#Skript by Dora Reyiz command /skriptby: send "&3Bu Skript &cdora201 &3tarafından kodlanmıştır." command /menukit: trigger: open chest with 1 row named "&cMenü Kit " to player format slot 0 of player with leather chestplate named "Başlangıç" to run [make player execute command "baslangickit"] format slot 1 of player with light gray glass named "by EPPS" to run [make player execute command "skriptby"] format slot 2 of player with light gray glass named "by EPPS" to run [make player execute command "skriptby"] format slot 3 of player with light gray glass named "by EPPS" to run [make player execute command "skriptby"] format slot 4 of player with iron chestplate named "Usta" to run [make player execute command "ustakit"] format slot 5 of player with light gray glass named "by EPPS" to run [make player execute command "skriptby"] format slot 6 of player with light gray glass named "by EPPS" to run [make player execute command "skriptby"] format slot 7 of player with light gray glass named "by EPPS" to run [make player execute command "skriptby"] format slot 8 of player with diamond chestplate named "Kral" to run [make player execute command "kralkit"] command /baslangickit: trigger: give stone sword to the player give 2 golden apples to the player give 16 cooked porkchops to the player give chainmail helmet to the player give chainmail chestplate to the player give chainmail leggings to the player give chainmail boots to the player message "&cBAŞLANGIÇ kiti verildi!" command /ustakit: trigger: if player has permission "usta.kit": give iron sword to the player give fishing rod to the player give bow to the player give 6 golden apples to the player give 16 cooked porkchops to the player give iron helmet to the player give iron chestplate to the player give iron leggings to the player give iron boots to the player message "&cUSTA kiti verildi!" command /kralkit: trigger: if player has permission "kral.kit": give iron sword to the player give fishing rod to the player give golden apple:1 to the player give bow to the player give 16 arrows to the player give 16 cooked porkchops to the player give iron helmet to the player give diamond chestplate to the player give iron leggings to the player give diamond boots to the player message "&cKRAL kiti verildi!"