command /başlat: permission: OP permission message: &b&l[Lav Yükseliyor] Hata, yetkin yok! trigger: wait 1 tick execute console command "/whitelist on" send title "&c&lKit Seçme Aşaması" with subtitle "&f&l30 Saniyeniz Var" to all players for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second wait 5 seconds set {kitSecimi} to true loop all players: set {secimYaptiMi::%loop-player%} to false wait 1 tick loop all players: make loop-player execute command "/kit" loop 30 times: wait a seconds send action bar "&fKit seçmek için &c&l/kit &fyazınız" to all players wait 30 seconds loop all players: if {secimYaptiMi::%loop-player%} is false: make player execute command "klasik" send "&4▌ &4Utku&r Kit seçimi yapmadığın için &c&lKlasik &rkit verildi." to the player send title "&c&lKit Seçme Aşaması" with subtitle "&f&lSona Erdi" to all players for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second wait 3 seconds execute console command "/minecraft:gamemode survival @a" execute console command "/minecraft:effect clear @a" execute console command "/minecraft:effect give @a night_vision 600 99 true" execute console command "/minecraft:difficulty peaceful" execute console command "/start" set {kitSecimi} to false send title "&c&lUYARI!" with subtitle "&f&lOyun Başladı" to all players for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second set {bc.timer} to 0 set {bc.second} to 0 set {bc.minutes} to 10 loop 600 times: wait a second if {bc.second} = 0: set {bc.second} to 59 remove 1 from {bc.minutes} else: remove 1 from {bc.second} if {bc.second} and {bc.minutes} = 0: send action bar "&cPvp açıldı! &fLav &c&l60. seviyeden &fyükselecek" to all players make console execute command "/mv modify set pvp true world" execute console command "/minecraft:difficulty easy" execute console command "/minecraft:gamerule falldamage true" else: send action bar "&cKalan Süre: &f&l%{bc.minutes}% &r&fDakika &f&l%{bc.second}% &r&fSaniye" to all players on load: execute console command "/gamerule doFireTick false" execute console command "/minecraft:difficulty peaceful" execute console command "/gamerule sendCommandFeedback false" execute console command "/gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks false" execute console command "/mv modify set pvp false world" execute console command "/gamerule announceAdvancements false" on death of player: execute console command "/minecraft:gamemode spectator %player%" send "&4▌ &4Utku&r &rÖldüğün için &bizleyici moduna geçirildin." to the player command /kurallar: trigger: make player execute command "/rules" command /abone []: permission: utku.abonelikver permission message: &4▌ &4Utku &rHata, yetkin yok! trigger: send "&4▌ &4Utku &r&fMüthiş! &c&l%arg-1% &r&fabone oldu! Rolü verildi." to all players execute console command "/upc AddGroup %arg-1% abone" command /g []: permission: utku.gmdegistir permission message: &4▌ &4Utku &rHata, yetkin yok! trigger: execute console command "/minecraft:gamemode %arg-1% @a" on player join: execute console command "/gamemode adventure %player%" execute console command "/effect give %player% minecraft:weakness 9999 99 true" command /sıfırla: permission: utku.sifirla trigger: send title "&c&lUYARI!" with subtitle "&f&lLav Yükseliyor Sıfırlanıyor" to all players for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second wait 5 tick send all players to server "lobby" wait 5 tick shutdown server command /skyblock: permission: utku.sifirla trigger: send title "&c&lSkyblock Sunucumuzu" with subtitle "&f&lDeneyin Eğleneceksiniz!" to all players for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second wait 100 tick send all players to server "lobby" wait 100 tick shutdown server