#Q1) Design a program that lets the user enter the total #rainfall for each of 12 months into a list. The program #should calculate and display the total rainfall for the #year, the average monthly rainfall, and the months with # the highest and lowest amounts. rainfall = [] for i in range(1,13): print("Enter for the ",i,".month") rain = float(input()) rainfall.append(rain) sum_rain = sum(rainfall) average_rain = sum_rain / 12 max_rain = max(rainfall) min_rain = min(rainfall) min_month = rainfall.index(min_rain) max_month = rainfall.index(max_rain) print("Average Rainfall : %.2f " % average_rain) print("Total Rainfall : ", sum_rain) print("Highest Rainfall is in ",max_month+1,".month with ",max_rain) print("Lowest Rainfall is in ",min_month+1,".month with ",min_rain)