// ==UserScript==
// @name XZXZXZ
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2024-07-16
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://agarj.com/
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=agarj.com
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var port = 1001
, CONNECTION_URL = "agarj.com/" + port
, CONNECTION_URL_FIRST = "agarj.com/"
, chatConfig = {
typeAll: 0,
typeTeam: 1,
typeClan: 2,
typeMegaphone: 3
, chatType = chatConfig.typeAll
, chatSize = 19;
let chatFont = "Copperplate"
, gameFont = "Copperplate"
txtScore: {
text: lang.text_1,
color: "#000000"
txtMax: {
text: lang.text_2,
color: ""
txtCellsLength: {
text: lang.text_3,
color: ""
txtShare: {
text: lang.text_4,
color: "#000000"
txtGold: {
text: "Gold",
color: "#ffffff"
txtPrize: {
text: lang.text_11,
color: ""
txtWinnerNickName: {
text: lang.leaderBoard_winner_nick,
color: "#FFFF00"
txtPing: {
text: "Ping",
color: "#000000"
txtFps: {
text: "FPS",
color: "#000000"
txtSpectatorCount: {
text: lang.izleyici,
color: "#000000"
txtServerName: {
text: lang.serverName,
color: "#0000FF"
txtRecordHolder: {
text: lang.record,
color: "#FFFF00"
txtTopMessage: {
text: lang.topMessage,
color: "#00AA00"
txtScore: {
text: lang.text_1,
color: "#FFFFFF"
txtMax: {
text: lang.text_2,
color: "ffff00"
txtCellsLength: {
text: lang.text_3,
color: ""
txtShare: {
text: lang.text_4,
color: "#AAAAAA"
txtGold: {
text: "Gold",
color: "#FFFF00"
txtPrize: {
text: lang.text_11,
color: ""
txtWinnerNickName: {
text: lang.leaderBoard_winner_nick,
color: "#FFFF00"
txtPing: {
text: "oc berat",
color: "#ffffff"
txtFps: {
text: "FPS",
color: "#ffffff"
txtSpectatorCount: {
text: lang.izleyici,
color: "#ffffff"
txtServerName: {
text: lang.serverName,
color: "#ffffff"
txtRecordHolder: {
text: lang.record,
color: "#ffffff"
txtTopMessage: {
text: lang.topMessage,
color: "#ffffff"
, isJSON = e=>{
try {
return JSON.parse(e),
} catch (t) {
return !1
function resetColorSettings(e) {
if ("light" === e) {
localStorage.lightColors = JSON.stringify(LIGHT_THEME_COLOR),
console.log("G\xfcnd\xfcz tema ayarları sıfırlandı.")
} else if ("dark" === e) {
localStorage.darkColors = JSON.stringify(DARK_THEME_COLOR),
console.log("Karanlık tema ayarları sıfırlandı.")
} else
console.log("Ge\xe7ersiz tema.")
function updateLightColors(e, t) {
LIGHT_THEME_COLOR[e].color = t,
localStorage.lightColors = JSON.stringify(LIGHT_THEME_COLOR)
function updateDarkColors(e, t) {
console.log(e, t),
DARK_THEME_COLOR[e].color = t,
localStorage.darkColors = JSON.stringify(DARK_THEME_COLOR)
$(document).ready(function() {
function e(e, t) {
let i = localStorage.getItem(e);
if (i)
try {
let n = JSON.parse(i);
if (Object.keys(t).every(e=>n.hasOwnProperty(e)))
return n
} catch (o) {
console.error("Error parsing stored colors:", o)
return t
$.each(LIGHT_THEME_COLOR, function(e, t) {
let i = `
$.each(DARK_THEME_COLOR, function(e, t) {
let i = `
var point2 = function(e, t) {
this.x = e,
this.y = t
point2.prototype = {
reset: function(e, t) {
return this.x = e,
this.y = t,
set: function(e, t) {
this.x = e,
this.y = t
setFrom: function(e) {
this.x = e.x,
this.y = e.y
subtract: function(e) {
this.x -= e.x,
this.y -= e.y
copyFrom: function(e) {
this.x = e.x,
this.y = e.y
minusEq: function(e) {
return this.x -= e.x,
this.y -= e.y,
var get_ping = 0
, last_ping = 0;
!function(e, t) {
e.setserver = function(e) {
if (e != ep && (CONNECTION_URL = e,
ep = e,
A)) {
A.onopen = null,
A.onmessage = null,
A.onclose = null;
try {
} catch (t) {}
A = null
e.resetChatButtons = function(e) {
$("#chatAll").css("font-size", "14px"),
$("#chatTeam").css("font-size", "255px"),
$("#chatClan").css("font-size", "14px"),
$("#chatMegaphone").css("font-size", "14px")
e.setChatSize = function(e) {
chatSize = e,
localStorage.chatSize = e
e.setChatFont = function(e) {
chatFont = e,
localStorage.chatFont = e
e.setGameFont = function(e) {
gameFont = e,
localStorage.gameFont = e
e.setChatType = function(e) {
e != chatType && (resetChatButtons(),
e == chatConfig.typeAll ? $("#chatAll").css("font-size", "18px") : e == chatConfig.typeTeam ? $("#chatTeam").css("font-size", "18px") : e == chatConfig.typeClan ? $("#chatClan").css("font-size", "18px") : e == chatConfig.typeClan ? $("#chatClan").css("font-size", "18px") : e == chatConfig.typeMegaphone && $("#chatMegaphone").css("font-size", "18px"),
chatType = e)
e.reportWindow = ()=>{
url: "/" + language + "/server-players",
type: "POST",
dataType: "JSON",
data: {
server: this.gameName
success: function(e) {
0 == e.length && $("#player").append(``),
var [t,i] = e;
e.report = ()=>{
let e = $("#player option:selected").val();
if (0 != e) {
if (0 == W.filter(t=>t.userId == e).length) {
var t = to(5);
t.setUint8(0, 41),
t.setUint32(1, e, !0),
console.log("Reported: " + e)
e._gmActions = function(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
!0 == isAdmin && ($("#_changeCountdown").val() > 0 && 60 >= $("#_changeCountdown").val() ? (t_("/countdown " + $("#_changeCountdown").val()),
$("#_changeCountdown").val("")) : alert("ge\xe7erli bir değer gir"));
case 2:
(!0 == isAdmin || !0 == isModerator) && !0 == confirm(this.gameName + " Galibiyetini sıfırlamaya emin misin?") && t_("/punishwin");
case 3:
!0 == isAdmin && (t_("/randomvirus"),
case 4:
!0 == isAdmin && (t_("/clearchat"),
case 5:
!0 == isAdmin && (t_("/clearchat all"),
alert("T\xfcm chat silindi"));
case 6:
!0 == isAdmin && ($("#_deleteLastMessage").val() > 0 && 15 >= $("#_deleteLastMessage").val() && W.length > $("#_deleteLastMessage").val() ? (t_("/clearchat " + (W.length - $("#_deleteLastMessage").val())),
alert("Son " + $("#_deleteLastMessage").val() + " mesaj silindi")) : alert("ge\xe7erli bir değer gir"));
case 7:
!0 == isAdmin && ("CW-FFA" == this.gameName || "CW-GSZ" == this.gameName ? (t_("/cwstart"),
alert("Klan Savaşı Başlatıldı")) : alert("Sadece CW Odalarında klan savaşı başlatabilirsin"));
case 8:
if (!0 == isAdmin && 0 == e6) {
var t = 60 * $("#_autoGoldSpendMinute").val();
t > this.countdown && (t = this.countdown - 2),
t_("/autogoldspend " + t)
case 9:
!0 == isAdmin && 1 == e6 && t_("/autogoldspend 0");
case 10:
!0 == isAdmin && t_("/bonusprize " + Number($("#_bonusGoldPrize").val()));
case 11:
!0 == isAdmin && (t_("/openwar"),
alert("WAR-1 başlatıldı."))
var i, n, o, s, a, r, l, h = "createTouch"in document, c = [], u = -1, f = new point2(0,0), m = new point2(0,0), g = new point2(0,0), _ = 0, x = 0, p = 12.345, y = 100, v = 20, T = "!", F = 0, S = 0, k = 0, w = 0, E = 0, C = !1, b = (e.location.protocol,
null), A = null, N = 0, I = 0, O = [], R = [], z = {}, L = [], P = [], U = [], B = "?", M = "?", W = [], H = 0, D = 0, G = -1, K = -1, Y = 0, V = 0, X = 0, Z = 0, q = 1e4, j = 1e4, J = 1, Q = !0, ee = !0, et = !1, ei = !1, en = 0, eo = 0, es = !1, ea = !1, er = !1, el = !1, e$ = !1, eh = !1, ec = !1, eu = !1, ed = .4, ef = !1, em = !1, eg = N = ~~((X + q) / 2), e_ = I = ~~((Z + j) / 2), ex = 1, ep = "", ey = null, ev = !0, e8 = !1, eT = 0, e0 = 0, eF = 0, eS = 0, ek = .5, ew = ("ontouchstart"in e && /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
e.isSpectating = !1;
var eE = []
, eC = []
, eb = Date.now()
, eA = 0
, eN = 0
, eI = 0
, e3 = 0
, eO = 0
, eR = 0
, e1 = 0
, ez = 0
, e2 = ""
, e4 = ""
, eL = 0
, eP = 0
, eU = 0
, eB = 0
, e6 = 0
, eM = 0
, eW = -1
, eH = 0
, eD = 0
, eG = 0
, e7 = 0
, eK = 0
, eY = 0
, e5 = 0;
function eV() {
var e = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].getAttribute("lang");
switch (e) {
case "tr":
return "tr";
case "en":
return "en";
case "es":
return "es";
case "de":
return "de"
function eX(e, t) {
document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor = "default";
for (var i = 0; i < W.length; i++)
if (0 != W[i].userId && void 0 != W[i].userId && e >= W[i].name_x && e <= W[i].name_x + W[i].name_w && t <= W[i].name_y && t >= W[i].name_y - W[i].name_h) {
if (0 != chatType && W[i].chatType != chatType)
document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor = "pointer";
function e9(e, t) {
return e >= eA && e <= eA + 50 && t >= eN && t <= eN + 50 ? (ti("fast"),
document.exitFullscreen ? document.exitFullscreen() : document.msExitFullscreen ? document.msExitFullscreen() : document.mozCancelFullScreen ? document.mozCancelFullScreen() : document.webkitExitFullscreen && document.webkitExitFullscreen(),
!0) : e >= eI && e <= eI + 50 && t >= e3 && t <= e3 + 50 ? (tp(36),
!0) : e >= eO && e <= eO + 50 && t >= eR && t <= eR + 50 ? (tp(22),
!0) : !!(e >= e1) && !!(e <= e1 + 50) && !!(t >= ez) && !!(t <= ez + 50) && (tp(17),
function eZ() {
return !0 == ("ontouchstart"in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch)
function eq(e) {
h || (h = !0);
for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {
var i = e.changedTouches[t]
, n = !1;
!0 == eu && (n = e9(i.clientX, i.clientY)),
!1 == n && u < 0 && (u = i.identifier,
m.reset(i.clientX, i.clientY),
g.reset(0, 0))
c = e.touches
function ej(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {
var i = e.changedTouches[t];
i.clientX >= eI && i.clientX <= eI + 50 && i.clientY >= e3 && i.clientY <= e3 + 50 ? tp(36) : i.clientX >= eO && i.clientX <= eO + 50 && i.clientY >= eR && i.clientY <= eR + 50 && tp(22),
u == i.identifier && (f.reset(i.clientX, i.clientY),
H = 3 * g.x + r / 2,
D = 3 * g.y + l / 2,
c = e.touches
function eJ(e) {
c = e.touches;
for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {
var i = e.changedTouches[t];
if (i.clientX >= eI && i.clientX <= eI + 50 && i.clientY >= e3 && i.clientY <= e3 + 50 ? tp(38) : i.clientX >= eO && i.clientX <= eO + 50 && i.clientY >= eR && i.clientY <= eR + 50 && tp(23),
u == i.identifier) {
u = -1,
g.reset(0, 0);
function eQ(e) {
!0 == eh ? (.05 > (ek *= Math.pow(.9, -(e.wheelDelta / 60) || e.detail || 0)) && (ek = .05),
ek > 4 / J && (ek = 4 / J)) : (.5 > (ek *= Math.pow(.9, -(e.wheelDelta / 60) || e.detail || 0)) && (ek = .5),
ek > 4 / J && (ek = 4 / J))
function te() {
G = (H - r / 2) / J + N,
K = (D - l / 2) / J + I
function tt() {
ev = !1,
function ti(e) {
ev = !0,
function tn() {
sid = Math.floor(1 + 1e6 * Math.random()),
wsUrl = "wss://" + CONNECTION_URL,
e6 = 0,
eM = 0,
O = [],
R = [],
z = {},
L = [],
P = [],
U = [],
B = "?",
this.countdown = 3600,
o = ey = null,
eo = 0,
en = 0,
eE = [],
eC = [],
(A = new WebSocket(wsUrl)).binaryType = "arraybuffer",
A.onopen = tl,
A.onmessage = th,
A.onclose = t$,
A.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("socket error: ", e)
function to(e) {
return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(e))
function ts(e) {
function ta() {
(function e() {
if (tx()) {
var t = to(1);
t.setUint8(0, 27),
function e() {
var t = document.getElementById("myTeam").value;
if (tx() && null != t && t.length > 0) {
var i = to(1 + 2 * t.length)
, n = 0;
i.setUint8(n++, 26);
for (var o = 0; o < t.length; ++o) {
var s = t.charCodeAt(o);
i.setUint16(n, s, !0),
n += 2
function e() {
var t = document.getElementById("txtSkin").value.toLowerCase();
if (tx() && null != t) {
var i = to(1 + 2 * t.length);
i.setUint8(0, 2);
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)
i.setUint16(1 + 2 * n, t.charCodeAt(n), !0);
function tr() {
document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement || (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen ? document.documentElement.requestFullscreen() : document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen ? document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen() : document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen ? document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen() : document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen && document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT))
function tl() {
if (console.log("ws open"),
W = [],
tx()) {
var t = to(5);
t.setUint8(0, 255),
t.setUint32(1, 4747, !0),
!0 == e.isSpectating ? tp(1) : (tf(),
eZ() && tr(),
fetch("/" + language + "/server-get-clan-id").then(e=>e.json()).then(e=>{
e5 = e.clanId,
console.log("clanId: " + e.clanId)
function t$(t) {
console.log("closed:", t),
console.log("ws close"),
A = null,
e.isSpectating = !1
function th(e) {
try {
!function e(t) {
function i() {
for (var e, i = ""; 0 != (e = t.getUint16(o, !0)); )
o += 2,
i += String.fromCharCode(e);
return o += 2,
var n, o = 0, s = !1;
switch (240 == t.getUint8(o) && (o += 5),
t.getUint8(o++)) {
case 16:
!function e(t, i) {
V = +new Date;
var n = Math.random();
ei = !1;
var o = t.getUint16(i, !0);
for (i += 2,
r = 0; r < o; ++r) {
var s = z[t.getUint32(i, !0)]
, a = z[t.getUint32(i + 4, !0)];
i += 8,
s && a && (a.destroy(),
a.ox = a.x,
a.oy = a.y,
a.oSize = a.size,
a.nx = s.x,
a.ny = s.y,
a.nSize = a.size,
a.updateTime = V)
for (var r = 0; ; ) {
var l = t.getUint32(i, !0);
if (i += 4,
0 == l)
var h = t.getUint32(i, !0);
i += 4;
var c, u, f = t.getInt16(i, !0);
i += 2,
u = t.getInt16(i, !0),
i += 2,
c = t.getInt16(i, !0),
i += 2;
for (var m = t.getUint8(i++), g = t.getUint8(i++), _ = t.getUint8(i++), x = (m << 16 | g << 8 | _).toString(16); 6 > x.length; )
x = "0" + x;
var p = "#" + x
, y = t.getUint8(i++)
, v = !!(1 & y)
, T = !!(16 & y);
2 & y && (i += 4),
4 & y && (i += 8),
8 & y && (i += 16);
for (var F, b = ""; F = t.getUint8(i, !0),
0 != F; )
b += String.fromCharCode(F);
for (var A, P = ""; A = t.getUint16(i, !0),
i += 2,
0 != A; )
P += String.fromCharCode(A);
var U = null;
z.hasOwnProperty(l) ? ((U = z[l]).updatePos(),
U.ox = U.x,
U.oy = U.y,
U.oSize = U.size,
U.color = p) : (U = new tS(l,f,u,c,p,P),
z[l] = U,
U.ka = f,
U.la = u),
U.isVirus = v,
U.isAgitated = T,
U.nx = f,
U.ny = u,
U.nSize = c,
U.updateCode = n,
U.updateTime = V,
U.flag = y,
P && U.setName(P),
U.uId = h,
U.lastSkinName != b && (U.setSkinName(b),
U.lastSkinName = b),
-1 != O.indexOf(l) && -1 == R.indexOf(U) && (document.getElementById("overlays").style.display = "none",
1 == R.length && (tu(),
N = U.x,
I = U.y,
C = !0))
for (o = t.getUint32(i, !0),
i += 4,
r = 0; r < o; r++) {
var B = t.getUint32(i, !0);
i += 4,
null != (U = z[B]) && U.destroy()
ei && 0 == R.length && ti("slow"),
0 == R.length && !0 == C && (tu(),
w = S,
E = k)
}(t, o);
case 17:
eg = t.getFloat32(o, !0),
o += 4,
e_ = t.getFloat32(o, !0),
o += 4,
ex = t.getFloat32(o, !0),
o += 4;
case 20:
R = [],
O = [];
case 21:
eT = t.getInt16(o, !0),
o += 2,
e0 = t.getInt16(o, !0),
o += 2,
e8 || (e8 = !0,
eF = eT,
eS = e0);
case 32:
O.push(t.getUint32(o, !0)),
o += 4;
case 48:
s = !0,
ew = !0;
case 49:
s || (ew = !1),
ey = null;
var a = t.getUint32(o, !0);
for (o += 4,
U = [],
c = 0; c < a; ++c) {
var r = t.getUint32(o, !0);
o += 4;
var l = t.getUint32(o, !0);
o += 4,
id: r,
clanId: l,
name: i()
case 50:
ey = [];
var h = t.getUint32(o, !0);
o += 4;
for (var c = 0; c < h; ++c)
ey.push(t.getFloat32(o, !0)),
o += 4;
case 64:
X = t.getFloat64(o, !0),
o += 8,
Z = t.getFloat64(o, !0),
o += 8,
q = t.getFloat64(o, !0),
o += 8,
j = t.getFloat64(o, !0),
o += 8,
eg = (q + X) / 2,
e_ = (j + Z) / 2,
ex = 1,
0 == R.length && (N = eg,
I = e_,
J = ex);
case 87:
for (M = ""; 0 != (n = t.getUint16(o, !0)); )
o += 2,
M += String.fromCharCode(n);
"Klan Savaşları" == M && (M = lang.cwText);
case 88:
for (eC = []; o < t.byteLength; ) {
var u = t.getUint16(o, !0);
o += 2;
var f = t.getUint16(o, !0);
o += 2,
x: u,
y: f
case 90:
for (eE = []; o < t.byteLength; ) {
var u = t.getUint16(o, !0);
o += 2;
var f = t.getUint16(o, !0);
o += 2,
x: u,
y: f
case 92:
for (this.gameName = ""; 0 != (n = t.getUint16(o, !0)); )
o += 2,
this.gameName += String.fromCharCode(n);
case 94:
eL = t.getInt32(o, !0);
case 96:
this.countdown = t.getUint16(o, !0);
case 97:
for (B = ""; 0 != (n = t.getUint16(o, !0)); )
o += 2,
B += String.fromCharCode(n);
case 99:
!function e(t, i) {
function n() {
for (var e, n = ""; 0 != (e = t.getUint16(i, !0)); )
i += 2,
n += String.fromCharCode(e);
return i += 2,
var o = t.getUint8(i++);
2 & o && (i += 4),
4 & o && (i += 8),
8 & o && (i += 16);
var s = t.getUint8(i++)
, a = t.getUint8(i++)
, r = (s << 16 | a << 8 | t.getUint8(i++)).toString(16)
, l = t.getUint32(i, !0);
i += 4;
var h = t.getUint32(i, !0);
for (i += 4; r.length > 6; )
r = "0" + r;
r = "#" + r,
chatType: l,
userId: h,
name: n(),
color: r,
message: n(),
time: Date.now(),
name_x: 0,
name_y: 0,
name_w: 0,
name_h: 0,
msg_x: 0,
msg_y: 0,
msg_w: 0,
msg_h: 0
W.length > 13 && W.shift(),
eX(0, 0)
}(t, o);
case 101:
for (e2 = ""; 0 != (n = t.getUint16(o, !0)); )
o += 2,
e2 += String.fromCharCode(n);
e2 = tc(e2);
case 102:
for (e4 = ""; 0 != (n = t.getUint16(o, !0)); )
o += 2,
e4 += String.fromCharCode(n);
e4 = tc(e4);
case 103:
eK = t.getInt32(o, !0);
case 104:
switch (serverMessage = t.getInt32(o, !0),
o += 2,
serverMessage) {
case 0:
var m = document.getElementById("nick").value
, t = to(2 * m.length + 1);
t.setUint8(0, 3);
for (var c = 0; c < m.length; ++c)
t.setUint16(1 + 2 * c, m.charCodeAt(c), !0);
case 1:
last_ping = Date.now() - get_ping;
case 2:
$("#enterPriceLine1").text($("#enterPriceLine1").text().replace("[GOLD]", eU.dotFormat()));
case 3:
e6 = 1,
o += 2,
eM = t.getInt32(o, !0);
case 4:
e6 = 0,
eM = 0
case 105:
switch (errorMessage = t.getInt32(o, !0)) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 106:
eY = t.getInt32(o, !0);
case 111:
case 111:
eW = t.getInt32(o, !0),
o += 4,
eH = t.getInt32(o, !0);
case 112:
eB = t.getInt32(o, !0),
console.log("VS Prize: " + eB);
case 113:
eU = t.getInt32(o, !0),
console.log("VS Price: " + eU)
}(new DataView(e.data))
} catch (t) {}
function tc(e) {
if (!e.startsWith("trans "))
return e;
var t = e.substring(6).split(",");
if ("1" == t[0]) {
var i = t[1]
, n = Number(t[2]).dotFormat()
, o = t.slice(3).join(" ");
return function e(t, i, n) {
switch (eV()) {
case "tr":
case "en":
return t + " WINNER IS " + n + " SCORE " + i;
case "es":
return t + " GANADOR ES " + n + " PUNTUACI\xc3“N " + i;
case "de":
return t + " GEWINNER " + n + " ERGEBNIS " + i
return t + " KAZANAN " + n + " SKOR " + i
}(i, n, o)
if ("2" == t[0]) {
var i = t[1]
, n = Number(t[2]).dotFormat()
, o = t.slice(3).join(" ");
return function e(t, i, n) {
switch (eV()) {
case "tr":
case "en":
return t + " NEW RECORD! " + n + " SCORE " + i;
case "es":
return t + " NEUVO RECORD! " + n + " PUNTUACI\xc3“N " + i;
case "de":
return t + " NEUER EINTRAG! " + n + " ERGEBNIS " + i
return t + " REKOR! " + n + " SKOR " + i
}(i, n, o)
if ("3" != t[0])
return e;
var s, i = t[1];
return function e(t, i, n) {
switch (eV()) {
case "tr":
case "en":
case "es":
return "CLAN WAR " + n + " GAN\xd3! FELICITACIONES";
case "de":
return "CLAN WAR " + ClanName + " GEWONNEN! GL\xdcCKW\xdcNSCHE"
}(i, Number(t[2]).dotFormat(), t.slice(3).join(" "))
function tu() {
eD = 0,
eG = 0,
e7 = 0
function td() {
var e;
if (tx() && 0 == eD) {
var t = D - l / 2;
64 <= (e = H - r / 2) * e + t * t && !(.01 > Math.abs(tw - G) && .01 > Math.abs(tE - K)) && (tw = G,
tE = K,
(e = to(21)).setUint8(0, 16),
e.setFloat64(1, G, !0),
e.setFloat64(9, K, !0),
e.setUint32(17, 0, !0),
function tf() {
if (tx() && null != localStorage.userToken && 44 == localStorage.userToken.length) {
var e = to(2 * localStorage.userToken.length + 1);
e.setUint8(0, 0);
for (var t = 0; t < localStorage.userToken.length; ++t)
e.setUint16(1 + 2 * t, localStorage.userToken.charCodeAt(t), !0);
function tm(e) {
var t = ""
, i = Math.floor(e / 60);
i < 10 && (t += "0"),
t += i + ":";
var n = e % 60;
return n < 10 && (t += "0"),
t += n
function tg(e) {
return e > 1e6 ? (e / 1e6).toFixed(1) + "M" : e > 1e3 ? (e / 1e3).toFixed(1) + "k" : e.toString()
function t_(e) {
if (tx() && e.length < 200 && e.length > 0) {
var t = to(2 + 2 * e.length)
, i = 0;
t.setUint8(i++, 99),
t.setUint8(i++, 0);
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n)
t.setUint16(i, e.charCodeAt(n), !0),
i += 2;
function tx() {
return null != A && A.readyState == A.OPEN
function tp(e) {
if (tx()) {
var t = to(1);
t.setUint8(0, e),
function ty() {
function tv() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0),
r = e.innerWidth,
l = e.innerHeight,
i.width = r,
i.height = l;
var n = t("#helloDialog");
n.css("transform", "none");
var o = n.height();
o > l / 1.1 ? n.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%) scale(" + l / o / 1.1 + ")") : n.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%)"),
function t8() {
var e;
return (e = Math.max(l / 1080, r / 1920)) * ek
function tT() {
var e, t = Date.now();
if (++Y,
Date.now() - eb > 50 && (eb = Date.now(),
V = t,
0 < R.length) {
!function e() {
if (0 != R.length) {
for (var t = 0, i = 0; i < R.length; i++)
t += R[i].size;
J = (9 * J + (t = Math.pow(Math.min(64 / t, 1), .4) * t8())) / 10
for (var i = e = 0, o = 0; o < R.length; o++)
e += R[o].x / R.length,
i += R[o].y / R.length;
eg = e,
e_ = i,
ex = J,
N = (N + e) / 2,
I = (I + i) / 2
} else
N = (29 * N + eg) / 30,
I = (29 * I + e_) / 30,
J = (9 * J + ex * t8()) / 10;
!function e() {
if (.4 > J)
b = null;
else {
for (var t = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, i = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, n = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, o = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s = 0, a = 0; a < L.length; a++) {
var h = L[a];
h.shouldRender() && !h.prepareData && 20 < h.size * J && (s = Math.max(h.size, s),
t = Math.min(h.x, t),
i = Math.min(h.y, i),
n = Math.max(h.x, n),
o = Math.max(h.y, o))
for (a = 0,
b = tI.init({
minX: t - (s + 100),
minY: i - (s + 100),
maxX: n + (s + 100),
maxY: o + (s + 100),
maxChildren: 2,
maxDepth: 4
}); a < L.length; a++)
if ((h = L[a]).shouldRender() && !(20 >= h.size * J))
for (t = 0; t < h.points.length; ++t)
i = h.points[t].x,
n = h.points[t].y,
i < N - r / 2 / J || n < I - l / 2 / J || i > N + r / 2 / J || n > I + l / 2 / J || b.insert(h.points[t])
n.fillStyle = es ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF",
n.fillRect(0, 0, r, l),
L.sort(function(e, t) {
return e.size == t.size ? e.id - t.id : e.size - t.size
n.translate(r / 2, l / 2),
n.scale(J, J),
n.translate(-N, -I),
n.strokeStyle = "#FF0000",
n.lineWidth = 10,
n.lineCap = "square",
n.lineJoin = "square",
n.moveTo(X, Z),
n.lineTo(q, Z),
n.lineTo(q, j),
n.lineTo(X, j),
n.strokeStyle = es ? "#AAAAAA" : "#000000",
n.globalAlpha = .2,
n.lineWidth = 1,
for (var g = X; g <= q; g += 50)
n.moveTo(g, Z),
n.lineTo(g, j);
for (var F = Z; F <= j; F += 50)
n.moveTo(X, F),
n.lineTo(q, F);
for (n.stroke(),
function e() {
if (0 != eD) {
for (n.beginPath(),
n.strokeStyle = es ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000",
n.moveTo(eG - 50, e7 - 50),
n.lineTo(eG + 50, e7 + 50),
n.moveTo(eG + 50, e7 - 50),
n.lineTo(eG - 50, e7 + 50),
d = 0; d < R.length; d++)
n.moveTo(R[d].x, R[d].y),
n.lineTo(eG, e7);
n.globalAlpha = 1,
n.lineWidth = 10,
!0 == ef ? n.globalAlpha = .6 : n.globalAlpha = 1,
o = 0; o < L.length; o++)
if (el && R.forEach(e=>{
n.lineWidth = e.size / 19,
n.strokeStyle = es ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000",
n.arc(e.x, e.y, e.size + 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1),
e8) {
for (eF = (3 * eF + eT) / 4,
eS = (3 * eS + e0) / 4,
n.strokeStyle = "#FFAAAA",
n.lineWidth = 10,
n.lineCap = "round",
n.lineJoin = "round",
n.globalAlpha = .5,
o = 0; o < R.length; o++)
n.moveTo(R[o].x, R[o].y),
n.lineTo(eF, eS);
if (n.restore(),
this.countdown < 3600) {
var A = "";
void 0 !== this.gameName && (A += this.gameName + " "),
A += "[",
A += tm(this.countdown),
A += "]";
var O = !0 == eZ() ? "18px" : "30px";
n.font = "bold " + O + " " + gameFont,
(!0 == isAdmin || !0 == isModerator) && $("#nowCountdown").text(A);
var z = n.measureText(A).width
, P = A + " " + M
, U = n.measureText(P).width
, B = (r - U) * .5;
n.globalAlpha = .4,
!1 == es ? n.fillStyle = "#000000" : n.fillStyle = "#DDDDDD",
n.fillRect(B - 10, 0, U + 20, 40),
n.globalAlpha = 1,
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtServerName.color : n.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtServerName.color,
n.fillText(A, B, 30),
"CW-FFA" == this.gameName || "CW-GSZ" == this.gameName ? n.fillStyle = "#d9d90f" : !0 == es ? n.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtRecordHolder.color : n.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtRecordHolder.color,
n.fillText(" " + M, B + z, 30)
if (n.globalAlpha = 1,
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtGold.color : n.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtGold.color,
eZ() ? (n.font = "15px " + gameFont,
n.fillText("Gold: " + eL.dotFormat(), 10, 50),
n.font = "14px " + gameFont,
"KS-FFA" != this.gameName && "KS-GSZ" != this.gameName && n.fillText(lang.text_11 + ": " + eK.dotFormat(), 10, 70),
1 == e6 && n.fillText(lang.text_13 + ": " + tm(eM), 10, 90),
"REKABET-1" == this.gameName && this.countdown > 60 && (n.font = "19px " + gameFont,
n.fillText("Basılan gold \xf6d\xfcle ekleniyor: " + tm(this.countdown - 60), 10, 115))) : (n.font = "30px " + gameFont,
n.fillText("Gold: " + eL.dotFormat(), 10, 270),
n.font = "25px " + gameFont,
"KS-FFA" != this.gameName && "KS-GSZ" != this.gameName && n.fillText(lang.text_11 + ": " + eK.dotFormat(), 10, 300),
1 == e6 && n.fillText(lang.text_13 + ": " + tm(eM), 10, 330),
"REKABET-1" == this.gameName && this.countdown > 60 && (n.font = "18px " + gameFont,
n.fillText("Basılan gold \xf6d\xfcle ekleniyor: " + tm(this.countdown - 60), 10, 350))),
"VS-FFA" == this.gameName || "VS-GSZ" == this.gameName) {
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = "#FFFF00" : n.fillStyle = "#AAAA00";
var H = !0 == eZ() ? "16px" : "23px";
n.font = H + " " + gameFont,
n.globalAlpha = 1,
n.fillStyle = "#4646e0",
n.fillText(lang.text_12 + ": " + eU.dotFormat(), 10, 350)
n.globalAlpha = 1,
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtTopMessage.color : n.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtTopMessage.color,
n.font = "30px " + gameFont,
ea = (r - n.measureText(e2).width) * .5,
er = 70,
n.fillText(e2, ea, er),
ea = (r - n.measureText(e4).width) * .5,
er = 100,
n.fillText(e4, ea, er),
tx() && (ea = (r - n.measureText(topMessage3).width) * .5,
er = 130,
n.fillText(topMessage3, ea, er)),
s && s.width && n.drawImage(s, r - s.width - 10, 10),
!em && null != a && a.width > 0 && n.drawImage(a, 0, l - a.height - 50),
eo = Math.max(eo, en = 0 != eH ? eH : function e() {
for (var t = 0, i = 0; i < R.length; i++)
t += R[i].getScore();
return t
R.length > 0 && (eP = maxCellsLength_2),
n.globalAlpha = .8,
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtScore.color : n.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtScore.color;
var D = !0 == eZ() ? "15px" : "24px";
if (n.font = D + " " + gameFont,
n.fillText(lang.text_1 + ": " + en.dotFormat(), 10, 30),
eZ() || (n.fillText(lang.text_2 + ": " + eo.dotFormat(), 10, 56),
n.fillText(lang.text_3 + ": " + R.length + "/" + eP, 10, 82)),
!eZ()) {
n.globalAlpha = .4,
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = "#DDDDDD" : n.fillStyle = "#000000",
n.fillRect(10, 93, 100, 100),
n.globalAlpha = 1,
0 != w && 0 != E && !0 == C && (!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = "#FF0000" : n.fillStyle = "#990000",
n.fillRect(w, E, 5, 5)),
n.fillStyle = "#CCCC00";
for (var G = 0; G < eE.length; G++)
S = 10 + eE[G].x / q * 100 - 2.5,
k = 93 + eE[G].y / j * 100 - 2.5,
n.fillRect(S, k, 5, 5);
n.fillStyle = "#0000CC";
for (var G = 0; G < eC.length; G++)
S = 10 + eC[G].x / q * 100 - 2.5,
k = 93 + eC[G].y / j * 100 - 2.5,
n.fillRect(S, k, 5, 5);
S = 10 + N / q * 100 - 2.5,
k = 93 + I / j * 100 - 2.5,
n.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF",
n.fillRect(S, k, 5, 5),
n.globalAlpha = 1,
n.font = "16px " + gameFont;
var K = Math.round(N / 1e3) + " , " + Math.round(I / 1e3) + " " + lang.text_4;
y = n.measureText(K).width,
v = 16,
T = "*** " + Math.round(N / 1e3) + " , " + Math.round(I / 1e3) + " ***",
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtShare.color : n.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtShare.color,
n.fillText(K, 10, 210)
if (function e(t) {
if (t.save(),
for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
var n = c[i];
n.identifier == u ? (t.beginPath(),
t.strokeStyle = "#0096ff",
t.lineWidth = 6,
t.arc(m.x, m.y, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0),
t.strokeStyle = "#0096ff",
t.lineWidth = 2,
t.arc(m.x, m.y, 60, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0),
t.strokeStyle = "#0096ff",
t.arc(f.x, f.y, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0),
t.stroke()) : (t.beginPath(),
t.strokeStyle = "#0096ff",
t.lineWidth = "6",
t.arc(n.clientX, n.clientY, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0),
!1 == em) {
for (var Q = 0, G = W.length - 1; G >= 0; G--)
if (0 == chatType || W[G].chatType == chatType || 3 == W[G].chatType) {
if (Q++,
!0 == eZ()) {
if (Q > 5)
} else if (Q > 13)
var ee = W[G].name.trim();
"" == ee && (ee = BLANK_PLAYER_NAME);
var et = " : " + W[G].message.trim()
, ei = (W[G].chatType,
n.font = ei + chatSize + "px " + chatFont,
W[G].name_x = 15,
W[G].name_y = l - 60 - 20 * Q,
W[G].name_w = n.measureText(ee).width,
W[G].name_h = 18,
W[G].msg_x = 15 + W[G].name_w,
W[G].msg_y = W[G].name_y,
W[G].msg_w = n.measureText(et).width,
W[G].msg_h = W[G].name_h,
n.fillStyle = W[G].color,
n.fillText(ee, W[G].name_x, W[G].name_y),
0 == W[G].chatType ? !0 == es ? n.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF" : n.fillStyle = "#000000" : 1 == W[G].chatType ? n.fillStyle = "#CCCC00" : 2 == W[G].chatType ? n.fillStyle = "#0aadff" : 3 == W[G].chatType && (n.fillStyle = "#87CEEB"),
n.fillText(et, W[G].msg_x, W[G].msg_y)
if (!0 == eu && (n.font = "15px Arial",
n.globalAlpha = .5,
eA = !0 == em ? 10 : 400,
eN = l - 50 - 10,
n.globalAlpha = .5,
n.fillStyle = "#F1C40F",
n.fillRect(eA, eN, 50, 50),
n.globalAlpha = 1,
n.fillStyle = "#000000",
n.fillText("Esc", eA + 5, eN + 34),
eI = eA + 50 + 10,
e3 = eN,
n.globalAlpha = .5,
n.fillStyle = "#F1C40F",
n.fillRect(eI, e3, 50, 50),
n.globalAlpha = 1,
n.fillStyle = "#000000",
n.fillText("X", eI + 5, e3 + 34),
eO = eI + 50 + 10,
eR = e3,
n.globalAlpha = .5,
n.fillStyle = "#F1C40F",
n.fillRect(eO, eR, 50, 50),
n.globalAlpha = 1,
n.fillStyle = "#000000",
n.fillText("E", eO + 5, eR + 34),
e1 = eO + 50 + 10,
ez = eR,
n.globalAlpha = .5,
n.fillStyle = "#F1C40F",
n.fillRect(e1, ez, 50, 50),
n.globalAlpha = 1,
n.fillStyle = "#000000",
n.fillText("Space", e1 + 5, ez + 34)),
!0 == ec) {
!0 == es ? n.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtFps.color : n.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtSpectatorCount.color;
var ea, er, e$, eh = !0 == eZ() ? 12 : 16;
n.font = eh + "px " + gameFont;
var F = l - 2 * eh;
e$ = "Ping: " + last_ping;
var ed = n.measureText(e$).width;
if (n.fillText(e$, r - ed - 20, F - 15),
0 == x)
x = new Date().getTime();
else {
var ep = new Date().getTime() - x;
ep >= 1e3 ? (p = Math.round(_ / (ep / 1e3) * 1e4) / 1e4,
x = new Date().getTime(),
_ = 1) : _++
F += eh,
e$ = "FPS: " + Math.floor(p),
ed = n.measureText(e$).width,
n.fillText(e$, r - ed - 20, F - 10),
F += eh,
e$ = lang.izleyici + ": " + eY,
ed = n.measureText(e$).width,
n.fillText(e$, r - ed - 20, F - 5)
var ey = Date.now() - t;
ey > 1e3 / 60 ? tC -= .01 : ey < 1e3 / 65 && (tC += .01),
.4 > tC && (tC = .4),
1 < tC && (tC = 1)
function t0() {
n.fillStyle = es ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF",
n.fillRect(0, 0, r, l),
n.strokeStyle = es ? "#AAAAAA" : "#000000",
n.globalAlpha = .2,
n.scale(J, J);
for (var e = r / J, t = l / J, i = -.5 + (-N + e / 2) % 50; i < e; i += 50)
n.moveTo(i, 0),
n.lineTo(i, t),
for (i = -.5 + (-I + t / 2) % 50; i < t; i += 50)
n.moveTo(0, i),
n.lineTo(e, i),
function tF() {
if (s = null,
(null != ey || 0 != U.length) && (null != ey || ee)) {
var e, t = (s = document.createElement("canvas")).getContext("2d"), i = 60;
i = null == ey ? i + 24 * U.length : i + 180;
var n = Math.min(.22 * l, Math.min(250, .3 * r)) / 250;
s.width = 250 * n,
s.height = i * n,
t.scale(n, n),
t.globalAlpha = .1,
t.fillStyle = "#000000",
t.fillRect(0, 0, 250, i),
t.globalAlpha = 1;
var o = "";
if (null == ey) {
for (!0 == es ? t.fillStyle = DARK_THEME_COLOR.txtWinnerNickName.color : t.fillStyle = LIGHT_THEME_COLOR.txtWinnerNickName.color,
t.font = "20px " + gameFont,
t.fillText(B, 125 - t.measureText(B).width / 2, 40),
t.font = "20px " + gameFont,
e = 0; e < U.length; ++e) {
var a = U[e].name || BLANK_PLAYER_NAME;
"" == (a = a.trim()) && (a = BLANK_PLAYER_NAME),
ee || (a = BLANK_PLAYER_NAME),
o += "" + (e + 1) + ". " + a + "
U[e].id == eW ? (t.font = "25px " + gameFont,
t.fillStyle = "#c71ab6",
ew || (a = e + 1 + ". " + a),
t.fillText(a, 125 - t.measureText(a).width / 2, 70 + 24 * e)) : -1 != O.indexOf(U[e].id) ? (R[0].name && (a = R[0].name),
t.font = "20px " + gameFont,
t.fillStyle = "#FFAAAA",
ew || (a = e + 1 + ". " + a),
t.fillText(a, 125 - t.measureText(a).width / 2, 70 + 24 * e)) : 0 != U[e].clanId && 0 != e5 && U[e].clanId == e5 ? (t.font = "20px " + gameFont,
t.fillStyle = "#4a6df7",
ew || (a = e + 1 + ". " + a),
t.fillText(a, 125 - t.measureText(a).width / 2, 70 + 24 * e)) : (t.font = "20px " + gameFont,
t.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF",
ew || (a = e + 1 + ". " + a),
t.fillText(a, 125 - t.measureText(a).width / 2, 70 + 24 * e))
function tS(e, t, i, n, o, s) {
this.id = e,
this.ox = this.x = t,
this.oy = this.y = i,
this.oSize = this.size = n,
this.color = o,
this.points = [],
this.pointsAcc = [],
function tk(e, t, i, n) {
e && (this._size = e),
t && (this._color = t),
this._stroke = !!i,
n && (this._strokeColor = n)
String.prototype.startsWith || (String.prototype.startsWith = function(e, t) {
return t = t || 0,
this.substr(t, e.length) === e
Number.prototype.dotFormat || (Number.prototype.dotFormat = function() {
return this.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ".")
setInterval(function e() {
if (null != A && 1 == A.readyState) {
get_ping = Date.now();
var t = to(5);
t.setUint8(0, 13),
}, 3e3),
e.wsClose = function e() {
try {
} catch (t) {}
return A = null,
$(e).focus(function() {}),
$(e).blur(function() {
null != A && A.readyState
e.sendMouseMove2 = function() {
if (tx()) {
tw = G,
tE = K;
var e = to(21);
e.setUint8(0, 16),
e.setFloat64(1, NaN, !0),
e.setFloat64(9, NaN, !0),
e.setUint32(17, NaN, !0),
e.onClickPlay = function() {
eW = -1,
eH = 0,
en = 0,
eo = 0,
0 == isLoggedIn && ($("#errorWindow").show(),
null == A || 2 == A.readyState || 3 == A.readyState ? (e.isSpectating = !1,
tn()) : (!0 == e.isSpectating && (e.isSpectating = !1,
("CW-FFA" == this.gameName || "CW-GSZ" == this.gameName || "VS-FFA" == this.gameName || "VS-GSZ" == this.gameName && tx() && 0 <= R.length) && tf(),
eZ() && tr())
e.spectate = ()=>{
eW = -1,
eH = 0,
e.isSpectating = !0,
null == A || 2 == A.readyState || 3 == A.readyState ? tn() : tp(1)
e.setSkins = e=>{
Q = e,
localStorage.showSkin = e
e.setNames = function(e) {
ee = e,
localStorage.showName = e
e.setDarkTheme = e=>{
es = e,
localStorage.showDarkTheme = e,
!0 == e ? t("#chatButtons").css("color", "white") : t("#chatButtons").css("color", "black")
e.setNoColor = e=>{
et = e,
localStorage.noColor = e
e.setSmooth = e=>{
ed = e ? 2 : .4,
localStorage.smoothRender = e ? 2 : .4
e.setTransparent = e=>{
ef = e,
localStorage.transparentRender = e
e.setShowScore = e=>{
ea = e,
localStorage.showScore = e
e.setSimpleGreen = e=>{
er = e,
localStorage.simpleGreen = e
e.setCellEdge = e=>{
el = e,
localStorage.cellEdge = e
e.setMacro = e=>{
e$ = e,
localStorage.chcMacro = e
e.setZoom = e=>{
eh = e,
localStorage.opZoom = e,
e.setTouchButtons = e=>{
eu = e,
localStorage.touchButtons = e
e.setHideChat = e=>{
em = e,
localStorage.hideChat = e,
e ? (t("#chat_textbox").hide(),
t("#chatButtons").hide()) : (t("#chat_textbox").show(),
e.clearChat = ()=>{
W = []
e.sendZoom = e=>{
if (!1 == e) {
var t = to(5);
t.setUint8(0, 50),
t.setUint32(1, 0, !0),
} else {
var t = to(5);
t.setUint8(0, 50),
t.setUint32(1, 1, !0),
e.setFpsPingSpectator = e=>{
ec = e,
localStorage.showFpsPingSpectator = e
var tw = -1
, tE = -1
, tC = 1
, tb = {}
, tA = {}
, tN = ["_canvas'blob"];
tS.prototype = {
id: 0,
points: null,
pointsAcc: null,
name: null,
nameWidth: 0,
skinName: null,
lastSkinName: "",
hasSkinName: !1,
nameCache: null,
sizeCache: null,
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 0,
ox: 0,
oy: 0,
oSize: 0,
nx: 0,
ny: 0,
nSize: 0,
scoreWidth: 0,
flag: 0,
updateTime: 0,
updateCode: 0,
drawTime: 0,
destroyed: !1,
isVirus: !1,
isAgitated: !1,
wasSimpleDrawing: !0,
destroy: function() {
var e;
for (e = 0; e < L.length; e++)
if (L[e] == this) {
L.splice(e, 1);
delete z[this.id],
-1 != (e = R.indexOf(this)) && (ei = !0,
R.splice(e, 1)),
-1 != (e = O.indexOf(this.id)) && O.splice(e, 1),
this.destroyed = !0,
getNameSize: function() {
return Math.max(~~(.3 * this.size), 24)
setName: function(e) {
(this.name = e) && (null == this.nameCache ? (this.nameCache = new tk(this.getNameSize(),"#FFFFFF",!0,"#000000"),
this.nameCache.setValue(this.name)) : (this.nameCache.setSize(this.getNameSize()),
calcNameWidth: function(e) {
e.font = this.getNameSize() + "px " + gameFont,
this.nameWidth = e.measureText(this.name).width
calcScoreWidth: function(e) {
e.font = this.getNameSize() + "px " + gameFont,
this.scoreWidth = e.measureText(this.getScore()).width
setSkinName: function(e) {
this.skinName = e
createPoints: function() {
for (var e = this.getNumPoints(); this.points.length > e; ) {
var t = ~~(Math.random() * this.points.length);
this.points.splice(t, 1),
this.pointsAcc.splice(t, 1)
for (0 == this.points.length && 0 < e && (this.points.push({
ref: this,
size: this.size,
x: this.x,
y: this.y
this.pointsAcc.push(Math.random() - .5)); this.points.length < e; ) {
var i = ~~(Math.random() * this.points.length)
, n = this.points[i];
this.points.splice(i, 0, {
ref: this,
size: n.size,
x: n.x,
y: n.y
this.pointsAcc.splice(i, 0, this.pointsAcc[i])
getNumPoints: function() {
if (0 == this.id)
return 16;
var e = 10;
20 > this.size && (e = 0),
this.isVirus && (e = 30);
var t = this.size;
return this.isVirus || (t *= J),
t *= tC,
32 & this.flag && (t *= .25),
~~Math.max(t, e)
movePoints: function() {
for (var e = this.points, t = this.pointsAcc, i = e.length, n = 0; n < i; ++n) {
var o = t[(n - 1 + i) % i]
, s = t[(n + 1) % i];
t[n] += (Math.random() - .5) * (this.isAgitated ? 3 : 1),
t[n] *= .7,
10 < t[n] && (t[n] = 10),
-10 > t[n] && (t[n] = -10),
t[n] = (o + s + 8 * t[n]) / 10
for (var a = this, r = this.isVirus ? 0 : (this.id / 1e3 + V / 1e4) % (2 * Math.PI), l = 0; l < i; ++l) {
var h = e[l].size
, c = e[(l - 1 + i) % i].size
, u = e[(l + 1) % i].size;
if (15 < this.size && null != b && 20 < this.size * J && 0 != this.id) {
var f = !1
, m = e[l].x
, g = e[l].y;
b.retrieve2(m - 5, g - 5, 10, 10, function(e) {
e.ref != a && 25 > (m - e.x) * (m - e.x) + (g - e.y) * (g - e.y) && (f = !0)
(!f && e[l].x < X || e[l].y < Z || e[l].x > q || e[l].y > j) && (f = !0),
f && (0 < t[l] && (t[l] = 0),
t[l] -= 1)
0 > (h += t[l]) && (h = 0),
h = this.isAgitated ? (19 * h + this.size) / 20 : (12 * h + this.size) / 13,
e[l].size = (c + u + 8 * h) / 10,
c = 2 * Math.PI / i,
u = this.points[l].size,
this.isVirus && 0 == l % 2 && (u += 5),
e[l].x = this.x + Math.cos(c * l + r) * u,
e[l].y = this.y + Math.sin(c * l + r) * u
updatePos: function() {
if (0 == this.id)
return 1;
var e, t = 0 > (e = 0 > (e = (V - this.updateTime) / 60) ? 0 : 1 < e ? 1 : e) ? 0 : 1 < e ? 1 : e;
if (this.getNameSize(),
this.destroyed && 1 <= t) {
var i = P.indexOf(this);
-1 != i && P.splice(i, 1)
return this.x = e * (this.nx - this.ox) + this.ox,
this.y = e * (this.ny - this.oy) + this.oy,
this.size = t * (this.nSize - this.oSize) + this.oSize,
shouldRender: function() {
return 0 == this.id || !(this.x + this.size + 40 < N - r / 2 / J || this.y + this.size + 40 < I - l / 2 / J || this.x - this.size - 40 > N + r / 2 / J || this.y - this.size - 40 > I + l / 2 / J)
getScore: function() {
return ~~(this.nSize * this.nSize / 100)
drawOneCell: function(e) {
if (this.shouldRender()) {
var t = 0 != this.id && !this.isVirus && !this.isAgitated && ed > J;
if (5 > this.getNumPoints() && (t = !0),
this.wasSimpleDrawing && !t)
for (var i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++)
this.points[i].size = this.size;
if (this.wasSimpleDrawing = t,
this.drawTime = V,
i = this.updatePos(),
this.destroyed && (e.globalAlpha *= 1 - i),
e.lineWidth = 10,
e.lineCap = "round",
e.lineJoin = this.isVirus ? "miter" : "round",
et ? (e.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF",
e.strokeStyle = "#AAAAAA") : (e.fillStyle = this.color,
e.strokeStyle = this.color),
t || !0 == er)
e.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
else {
var n = this.getNumPoints();
for (e.moveTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y),
i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
var o = i % n;
e.lineTo(this.points[o].x, this.points[o].y)
if (e.closePath(),
i = null,
!this.isAgitated && Q && ":teams" != ep) {
if (!0 == this.hasSkinName && (this.skinName = this.name.toLowerCase(),
-1 != this.skinName.indexOf("[") || (this.skinName = this.name.toLowerCase(),
-1 != this.skinName.indexOf("[")))) {
var s = this.skinName.indexOf("[")
, a = this.skinName.indexOf("]");
this.skinName = this.skinName.slice(s + 1, a)
"" != this.skinName && null != this.skinName && (tb.hasOwnProperty(this.skinName) || (tb[this.skinName] = new Image,
tb[this.skinName].src = "//cdn.agarj.com/skins/" + this.skinName + ".png",
tb[this.skinName].onload = function() {
tA[this.src] = !0
0 != tb[this.skinName].width && tb[this.skinName].complete && (i = tb[this.skinName]))
if (i = !!(o = i) && -1 != tN.indexOf(this.skinName),
t || e.stroke(),
!(null == o || i) && tA.hasOwnProperty(o.src) && (e.save(),
e.drawImage(o, this.x - this.size, this.y - this.size, 2 * this.size, 2 * this.size),
(et || 15 < this.size) && !t && (e.strokeStyle = "#000000",
e.globalAlpha *= .1,
e.globalAlpha = 1,
null != o && i && tA.hasOwnProperty(o.src) && e.drawImage(o, this.x - 2 * this.size, this.y - 2 * this.size, 4 * this.size, 4 * this.size),
i = -1 != R.indexOf(this),
0 != this.id) {
var t = ~~this.y;
if ((ee || i) && this.name) {
e.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF",
e.font = this.getNameSize() + "px " + gameFont,
var r = this.x - .5 * this.nameWidth;
e.fillText(this.name, r, this.y)
if (this.name && !0 == ea && this.size > 40 && !1 == this.isVirus) {
e.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF",
e.font = this.getNameSize() + "px " + gameFont,
var l = this.getScore().dotFormat();
r = this.x - .5 * this.scoreWidth,
e.fillText(l, r, this.y + this.getNameSize())
if (isAdmin && this.uId && 0 != this.uId && this.size > 40 && !1 == this.isVirus) {
e.fillStyle = "#000000";
let h = this.getNameSize() / 1.75;
e.font = h + "px " + gameFont;
var c = "uId: " + this.uId
, u = e.measureText(c).width
, f = this.x - .5 * u;
e.fillText(c, f, this.y + 2 * this.getNameSize())
tk.prototype = {
_value: "",
_color: "#000000",
_stroke: !1,
_strokeColor: "#000000",
_size: 16,
_canvas: null,
_ctx: null,
_dirty: !1,
_scale: 1,
setSize: function(e) {
this._size != e && (this._size = e,
this._dirty = !0)
setScale: function(e) {
this._scale != e && (this._scale = e,
this._dirty = !0)
setStrokeColor: function(e) {
this._strokeColor != e && (this._strokeColor = e,
this._dirty = !0)
setValue: function(e) {
e != this._value && (this._value = e,
this._dirty = !0)
render: function() {
if (null == this._canvas && (this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
this._ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d")),
this._dirty) {
this._dirty = !1;
var e = this._canvas
, t = this._ctx
, i = this._value
, n = this._scale
, o = this._size
, s = o + "px " + gameFont;
t.font = s;
var a = ~~(.2 * o);
e.width = (t.measureText(i).width + 6) * n,
e.height = (o + a) * n,
t.font = s,
t.scale(n, n),
t.globalAlpha = 1,
t.lineWidth = 3,
t.strokeStyle = this._strokeColor,
t.fillStyle = this._color,
this._stroke && t.strokeText(i, 3, o - a / 2),
t.fillText(i, 3, o - a / 2)
return this._canvas
getWidth: function() {
return n.measureText(this._value).width + 6
Date.now || (Date.now = function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
var tI = {
init: function(e) {
function t(e, t, i, n, o) {
this.x = e,
this.y = t,
this.w = i,
this.h = n,
this.depth = o,
this.items = [],
this.nodes = []
var i = e.maxChildren || 2
, n = e.maxDepth || 4;
t.prototype = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 0,
h: 0,
depth: 0,
items: null,
nodes: null,
exists: function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.items.length; ++t) {
var i = this.items[t];
if (i.x >= e.x && i.y >= e.y && i.x < e.x + e.w && i.y < e.y + e.h)
return !0
if (0 != this.nodes.length) {
var n = this;
return this.findOverlappingNodes(e, function(t) {
return n.nodes[t].exists(e)
return !1
retrieve: function(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i)
if (0 != this.nodes.length) {
var n = this;
this.findOverlappingNodes(e, function(i) {
n.nodes[i].retrieve(e, t)
insert: function(e) {
0 != this.nodes.length ? this.nodes[this.findInsertNode(e)].insert(e) : this.items.length >= i && this.depth < n ? (this.devide(),
this.nodes[this.findInsertNode(e)].insert(e)) : this.items.push(e)
findInsertNode: function(e) {
return e.x < this.x + this.w / 2 ? e.y < this.y + this.h / 2 ? 0 : 2 : e.y < this.y + this.h / 2 ? 1 : 3
findOverlappingNodes: function(e, t) {
return !!(e.x < this.x + this.w / 2 && (e.y < this.y + this.h / 2 && t(0) || e.y >= this.y + this.h / 2 && t(2)) || e.x >= this.x + this.w / 2 && (e.y < this.y + this.h / 2 && t(1) || e.y >= this.y + this.h / 2 && t(3)))
devide: function() {
var e = this.depth + 1
, i = this.w / 2
, n = this.h / 2;
for (this.nodes.push(new t(this.x,this.y,i,n,e)),
this.nodes.push(new t(this.x + i,this.y,i,n,e)),
this.nodes.push(new t(this.x,this.y + n,i,n,e)),
this.nodes.push(new t(this.x + i,this.y + n,i,n,e)),
e = this.items,
this.items = [],
i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
clear: function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this.nodes.length; e++)
this.items.length = 0,
this.nodes.length = 0
var o = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 0,
h: 0
return {
root: new t(e.minX,e.minY,e.maxX - e.minX,e.maxY - e.minY,0),
insert: function(e) {
retrieve: function(e, t) {
this.root.retrieve(e, t)
retrieve2: function(e, t, i, n, s) {
o.x = e,
o.y = t,
o.w = i,
o.h = n,
this.root.retrieve(o, s)
exists: function(e) {
return this.root.exists(e)
clear: function() {
e.onload = function s() {
null == localStorage.showSkin && (localStorage.showSkin = !0),
Q = "true" === localStorage.showSkin,
document.getElementById("noSkin").checked = !Q,
null == localStorage.showName && (localStorage.showName = !0),
ee = "true" === localStorage.showName,
document.getElementById("noNames").checked = !ee,
null == localStorage.noColor && (localStorage.noColor = !1),
et = "true" === localStorage.noColor,
document.getElementById("noColor").checked = et,
null == localStorage.showDarkTheme && (localStorage.showDarkTheme = !0),
es = "true" === localStorage.showDarkTheme,
document.getElementById("darkTheme") && (document.getElementById("darkTheme").checked = es),
!0 == es ? t("#chatButtons").css("color", "white") : t("#chatButtons").css("color", "black"),
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document.getElementById("hideChat").checked = em,
em ? (t("#chat_textbox").hide(),
t("#chatButtons").hide()) : (t("#chat_textbox").show(),
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ed = localStorage.smoothRender,
document.getElementById("smoothRender") && (document.getElementById("smoothRender").checked = 2 == ed),
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ef = "true" === localStorage.transparentRender,
document.getElementById("transparentRender").checked = ef,
null == localStorage.showScore && (localStorage.showScore = !0),
ea = "true" === localStorage.showScore,
document.getElementById("showScore") && (document.getElementById("showScore").checked = ea),
null == localStorage.simpleGreen && (localStorage.simpleGreen = !0),
er = "true" === localStorage.simpleGreen,
document.getElementById("simpleGreen") && (document.getElementById("simpleGreen").checked = er),
null == localStorage.cellEdge && (localStorage.cellEdge = !0),
el = "true" === localStorage.cellEdge,
document.getElementById("cellEdge") && (document.getElementById("cellEdge").checked = el),
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e$ = "true" === localStorage.chcMacro,
document.getElementById("chcMacro") && (document.getElementById("chcMacro").checked = e$),
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eh = "true" === localStorage.opZoom,
document.getElementById("opZoom") && (document.getElementById("opZoom").checked = eh),
null == localStorage.showFpsPingSpectator && (localStorage.showFpsPingSpectator = !0),
ec = "true" === localStorage.showFpsPingSpectator,
document.getElementById("showFpsPingSpectator") && (document.getElementById("showFpsPingSpectator").checked = ec),
localStorage.chatSize && Number(localStorage.chatSize) > 0 && (chatSize = localStorage.chatSize,
document.getElementById("chatsize").value = localStorage.chatSize),
localStorage.chatFont && (chatFont = localStorage.chatFont,
document.getElementById("chatFont").value = localStorage.chatFont),
localStorage.gameFont && (gameFont = localStorage.gameFont,
document.getElementById("gameFont").value = localStorage.gameFont),
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t("#labelTouchButtons").show()) : (localStorage.touchButtons = "false",
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o.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var t = e.clientX - l.left
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for (d = 0; d < L.length; d++) {
var o = L[d];
o.shouldRender() && (n.save(),
n.arc(o.x, o.y, o.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1),
n.isPointInPath(t, i) && (n.lineWidth = 10,
n.strokeStyle = "red",
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H = e.clientX,
D = e.clientY,
eX(H, D)
o.onmousedown = function(e) {
var t = e.clientX
, i = e.clientY;
new Date().getTime() - F > 5e3 && t >= 10 && t <= 10 + y && i >= 210 - v && i <= 210 && (t_(T),
F = new Date().getTime());
for (var n = 0; n < W.length; n++)
if (0 != W[n].userId && void 0 != W[n].userId && t >= W[n].name_x && t <= W[n].name_x + W[n].name_w && i <= W[n].name_y && i >= W[n].name_y - W[n].name_h) {
if (0 != chatType && W[n].chatType != chatType)
console.log(W[n].chatType + " " + W[n].userId + " - " + W[n].message),
window.open(SITE_NAME + "/" + eV() + "/user/" + W[n].userId, "_blank").focus();
eX(t, i)
o.addEventListener("touchstart", eq, !1),
o.addEventListener("touchmove", ej, !1),
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u || r || !1 != i || (td(),
u = !0);
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(a = document.getElementById("chat_textbox").value).length > 0) {
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a = "/team " + a;
else if (2 == chatType)
a = "/clan " + a;
else if (3 == chatType) {
if (confirm(lang.megaphone_confirm))
a = "/megaphone " + a;
else {
a = "";
document.getElementById("chat_textbox").value = ""
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ev || (r = !0);
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f || r || !1 != i || (f = !0,
case 65:
m || r || !1 != i || (tp(65),
m = !0,
case 83:
g || r || !1 != i || (tp(83),
g = !0);
case 84:
r || !1 != i || (0 == eD ? (eD = 1,
eG = Math.max(eG = Math.min(G, q, j), X, Z),
e7 = Math.max(e7 = Math.min(K, q, j), X, Z)) : tu());
case 88:
_ || r || !1 != i || !e$ || (tp(36),
_ = !0);
case 90:
x || r || !1 != i || !e$ || (tp(39),
x = !0)
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case 32:
h = !1;
case 87:
u = !1;
case 81:
c && (tp(19),
c = !1);
case 69:
f && (f = !1,
case 65:
m = !1;
case 83:
g = !1;
case 88:
_ && (_ = !1,
case 90:
x && (x = !1,
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tx()) {
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