1 You wake up in a cold and dark cell. You hear the sound of footsteps approaching, and soon a figure appears at the large crack at the ceiling of you cell. It's Oscar of Astora, your closest friend, who has come to help you escape. Oscar says, "There's a way out of here, you need to reach the door at the courtyard, but I don't have the key to the door. You'll have to find it. I can give you some equipment to help you on your way, though."' Do you: [[Ask Oscar for the key.]] [[Ask Oscar for both the key and equipment.]] ] "Oscar says, 'I don't have the key, but I know where you might find it. There's a guard on the floor below who might have it. Be careful, though. He's not going to just give it to you.'" "Do you:" [[Go down to the lower floor to look for the guard]] [[Ask Oscar for more advice]] Oscar says, 'I can give you a broken sword and shield, and I know where you might find the key. There's a guard on the floor below who might have it. Be careful, though. He's not going to just give it to you. [[Go down to the lower floor.]] [[Ask Oscar for more advice]] You make your way down to the lower floor of the Undead Asylum. You see a guard patrolling the hallway. He looks tough, and you are unarmed. But you can try to take him out before he even knows you are there. [[Try to take him out]] [[Try to sneak past the guard]] He thinks for a moment and tells you a way to be more silent. (if: $swordshield is 'true')[ [[Go down to the lower floor.]] ] (else:)[ [[Go down to the lower floor to look for the guard]] ] You make your way down to the lower floor of the Undead Asylum. You see a guard patrolling the hallway. He looks tough, but you're not afraid. You're armed with a broken sword and shield, and you're ready for a fight. Do you: [[Fight the guard]] [[Try to sneak past the guard]] You charge towards the guard with your sword and shield, ready for a fight. As you defend yourself against the guard's attacks, you suddenly hear a low growling sound from behind. You turn around to see the guard dog-like creature looking at you. What do you do? [[Deal with the creature first]] [[Keep you focus on the guard]] (if: $advice is 'true')[ As you make your way through the darkened corridors of the asylum, you suddenly hear a low growling sound echoing from one of the nearby rooms. Curiosity getting the better of you, you slowly approach the source of the noise, only to find a monstrous creature lurking within. You take a few steps back and search the surrounding area for any potential hiding spots. You spot a large pile of debris near the wall, and you quickly make your way over to it. You crouch down behind the debris and slowly make your way towards the creature. As you get closer, you carefully reach out and grab the key from the creature's neck, making sure to do so as quietly as possible. You manage to retrieve the key without the creature noticing, and you silently make your way back to the safety of the shadows. [[Go to the courtyard]] ] (else:)[ As you make your way through the darkened corridors of the asylum, you suddenly hear a low growling sound echoing from one of the nearby rooms. Curiosity getting the better of you, you slowly approach the source of the noise, only to find a guard dog-like creature lurking within. The creature turns its head and snarls at you, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. Without thinking, you draw your sword and shield, preparing for a fight. The battle is fierce and intense. The creature manages to bite your leg, leaving you wounded. after a few minutes of slashing and dodging, you manage to deliver a final blow that sends the creature crashing to the ground. As you catch your breath, you notice a small key hanging from the creature's neck. However, you suddenly hear footsteps approaching from behind. You spin around, sword at the ready, only to find yourself face to face with the guard you had been trying to avoid. [[Fight the guard while very slightly wounded]] [[Run]] ] (if: $advice is 'true')[ You take a moment to survey your surroundings, looking for any potential weapons or objects that could aid you in taking the guard down quietly. Your eyes fall upon a nearby candlestick holder, and you quickly formulate a plan. You approach the guard slowly and quietly, careful not to make a sound. As you get closer, you reach out and grab the candlestick holder from the wall. With all your might, you swing the heavy object at the guard's head, knocking him out cold. You quickly check the guard's pockets and find a small key, which you use to unlock the door and continue on your way. ] (else:)[ You take a moment to survey your surroundings, looking for any potential weapons or objects that could aid you in taking the guard down quietly. Your eyes fall upon a nearby candlestick holder, and you quickly formulate a plan. You approach the guard slowly and quietly, careful not to make a sound. As you get closer, you reach out and grab the candlestick holder from the wall. You swing the object at the guard, but he catches your arm and disarms you. [[Run]]] You make a mad dash past the stunned guard and run through the asylum passing cells filled with other inmates. One inmate reaches through the bars and catches your arm. You recognize him as the man who went on a killing spree just because he wasn't granted a simple request by the Lord. He tells you that you can hide under the storage crate outside his cell. [[Trust him and hide]] [[keep running]] You quickly jump in the crate and hold your breath as the guard approaches your location. As he nears you, you hear the inmate shout to him. "Hey guard, looking for a runaway?" He laughes. The guard asks him to tell your location angrily. "Why would I ?" askes the inmate. The guard promises him extra rations. Without a second thought the inmate reveales your hiding place. You are caught and executed. [[You died]] You break free from his grasp and keep running until you reach the courtyard. You look back and the guard has almost catched up to you. You are backed up to a wall and have nowhere to run. [[Fight him]] ''THE END'' As you reach the huge courtyard the air suddenly starts to feel heavier, all the sounds are gone and you can't move a muscle no matter how hard you try. Fear and adrenaline is coursing through your whole body. You hear something massive land behind you. You force your trembling body to turn around. What you see sends shivers down your spine. Its the infamous Asylum Demon the stories talk about. It is said that the reason the asylum has so few guards was this monster. The monstrous being raises the giant hammer its holding and before you can move starts swinging down on you. You can do nothing but watch as the hammer approaches you at high speeds. Suddenly a blinding light is shone behind you, the demon staggers and drops its hammer trying to cover it's eyes. You turn around to see Oscar, casting a bright light from his catalyst. You break yourself from the fear and quickly decide your next move. [[Charge the demon]] [[Run to Oscar]] You realize that you must take down the creature before it attacks you, and you quickly shift your focus to it.After what feels like hours, you finally manage to deliver a powerful blow that sends the creature crashing to the ground. However during the fight the guard managed to land a strike on you. With the creature defeated, you turn your attention back to the guard. You summon all your strength and skill, and after a few more minutes of intense fighting, you finally land the decisive blow that knocks the guard unconscious. You take the key from the creatures neck. You are beat up but not in too bad shape. [[Go to the courtyard]] You approach the guard and exchange blows. You start to gain advantage over him due to you talent but suddenly the creature attacks and bites your arm. As you go to free your arm from it's jaws the guard manages to stab you in the arm with his small knife. You dispatch of the creature biting your arm and in a moment of pure adrenaline filled rage take the guard out. You are heavily wounded. [[Go to the courtyard]] You caused a commotion and more guard have come to take care of you. You are surrounded by 4 guards. Thankfully your years of training help you dispatch of them. However you are not inhuman and are very badly beaten but alive. You take the key from their pockets. [[Go to the courtyard]] You draw your sword and shield, preparing to fight the guard blocking your way. Despite his training and experience, you manage to hold your own against him, exchanging blows and parries as you try to gain the upper hand. However, your wounds from the creature fight starts to take its toll on you. As the fight drags on, you start to feel your strength ebbing away. With a final burst of strength, you manage to land a decisive blow that sends him crashing to the ground. You are wounded, but not too badly. [[Go to the courtyard]] (if: $lowhealth is 'true')[ You attack the demon's massive belly and leave a huge cut on it. As it turns to attack you, you quickly raise your shield and block. Even with your blocking, the attack leaves you stunned. You retreat back to Oscar's side. ] (else: $verylowhealth is 'true')[ You attack the demon's massive belly and leave a huge cut on it. As it turns to attack you, you try to muster the stamina to dodge or block, but your wounds from previous fights are too severe, and the demon hits you, instantly killing you. [[You died]] ]