Experience - Basically my previous experience affected me too much, I have been staffing since 2019 and I be taking things to do while staffing and things to not do on my every couple experience. Activity - I can spend on server 8 hours on Teamspeak/Minecraft/Discord. Maturity - I'm 17, Actually age doesn't mean make people Mature, The thing make people mature is their behaviours. I know how to handle any scenario since I have been almost in every couple scenario I know something that which shouldn't be forgot, As staff members we need to keep Maturity on to give them best game play to the players. Communication Communication is something really important to offer best game play to the players. It's about how you communicate. All we must do is being respectful, careful and little bit grammarful Since I have been doing this I haven't had any negative results, This is always helpful and makes you professional. Professionalism As far as we know nobody is 4/4, I mean nobody is perfect. Professionalism is something makes you loyal that you're on loyal to Server / Management. Professionalism is actually a thing which comes from Maturity. I have been staffing since 2019 but I think that I'm professional staff since 2020 because 1 year took me so good, I'm changed lot in a year. Professionalism isn't actually a thing that you don't answer DMs or Questions, It's about how you behaviour again, It's how you react to scenarios. The things make you unprofessional are; - Talking in chat though no needed - Unnecessary intimacy with people - The way you talk to people is important, Your language is. ( Careful, Respectful, Seriousness ) - As i said professionalism coming from Maturity, That's another thing important. Informations about me; I'm 17 and 11th grade in Turkey, Since school is down due to covid and onlineclassing I got lotta time to spend on and I'd want to spend on a server which is hype. I'm from Turkey but I speak german because I learn it on school and since got german friends I practice lot. Since I have been staffing and I learned lotta things to do / not do whole the time and Basically this is who i am.