**Q:**When is server launch going to be? **A:**The server launch is going to be on **Q:**How can I reach to server presentation? **A:** Here it is! [Click here](https://aeris2.net/presentation/) to visit the presentation. And it is also available at 10 languages. **Q:** How many languages are there in the game and also for how many communities are there supports? **A:** The game supports in 15 languages and also there are staff members for 10 of them! ( :flag_gb: :flag_tr: :flag_ro: :flag_pl: :flag_hu: :flag_es: :flag_de: :flag_cz: :flag_pt: :flag_it: ) **Q:**What will the client limit be? **A:** The client limit is unlimited on Aeris. But you're only be able to use Auto-Hunt with a single account and also same for dungeons. **Q:**Does the cheat work? **A:**Cheats are %99,9 blocked but even if it works on rare situations, our advanced cheat blocker will be blocking the bots all the time. And you're free to report the player of cheating via #:love_letter:┊open-ticket if you're suspicious about using cheat of any player. **Q:**When will item shop be opened? **A:** Item-Shop will be available while server opening and will be updated stage by stage. **Q:** How can I obtain the dungeon tickets. **A:** To enter the dungeons, you will need the dungeon gaya that you dropped from the metins. No need to have any dungeon ticket. **Q:**What is the Vote4Buff and how can I get? **A:**There is "Vote4Buff" task on your task window. You may give vote with your account by visiting the game website and you will have votecoin for that action. And then you will have three option to pick which are between +5 Magic/Melee Attack, %50 EXP or +50 Double Drop Chance. **Q:**Who are the streamers? A: Visit #partnerships to see our detailed and up-to-date streamers/youtubers. **Q:** When will events be started? **A:** Events will be started from the beginning. **Q:** Will there be auto-metin hunt? **A:**Yes! You can destroy metinstones anymore if you're not on the PC. It's allowed with only one account. **Q:** What are the differences between Aeris and Astra? **A:** Aeris differs from Astra in terms of game structure and gameplay. While Astra is a new-school server primarily focused on PvM content, Aeris is a middle-school server that includes a more intense mix of both PvM and PvP. You can choose the server that best suits your gaming preferences. **Q:** Is Astra and Aeris going to be merged? **A:** No, these two server is not going to be merged. They have different concepts. **Q:** May I sell my in-game yang to you for real money? **A:** Yes if you follow the rules. As mentioned at https://discord.com/channels/988931756881248336/1244645734213746709, you're able to sell your coins to us! **Q:** I have questions which do not exist here, how can I learn? **A: ** Do not hesitate to create a ticket on #open-ticket for your questions.