Web Page The website will be a single page dashboard with the following sections: - Login with steam Simple page with login with steam button. - Profile player profile with the statistics and rankings. - Matchmaking A page to join the matchmaking system where the player can join and wait. The player can invite other players for the party. It displays steam friends that are also online on the matchmaking system. - Shop Integration with Paypal. Allows the player to buy premium queue. Admin Sections In case the logged in player is an admin, this sections will be displayed. - Status Some charts about the performance of the servers, players statistics, revenue from the shop, etc. - Client Management For managing users, changing sections, bans, etc. - Server management For configurations related to the availability of servers API - Base Basic API methods for handling input and output of data (GET player, POST queue…) - Matchmaking Players on the queue will be matched with players on the same elo. Premium queue players will be assigned first. - Server management - API will request a server from the server manager Server Manager This will manage the server deployment requests by the API. It will start / stop servers on the multiple machines available as well as balance the load to spread the players through the machines to ensure even CPU usage. Sourcemod plugin(s) Controls inner state of matches, register players joins and abandons for matchmaking Register match status for rankings.