listChat = {'Its dangerous to go out at night these days','The new building in the city is gigantic.','A real news reporter must have integrity.', 'Its fun to doodle on the blackboard.','My uncles best friend will do the eulogy.','The new hotels location is sublime.', 'Teamwork makes dream work.','We bought a lot of marshmallows to roast tonight at camp.','I want to go for a picnic by myself.', 'Can you please ring my phone? I cant seem to find it.'} emoteChat = { "/troll","/lol","/smile","/cry","/mad","/wave","/dance","/dab", "/love","/kiss","/sleep","/yes","/no","/wink","/cheer","/sad","/fp" } for i, botz in pairs(getBots()) do if == then indexBot = i end indexLast = i end bot.collect_range = 3 bot.auto_reconnect = true bot.reconnect_interval = 140 bot.collect_interval = 500 world = "" doorFarm = "" worldPNB = "" worldBreak = "" doorBreak = "" cray = "" crays = "" profit = 0 fossil = 0 profitSeed = 0 totalFarm = 0 totalTree = 0 readyTree = 0 unreadyTree = 0 list = {} mode3Tile = {0,1,2} tileBreak = {} t = os.time() waktu = {} tree = {} fossilz = {} farmlistBot = {} fired = false nuked = false dividerSSeed = math.ceil(indexLast / #storage_seed) storageSeed = storage_seed[math.ceil(indexBot / dividerSSeed)] dividerSPack = math.ceil(indexLast / #storage_pack) storagePack = storage_pack[math.ceil(indexBot / dividerSPack)] dividerSPick = math.ceil(indexLast / #storage_pickexe) worldPickaxe = storage_pickexe[math.ceil(indexBot / dividerSPick)] for i = math.floor(breakrow/2),1,-1 do i = i * -1 table.insert(tileBreak,i) end for i = 0, math.ceil(breakrow/2) - 1 do table.insert(tileBreak,i) end function punch(x,y) return bot:hit(bot.x+x,bot.y+y) end function findItem(id) return bot:getInventory():findItem(id) end function place(id,x,y) return bot:place(bot.x+x,bot.y+y,id) end function tilePunch(x,y) for _,num in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(x - 1,y + num).fg ~= 0 or getTile(x - 1,y + num).bg ~= 0 then return true end end return false end function tilePlace(x,y) for _,num in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(x - 1,y + num).fg == 0 and getTile(x - 1,y + num).bg == 0 then return true end end return false end function tablelength(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end function split(inputstr, sep) if sep == nil then sep = "%s" end local t = {} for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^" .. sep .. "]+)") do table.insert(t, str) end return t end function read(filescript) local fileName = filescript local file =, "r") if file then local lines = {} for line in file:lines() do table.insert(lines, line) end file:close() cray = lines[1] data = split(lines[1], ':') if tablelength(data) == 2 then 1 = data[1] 2 = data[2] end table.remove(lines, 1) file =, "w") if file then for _, line in ipairs(lines) do file:write(line .. "\n") end file:write(cray) file:close() end end return 1,2 end local GetBot = function(bot) local status = getBot(bot).status local status_Naming = { [BotStatus.offline] = "Offline", [] = "Online", [BotStatus.account_banned] = "Banned", [BotStatus.location_banned] = "Location Banned", [BotStatus.server_overload] = "Login Failed", [BotStatus.too_many_login] = "Login Failed", [BotStatus.maintenance] = "Maintenance", [BotStatus.version_update] = "Version Update", [BotStatus.server_busy] = "Server Busy", [BotStatus.error_connecting] = "Error Connecting", [BotStatus.logon_fail] = "Login Failed", [BotStatus.http_block] = "HTTP Blocked", [BotStatus.wrong_password] = "Wrong Password", [BotStatus.advanced_account_protection] = "Advanced Account Protection", [BotStatus.bad_name_length] = "Bad Name Length", [BotStatus.invalid_account] = "Invalid Account", [BotStatus.guest_limit] = "Guest Limit", [BotStatus.changing_subserver] = "Changing Subserver", [BotStatus.captcha_requested] = "Captcha", [BotStatus.mod_entered] = "Mod Entered", [BotStatus.high_load] = "High Load" } return status_Naming[status] or "offline" end function waktuWorld() strWaktu = "" for _,worldzz in pairs(farmlistBot) do strWaktu = strWaktu.."\n||"..worldzz:upper().."|| ("..(waktu[worldzz] or "?").." | "..(tree[worldzz] or "?").." | "..(fossilz[worldzz] or "?").." )" end return strWaktu end function round(n) return n % 1 > 0.5 and math.ceil(n) or math.floor(n) end function onVarSearchTutorial(variant, netid) if variant:get(0):getString() == "OnRequestWorldSelectMenu" then local text = variant:get(1):getString() local lines = {} for line in text:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do table.insert(lines, line) end for i, value in ipairs(lines) do if i == 3 then kalimat = lines[3] local nilai = kalimat:match("|([a-zA-Z0-9%s]+)|"):gsub("|", ""):gsub("%s", "") print(" World PNB in "..nilai) worldPNB = nilai end end end end function tileDrop(x,y,num) local count = 0 local stack = 0 for _,obj in pairs(bot:getWorld():getObjects()) do if round(obj.x / 32) == x and math.floor(obj.y / 32) == y then count = count + obj.count stack = stack + 1 end end if stack < 20 and count <= (4000 - num) then return true end return false end function secondON(seconds) local seconds = tonumber(seconds) if seconds <= 0 then return "00:00:00"; else hours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 3600)); mins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 60 - (hours * 60))); secs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds - hours * 3600 - mins * 60)); return hours .. ":" .. mins .. ":" .. secs end end function getData() local data = {online = 0,offline = 0,gems = 0,bot = #getBots()} for _,client in pairs(getBots()) do if GetBot( == 'online' then = + 1 else data.offline = data.offline + 1 end data.gems = data.gems + client.gem_count end return data end function botInfo(webhookinfo,status) local text = [[ $webHookUrl = "]]..webhookinfo..[[" $payload = @{ content = "]]..status..[[" } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local file = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") file:write(text) file:close() end function botEventss(info) te = os.time() - t local hook = webhook_link .. "/messages/" .. webhook_bots_id local text1 = [[ $w = "]].. hook ..[[" $desc = ]] .. info .. "\nLast Updated : " .. [[ $footerObject = @{ text = " Bot Uptime ]]..secondON(te).."\n"..[[]]"!%b-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p", os.time() + 7 * 60 * 60)..[[" } $fieldArray = @( @{ name = "<:bot2:1205836936296665108> **]][[** (]][[)]]..[[" value = "Bot Number: 0]]..indexBot.." <:script_02:1207245091413168158>\n"..[[Gems Amount: ]]"\n"..[[Current World: ||**]]"\n"..[[**||** ** ]].."\n"..[[<:ssp:1205840397130137610> **Storage List** ]].."\n"..[[Pack Result: ]]..profit.."\n"..[[Seed Result: ]]..profitSeed.."\n"..[[** ** ]].."\n"..[[<:dirttree:1205844729997037659> **Farm Detect (]]..totalFarm..[[)** ]].."\n"..[[Total Tree: ]]..totalTree.."\n"..[[Ready Tree: ]]..readyTree.."\n"..[[Unready Tree: ]]..unreadyTree.."\n"..[[Harvested Tree: ]]..tree[world].."\n"..[[Fossil Rock Found: ]]..fossil.."\n"..[[ " inline = "false" } ) $embedObject = @{ title = "Neikoe Script | Auto Rotation V1.5" description = $desc color = "16777215" footer = $footerObject fields = $fieldArray } $embedArray = @($embedObject) $payload = @{ embeds = $embedArray } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $w -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local file = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") file:write(text1) file:close() end function botEvents(info) -- ini yang aseli njir local count = #getBots() local per_group = 48 local hook = {} local webhook_new = {} local current_time = os.time() - t for i = 1,count,per_group do local group = {} for j = i, i + per_group - 1 do if j <= count then table.insert(group,getBots()[j].name:upper()) end end table.insert(hook,group) end for i,entry in ipairs(webhook_bots_id) do local entry = { url = webhook_link,msg = entry,bot = {} } if hook[i] then = hook[i] end table.insert(webhook_new,entry) end for i,entry in ipairs(webhook_new) do if > 0 then local wh = local total_bot = local title = "Neikoe Script | Auto Rotation V1.5" local color = "16777215" local date = "" .."!%b-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p", os.time() + 7 * 60 * 60) local description = "Last Updated: \n\n" .. "<:script_02:1207245091413168158> **Recent Activities** \n" .. "Bot Number: 0" .. indexBot .. "\n" .. "Current World: ||" .. world .. "||\n" .. "Total Tree: " .. totalTree .. "\n" .. "Ready Tree: " .. readyTree .. "\n" .. "Unready Tree: " .. readyTree .. "\n" .. "Harvested Tree: " .. tree[world] .. "\n" .. "Fossil Rock Found: " .. fossil .. "\n\n" .. "<:bot2:1205836936296665108> **Bot Details** \n" .. "Total Bot Gems: " .. getData().gems .. "\n" .. "Total Bot Online: " .. getData().online .. "\n" .. "Total Bot Offline: " .. getData().offline .. "\n" wh.embed1.use = true wh.embed1.title = title wh.embed1.footer.text = date wh.embed1.description = description wh.embed1.color = color if total_bot > 24 then total_bot = 24 end for j = 1,total_bot do local status_bot = ':question:' if GetBot(getBots()[j].name):lower() == 'online' then status_bot = "" else status_bot = "" end local status_all = "Bot Status: " .. GetBot(getBots()[j].name) .. " [" .. getBots()[j]:getPing() .. "]\n" .. "Bot Gems: " .. getBots()[j].gem_count .. "\n" .. "Bot Level: " .. getBots()[j].level .. "\n" .. "World: ||" .. getBots()[j]:getWorld().name:upper() .. "|| [" .. getBots()[j].x .. "," .. getBots()[j].y .. "]" wh.embed1:addField( "[" .. j .. "] " ..[j] .. " " .. status_bot, status_all, false ) end if > 24 then wh.embed2.use = true wh.embed2.footer.text = date wh.embed2.color = color for j = 24, do local status_bot = ':question:' if GetBot(getBots()[j].name):lower() == 'online' then status_bot = "" else status_bot = "" end local status_all = "Bot Status: " .. GetBot(getBots()[j].name) .. " [" .. getBots()[j]:getPing() .. "]\n" .. "Bot Gems: " .. getBots()[j].gem_count .. "\n" .. "Bot Level: " .. getBots()[j].level .. "\n" .. "World: ||" .. getBots()[j]:getWorld().name:upper() .. "|| [" .. getBots()[j].x .. "," .. getBots()[j].y .. "]" wh.embed2:addField( "[" .. j .. "] " ..[j] .. " " .. status_bot, status_all, false ) end end if entry.msg == '' then wh:send() else wh:edit(entry.msg) end sleep(50) end end end function buyClothes() currentClothes = {} for _,inventory in pairs(bot:getInventory():getItems()) do if getInfo( ~= 0 then table.insert(currentClothes, end end sleep(100) jumlahClothes = #currentClothes if jumlahClothes < 5 then bot:sendPacket(2,"action|buy\nitem|rare_clothes") sleep(100) for _,num in pairs(bot:getInventory():getItems()) do if getInfo( ~= 0 then if ~= 3934 and ~= 3932 then bot:wear( sleep(1000) end end end end end function nukeWorldInfo(webhook_link,status) local text = [[ $webHookUrl = "]]..webhook_link..[[" $payload = @{ content = "]]..status..[[" } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local file = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") file:write(text) file:close() end function OnVariantList(variant, netid) if variant:get(0):getString() == "OnConsoleMessage" then if variant:get(1):getString():lower():find("inaccessible") then nuked = true end end end function warp(world,id) cok = 0 nuked = false addEvent(Event.variantlist, OnVariantList) while not bot:isInWorld(world:upper()) and not nuked do if bot.status == and bot:getPing() == 0 then bot:disconnect() sleep(1000) end while bot.status ~= do sleep(1000) while bot.status == BotStatus.account_banned do sleep(8000) end end if id ~= "" then bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""|""\ninvitedWorld|0") else bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""\ninvitedWorld|0") end listenEvents(5) sleep(delay_warp) if cok == 5 then sleep(100) while bot.status == do bot:disconnect() bot.auto_reconnect = false sleep(1000) end sleep(6 * 60000) cok = 0 bot.auto_reconnect = true else cok = cok + 1 end end if nuked then nukeWorldInfo(webhook_link," "" Is Inaccessible! You need delete this from your list! ") end if id ~= "" and getTile(bot.x,bot.y).fg == 6 and not nuked then if bot.status == and bot:getPing() == 0 then bot:disconnect() sleep(1000) end while bot.status ~= do sleep(1000) while bot.status == BotStatus.account_banned do sleep(8000) end end for i = 1,3 do if getTile(bot.x,bot.y).fg == 6 then bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""|""\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(1000) end end if getTile(bot.x,bot.y).fg == 6 then nukeWorldInfo(webhook_link," "" Can't Entered "" ") sleep(100) nuked = true end end sleep(100) removeEvent(Event.variantlist) end function detect() local store = {} local count = 0 for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if tile:hasFlag(0) and tile.fg ~= 0 then if store[tile.fg] then store[tile.fg].count = store[tile.fg].count + 1 else store[tile.fg] = {fg = tile.fg, count = 1} end end end for _,tile in pairs(store) do if tile.count > count and tile.fg % 2 ~= 0 then count = tile.count itmSeed = tile.fg itemid_block = itmSeed - 1 print(" Detected Farmable : "..getInfo(itemid_block).name) end end end function packInfo(link,id,desc) local text = [[ $webHookUrl = "]][[/messages/]][[" $footerObject = @{ text = "]]"!%b-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p", os.time() + 7 * 60 * 60)..[[" } $fieldArray = @( @{ name = "<:world:1212576766640660520> Storage World" value = "Name World: ||]]"\n"..[[||** ** ]].."\n"..[[<:bot2:1205836936296665108> **Bot Logs** ]].."\n"..[[Growid: ]]"\n"..[[Pack Result: ]]..profit.."\n"..[[Seed Result: ]]..profitSeed.."\n"..[[** ** ]].."\n"..[[<:growscan:1212582948851687454> **Growscan World** ]]..desc.."\n"..[[ " inline = "false" } ) $embedObject = @{ title = "Neikoe Script | Auto Rotation V1.5" color = "16777215" footer = $footerObject fields = $fieldArray } $embedArray = @($embedObject) $payload = @{ embeds = $embedArray } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local file = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") file:write(text) file:close() end function reconnect(world,id,x,y) if bot.level >= stopsc_atlvl then bot:stopScript() end if restbot_setting then currentRest = false local timeNow ="*t") for _,i in pairs(restTime) do if i == timeNow.hour and timeNow.min == 0 then currentRest = true end end if currentRest then botInfo(webhook_link," "" ("") Bot will rest for a minutes! ") sleep(100) if disconnectWhenRest then bot.auto_reconnect = false bot:disconnect() sleep(60000 * restbot_time) bot.auto_reconnect = true else goExit() sleep(60000 * restbot_time) if bot.status == then bot:disconnect() sleep(1000) end end end end if bot.status ~= or bot:getPing() == 0 then while bot.status ~= or bot:getPing() == 0 do sleep(1000) if bot.status == BotStatus.account_banned then stopScript() end end if pickexe_setting and bot:getInventory():findItem(98) == 0 and bot.status == then pickexe_settingaxe() sleep(100) end while bot:getWorld().name ~= world:upper() do bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(delay_warp) end if id ~= "" and getTile(bot.x,bot.y).fg == 6 then bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""|""\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(2000) end if x and y and (bot.x ~= x or bot.y ~= y) then bot:findPath(x,y) sleep(100) end end end function reconnectHarvest(world,id) if bot.status ~= or bot:getPing() == 0 then while bot.status ~= or bot:getPing() == 0 do sleep(1000) if bot.status == BotStatus.account_banned then stopScript() end end if pickexe_setting and bot:getInventory():findItem(98) == 0 and bot.status == then pickexe_settingaxe() sleep(100) end while not bot:isInWorld(world:upper()) do bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""|""\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(delay_warp) end if id ~= "" and getTile(bot.x,bot.y).fg == 6 then bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""|""\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(1000) end end end function infoPack() local str = "" growscan = getBot():getWorld().growscan for id, count in pairs(growscan:getObjects()) do str = str.."\n"..getInfo(id).name..": x"..count end return str end function storeSeed(world) bot.auto_collect = false bot.collect_interval = 9999999 sleep(100) warp(storageSeed,door_seed) sleep(100) ba = bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do if tile.fg == tile_seed or == tile_seed then if tileDrop(tile.x,tile.y,100) then bot:findPath(tile.x - 1,tile.y) bot:setDirection(false) sleep(100) if bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) > 100 then bot:sendPacket(2,"action|drop\n|itemID|"..itmSeed) sleep(500) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|drop_item\nitemID|"..itmSeed.."|\ncount|100") sleep(500) reconnect(storageSeed,door_seed,tile.x - 1,tile.y) end if bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) <= 100 then break end end end end sleep(100) ba = ba - bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) profitSeed = profitSeed + ba sleep(100) packInfo(webhook_link,webhook_pack_id,infoPack()) sleep(100) if safety_world then join() end warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) bot.auto_collect = true bot.collect_interval = 100 end function clear() for _,item in pairs(list_autotrash) do if bot:getInventory():findItem(item) > 0 then bot:sendPacket(2,"action|trash\n|itemID|"..item) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|trash_item\nitemID|"..item.."|\ncount|" sleep(500) end end end function goExit() while bot:getWorld().name ~= "EXIT" do bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|EXIT\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(2000) end end function checkTutorial() goExit() sleep(100) worldPNB = "" sleep(100) addEvent(Event.variantlist, onVarSearchTutorial) while worldPNB == "" and bot:getWorld().name == "EXIT" do bot:sendPacket(3,"action|world_button\nname|_16") listenEvents(5) sleep(2000) end sleep(100) removeEvent(Event.variantlist) sleep(100) end function pnbTutorial() warp(worldPNB,"") sleep(100) bot.ignore_gems = false if bot:getWorld().name == worldPNB and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(bot.x-1,bot.y) > 0 then if bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) >= breakrow and bot:getWorld().name == worldPNB:upper() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(bot.x-1,bot.y) > 0 then ex = bot.x ye = bot.y bot.auto_collect = true while bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) > breakrow and bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) <= 190 and bot:getWorld().name == worldPNB:upper() do while bot.x ~= ex and bot.y ~= ye do findPath(ex,ye) end for i,player in pairs(bot:getWorld():getPlayers()) do if player.netid ~= getLocal().netid and ~= whiteListOwner:upper() then bot:say("/ban " .. sleep(1000) end end while tilePlace(ex,ye) and bot:getWorld().name == worldPNB do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg == 0 and getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg == 0 then place(itemid_block,-1,i) sleep(delay_place) reconnect(worldPNB,"",ex,ye) end end end while tilePunch(ex,ye) and bot:getWorld().name == worldPNB do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg ~= 0 or getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg ~= 0 then punch(-1,i) if variationDelay then sleep(math.random(delay_punch - breakVariationDelay,delay_punch + breakVariationDelay)) else sleep(delay_punch) end reconnect(worldPNB,"",ex,ye) end end end end end elseif bot:isInWorld() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(bot.x-1,bot.y) == 0 then checkTutorial() end end function pnbOtherWorld() worldBreak,doorBreak = read(list_pnb) sleep(100) warp(worldBreak,doorBreak) sleep(100) bot.ignore_gems = false if not nuked and bot:isInWorld(worldBreak:upper()) then if bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) >= breakrow and bot:getWorld().name == worldBreak:upper() then ex = bot.x ye = bot.y bot.auto_collect = true while bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) > breakrow and bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) <= 190 and bot.x == ex and bot.y == ye and bot:getWorld().name == worldBreak:upper() do while tilePlace(ex,ye) do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg == 0 and getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg == 0 then place(itemid_block,-1,i) sleep(delay_place) reconnect(worldBreak,doorBreak,ex,ye) end end end while tilePunch(ex,ye) do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg ~= 0 or getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg ~= 0 then punch(-1,i) if variationDelay then sleep(math.random(delay_punch - breakVariationDelay,delay_punch + breakVariationDelay)) else sleep(delay_punch) end reconnect(worldBreak,doorBreak,ex,ye) end end end end end end end function pnb(world) if bot:isInWorld() then if autochat_setting then chatBot = listChat[math.random(1,#listChat)] bot:say(chatBot) sleep(1000) chatBot = emoteChat[math.random(1,#emoteChat)] bot:say(chatBot) sleep(1000) end if bot:getInventory():findItem(98) > 0 then bot:wear(98) sleep(100) end if changeColorSkin then bot:setSkin(math.random(1,8)) sleep(100) end end if pnbInTutorial then pnbTutorial() elseif pnb_anotherworld then pnbOtherWorld() else if bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) >= breakrow and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() then if not customTile then ex = 1 ye = bot.y if ye > 40 then ye = ye - 10 elseif ye < 11 then ye = ye + 10 end if getTile(ex,ye).fg ~= 0 and getTile(ex,ye).fg ~= itmSeed then ye = ye - 1 end else ex = customX ye = customY end sleep(100) bot:findPath(ex,ye) sleep(100) bot.ignore_gems = false bot.auto_collect = true while bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) > breakrow and bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) <= 190 and bot.x == ex and bot.y == ye do while tilePlace(ex,ye) do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg == 0 and getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg == 0 then place(itemid_block,-1,i) sleep(delay_place) reconnect(world,doorFarm,ex,ye) end end end while tilePunch(ex,ye) do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg ~= 0 or getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg ~= 0 then punch(-1,i) if variationDelay then sleep(math.random(delay_punch - breakVariationDelay,delay_punch + breakVariationDelay)) else sleep(delay_punch) end reconnect(world,doorFarm,ex,ye) end end end end end end sleep(100) clear() sleep(100) if ignoreGemsHarvest then bot.ignore_gems = true end sleep(100) if buyCloth and bot.gem_count >= 1500 then while bot:getInventory().slotcount < 36 do bot:buy("upgrade_backpack") sleep(200) end buyClothes() end if bot.gem_count > store_setbuy then buyPack(world) sleep(100) end warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) if not dontPlant then plant(world) end sleep(100) end function buyPack(world) bot.auto_collect = false bot.collect_interval = 9999999 sleep(100) while bot:getInventory().slotcount < 36 do bot:buy("upgrade_backpack") sleep(200) end while bot.gem_count > store_itemprice do if bot.gem_count > store_itemprice and bot:getInventory():findItem(store_itemnumber[1]) < 200 then bot:buy(store_itemname) profit = profit + 1 sleep(1000) if bot:getInventory():findItem(store_itemnumber[1]) == 0 then bot:buy("upgrade_backpack") sleep(200) end else break end if bot:getInventory():findItem(store_itemnumber[1]) == 200 then break end end sleep(100) if editNoteProfile then netid = getLocal().netid bot:sendPacket(2,"action|wrench\n|netid|"..netid) sleep(1000) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|popup\nnetID|"..netid.."|\nbuttonClicked|notebook_edit") sleep(1000) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|paginated_personal_notebook_view\npageNum|0|\nbuttonClicked|editPnPage") sleep(1000) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|paginated_personal_notebook_edit\npageNum|0|\nbuttonClicked|save\n\npersonal_note|Total Profit Pack : "..profit) sleep(1000) end sleep(100) warp(storagePack,door_pack) sleep(100) if bot:getWorld().name == storagePack:upper() then for _,pack in pairs(store_itemnumber) do for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do if tile.fg == tile_pack or == tile_pack then if tileDrop(tile.x,tile.y,bot:getInventory():findItem(pack)) then bot:findPath(tile.x - 1,tile.y) sleep(100) bot:setDirection(false) sleep(100) reconnect(storagePack,door_pack,tile.x - 1,tile.y) if bot:getInventory():findItem(pack) > 0 and tileDrop(tile.x,tile.y,bot:getInventory():findItem(pack)) then bot:sendPacket(2,"action|drop\n|itemID|"..pack) sleep(500) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|drop_item\nitemID|"..pack.."|\ncount|" sleep(500) reconnect(storagePack,door_pack,tile.x - 1,tile.y) end end end if bot:getInventory():findItem(pack) == 0 then break end end end end sleep(100) packInfo(webhook_link,webhook_pack_id,infoPack()) sleep(100) if safety_world then join() end warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) bot.auto_collect = true bot.collect_interval = 100 sleep(100) end function isPlantable(tile) local tempTile = getTile(tile.x, tile.y + 1) if not tempTile.fg then return false end local collision = getInfo(tempTile.fg).collision_type return tempTile and ( collision == 1 or collision == 2 ) end function plant(world) for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do if getTile(tile.x,tile.y).fg == 0 and isPlantable(getTile(tile.x,tile.y)) and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x,tile.y) > 0 and bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) > 0 and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() then bot:findPath(tile.x,tile.y) for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do while getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == 0 and isPlantable(getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y)) and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) > 0 and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() do place(itmSeed,i,0) sleep(delay_plant) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y - 1) end end end end end function pickexe_settingaxe() bot.auto_collect = false sleep(100) warp(worldPickaxe,door_pickexe) sleep(100) while bot:getInventory():findItem(98) == 0 do for _,obj in pairs(bot:getWorld():getObjects()) do if == 98 then bot:findPath(math.floor(obj.x / 32),math.floor(obj.y / 32)) sleep(100) bot:collect(3) sleep(100) end if bot:getInventory():findItem(98) > 0 then break end end sleep(500) end bot:moveTo(-1,0) sleep(100) bot:setDirection(false) sleep(100) while bot:getInventory():findItem(98) > 1 do bot:sendPacket(2,"action|drop\n|itemID|98") sleep(500) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|drop_item\nitemID|98|\ncount|"..(bot:getInventory():findItem(98) - 1)) sleep(500) end bot:wear(98) sleep(100) goExit() sleep(100) bot.auto_collect = true end function takeFirehose() bot.auto_collect = false sleep(100) warp(storageFirehose,doorFirehose) sleep(100) while bot:getInventory():findItem(3066) == 0 do for _,obj in pairs(bot:getWorld():getObjects()) do if == 3066 then bot:findPath(math.floor(obj.x / 32),math.floor(obj.y / 32)) sleep(100) bot:collect(3) sleep(100) end if bot:getInventory():findItem(3066) > 0 then break end end sleep(500) end bot:moveTo(-1,0) sleep(100) bot:setDirection(false) sleep(100) while bot:getInventory():findItem(3066) > 1 do bot:sendPacket(2,"action|drop\n|itemID|3066") sleep(500) bot:sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|drop_item\nitemID|3066|\ncount|"..(bot:getInventory():findItem(3066) - 1)) sleep(500) end goExit() sleep(100) bot.auto_collect = true end function take(world) warp(storageSeed,door_seed) sleep(100) while bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) == 0 do for _,obj in pairs(bot:getWorld():getObjects()) do if == itmSeed then bot:findPath(round(obj.x / 32),math.floor(obj.y / 32)) sleep(100) bot:collect(3) sleep(100) if bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) > 0 then break end end end packInfo(webhook_link,webhook_pack_id,infoPack()) sleep(100) end warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) end function harvest(world) tiley = 0 tree[world] = 0 if ignoreGemsHarvest then bot.ignore_gems = true end if bot.level < level_onlyht and lvling_setting then for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do reconnectHarvest(world,doorFarm) if tile:canHarvest() and bot:isInWorld(world:upper()) and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x,tile.y) > 0 and bot.level < 12 and getBot().status == then bot:findPath(tile.x,tile.y) if tiley ~= tile.y and indexBot <= maxBotEvents then tiley = tile.y sleep(100) botEvents("Currently in row "..math.ceil(tiley/2).."/27") end for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do if getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == itmSeed and getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y):canHarvest() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 then tree[world] = tree[world] + 1 while getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == itmSeed and getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y):canHarvest() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y do punch(i,0) sleep(delay_harvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end if root then for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do while getTile(tile.x + i, tile.y + 1).fg == (itemid_block + 4) and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y do punch(i, 1) sleep(delay_harvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end bot:collect(3) end if bot.level >= level_onlyht then break end end end if bot.level >= level_onlyht or not lvling_setting then if dontPlant then for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do reconnectHarvest(world,doorFarm) if tile:canHarvest() and bot:isInWorld(world:upper()) and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x,tile.y) > 0 then bot:findPath(tile.x,tile.y) if tiley ~= tile.y and indexBot <= maxBotEvents then tiley = tile.y sleep(100) botEvents("Currently in row "..math.ceil(tiley/2).."/27") end for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do if getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == itmSeed and getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y):canHarvest() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() then tree[world] = tree[world] + 1 while getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == itmSeed and getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y):canHarvest() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() do punch(i,0) sleep(delay_harvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end if root then for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do while getTile(tile.x + i, tile.y + 1).fg == (itemid_block + 4) and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y do punch(i, 1) sleep(delay_harvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end bot:collect(3) end if findItem(itemid_block) >= 190 and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() then pnb(world) sleep(100) if findItem(itmSeed) > 190 then storeSeed(world) sleep(100) end end end else for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do reconnectHarvest(world,doorFarm) if tile:canHarvest() and bot:isInWorld(world:upper()) and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x,tile.y) > 0 then bot:findPath(tile.x,tile.y) if tiley ~= tile.y and indexBot <= maxBotEvents then tiley = tile.y sleep(100) botEvents("Currently in row "..math.ceil(tiley/2).."/27") end for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do if getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == itmSeed and getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y):canHarvest() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() then tree[world] = tree[world] + 1 while getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == itmSeed and getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y):canHarvest() and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() do punch(i,0) sleep(delay_harvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end if root then for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do while getTile(tile.x + i, tile.y + 1).fg == (itemid_block + 4) and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y do punch(i, 1) sleep(delay_harvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do while getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == 0 and isPlantable(getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y)) and findItem(itmSeed) > 0 and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() do place(itmSeed,i,0) sleep(delay_plant) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end bot:collect(3) end if bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) >= 190 then pnb(world) sleep(100) if bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) > 150 then storeSeed(world) sleep(100) end end end end if detectFloat then for _,obj in pairs(bot:getWorld():getObjects()) do if == itemid_block then bot:findPath(round(obj.x / 32),math.floor(obj.y / 32)) sleep(100) bot:collect(3) sleep(100) end if bot:getInventory():findItem(itemid_block) >= 190 then pnb(world) sleep(100) if bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) > 150 then storeSeed(world) sleep(100) end end end end end if fill_plant then for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do if bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) == 0 then take(world) sleep(100) end if (tile.fg == 0 and tile.y ~= 0 and isPlantable(tile)) and bot:isInWorld(world:upper()) and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x,tile.y) > 0 then for _, i in pairs(mode3Tile) do while getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y).fg == 0 and isPlantable(getTile(tile.x + i,tile.y)) and bot:getWorld():hasAccess(tile.x + i,tile.y) > 0 and bot:getInventory():findItem(itmSeed) > 0 and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y and bot:getWorld().name == world:upper() do place(itmSeed,i,0) sleep(delay_plant) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end end end end function clearBlocks() for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do if getTile(tile.x,tile.y).fg == itemid_block and bot.level >= 12 then bot:findPath(tile.x,tile.y) while getTile(tile.x,tile.y).fg == itemid_block and bot.x == tile.x and bot.y == tile.y do punch(0,0) sleep(delay_harvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y) end end end end function join() for _,wurld in pairs(worldToJoin) do while bot:getWorld().name:upper() ~= wurld:upper() do if bot.status == and bot:getPing() == 0 then bot:disconnect() sleep(1000) end while bot.status ~= do sleep(1000) while bot.status == BotStatus.account_banned do sleep(8000) end end bot:sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|"..wurld:upper().."\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(delay_warp) end end end function checkFire(world) totalTree = 0 readyTree = 0 fossil = 0 toxicwst = false for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do if tile:hasFlag(4096) then fired = true end if tile.fg == itmSeed then totalTree = totalTree + 1 if tile:canHarvest() then readyTree = readyTree + 1 end end if tile.fg == 3918 then fossil = fossil + 1 end if tile.fg == 778 then toxicwst = true end end fossilz[world] = fossil end while bot.status ~= do sleep(1000) while bot.status == BotStatus.account_banned do bot:stopScript() end end for i = indexBot, 1, -1 do sleep(delayExecute) end while bot.status ~= do sleep(1000) while bot.status == BotStatus.account_banned do bot:stopScript() end end if pickexe_setting and bot:getInventory():findItem(98) == 0 then pickexe_settingaxe() sleep(100) end if pnbInTutorial then checkTutorial() sleep(100) end while true do nuked = false fired = false toxicwst = false world,doorFarm = read(farmlist) if #farmlistBot == 10 then farmlistBot = {} waktu = {} tree = {} end table.insert(farmlistBot,world) warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) totalFarm = totalFarm + 1 if not nuked then checkFire(world) if not fired or autoCleanFire then tt = os.time() sleep(100) if toxicwst then bot.anti_toxic = true while true do cntToxic = 0 for _,tile in pairs(bot:getWorld():getTiles()) do if tile.fg == 778 then cntToxic = cntToxic + 1 sleep(1000) end end if cntToxic == 0 then bot.anti_toxic = false break end end end if fired then if bot:getInventory():findItem(3066) == 0 then takeFirehose() sleep(100) end sleep(100) bot.anti_fire = true sleep(100) while bot:getInventory():getItem(3066).isActive and bot:getInventory():findItem(3066) >= 1 do sleep(1000) end end sleep(100) if autoDetect then detect() end sleep(100) clearBlocks() sleep(100) harvest(world) sleep(100) tt = os.time() - tt sleep(100) waktu[world] = math.floor(tt/3600).." Hours "..math.floor(tt%3600/60).." Minutes" sleep(100) botEvents("Farm finished.") sleep(100) if safety_world and tt > 60 then join() end else waktu[world] = "FIRED" tree[world] = "FIRED" fired = false end else waktu[world] = "NUKED" tree[world] = "NUKED" sleep(100) nuked = false fired = false sleep(5000) if safety_world then join() end end if stopbot_rotation ~= 0 then if totalFarm >= stopbot_rotation then removeBot() bot:stopScript() end end end