Good afternoon, I apologize if I even used any bad words in the game. Also, my attitude towards amazon officials may be harsh due to my hard work lately. So I apologize to the amazon staff for this. I was separated from them because I spent too much time with my friends in the game. I played about 600 hours. When you review my account, I have only 9000 gold and voidset on it. Prior to the day I was banned, I bought tolvium and cinnabar many times through trade and market as I am a weaponsmithing master. I even remember the last time I got 50x cinnabar from the hellheim server from aliiiii username person. Before that, I bought things like ironwood, wyrdwood and coarsepaper for woodworking through many markets. I certainly can't tell if these have been duplicated. Of course, whatever the value of all the things I bought, I definitely paid that price. I made a detailed review of the time I was banned, and I will share it with you at the very end. Lastly, what I would like to add is that if I took what I really did not know and got banned, it is understandable. My enthusiasm for this game still continues, please help respected moderators. I've analyzed it thoroughly. In the video I shot, you will see my character on the left at the exact minute I set. ( I am recalling everfall exactly at that moment. My username is gae boIg. Just at that moment, after recalling, I went to eat because I was hungry. After about 15-20 minutes, I found myself banned in front of everfall fast travel. I'm adding his picture right here. ( As you can see, if we look at the last response time above, it seems that I was banned 15 minutes ago where I was. ( Here on discord The picture I showed my friend that I had been banned, I posted the picture on 16.11.2021 at 00.18. In other words, I was banned on 15.11.2021 just as it was approaching 00.00. Where I stand, it can be seen that I did nothing and got banned.(10.11.2021 from picture u can see that I am a Weaponsmith Master.)