Bot = {} Bot["bot1"] = { slot = 1, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot2"] = { slot = 2, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot3"] = { slot = 3, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot4"] = { slot = 4, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot5"] = { slot = 5, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot6"] = { slot = 6, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot7"] = { slot = 7, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot8"] = { slot = 8, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot9"] = { slot = 9, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } Bot["bot10"] = { slot = 10, -- Bot slot info in webhook webhookLink = "", -- Bot webhook link messageId = "", -- Webhook message id startFrom = 1, -- Start from in world list worldList = {}, -- World list doorFarm = "", -- Rotation world door id upgradeBackpack = 0 -- Number of times to upgrade backpack when starting rotation } webhookOffline = "" -- Bot On/Off with tag webhook link webhookLinkPack = "" -- Pack info webhook link messageIdPack = "" -- Pack info message id webhookLinkSeed = "" -- Seed info webhook link messageIdSeed = "" -- Seed info message id storageSeed, doorSeed, patokanSeed = "", "", 16 -- Seed storage world name, door id, and patokan storagePack, doorPack, patokanPack = "", "", 20 -- Pack storage world name, door id, and patokan blacklistTile = false blacklist = { {x = -1, y = -1}, {x = 0, y = -1}, {x = 1, y = -1} } allowMaxReconnect = false -- Set true if using max reconnect maxReconnect = 100 -- Max reconnect attempt delayMaxReconnect = 1800000 -- Delay to reconnect after max attempt detectFarmable = false -- Set true if auto detect farmable itmId = 4584 -- Item id itmSeed = itmId + 1 -- Item seed / Dont edit delayHarvest = 70 -- Harvesting delay delayPlant = 50 -- Planting delay delayPunch = 160 -- Punching delay delayPlace = 110 -- Placing delay tileNumber = 1 -- Customable from 1 to 5 customTile = false -- Set true if custom breaking pos customX = 0 -- Custom breaking pos x customY = 0 -- Custom breaking pos y separatePlant = false -- Set true if separate harvest and plant dontPlant = false -- Set true if store all seed and dont plant any buyAfterPNB = false -- Set true if buying and storing pack after each pnb root = false -- Set true if farming root looping = true -- Set false if not looping pack = "World Lock" -- Pack name to display on webhook packList = {242} -- List of pack id packName = "world_lock" -- Pack name in store minimumGem = 2000 -- Minimum gems to buy pack packPrice = 2000 -- Pack price packLimit = 200 -- Limit of buying pack before bp full joinWorldAfterStore = false -- Set true if join random world after each rotation worldToJoin = {"world1","world2","world3","world4","world5","world6","world7","world8","world9"} -- List of world to join after finishing 1 world joinDelay = 5000 -- World join delay restartTimer = true -- Set true if restart time of farm after looping customShow = false -- Set true if showing only custom amount of world showList = 3 -- Number of custom worlds to be shown goods = {98, 18, 32, 6336, 9640} -- Item whitelist (don't edit) items = { {name = "World Lock", id = 242, emote = "<:world_lock:1011929928519925820>"}, {name = "Pepper Tree", id = 4584, emote = "<:pepper_tree:1011930020836544522>"}, {name = "Pepper Tree Seed", id = 4585, emote = "<:pepper_tree_seed:1011930051744374805>"}, } -- List of item info ------------------ Dont Touch ------------------ list = {} tree = {} waktu = {} worlds = {} fossil = {} tileBreak = {} loop = 0 profit = 0 listNow = 1 strWaktu = "" t = os.time() start = Bot[getBot().name].startFrom stop = #Bot[getBot().name].worldList doorFarm = Bot[getBot().name].doorFarm messageId = Bot[getBot().name].messageId worldList = Bot[getBot().name].worldList totalList = #Bot[getBot().name].worldList webhookLink = Bot[getBot().name].webhookLink upgradeBackpack = Bot[getBot().name].upgradeBackpack for i = start,#worldList do table.insert(worlds,worldList[i]) end if looping then for i = 0,start - 1 do table.insert(worlds,worldList[i]) end end for _,pack in pairs(packList) do table.insert(goods,pack) end for i = math.floor(tileNumber/2),1,-1 do i = i * -1 table.insert(tileBreak,i) end for i = 0, math.ceil(tileNumber/2) - 1 do table.insert(tileBreak,i) end if (showList - 1) >= #worldList then customShow = false end if dontPlant then separatePlant = false end if not detectFarmable then table.insert(goods,itmId) table.insert(goods,itmSeed) end function includesNumber(table, number) for _,num in pairs(table) do if num == number then return true end end return false end function detect() local store = {} local count = 0 for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if tile.flags == 0 and tile.fg ~= 0 then if store[tile.fg] then store[tile.fg].count = store[tile.fg].count + 1 else store[tile.fg] = {fg = tile.fg, count = 1} end end end for _,tile in pairs(store) do if tile.count > count then count = tile.count itmSeed = tile.fg itmId = itmSeed - 1 end end if not includesNumber(goods,itmId) then table.insert(goods,itmId) end if not includesNumber(goods,itmSeed) then table.insert(goods,itmSeed) end end function bl(world) blist = {} fossil[world] = 0 for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if tile.fg == 6 then doorX = tile.x doorY = tile.y elseif tile.fg == 3918 then fossil[world] = fossil[world] + 1 end end if blacklistTile then for _,tile in pairs(blacklist) do table.insert(blist,{x = doorX + tile.x, y = doorY + tile.y}) end end end function tilePunch(x,y) for _,num in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(x - 1,y + num).fg ~= 0 or getTile(x - 1,y + num).bg ~= 0 then return true end end return false end function tilePlace(x,y) for _,num in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(x - 1,y + num).fg == 0 and getTile(x - 1,y + num).bg == 0 then return true end end return false end function check(x,y) for _,tile in pairs(blist) do if x == tile.x and y == tile.y then return false end end return true end function hook(varlist) if varlist[0] == "OnConsoleMessage" and varlist[1]:find("inaccessible") then nuked = true end end addHook("hook",hook) function warp(world,id) while getBot().world ~= world:upper() and not nuked do sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|" sleep(5000) end if id ~= "" and not nuked then while getTile(math.floor(getBot().x / 32),math.floor(getBot().y / 32)).fg == 6 do sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""|" sleep(1000) end end end function waktuWorld() strWaktu = "" if customShow then for i = showList,1,-1 do newList = listNow - i if newList <= 0 then newList = newList + totalList end strWaktu = strWaktu.."\n"..worldList[newList]:upper().." ( "..(waktu[worldList[newList]] or "?").." | "..(tree[worldList[newList]] or "?").." )" end else for _,world in pairs(worldList) do strWaktu = strWaktu.."\n"" ( "..(waktu[world] or "?").." | "..(tree[world] or "?").." )" end end end function botInfo(info) te = os.time() - t fossill = fossil[getBot().world] or 0 local text = [[ $webHookUrl = "]]..webhookLink..[[/messages/]]..messageId..[[" $CPU = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Measure-Object -Property LoadPercentage -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average $CompObject = Get-WmiObject -Class WIN32_OperatingSystem $Memory = ((($CompObject.TotalVisibleMemorySize - $CompObject.FreePhysicalMemory)*100)/ $CompObject.TotalVisibleMemorySize) $RAM = [math]::Round($Memory, 0) $thumbnailObject = @{ url = "" } $footerObject = @{ text = "]]..("!%a %b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p", os.time() + 7 * 60 * 60))..[[" } $fieldArray = @( @{ name = "<:pickaxe:1011931845065183313> Bot Info" value = "]][[" inline = "false" } @{ name = "<:birth_certificate:1011929949076193291> Bot Name" value = "]]..getBot().name..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:heart_monitor:1012587208902987776> Bot Status" value = "]]..getBot().status..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:gems:1011931178510602240> Bot Gems" value = "]]..findItem(112)..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:globe:1011929997679796254> World Name" value = "]]..getBot().world..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:growtopia_scroll:1011972982261944444> World Order ( ]]..loop..[[ Loops)" value = "]]..start..[[ / ]]..stop..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:fossil_rock:1011972962573881464> World Fossil" value = "]]..fossill..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:shop_sign:1012590603172847648> Pack Name" value = "]]..pack..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:guest_book:1012588503466528869> Bot Profit" value = "]]..profit..[[ ]]..pack..[[" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:CPU:994981162588053565> CPU & RAM" value = "$CPU% | $RAM%" inline = "true" } @{ name = "<:change_of_address:1012566655995490354> World List" value = "]]..strWaktu..[[" inline = "false" } @{ name = "<:growtopia_clock:1011929976628596746> Bot Uptime" value = "]]..math.floor(te/86400)..[[ Days ]]..math.floor(te%86400/3600)..[[ Hours ]]..math.floor(te%86400%3600/60)..[[ Minutes" inline = "false" } ) $embedObject = @{ title = "<:exclamation_sign:1011934940096630794> **BOT INFORMATION** | SLOT - ]]..Bot[getBot().name].slot..[[)" color = "]]..math.random(1111111,9999999)..[[" thumbnail = $thumbnailObject footer = $footerObject fields = $fieldArray } $embedArray = @($embedObject) $payload = @{ embeds = $embedArray } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local file = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") file:write(text) file:close() end function packInfo(link,id,desc) local text = [[ $webHookUrl = "]][[/messages/]][[" $thumbnailObject = @{ url = "" } $footerObject = @{ text = "]]..("!%a %b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p", os.time() + 7 * 60 * 60))..[[" } $fieldArray = @( @{ name = "Dropped Items" value = "]]..desc..[[" inline = "false" } ) $embedObject = @{ title = "<:exclamation_sign:1011934940096630794> **PACK/SEED INFORMATION**" color = "]]..math.random(111111,999999)..[[" thumbnail = $thumbnailObject footer = $footerObject fields = $fieldArray } $embedArray = @($embedObject) $payload = @{ embeds = $embedArray } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local file = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") file:write(text) file:close() end function reconInfo() local text = [[ $webHookUrl = "]]..webhookOffline..[[" $payload = @{ content = "]]..getBot().name..[[ (slot-]]..Bot[getBot().name].slot..[[) status is ]]..getBot().status..[[ @everyone" } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local file = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") file:write(text) file:close() end function reconnect(world,id,x,y) if getBot().status ~= "online" then botInfo("Reconnecting") sleep(100) reconInfo() sleep(100) konek = 0 while true do connect() sleep(10000) if getBot().status == "suspended" or getBot().status == "banned" then botInfo(getBot().status) sleep(100) reconInfo() sleep(100) while true do sleep(10000) end end while getBot().status == "online" and getBot().world ~= world:upper() do sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|" sleep(5000) end if getBot().status == "online" and getBot().world == world:upper() then if id ~= "" then while getTile(math.floor(getBot().x / 32),math.floor(getBot().y / 32)).fg == 6 do sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|""|" sleep(1000) end end if x and y and getBot().status == "online" and getBot().world == world:upper() then while math.floor(getBot().x / 32) ~= x or math.floor(getBot().y / 32) ~= y do findPath(x,y) sleep(100) end end if getBot().status == "online" and getBot().world == world:upper() then if x and y then if getBot().status == "online" and math.floor(getBot().x / 32) == x and math.floor(getBot().y / 32) == y then break end elseif getBot().status == "online" then break end end end if allowMaxReconnect then if konek < maxReconnect then konek = konek + 1 else botInfo("Max Reconnect Attempt Reached! Waiting for "..(math.floor((delayMaxReconnect/60000)*100)/100).." Minutes") sleep(delayMaxReconnect) konek = 0 botInfo("Reconnecting") sleep(100) end end end botInfo("Succesfully Reconnected") sleep(100) reconInfo() sleep(100) botInfo("Farming") sleep(100) end end function round(n) return n % 1 > 0.5 and math.ceil(n) or math.floor(n) end function tileDrop1(x,y,num) local count = 0 local stack = 0 for _,obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if round(obj.x / 32) == x and math.floor(obj.y / 32) == y then count = count + obj.count stack = stack + 1 end end if stack < 20 and count <= (4000 - num) then return true end return false end function tileDrop2(x,y,num) local count = 0 local stack = 0 for _,obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if round(obj.x / 32) == x and math.floor(obj.y / 32) == y then count = count + obj.count stack = stack + 1 end end if count <= (4000 - num) then return true end return false end function storePack() for _,pack in pairs(packList) do for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if tile.fg == patokanPack or == patokanPack then if tileDrop1(tile.x,tile.y,findItem(pack)) then while math.floor(getBot().x / 32) ~= (tile.x - 1) or math.floor(getBot().y / 32) ~= tile.y do findPath(tile.x - 1,tile.y) sleep(1000) reconnect(storagePack,doorPack,tile.x - 1,tile.y) end while findItem(pack) > 0 and tileDrop1(tile.x,tile.y,findItem(pack)) do sendPacket(2,"action|drop\n|itemID|"..pack) sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|drop_item\nitemID|"..pack.."|\ncount|"..findItem(pack)) sleep(500) reconnect(storagePack,doorPack,tile.x - 1,tile.y) end end end if findItem(pack) == 0 then break end end end end function itemInfo(ids) local result = {name = "null", id = ids, emote = "null"} for _,item in pairs(items) do if == ids then = result.emote = item.emote return result end end return result end function infoPack() local store = {} for _,obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if store[] then store[].count = store[].count + obj.count else store[] = {id =, count = obj.count} end end local str = "" for _,object in pairs(store) do str = str.."\n"..itemInfo(" "..itemInfo(" : x"..object.count end return str end function join() botInfo("Clearing World Logs") sleep(100) for _,wurld in pairs(worldToJoin) do warp(wurld,"") sleep(joinDelay) reconnect(wurld,"") end end function storeSeed(world) botInfo("Storing Seed") sleep(100) collectSet(false,3) sleep(100) warp(storageSeed,doorSeed) sleep(100) for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if tile.fg == patokanSeed or == patokanSeed then if tileDrop2(tile.x,tile.y,100) then while math.floor(getBot().x / 32) ~= (tile.x - 1) or math.floor(getBot().y / 32) ~= tile.y do findPath(tile.x - 1,tile.y) sleep(1000) reconnect(storageSeed,doorSeed,tile.x - 1,tile.y) end while findItem(itmSeed) >= 100 and tileDrop2(tile.x,tile.y,100) do sendPacket(2,"action|drop\n|itemID|"..itmSeed) sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|drop_item\nitemID|"..itmSeed.."|\ncount|100") sleep(500) reconnect(storageSeed,doorSeed,tile.x - 1,tile.y) end end if findItem(itmSeed) < 100 then break end end end packInfo(webhookLinkSeed,messageIdSeed,infoPack()) sleep(100) if joinWorldAfterStore then join() sleep(100) end warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) collectSet(true,3) sleep(100) botInfo("Farming") sleep(100) end function buy() botInfo("Buying and Storing Pack") sleep(100) collectSet(false,3) sleep(100) warp(storagePack,doorPack) sleep(100) while findItem(112) >= packPrice do for i = 1, packLimit do sendPacket(2,"action|buy\nitem|"..packName) sleep(500) if findItem(packList[0]) == 0 then sendPacket(2,"action|buy\nitem|upgrade_backpack") sleep(500) else profit = profit + 1 end if findItem(112) < packPrice then break end end storePack() sleep(100) reconnect(storagePack,doorPack) end packInfo(webhookLinkPack,messageIdPack,infoPack()) sleep(100) if joinWorldAfterStore then join() sleep(100) end end function clear() for _,item in pairs(getInventory()) do if not includesNumber(goods, then sendPacket(2, "action|trash\n|itemID|" sendPacket(2, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|trash_item\nitemID|""|\ncount|"..item.count) sleep(200) end end end function take(world) botInfo("Taking Seed") sleep(100) while findItem(itmSeed) == 0 do collectSet(false,3) sleep(100) warp(storageSeed,doorSeed) sleep(100) for _,obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if == itmSeed then findPath(round(obj.x / 32),math.floor(obj.y / 32)) sleep(1000) collect(2) sleep(1000) end if findItem(itmSeed) > 0 then break end end packInfo(webhookLinkSeed,messageIdSeed,infoPack()) sleep(100) if joinWorldAfterStore then join() sleep(100) end warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) collectSet(true,3) sleep(100) end end function plant(world) for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if findItem(itmSeed) == 0 then take(world) sleep(100) botInfo("Farming") sleep(100) end if tile.flags ~= 0 and tile.y ~= 0 and getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == 0 then if not blacklistTile or check(tile.x,tile.y) then findPath(tile.x,tile.y - 1) while getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == 0 and getTile(tile.x,tile.y).flags ~= 0 do place(itmSeed,0,0) sleep(delayPlant) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y - 1) end end end end if findItem(itmSeed) >= 100 then storeSeed(world) sleep(100) end end function pnb(world) if findItem(itmId) >= tileNumber then if not customTile then ex = 1 ye = math.floor(getBot().y / 32) if ye > 40 then ye = ye - 10 elseif ye < 11 then ye = ye + 10 end if getTile(ex,ye).fg ~= 0 and getTile(ex,ye).fg ~= itmSeed then ye = ye - 1 end else ex = customX ye = customY end while math.floor(getBot().x / 32) ~= ex or math.floor(getBot().y / 32) ~= ye do findPath(ex,ye) sleep(100) end if tileNumber > 1 then while findItem(itmId) >= tileNumber and findItem(itmSeed) < 190 do while tilePlace(ex,ye) do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg == 0 and getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg == 0 then place(itmId,-1,i) sleep(delayPlace) reconnect(world,doorFarm,ex,ye) end end end while tilePunch(ex,ye) do for _,i in pairs(tileBreak) do if getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).fg ~= 0 or getTile(ex - 1,ye + i).bg ~= 0 then punch(-1,i) sleep(delayPunch) reconnect(world,doorFarm,ex,ye) end end end reconnect(world,doorFarm,ex,ye) end else while findItem(itmId) > 0 and findItem(itmSeed) < 190 do while getTile(ex - 1,ye).fg == 0 and getTile(ex - 1,ye).bg == 0 do place(itmId,-1,0) sleep(delayPlace) reconnect(world,doorFarm,ex,ye) end while getTile(ex - 1,ye).fg ~= 0 or getTile(ex - 1,ye).bg ~= 0 do punch(-1,0) sleep(delayPunch) reconnect(world,doorFarm,ex,ye) end end end clear() sleep(100) if buyAfterPNB and findItem(112) >= minimumGem then buy() sleep(100) warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) collectSet(true,3) sleep(100) botInfo("Farming") sleep(100) end end end function harvest(world) botInfo("Farming") sleep(100) tree[world] = 0 if not separatePlant then for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if findItem(itmSeed) == 0 then take(world) sleep(100) botInfo("Farming") sleep(100) end if getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).ready or (tile.flags ~= 0 and tile.y ~= 0 and getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == 0) then if not blacklistTile or check(tile.x,tile.y) then tree[world] = tree[world] + 1 findPath(tile.x,tile.y - 1) while getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == itmSeed do punch(0,0) sleep(delayHarvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y - 1) end if root then while getTile(tile.x, tile.y).fg == (itmId + 4) and getTile(tile.x, tile.y).flags ~= 0 do punch(0, 1) sleep(delayHarvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y - 1) end clear() sleep(100) end if not dontPlant then while getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == 0 and getTile(tile.x,tile.y).flags ~= 0 do place(itmSeed,0,0) sleep(delayPlant) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y - 1) end end end end if findItem(itmId) >= 190 then pnb(world) sleep(100) if findItem(itmSeed) >= 190 then storeSeed(world) sleep(100) end end end else for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do if findItem(itmSeed) == 0 then take(world) sleep(100) botInfo("Farming") sleep(100) end if getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).ready then if not blacklistTile or check(tile.x,tile.y) then tree[world] = tree[world] + 1 findPath(tile.x,tile.y - 1) while getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == itmSeed do punch(0,0) sleep(delayHarvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y - 1) end if root then while getTile(tile.x, tile.y).fg == (itmId + 4) and getTile(tile.x, tile.y).flags ~= 0 do punch(0, 1) sleep(delayHarvest) reconnect(world,doorFarm,tile.x,tile.y - 1) end clear() sleep(100) end end end if findItem(itmId) >= 190 then pnb(world) sleep(100) plant(world) sleep(100) end end end pnb(world) sleep(100) if separatePlant then plant(world) sleep(100) end if findItem(112) >= minimumGem then buy() sleep(100) end end for i = 1,upgradeBackpack do sendPacket(2,"action|buy\nitem|upgrade_backpack") sleep(500) end while true do for index,world in pairs(worlds) do waktuWorld() sleep(100) warp(world,doorFarm) sleep(100) if detectFarmable then detect() sleep(100) end if findItem(itmSeed) == 0 then take(world) sleep(100) end if not nuked then collectSet(true,3) sleep(100) bl(world) sleep(100) botInfo("Starting " sleep(100) tt = os.time() harvest(world) sleep(100) tt = os.time() - tt botInfo("Finished " sleep(100) waktu[world] = math.floor(tt/3600).." Hours "..math.floor(tt%3600/60).." Minutes" sleep(100) if joinWorldAfterStore then join() sleep(100) end else waktu[world] = "NUKED" tree[world] = "NUKED" nuked = false end if start < stop then start = start + 1 else if restartTimer then waktu = {} tree = {} end start = 1 loop = loop + 1 end end if not looping then waktuWorld() sleep(100) botInfo("Finished All World, Removing Bot!") sleep(100) removeBot(getBot().name) break end end