command /renk: permission : vip.renk permission message : &4Bunu kullanmaya yetkin yok trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&a&lYazı Rengi Menüsü" to player format slot 0 of player with red glass pane named "&cAcik Kirmizi" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &c" format slot 1 of player with light blue glass pane named "&3Turkuaz" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &b" format slot 2 of player with purple glass pane named "&5Mor" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &5" format slot 3 of player with light green glass pane named "&aAcik Yesil" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &a" format slot 4 of player with light gray glass pane named "&7Acik Gri" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &7" format slot 5 of player with yellow glass pane named "&eSari" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &e" format slot 6 of player with green glass pane named "&2Yesil" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &2" format slot 7 of player with blue glass pane named "&1Mavi" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &1" format slot 8 of player with pink glass pane named "&dPembe" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &d" format slot 12 of player with orange glass pane named "&6Turuncu" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &6" format slot 14 of player with black glass pane named "&0Siyah" to close then run "renkayarla %player% &0" format slot 26 of player with white glass pane named "&f&l&oRengi Sifirla" to close then run "renksifirla %player%" command /renkayarla : usage : /renkayarla [oyuncu] [renk] executable by : console trigger: if arg 1 is set: set {chatrengi.%arg 1%} to arg 2 wait 3 ticks message "&6[&5VipRenk&6]&a İstedigin renk başarıyla &5%{chatrengi.%arg 1%}%&a olarak ayarlandı" to arg 1 on chat: if {chatrengi.%player%} is set: set message to "%{chatrengi.%player%}%%message%" command /renksıfırla : executable by: console trigger: delete {chatrengi.%arg 1%}