I haven’t updated in a while, but the ridiculousness continues. On a flop of 995, the chance that a player was dealt a 9 is 100%. The only way to win in that spot is if the player with the 9 folded pre-flop. This happens over, and over, and over. AK with a flop of A22 - just fold or you will lose your stack to 52. 2020-07-14: I guess 25% wasn’t enough. Now the five player 500M SNG is raked at 27%. Why not just charge a fee every time a player logs on to the app? Every five minutes just deduct $1M chips from everyone’s account? The rake is more than the prize for finishing second. The only winner is Zynga. Completely ridiculous. 2020-05-02: Come on guys! The SNG rakes are out of control. Five player increased to 25% from 10%??? Nine player at 34.3%??! How are you going to have customers if only the house can make money?? I play this app for entertainment and would never spend any actual money on it. However, the game action has become ridiculous. Basically, if you have a better hand but fewer chips than your opponent heads up, you are screwed. And it works both ways. I can have AA vs. A5, and if I have fewer chips, I will lose. I can also shove 52 against KK, and if I have more chips, I will win. It is really pretty funny. Event Challenges are a bit goofy as well. The one I have now is to win 1.5B playing 25M/50M. If I do, I get . . . 36M. LOL. How is less than one big blind any incentive to play the challenge? Observed three more flopped flushes tonight. The odds of flopping a flush with two suited cards in the hole is 0.8%. If you have one of the flush cards in your hand, it is more like 0.6% for an opponent to flop a flush. I have had days were I have seen four flopped flushes. Not sure how that can happen if the cards are truly random. On the positive side, I have received a good number of automatic wins in both the SNGs and Spin and Wins. Just had another one tonight. You press the Play Now button and Boom you win the Tournament. That makes up for some of the other goofyness. The event challenge rewards have been better lately. That is nice as well. Another flopped flush against me. Seriously, if the cards are random, players cannot continually flop flushes. Lost again with the second nut flush to the nut flush. I think I need to stop playing on this site. The hands are set up to induce action. Just lost again to a flopped flush with one of the flush cards in my hand. I would like one of the developers to explain how there can be so many flopped flushes. Let’s review today’s SnW ridiculousness. Lost to straight over straight, lost with AQs to 93s - not sure why my pre-flop raise was called with 93, flopped top 2 and lost to the bottom set => all of this two and three handed. It would be nice to at least have a chance to win. Two consecutive hands against one player: AQ with paired A on the flop beaten by a river flush with two random suites cards. Next hand - lose to flush over flush. Seriously? How do you lose to flushes on two consecutive hands? And flush over flush three handed? What is going on? It is hard to imagine that I am just that unlucky. Back to five handed. I raise 3x with KK and get called by Q2. Player hits a 2 and shoves my bet on the flop- I call and we split an on board straight. Same player flops a flush against another player - seriously, flopping flushes is less than one percent with two suited cards. At least I was able to finish second. Just let me win with KK against Q2. The worst hand should not catch up so often. Last game of the night. All in with K9 vs. K4. Flop has two Ks. River card was a 4 of course. How could it not be. Three outs = 100% chance of hitting. Another night, another flopped flush observed. And another four out bad beat for me on the river. A9 vs. QJ with a 789A board. I shove on the turn and get called, and instead of being the chip leader, I am out because of a miracle T on the river. That is how the game is manipulated. It happens way too often. 9:1 favorites have to win 90% of the time if the game is fair. I am going to keep documenting this ridiculousness. Another day, another flopped flush and another four outer. I shove A9 on a 962 flop. Insta call by T7 - 8 on the turn => I take it back - the three other Ts are outs - okay so 7 outs - only a 72% favorite in that spot. But the flopped flush - crazy. How many more will I see today? Hmm - looking back at yesterday’s note and I see a very similar A9 hand with a true four out T hitting. KQ vs. QJ on a KQ9 board => 84% to win, but opponent has more chips = 0% chance - T on the river. Also tonight - I have flopped two flushes. On a the second one, my opponent also flopped a lower flush. Hmmmmm. Flopped a couple more flushes. Then ran into the same heads up scenario from above. Small stack Ace-big vs big stack Ace-small => big stack is an automatic win. As soon as I see I have AJ vs A8, I know I have no chance -8 right on the flop.