo, "parent_qdeleting", function() totalZombies -= 1 handler:clear() end) end local spawnLoop = SS13.start_loop(60, -1, spawnZombieFunc) SS13.register_signal(zombieSpawn, "parent_qdeleting", function() SS13.end_loop(spawnLoop) end) SS13.register_signal(zombieSpawn, "ctrl_click", function(_, clicker) if clicker:get_var("ckey") == admin then spawnZombieFunc(true) end end) SS13.register_signal(zombieSpawn, "ctrl_shift_click", function(_, clicker) if clicker:get_var("ckey") == admin then spawnZombieFunc(true, true) end end) end end) end) SS13.register_signal(human, "species_gain", function(_, gained_species) if SS13.istype(gained_species, "/datum/species/zombie/infectious") and humanData.class == "Non-Zombie" then if not ALLOW_ZOMBIE_CONTROLLABLE then setClass(humanData, "Zombie (AI)") return end setClass(humanData, "Zombie") SS13.set_timeout(0.5, function() local input = SS13.await(SS13.global_proc, "tgui_alert", human, "You're a zombie now! Do you want to let the computer take control? You'll be allowed to re-enter your body once you are cured.", "Zombie Control", { "No", "Yes" }) if input == "Yes" then setClass(humanData, "Zombie (AI)") end end) end end) SS13.register_signal(human, "parent_preqdeleted", function() setClass(humanData, nil) end) local isOpen = false SS13.register_signal(human, "ctrl_click", function(_, clicker) if isOpen then return end if clicker:get_var("ckey") == admin then SS13.set_timeout(0, function() local listDisplay = {} for className, classData in pairs(CLASSES) do table.insert(listDisplay, className) end isOpen = true local input = SS13.await(SS13.global_proc, "tgui_input_list", clicker, "Set class", "Set class", listDisplay) isOpen = false if input == nil or input == -1 then return end setClass(humanData, input) end) end end) return humanData end local user = dm.global_vars:get_var("GLOB"):get_var("directory"):get(admin):get_var("mob") if IS_LOCAL then local human ="/mob/living/carbon/human", user:get_var("loc")) human:set_var("ckey", admin) sleep() setupZombieMutation(human) else local SSdcs = dm.global_vars:get_var("SSdcs") SS13.unregister_signal(SSdcs, "!mob_created") SS13.register_signal(SSdcs, "!mob_created", function(_, target) SS13.set_timeout(1, function() if SS13.is_valid(target) and SS13.istype(target, "/mob/living/carbon/human") then if not getZombieMutation(target) then setupZombieMutation(target) end end end) end) local tickStart ="tick_usage") local timeStart ="time") for _, human in ipairs(dm.global_vars:get_var("GLOB"):get_var("mob_list")) do if tickLag(tickStart, timeStart) then sleep() timeStart ="time") end if SS13.istype(human, "/mob/living/carbon/human") and SS13.is_valid(human) then setupZombieMutation(human) end end end