local gamelibrary = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Library) local Save = gamelibrary.Save.Get local Commas = gamelibrary.Functions.Commas local types = {} local menus = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Right for i, v in pairs(menus:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == 'Frame' and v.Name ~= 'Rank' and not string.find(v.Name, "2") then table.insert(types, v.Name) end end function get(thistype) return Save()[thistype] end menus.Diamonds.LayoutOrder = 99988 menus['Tech Coins'].LayoutOrder = 99992 menus['Fantasy Coins'].LayoutOrder = 99994 menus.Coins.LayoutOrder = 99996 menus.UIListLayout.HorizontalAlignment = 2 _G.MyTypes = {} for i,v in pairs(types) do if menus:FindFirstChild(v.."2") then menus:FindFirstChild(v.."2"):Destroy() end end for i,v in pairs(types) do if not menus:FindFirstChild(v.."2") then local tempmaker = menus:FindFirstChild(v):Clone() tempmaker.Name = tostring(tempmaker.Name .. "2") tempmaker.Parent = menus tempmaker.Size = UDim2.new(0, 175, 0, 30) tempmaker.LayoutOrder = tempmaker.LayoutOrder + 1 _G.MyTypes[v] = tempmaker end end menus.Diamonds2.Add.Visible = false -- Skidded from byte-chan:tm: for i,v in pairs(types) do spawn(function() local megatable = {} local imaginaryi = 1 local ptime = 0 local last = tick() local now = last local TICK_TIME = 0.5 while true do if ptime >= TICK_TIME then while ptime >= TICK_TIME do ptime = ptime - TICK_TIME end local currentbal = get(v) megatable[imaginaryi] = currentbal local diffy = currentbal - (megatable[imaginaryi-120] or megatable[1]) imaginaryi = imaginaryi + 1 _G.MyTypes[v].Amount.Text = tostring(Commas(diffy).." in 60s") _G.MyTypes[v]["Amount_odometerGUIFX"].Text = tostring(Commas(diffy).." in 60s") end task.wait(0.001) now = tick() ptime = ptime + (now - last) last = now end end) end