/** * @name Frosted Glass * @author Gibbu#1211 * @version 2.0.0 * @description Display your picture of choice with adjustable blur and brightness. Dark theme is required. * @invite ZHthyCw * @donate https://paypal.me/IanRGibson * @authorId 174868361040232448 * @source https://github.com/Gibbu/BetterDiscord-Themes/tree/master/FrostedGlass * @website https://gibbu.me/ */ @import url("https://discordstyles.github.io/FrostedGlass/base.css"); /* BlackBox tags */ @import url('https://monstrousdev.github.io/themes/addons/user-tags.css'); /* Old Windows titlebar - remove this @import if you wish to use default titlebar */ @import url("https://gibbu.github.io/BetterDiscord-Themes/addons/windows-titlebar.css"); :root { /* Home image variables */ --home-button-image: url('https://discordstyles.github.io/FrostedGlass/assets/discord.svg'); /* Home button image | URL MUST BE A DIRECT LINK (ending in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif) */ --home-button-size: cover; /* Size of the home button image | DEFAUT: cover */ --home-button-position: center; /* Position of home button image | DEAFULT: center */ /* Brightness variables */ --serverlist-brightness: 0.3; /* Brightness for serverlist | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.8 */ --left-brightness: 0.3; /* Channels and DM list brightness | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.8 */ --middle-brightness: 0.2; /* Chat brightness | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.6 */ --right-brightness: 0.1; /* Members and Now Playing brightness | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0 */ --popout-modal-brightness: 0.2; /* Brightness for popouts and modals | 0 - 1 (decimals allowed) | DEFAULT: 0.75 */ /* Visit https://fonts.google.com and select one to your liking. Now just follow this tutorial: https://imgur.com/a/CNbw7xC */ --font: 'Whitney'; /* Do not touch */ --update-notice-1: none; } :root { --server-size: var(--HSL-server-icon-size, var(--HSL-size, 35px)); --server-spacing: var(--HSL-server-spacing, var(--HSL-spacing, 10px)); --server-container: calc(var(--server-size) + 20px); } #app-mount .base-3dtUhz { top: var(--server-container) !important; position: absolute !important; left: 0 !important; } #app-mount .sidebar-2K8pFh { border-radius: 0; } #app-mount [class*=unreadMentionsIndicator] { width: var(--server-size); padding: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); height: auto; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ { transform-origin: top left; transform: rotate(-90deg); height: 100vw !important; width: var(--server-container); top: var(--server-container); bottom: unset; position: absolute !important; left: 0; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .scrollerWrap-1IAIlv { width: calc(100% + 30px); } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .scroller-2TZvBN { padding-top: 0 !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .scroller-2TZvBN>div[style]:not(.listItem-2P_4kh) { height: auto !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .scroller-2TZvBN>div[style]:not(.listItem-2P_4kh)[style*="height: 0px"] { padding-top: 1px; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .svg-1X37T1, #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .wrapper-25eVIn, #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .guildsError-b7zR5H, #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .placeholderMask-3K9THS { width: var(--server-size); height: var(--server-size); } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [role=group] { height: auto !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] { transform: rotate(90deg) translateY(-50%); height: var(--server-size); width: 4px; top: calc(var(--server-size) / -1 + var(--server-size) / 2 - 8px) !important; margin-left: -2px; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span { height: 100% !important; width: 4px !important; transform: scale(0, 1) !important; transition: 0.15s ease !important; margin-left: 0; border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 0"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 1"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 2"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 3"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 4"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 5"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 6"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 7"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 8"] { transform: scale(1, 0.24) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 9"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 10"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 11"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 12"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 13"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 14"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 15"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 16"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 17"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 18"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 19"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 20"] { transform: scale(1, 0.7) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 21"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 22"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 23"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 24"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 25"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 26"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 27"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 28"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 29"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 30"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 31"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 32"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 33"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 34"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 35"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 36"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 37"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 38"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 39"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ [class*=pill] span[style*="height: 40"] { transform: scale(1, 1) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .wrapper-sa6paO { height: var(--server-size) !important; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .listItem-2P_4kh { width: var(--server-size); transform: rotate(90deg); margin: var(--server-spacing) 10px; position: unset; } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .guildSeparator-3s64Iy { transform: rotate(90deg); width: var(--server-size); } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .wrapper-21YSNc { width: var(--server-container); } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .expandedFolderBackground-2sPsd- { width: var(--server-size); left: 50%; border-radius: 10px; transform: translateX(-50%); } #app-mount .wrapper-1Rf91z.guilds-1SWlCJ .folder-21wGz3 { background: transparent; } #app-mount .listItemTooltip-CDcY8J { position: absolute; max-width: unset; white-space: nowrap; margin-left: calc(var(--server-size) / -1 - 20px); top: calc(var(--server-size) - 10px); } #app-mount .listItemTooltip-CDcY8J .tooltipPointer-3ZfirK { transform: rotate(180deg); top: -5px; right: unset; left: 13px; z-index: 1; } #app-mount .friendsOnline-2JkivW { position: absolute; transform: translate(-50%, 50%); top: calc(-50% + var(--server-spacing)); left: calc(-50%); width: calc(var(--server-size) + var(--server-spacing)); display: flex; justify-content: center; } #app-mount .guilds-1SWlCJ.content-Pph8t6 { position: absolute !important; top: calc(var(--server-container) * 2) !important; } #app-mount .guilds-1SWlCJ.content-Pph8t6:not(.closed-j55_T-)+.base-3dtUhz { top: calc(var(--server-container) * 2) !important; } #app-mount .guilds-1SWlCJ .frame-oXWS21.listItem-2P_4kh { height: var(--server-size) !important; } #app-mount .guilds-1SWlCJ .frame-oXWS21.listItem-2P_4kh .wrapper-1BJsBx { height: 100% !important; } #app-mount .guilds-1SWlCJ .frame-oXWS21.listItem-2P_4kh .button-Jt-tIg { width: 100%; height: 100% !important; border-radius: 50%; padding: 2px; font-size: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; } html.platform-osx #app-mount .typeMacOS-3EmCyP { width: 100%; } html.platform-osx #app-mount .base-3dtUhz { top: calc(var(--server-container) + 30px) !important; } html.platform-osx #app-mount #pluginNotice { top: 32px; z-index: 100000 !important; } body.foldercontentopened .base-3dtUhz { transition: 0.2s ease !important; }