-- im doors 🤓 -- cv is two cool loking letters no real meaning -- 435345242533452325423454235gfdsdfgdsgfgsdf --[[ todo: ignore this ]] warn'hello' repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() warn'hola' local TextChatService = game:GetService('TextChatService') TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage = function(Message) local Properties = Instance.new('TextChatMessageProperties') if Message.TextSource.UserId == game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId then task.spawn(function() Properties.PrefixText = "[karlol!!] " .. Message.PrefixText end) end return Properties end local notificationSound = Instance.new'Sound' notificationSound.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://6897623656' notificationSound.Volume = 1 notificationSound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui local warningSound = Instance.new'Sound' warningSound.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://1570162306' warningSound.Volume = 1 warningSound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui local players = game:GetService'Players' local replicatedStorage = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage' local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local runService = game:GetService'RunService' local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService') local lighting = game.Lighting local gameData = replicatedStorage.GameData local remoteFolder = replicatedStorage.RemotesFolder local latestRoom = gameData.LatestRoom local floor = gameData.Floor local player = players.LocalPlayer local playerGUI = player.PlayerGui local mainGUI = playerGUI.MainUI local mainGame = mainGUI.Initiator.Main_Game local gameIndex = getrawmetatable(game).__index local hints = playerGUI.PermUI.Hints local remoteListener = mainGame:FindFirstChild'RemoteListener' warn(gameIndex(game, 'PlaceId')) local character character = player.Character function eyesSpawned() local eyes; do eyes = workspace:FindFirstChild('BackdoorLookman') or workspace:FindFirstChild('Eyes') end return eyes ~= nil end local rep = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/' local lib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(rep.. 'Library.lua'))() local save = loadstring(game:HttpGet(rep.. 'addons/SaveManager.lua'))() local theme = loadstring(game:HttpGet(rep.. 'addons/ThemeManager.lua'))() local Options = getgenv().Options local window = lib:CreateWindow({ Title = 'catlova x karlol | ' .. player.Name, Center = true, AutoShow = true, TabPadding = 8, MenuFadeTime = 0.2 }) -- settings up stuff lib.KeybindFrame.Visible = true local flags = { speed = true, speedbypass = false, noclip = false, ncpbypass = false, clipPrompts = true, auraPrompts = true, reachPrompts = true, fly = false, esp = true, espRainbow = false, tracers = false, fov = true, fb = true, betterEnvironment = false, padLock = false, thirdperson = false, doorreach = true, voiddisabler = true } local AntiEntity = { Screech = true, Figure = true, Seek = true, A90 = true, Snare = true, Eyes = true, Obstruction = true } local OldScreechModule = remoteListener.Modules.Screech local OldA90Module = remoteListener.Modules.A90 local values = { speedV = 30, fieldOfView = 120, speedbypassDelay = .2 } local speedMethod = 'Boost' local espColors = { [1] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0), [2] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255), [3] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) } function notify(Text, Duration, Type, Duration) lib:Notify(Text, Duration or (Type == 'Entity' and 10 or 5)) if Type == 'Entity' then warningSound:Play() else notificationSound:Play() end end function firep(prompt) assert(prompt:IsA'ProximityPrompt', 'not a prompt fucking retard') prompt.Enabled = true if prompt.HoldDuration == 0 then fireproximityprompt(prompt, 1) else task.spawn(function() prompt:InputHoldBegin() prompt.PromptButtonHoldEnded:Wait() prompt:InputHoldEnd() end) end end function getPadlockCode(paper) if paper and paper:FindFirstChild("UI") then local code = {} for i, v in paper.UI:GetChildren() do if tonumber(v.Name) then code[v.ImageRectOffset.X] = {tonumber(v.Name), '_'} end end for i, v in hints:GetChildren() do if v.Name == 'Icon' then if code[v.ImageRectOffset.X] then code[v.ImageRectOffset.X][2] = v.TextLabel.Text end end end local final = {} for i, v in code do final[v[1]] = v[2] end local finalcode = '' for i, v in final do finalcode ..= v end warn(finalcode) return finalcode end return '____' end function espAttempt(object, typea, text) if not flags.esp then return end assert(typea == ('item') or typea == ('roomAsset') or typea == ('entity'), 'type was not provided: '..text) local room = latestRoom.Value local part; do local p, e = pcall(function() return object.PrimaryPart end) if p then part = object.PrimaryPart else part = object end end if text == 'Figure' then part = object end local color; do if typea == 'item' then notify('ITEM | ' .. text .. ' spawned') color = espColors[1] elseif typea == 'roomAsset' then color = espColors[2] elseif typea == 'entity' then notify('ENTITY | ' .. text .. ' has spawned', 10, 'Entity') color = espColors[3] else color = Color3.fromRGB(124, 124, 124) end end local highlight = Instance.new'Highlight'; do highlight.Parent = object highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop highlight.FillColor = color local yess = highlight.OutlineTransparency highlight.FillTransparency = 1 highlight.OutlineTransparency = 1 game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(highlight, TweenInfo.new(1), { FillTransparency = 0.75, OutlineTransparency = yess }):Play() highlight.OutlineColor = color end local billboard = Instance.new'BillboardGui'; do billboard.Adornee = part billboard.Parent = part billboard.Name = 'zzzzz :yawn:' if typea == 'roomAsset' or typea == 'entity' then billboard.Size = UDim2.new(8, 0, 2, 0) else billboard.Size = UDim2.new(3, 0, 0.5, 0) end end local label = Instance.new'TextLabel'; do label.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) label.FontFace = Font.new('rbxassetid://12187362578') label.TextColor3 = color label.TextScaled = true label.BackgroundTransparency = 1 label.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new() label.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 label.Parent = billboard task.spawn(function() repeat label.Text = string.format('%s\n[ %s ]', (text or part.Name), math.floor((camera.CFrame.Position - part:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude)) runService.RenderStepped:Wait() until label.Parent ~= billboard end) end local tracer = Drawing.new('Line'); do tracer.From = Vector2.new(camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, camera.ViewportSize.Y) tracer.Color = color task.spawn(function() repeat if flags.tracers and part.Parent ~= nil then local vector, onscreen = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(part.Position) tracer.To = Vector2.new(vector.X, vector.Y) tracer.Visible = onscreen else tracer.Visible = false end runService.RenderStepped:Wait() until label.Parent ~= billboard end) end billboard.AlwaysOnTop = true task.spawn(function() repeat if flags.esp then highlight.Enabled = true billboard.Enabled = true if flags.espRainbow then tracer.Color = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 10 / 10, 1, 1) label.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 10 / 10, 1, 1) highlight.FillColor = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 10 / 10, 1, 1) highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 10 / 10, 1, 1) else tracer.Color = color label.TextColor3 = color highlight.FillColor = color highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) end else highlight.Enabled = false billboard.Enabled = false end runService.RenderStepped:Wait() until billboard.Parent ~= part end) if typea ~= 'entity' or text == 'Snare' then latestRoom:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Value'):Connect(function() task.spawn(function() game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(highlight, TweenInfo.new(1), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play() task.wait(1) highlight:Destroy() billboard:Destroy() label:Destroy() end) end) end end local general, exploits, visual = window:AddTab'General', window:AddTab'Exploits', window:AddTab'Visuals' local group = { left = general:AddLeftGroupbox'Speed', room = general:AddRightGroupbox'Room', entity = exploits:AddRightGroupbox'Anti-Entity', right = visual:AddRightGroupbox'Camera', esp = visual:AddLeftGroupbox'ESP', env = visual:AddRightGroupbox'Environment', left2 = general:AddRightGroupbox'Noclip', right2 = exploits:AddLeftGroupbox'Bypasses', prompts = exploits:AddLeftGroupbox'Prompts' } -- idk group.entity:AddToggle('Screech', { Text = 'Anti-Screech', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Screech no more', Callback = function(v) AntiEntity.Screech = v end }) group.entity:AddToggle('Eyes', { Text = 'Anti-Eyes', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Eyes no more', Callback = function(v) AntiEntity.Eyes = v end }) group.entity:AddToggle('A90', { Text = 'Anti-A90', Default = true, Tooltip = 'A90 no more', Callback = function(v) AntiEntity.A90 = v end }) group.entity:AddToggle('Obstruction', { Text = 'Anti-Obstruction', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Obstruction no more', Callback = function(v) AntiEntity.Obstruction = v end }) group.entity:AddToggle('Seek', { Text = 'Anti-Seek', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Seek no more', Callback = function(v) AntiEntity.Seek = v end }) group.entity:AddToggle('Figure', { Text = 'Anti-Figure', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Figure no more', Callback = function(v) AntiEntity.Figure = v end }) group.entity:AddToggle('Snares', { Text = 'Anti-Snares', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Snares no more', Callback = function(v) AntiEntity.Snare = v end }) group.room:AddToggle('cv131313m', { Text = 'Padlock', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Automatically does padlock code', Callback = function(v) flags.padLock = v end }) group.room:AddToggle('cv131313m2233', { Text = 'Door reach', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Automatically opens door for you', Callback = function(v) flags.doorreach = v end }) group.right:AddLabel('Third person'):AddKeyPicker('cv6mmm', { Default = 'V', NoUI = false, Text = 'Third person', Callback = function(v) flags.thirdperson = v mainGame.Camera.Enabled = not v end }) group.env:AddToggle('environmentFB', { Text = 'FullBright', Default = true, Tooltip = 'Turns the room bright', Callback = function(v) flags.fb = v end }) group.env:AddToggle('Envr', { Text = 'Better Environment', Default = false, Tooltip = 'Gives better lighting', Callback = function(v) flags.betterEnvironment = v if flags.betterEnvironment then task.spawn(function() repeat lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB() task.wait() until not flags.betterEnvironment end) else lighting.Ambient = workspace.CurrentRooms[player:GetAttribute("CurrentRoom")]:GetAttribute("Ambient") end end }) -- speeeeedd group.left:AddToggle('cv1', { Text = 'Speed', Default = flags.speed, Tooltip = 'makes u fast', Callback = function(v) flags.speed = v end }) group.left:AddSlider('cv2', { Text = 'Studs', Default = 30, Min = 0, Max = 50, Rounding = 1, Compact = true, Callback = function(v) values.speedV = v end }) group.left:AddDropdown('cv3', { Values = {'Boost', 'Walkspeed', 'CFrameWalk'}, Text = 'Speed method', Default = 'Boost', Multi = false, Tooltip = 'what method to use for speed', Callback = function(v) speedMethod = v end }) group.left:AddLabel('Fly - F'):AddKeyPicker('cv6', { Default = 'F', NoUI = false, Text = 'Fly', Callback = function(v) flags.fly = v end }) -- field of view group.right:AddToggle('cv4', { Text = 'FOV', Default = true, Tooltip = 'changes fov', Callback = function(v) flags.fov = v end }) group.right:AddSlider('cv5', { Text = 'FOV', Default = 120, Min = 70, Max = 120, Rounding = 1, Compact = true, Callback = function(v) warn(v) values.fieldOfView = v end }) -- noclip group.left2:AddLabel('Noclip'):AddKeyPicker('cv6', { Default = 'N', NoUI = false, Text = 'Noclip', Callback = function(v) flags.noclip = v if flags.noclip then for i, Part in character:GetDescendants() do if Part:IsA'BasePart' then local CC = Part.CanCollide task.spawn(function() repeat Part.CanCollide = false task.wait() until not flags.noclip Part.CanCollide = CC end) end end end end }) -- esp local promptsToAura = {} local reachedPrompts = {} local auraPrompts = { 'ActivateEventPrompt', 'HerbPrompt', 'LootPrompt', 'ModulePrompt' } local reach; do reach = 7 end function roomAdded(newRoom) local room = workspace.CurrentRooms[latestRoom.Value] local assets = room:WaitForChild'Assets' task.spawn(function() repeat if flags.doorreach then room.Door.ClientOpen:FireServer() end task.wait() until room ~= workspace.CurrentRooms[latestRoom.Value] end) local function descendants(v) if AntiEntity.Obstruction then if v.Name == 'AnimatorPart' or v.Name == 'HurtPart' then v.CanTouch = false v.Transparency = 0.75 v:ClearAllChildren() end end if AntiEntity.Seek then if v:IsA'BasePart' and v.Parent and v.Parent.Name == 'TriggerEventCollision' and v.Name == 'Collision' then v.CanTouch = false end end if v:IsA'ProximityPrompt' then if flags.clipPrompts then v.RequiresLineOfSight = false end if flags.reachPrompts then task.spawn(function() repeat v.MaxActivationDistance = 7 + reach task.wait() until v.Parent == nil end) end if table.find(auraPrompts, v.Name) and flags.auraPrompts then task.spawn(function() repeat if v:IsA'ProximityPrompt' then local interaction = 'Interactions'..player.Name if v:GetAttribute(interaction) then return end firep(v) end task.wait() until v.Parent == nil end) end end task.spawn(function() if v.Name == 'Key' then espAttempt(v:FindFirstAncestor'KeyObtain', 'item', 'Key') elseif v.Name == 'LiveHintBook' then espAttempt(v, 'item', 'Book') elseif v.Name == 'TimerLever' then espAttempt(v, 'item', 'Lever') elseif v.Name == 'FigureRagdoll' then if AntiEntity.Figure then for i,v2 in v:GetDescendants() do pcall(function() v2.CanCollide = false end) end task.spawn(function() repeat task.wait() v:PivotTo(v:GetPivot() * CFrame.new(0, -2, 1) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(10), 0)) until v.Parent == nil notify('figure death :(((') end) end espAttempt(v, 'entity', 'Figure') elseif v.Name == 'Snare' then if AntiEntity.Snare then v.CanTouch = false end espAttempt(v, 'entity', 'Snare') elseif v.Name:match('Pickup') then espAttempt(v, 'item', v.Name:match'LiveBreakerPolePickup' and 'Breaker' or v.Name) elseif v.Name == 'GoldPile' then espAttempt(v, 'item', 'Gold [' .. v:GetAttribute'GoldValue' .. ']') end end) end for i,v in room:GetDescendants() do descendants(v) end room.DescendantAdded:Connect(descendants) for i,v in assets:GetChildren() do if v.Name == 'Wardrobe' or v.Name == 'Toolshed' or v.Name == 'Rooms_Locker' then espAttempt(v, 'roomAsset', 'Closet') end end espAttempt(room.Name == '50' and room.Door or floor.Value == 'Rooms' and room.Door or room.Door.Door, 'roomAsset', room:GetAttribute('RequiresKey') and 'Locked Door' or 'Door') end function workspaceAdded(entity) task.wait(0.01) if player:DistanceFromCharacter(entity.PrimaryPart.Position) <= 2000 then entity.PrimaryPart.Transparency = 0 entity.PrimaryPart.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic espAttempt(entity, 'entity', entity.Name:split('Moving')[1] or entity.Name:split('Backdoor')[1] or entity.Name) end end workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(workspaceAdded) roomAdded() workspace.CurrentRooms.ChildAdded:Connect(roomAdded) group.esp:AddToggle('cv8', { Text = 'ESP', Default = true, Tooltip = 'See items through walls', Callback = function(v) flags.esp = v end }) group.esp:AddLabel('Item color'):AddColorPicker('cv9', { Title = 'Item color', Default = espColors[1], Callback = function(v) espColors[1] = v end }) group.esp:AddLabel('Asset color'):AddColorPicker('cv10', { Title = 'Asset color', Default = espColors[2], Callback = function(v) espColors[2] = v end }) group.esp:AddLabel('Entity color'):AddColorPicker('cv11', { Title = 'Entity color', Default = espColors[3], Callback = function(v) espColors[3] = v end }) -- prompts local exitKeys = { Enum.KeyCode.W, Enum.KeyCode.A, Enum.KeyCode.S, Enum.KeyCode.D } game:GetService('ProximityPromptService').PromptTriggered:Connect(function(prompt) if prompt.Parent.Name == 'Wardrobe' or prompt.Parent.Name == 'Toolshed' then local ogTransparency = {} for i, v in pairs(prompt.Parent:GetDescendants()) do pcall(function() ogTransparency[v.Name] = v.Transparency v.Transparency = .45 end) end task.wait(1) task.spawn(function() repeat if not UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox() and UserInputService:IsKeyDown(exitKeys[1]) or UserInputService:IsKeyDown(exitKeys[2]) or UserInputService:IsKeyDown(exitKeys[3]) or UserInputService:IsKeyDown(exitKeys[4]) then for i, v in pairs(prompt.Parent:GetDescendants()) do pcall(function() v.Transparency = ogTransparency[v.Name] end) end remoteFolder.CamLock:FireServer() break end task.wait() until false end) end end) group.prompts:AddToggle('cv14', { Text = 'Reach', Tooltip = 'Use prompts from a distance', Default = true, Callback = function(v) flags.reachPrompts = v end }) group.prompts:AddSlider('cv15', { Text = 'Distance', Default = 7, Min = 7, Max = 30, Rounding = 1, Compact = true, Callback = function(v) reach = v end }) -- connections local frame = { Counter = 0, Timer = tick() } local fps = 0 local watermarkConnection = runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(deltaTime) frame.Counter += 1 if (tick() - frame.Timer) >= 1 then frame.Timer = tick() fps = frame.Counter frame.Counter = 0 end local watermark = ('catlova x karlol.. | %s fps'):format(fps) lib:SetWatermark(watermark) end) -- mainscript local speedbypassCVM = tick() local flyvelo = Instance.new('BodyVelocity'); do flyvelo.Velocity = Vector3.zero flyvelo.MaxForce = Vector3.one * 9e9 end local NoAccel = PhysicalProperties.new(100, 2, 0, 100, 0) character.Collision.CollisionCrouch.Massless = true character.Collision.CollisionCrouch.CanCollide = false function OnCharacterAdded(Character) Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Object) task.wait(.5) if Object:IsA'Tool' then if Object.Name == 'LibraryHintPaper' and flags.padLock then notify(string.format('The current code is: %s', getPadlockCode(Object))) if tonumber(getPadlockCode(Object)) then remoteFolder.PL:FireServer(tostring(getPadlockCode(Object))) end end end end) end player.CharacterAdded:Connect(OnCharacterAdded) OnCharacterAdded(character) runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(delta) game:GetService('ProximityPromptService').MaxPromptsVisible = 50 character = player.Character character.HumanoidRootPart.CustomPhysicalProperties = NoAccel character.Collision.CustomPhysicalProperties = NoAccel character.Collision.CollisionCrouch.CustomPhysicalProperties = NoAccel task.spawn(function() if flags.speed then -- speed if speedMethod == 'Walkspeed' then character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 15 + values.speedV elseif speedMethod == 'Boost' then character.Humanoid:SetAttribute('SpeedBoostBehind', values.speedV) elseif speedMethod == 'CFrameWalk' then character:TranslateBy(character.Humanoid.MoveDirection * (values.speedV / 1.23) / 100) end if (tick() - speedbypassCVM) >= values.speedbypassDelay then character.Collision.Massless = not character.Collision.Massless speedbypassCVM = tick() end else speedbypassCVM = tick() end end) task.spawn(function() if flags.fb then game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(lighting, TweenInfo.new(.9), { Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(255/2, 255/2, 255/2) }):Play() end end) task.spawn(function() if flags.voiddisabler then workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight = 0 / 0 -- otherwise known as nan! (a number below -math.huge) else workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight = OldVoid end end) task.spawn(function() if flags.thirdperson then camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) * CFrame.fromOrientation(0, ({camera.CFrame:ToOrientation()})[2], 0) character.Head.Transparency = 0 for i, v in character:GetChildren() do if v:IsA'Accessory' and v.Name:lower():match('accessory') then for name, src in v:GetChildren() do pcall(function() src.Transparency = 0 end) end end end else camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable character.Head.Transparency = 1 for i, v in character:GetChildren() do if v:IsA'Accessory' and v.Name:lower():match('accessory') then for name, src in v:GetChildren() do pcall(function() src.Transparency = 1 end) end end end end end) task.spawn(function() flyvelo.Parent = flags.fly and character.HumanoidRootPart or nil flyvelo.Name = math.random(1000, 9999) if flags.fly then local add = Vector3.zero if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.W) then add += camera.CFrame.LookVector end if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.S) then add -= camera.CFrame.LookVector end if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.D) then add += camera.CFrame.RightVector end if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.A) then add -= camera.CFrame.RightVector end if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Space) then add += camera.CFrame.UpVector end if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) then add -= camera.CFrame.UpVector end flyvelo.Velocity = add * (values.speedV * 20) / 300 * 22 end end) if eyesSpawned() then if AntiEntity.Eyes then if eyesSpawned() then remoteFolder.MotorReplication:FireServer(0, -90, 0, false) end end end task.spawn(function() if flags.fov then camera.FieldOfView = values.fieldOfView else camera.FieldOfView = 70 end end) pcall(function() if AntiEntity.Screech then OldScreechModule.Name = 'lol' end if AntiEntity.A90 then OldA90Module.Name = 'blahhh' end end) end) -- finishing up lib.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind local configuration = window:AddTab'Configuration' do theme:SetLibrary(lib) save:SetLibrary(lib) save:IgnoreThemeSettings() save:SetIgnoreIndexes({ 'MenuKeybind' }) theme:SetFolder('baa') save:SetFolder('baa/doors') save:BuildConfigSection(configuration) theme:ApplyToTab(configuration) save:LoadAutoloadConfig() end