limit = false limit = false function rwmem(Address, SizeOrBuffer) assert(Address ~= nil, "[rwmem]: error, provided address is nil.") _rw = {} if type(SizeOrBuffer) == "number" then _ = "" do do for _FORV_5_ = 1, SizeOrBuffer do _rw[_FORV_5_] = { address = Address - 1 + _FORV_5_, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE } end end end do do for _FORV_5_, _FORV_6_ in ipairs(gg.getValues(_rw)) do if _FORV_6_.value == 0 and limit == true then return _ end _ = _ .. string.format("%02X", _FORV_6_.value & 255) end end end return _ end Byte = {} SizeOrBuffer:gsub("..", function(x) Byte[#Byte + 1] = x _rw[#Byte] = { address = Address - 1 + #Byte, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, value = x .. "h" } end ) gg.setValues(_rw) end function hexdecode(hex) return (hex:gsub("%x%x", function(digits) return string.char(tonumber(digits, 16)) end)) end function hexencode(str) return (str:gsub(".", function(char) return string.format("%2x", char:byte()) end)) end function Dec2Hex(nValue) nHexVal = string.format("%X", nValue); sHexVal = nHexVal..""; return sHexVal; end function ToInteger(number) return math.floor(tonumber(number) or error("Could not cast '" .. tostring(number) .. "' to number.'")) end function save(data) .. "/Result.txt", "w"):write(hexdecode(data)) gg.toast("Bypass Success") end gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_JAVA_HEAP) gg.searchNumber(":GET /HTTP/", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(1) if #r < 1 then gg.toast("failed") hc_method2 = true end if hc_method2 then gg.searchNumber(":GET ", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(1) if #r < 1 then gg.toast("failed") hc_method3 = true end end if hc_method3 then gg.searchNumber(":PATCH ", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(1) if #r < 1 then gg.toast("failed") hc_method4 = true end end if hc_method4 then gg.searchNumber(":inbounds", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(1) if #r < 1 then gg.toast("failed") hc_method5 = true end end if hc_method5 then gg.searchNumber(":443@", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(1) if #r < 1 then gg.toast("failed") hc_method6 = true end end if hc_method6 then gg.searchNumber(":FRONTED-MEEK-OSSH", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(1) if #r < 1 then gg.toast("failed") hc_method7 = true end end if hc_method7 then gg.searchNumber(":[ey", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(1) if #r < 1 then gg.toast("failed") hc_method8 = true end end if hc_method8 then print("All methods failed") os.exit() end local r = gg.getResults(100) if limit == false then r[1].address = r[1].address - 0x40 end readedMem = rwmem(r[1].address, 500) save(readedMem) gg.clearResults() local f ="/sdcard/Result.txt", "r") local content = f:read("*all") f:close() content = string.gsub(content, '([^%w%p%s]+)', '\n') content = string.gsub(content, '\n\n', '') local f ="/sdcard/Result.txt", "w") f:write(content) f:close() Zxx = ("\n\n* Bypass Direct\n* Beta Test : V1.1\n===============================") local file ="/sdcard/Result.txt", "r") if file then local text = file:read("*a") file:close() local abovePattern = "(.*)" local aboveText = string.match(text, abovePattern) local belowPattern = "(.*)" local belowText = string.match(text, belowPattern) if aboveText then print(Zxx) print(" " .. aboveText) else print("[x] Not Found !") end end