DataSource: # What type of database do you want to use? # Valid values: SQLITE, MYSQL, POSTGRESQL backend: MYSQL # Enable the database caching system, should be disabled on bungeecord environments # or when a website integration is being used. caching: false # Database host address mySQLHost: # Database port mySQLPort: '3306' # Connect to MySQL database over SSL mySQLUseSSL: false # Verification of server's certificate. # We would not recommend to set this option to false. # Set this option to false at your own risk if and only if you know what you're doing mySQLCheckServerCertificate: true # Username to connect to the MySQL database mySQLUsername: hirbone2_los # Password to connect to the MySQL database mySQLPassword: 'V9ICUxwn2' # Database Name, use with converters or as SQLITE database name mySQLDatabase: hirbone2_los # Table of the database mySQLTablename: Accounts