;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-«•»SaNCaK ScripT«•»-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;Kodların miRC sisteminize eklenmesi; ~ ;Eklenecek kodu kopyalıyoruz. (Kısayol Tuşu Ctrl + C) ~ ;Ardından mIRC'imizi açıyoruz ve herhangi bir ekranda Alt + R tuşlarına basıyoruz. mIRC Scripts Editörü açılıyor. ~ ;[Aliases] [Popups] [Remote] [Users] [Variables] tablarından ~ ;[Remote] sekmesini tıklıyoruz sonrasında Sol üst menümüzden; ~ ;->Dosya (ingilizce için File) ~ ;-->Yeni (ingilizce için New) ~ ;Sekmelerine tıklıyoruz boş bir ekran karşımızda, ekrana sağ tıklayıp yapıştırı tıklıyoruz. ~ ;(Kısayol Tuşu Ctrl + V) Son Olarak Tamam [OK] butonuna tıklıyoruz ve kodumuzu eklemiş oluyoruz. ~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-«•»SaNCaK ScripT«•»-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ menu Channel { Loglar:/loganalyzer } dialog loganalyzer { title "Channel Log Analyzer" size -1 -1 432 285 option dbu button "Load from File", 3, 274 13 71 10, flat button "Load from Channel Buffer", 5, 274 25 146 10, flat button "Load from Clipboard", 6, 349 13 71 10, flat box "Removing Masks, Shitlisting, Banning, X-Banning, G-lining", 7, 268 150 158 129 list 1, 12 11 245 262, size extsel box "Hostmasks", 4, 6 3 257 276 button "Save Hostmasks to Analyzed Log File", 14, 274 92 146 10, flat box "Select Channel to Ban/X-Ban Hostmasks on", 9, 274 221 146 52 button "Mass-G-Line Selected Hostmasks", 2, 274 184 146 10, flat button "Mass-Shitlist Selected Hostmasks", 8, 274 172 146 10, flat button "Remove Selected Masks", 10, 274 160 146 10, flat button "Mass-Ban Selected Hostmasks on Channel", 11, 274 196 146 10, flat list 12, 279 45 135 39, size box "Select Channel to Load Buffer from", 13, 274 37 146 52 list 15, 279 229 135 39, size box "Log Loading and Saving", 16, 268 3 158 105 button "Mass-X-Ban Selected Hostmasks on Channel", 17, 274 208 146 10, flat box "Filtering", 20, 268 110 158 37 check "Joins", 21, 281 119 28 10, flat check "Parts", 22, 335 119 28 10, flat check "Quits", 23, 388 119 28 10, flat button "Remove Events of Selected Type(s)", 24, 274 131 146 10, flat } alias all.chans { var %allchans = $null, %a = 1 while (%a <= $chan(0)) { var %allchans = $addtok(%allchans,$chan(%a),44) inc %a 1 } return %allchans } alias massbanmasks { set %mb.masks $addtok(%mb.masks,$2,32) if ($numtok(%mb.masks,32) == 6) { mode $$1 + $+ $str(b,$numtok(%mb.masks,32)) %mb.masks .timermbban off unset %mb.masks } if (%mb.masks) { .timermbban 1 3 mode $$1 + $+ $str(b,$numtok(%mb.masks,32)) %mb.masks .timermbban2 1 3 unset %mb.masks } } alias loganalyzer { dialog -md loganalyzer loganalyzer didtok loganalyzer 12 44 $all.chans didtok loganalyzer 15 44 $all.chans } alias laline { return $gettok($$1,2-,32) } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:3:{ did -r loganalyzer 1 set %x 1 set %file $sfile(logs\) while (%x <= $lines(%file)) { set %z none set %y $line(%logchan,%x) set %z.1 *(*@*)*has*joined*#* set %z.2 *(*@*)*quit*(*)* set %z.3 *(*@*)*has*left*#* if (%z.1 iswm %y) { set %z [JOIN] } else if (%z.2 iswm %y) { set %z [QUIT] } else if (%z.3 iswm %y) { set %z [PART] } if (%z != none) { tokenize 32 %y if ($chr(58) isin $1) { set %a $3 set %b $4 } else { set %a $2 set %b $3 } set %c $remove(%a,+,@) set %d $remove(%b,$chr(40),$chr(41)) set %e %z $+(%c,!,%d) ; if (!$didwm(loganalyzer,1,%e)) { ;if (!$didwm(loganalyzer,1,$mask(%e,2))) { if (x*cservice@undernet.org !iswm %e) { did -a loganalyzer 1 %e } ;} } inc %x 1 } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:5:{ did -r loganalyzer 1 set %logchan $did(loganalyzer,12).seltext if (%logchan) { set %x 1 while (%x <= $line(%logchan,0)) { set %z none set %y $line(%logchan,%x) set %z.1 *(*@*)*has*joined*#* set %z.2 *(*@*)*quit*(*)* set %z.3 *(*@*)*has*left*#* if (%z.1 iswm %y) { set %z [JOIN] } else if (%z.2 iswm %y) { set %z [QUIT] } else if (%z.3 iswm %y) { set %z [PART] } if (%z != none) { tokenize 32 %y if ($chr(58) isin $1) { set %a $3 set %b $4 } else { set %a $2 set %b $3 } set %c $remove(%a,+,@) set %d $remove(%b,$chr(40),$chr(41)) set %e %z $+(%c,!,%d) if (x*cservice@undernet.org !iswm %e) { did -a loganalyzer 1 %e } } inc %x 1 } } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:6:{ did -r loganalyzer 1 set %logchan $did(loganalyzer,12).seltext if (%logchan) { set %x 1 while (%x <= $cb(0)) { set %z none set %y $cb(%x) set %z.1 *(*@*)*has*joined*#* set %z.2 *(*@*)*quit*(*)* set %z.3 *(*@*)*has*left*#* if (%z.1 iswm %y) { set %z [JOIN] } else if (%z.2 iswm %y) { set %z [QUIT] } else if (%z.3 iswm %y) { set %z [PART] } if (%z != none) { tokenize 32 %y if ($chr(58) isin $1) { set %a $3 set %b $4 } else { set %a $2 set %b $3 } set %c $remove(%a,+,@) set %d $remove(%b,$chr(40),$chr(41)) set %e %z $+(%c,!,%d) if (x*cservice@undernet.org !iswm %e) { did -a loganalyzer 1 %e } } inc %x 1 } } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:14:{ if ($did(loganalyzer,12).seltext) { set %file logs\Analyzed $+ $did(loganalyzer,12).seltext $+ .log .remove %file write %file Log Analyzer Output for $did(loganalyzer,12).seltext write %file - set %x 1 write %file ** Full Hostmasks ** while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1).lines) { write %file $laline($did(loganalyzer,1,%x)) inc %x 1 } write %file - write %file ** Type 2 Masks ** write %file - set %x 1 while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1).lines) { write %file $mask($laline($did(loganalyzer,1,%x)),2) inc %x 1 } run %file } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:10:{ while ($did(loganalyzer,1,0).sel) { did -d loganalyzer 1 $did(loganalyzer,1,1).sel } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:8:{ set %x 1 while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1,0).sel) { set %sel $did(loganalyzer,1,%x).sel auser shitlist $mask($laline($did(loganalyzer,1,%sel)),2) Mass Shitlist inc %x 1 } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:2:{ set %x 1 while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1,0).sel) { set %sel $did(loganalyzer,1,%x).sel echo -a os gline $right($mask($laline($did(loganalyzer,1,%sel)),2),-2) 10000000 Drones are not welcomed in this Network. Contact Gline@Beirut.com for help. inc %x 1 } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:11:{ if ($did(loganalyzer,15).seltext) { set %loganalyzerchan $did(loganalyzer,15).seltext set %loganalyzerbans $ibl(%loganalyzerchan,0) set %loganalyzerbansleft $calc(45 - %loganalyzerbans) set %loganalyzerbansel $did(loganalyzer,1,0).sel if (%loganalyzerbansel > %loganalyzerbansleft) { set %loganalyzerbansel %loganalyzerbansleft } ; msg %loganalyzerchan I have $did(loganalyzer,1,0).sel masks selected for mass banning. The banlist now holds %loganalyzerbans bans. That means I can mass ban %loganalyzerbansleft masks before reaching limit of 45. This means I'll be setting %loganalyzerbansel bans right now. set %x 1 while (%x <= %loganalyzerbansel) { set %sel $did(loganalyzer,1,%x).sel massbanmasks %loganalyzerchan $mask($laline($did(loganalyzer,1,%sel)),2) inc %x 1 } } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:17:{ if ($did(loganalyzer,15).seltext) { set %loganalyzerchan $did(loganalyzer,15).seltext set %x 1 while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1,0).sel) { set %sel $did(loganalyzer,1,%x).sel .timerx.loganalyzer. [ $+ [ %x ] ] 1 $calc(%x * 5) msg x ban %loganalyzerchan $mask($laline($did(loganalyzer,1,%sel)),2) Mass X Ban inc %x 1 } } } on 1:dialog:loganalyzer:sclick:24:{ if ($did(loganalyzer,21).state == 1) { set %x 1 while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1).lines) { set %y $did(loganalyzer,1,%x) set %z $gettok(%y,1,32) if (*join* iswm %z) { did -d loganalyzer 1 %x } else { inc %x 1 } } } if ($did(loganalyzer,22).state == 1) { set %x 1 while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1).lines) { set %y $did(loganalyzer,1,%x) set %z $gettok(%y,1,32) if (*part* iswm %z) { did -d loganalyzer 1 %x } else { inc %x 1 } } } if ($did(loganalyzer,23).state == 1) { set %x 1 while (%x <= $did(loganalyzer,1).lines) { set %y $did(loganalyzer,1,%x) set %z $gettok(%y,1,32) if (*quit* iswm %z) { did -d loganalyzer 1 %x } else { inc %x 1 } } } }