#|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|# #|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|# #| Map |# #|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|# #|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|# # Default size of the map. Players can adjust their own size using /k map command. height: 4 width: 12 # The limit of map that the players can set using /k map command. limit: height: 10 width: 20 # Only allow players that have a kingdom to use this command. kingdom-member-only: false # Message shown before and after the map. header: " &7&m&l-&6&l&m--=[&7&l&m--&r &2&lMap&r &7&l&m--&6&l&m]=--&7&l&m-&r" footer: "&7&m&l--&6&l&m-=[&c✦&6&l&m]=--&e&l&m--&6&l&m--=[&c✦&6&l&m]=-&7&l&m--" # Space at the beginning of the map elements. begin: " " # Distance between each map element. distance: "" # The direction shown in the map. compass: " &9%compass%" # You can get some symbols here https://coolsymbol.com/ - https://unicode.org/charts/nameslist/n_25A0.html # hover: The lore shown when you hover on the element icon. # action: Hover actions. You can read about it here: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#actions # item: This is used for the GUI map. The name of the item is the first entry of the hover option and the lore is the rest of the hover option. # The material of the item is determined by the structure's block type (considering their level too) or specified here if not related to a structure. # Some people might also find using "⬛" or "■" appealing, the only disadvantage is that, there aren't many varieties of squares with this size. # Characters with the same size: ◉ # When using GUIs, the "action" option also continues to work if it's a command (not a suggestion or a URL) elements: protected: icon: "&4▩" hover: [ "&cProtected region" ] item: material: PURPLE_WOOL you: icon: "&2◈" hover: [ "&6You&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ] item: material: COMPASS wilderness: icon: "&7▩" action: "/k claim %X% %Z%" hover: [ "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%", "&7Click to claim." ] item: material: WHITE_WOOL clipboard: added: icon: "&5▩" action: "/k claim clipboard remove %X% %Z%" hover: [ "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%", "&7Click to remove from the clipboard." ] item: material: PINK_WOOL failed: icon: "&c▩" action: "/k claim clipboard remove %X% %Z%" hover: - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" - "" - "&7Failed to claim this land." - "It's not necessary to remove it" - "from the clipboard." - "" - "&c%reason%" item: material: RED_WOOL wilderness: icon: "&7▩" action: "/k claim clipboard add %X% %Z%" hover: - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" - "&7Click to add to the clipboard." item: material: WHITE_WOOL invasion: icon: "&4▩" hover: - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" - "&cOngoing invasion in &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s &cland." item: material: RED_WOOL nation-zone: self: icon: "&2◉" action: "/k claim %X% %Z%" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_nation_name%'s Nation Zone" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" - "&7Click to claim." item: material: GREEN_TERRACOTTA ally: icon: "&6◉" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_nation_name%'s Nation Zone" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: ORANGE_TERRACOTTA truce: icon: "&e◉" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_nation_name%'s Nation Zone" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: YELLOW_TERRACOTTA neutral: icon: "&f◉" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_nation_name%'s Nation Zone" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: GRAY_TERRACOTTA enemy: icon: "&c◉" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_nation_name%'s Nation Zone" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: RED_TERRACOTTA land: self: icon: "&2▩" action: "/k unclaim %X% %Z%" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Land" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" - "&7Click to unclaim." item: material: GREEN_WOOL ally: icon: "&6▩" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Land" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: ORANGE_WOOL truce: icon: "&e▩" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Land" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: YELLOW_WOOL neutral: icon: "&f▩" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Land" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: GRAY_WOOL enemy: icon: "&c▩" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Land" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: RED_WOOL nation: icon: "&9▩" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Land" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" item: material: BLUE_WOOL nexus: priority: 2 self: icon: "&2▣" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6▣" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e▣" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f▣" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c▣" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9▣" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" national-nexus: priority: 1 self: icon: "&2▣" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s National Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6▣" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s National Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e▣" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s National Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f▣" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s National Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c▣" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s National Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9▣" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s National Nexus" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" powercell: priority: 3 self: icon: "&2⊠" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Powercell" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6⊠" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Powercell" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e⊠" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Powercell" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f⊠" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Powercell" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c⊠" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Powercell" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9⊠" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Powercell" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" extractor: priority: 5 self: icon: "&2▨" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Extractor" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6▨" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Extractor" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e▨" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Extractor" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f▨" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Extractor" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c▨" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Extractor" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9▨" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Extractor" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" outpost: priority: 7 self: icon: "&2▤" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Outpost" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6▤" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Outpost" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e▤" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Outpost" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f▤" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Outpost" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c▤" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Outpost" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9▤" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Outpost" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" warppad: priority: 5 self: icon: "&2▥" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Warppad" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6▥" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Warppad" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e▥" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Warppad" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f▥" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Warppad" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c▥" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Warppad" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9▥" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Warppad" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" regulator: priority: 4 self: icon: "&2▦" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Regulator" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6▦" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Regulator" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e▦" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Regulator" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f▦" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Regulator" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c▦" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Regulator" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9▦" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Regulator" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" siege-cannon: priority: 8 self: icon: "&2▦" hover: - "&a%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Siege Cannon" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" ally: icon: "&6▦" hover: - "&6%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Siege Cannon" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" truce: icon: "&e▦" hover: - "&e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Siege Cannon" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" neutral: icon: "&f▦" hover: - "&f%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Siege Cannon" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" enemy: icon: "&c▦" hover: - "&c%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Siege Cannon" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%" nation: icon: "&9▦" hover: - "&9%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%'s Siege Cannon" - "&6Location&8: &2%X%&7, &2%Z%"