src\Client EterBase\Timer.cpp Find the function: CTimer::GetElapsedMillisecond() Find this code in Code: return 16 + (m_index & 1); Replace Code: return 3 + (m_index & 3); Find the function. Code: CTimer::Advance() Find this code in Code: m_dwCurrentTime += 16 + (m_index & 1); Replace Code: m_dwCurrentTime += 3 + (m_index & 3); GameLib\GameType.cpp Find the function. Code: extern float g_fGameFPS = 60.0f; Replace Code: extern float g_fGameFPS = 250.0f; EterPythonLib\PythonWindow.cpp Find the function. Code: CAniImageBox::CAniImageBox(PyObject * ppyObject) Find this code in Code: m_byDelay(4), Replace Code: m_byDelay(13), GameLib\MapOutdoorWater.cpp Find the function. Code: CMapOutdoor::RenderWater() Find this code in Code: STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, m_WaterInstances[((ELTimer_GetMSec() / 70) % 30)].GetTexturePointer()->GetD3DTexture()); Replace Code: STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, m_WaterInstances[((ELTimer_GetMSec() / 30) % 30)].GetTexturePointer()->GetD3DTexture()); UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp Find the following values, so that there is no speed problem in movements in this map change. Code: float c_fDefaultCameraRotateSpeed = 1.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraPitchSpeed = 1.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraZoomSpeed = 0.05f; Replace Code: float c_fDefaultCameraRotateSpeed = 0.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraPitchSpeed = 0.2f; float c_fDefaultCameraZoomSpeed = 0.007f; Replace Code: double g_specularSpd=0.007f; Ve bununla değiştirin. Code: double g_specularSpd=0.0017f; We're done with Source. root\ Replace Code: if.constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: Find this code in this value: Code: self.rampageGauge1.OnMouseOverIn = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_OverIn) Add below Code: self.rampageGauge1.SetDelay(13) Find this Code: self.rampageGauge2.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_Click) Add below Code: self.rampageGauge2.SetDelay(13) Find this Code: self.hpGauge = self.GetChild("HPGauge") Add below Code: self.hpGauge.SetDelay(13) Find this Code: self.mpGauge = self.GetChild("SPGauge") Add below Code: self.mpGauge.SetDelay(13) Find this Code: self.stGauge = self.GetChild("STGauge") Add below Code: self.stGauge.SetDelay(13) So we are done. Now your players can enjoy the game at 250 FPS.