menu channel { $iif($active != status,$xu($chan) $xb($xc($chan))) .$xu($chan) $+ 's Adjustable Modes $xb($xa($chan)): echo -a $xa .- .$xs(A) (A) Admins only Channel: $xm(A) .$xs(C) (C) No CTCPs allowed in the Channel: $xm(C) .$xs(G) (G) Censor Bad Language: $xm(G) .$xs(M) (M) Must be using a registered nick(+r), or have voice access to talk: $xm(M) .$xs(K) (K) /KNOCK is not allowed: $xm(K) .$xs(N) (N) No Nickname changes are permitted in the Channel: $xm(N) .$xs(O) (O) IRC Operator only Channel (settable by IRCops): $xm(O) .$xs(Q) (Q) No Kicks Allowed: $xm(Q) .$xs(R) (R) Only registered(+r) users may join the Channel: $xm(R) .$xs(S) (S) Strips mIRC color codes: $xm(S) .$xs(T) (T) No NOTICEs allowed in the Channel: $xm(T) .$xs(V) (V) /INVITE is not allowed: $xm(V) .$xs(c) (c) Block messages containing mIRC color codes: $xm(c) .$xs(i) (i) A user must be invited to join the Channel: $xm(i) .$xs(k) (k) = Users must specify to join: $xm(k) $iif(k !isincs $xc($chan),$$?="Enter a key") .$xs(l) (l) = Channel may hold at most of users: $xm(l) $iif(l !isincs $xc($chan),$$?="Enter Limit") .$xs(m) (m) Moderated Channel(only +vhoaq users may speak): $xm(m) .$xs(n) (n) Users outside the Channel can not send PRIVMSGs to the Channel: $xm(n) .$xs(p) (p) Private Channel: $xm(p) .$xs(r) (r) The Channel is registered (settable by Services only): $xm(r) .$xs(s) (s) Secret Channel: $xm(s) .$xs(u) (u) Auditorium mode (/names and /who $+($chr(35),channel) only show Channel OPS): $xm(u) .$xs(z) (z) Only Clients on a Secure Connection (SSL) can join: $xm(z) - } menu nicklist { $iif($1 != $null, $1 )) .QuickInfo $xb($1):$xr .- .Channel $xb($chan):$xr .Ident $xi($1).n:$xr .Host $xi($1).h:$xr .Idle Time $xi($1).i:$xr .Com. ch. $xi($1).c:$xr .- .Control ..$+($iif(v isin $xl($1),-,+),v): mode $chan $+($iif(v isin $xl($1),-,+),v) $$1 ..$+($iif(h isin $xl($1),-,+),h): mode $chan $+($iif(h isin $xl($1),-,+),h) $$1 ..$+($iif(o isin $xl($1),-,+),o): mode $chan $+($iif(o isin $xl($1),-,+),o) $$1 ..$+($iif(a isin $xl($1),-,+),a): mode $chan $+($iif(a isin $xl($1),-,+),a) $$1 ..$+($iif(q isin $xl($1),-,+),q): mode $chan $+($iif(q isin $xl($1),-,+),q) $$1 - } alias -l xc return $chan($chan).mode alias -l xa return $chanmodes alias -l xs return $style($iif($1 isincs $xc,5,4)) alias -l xm return mode $chan $+($iif($1 isincs $xc,-,+),$1) alias -l xu return $replace($1,$left($1,2),$upper($left($1,2))) alias -l xb return $+($chr(91),$1,$chr(93)) alias -l xl return $replace($remove($nick($chan,$1).pnick,$1),+,v,%,h,@,o,&,a,~,q) alias -l xr return alias -l xi { if (!$1) { return } var %a = $left($nick($chan,$1).pnick,1), %b = $replace(%a,~,Owner,&,Admin,@,Operator,%,Half Operator,+,Voiced), %c if ($prop == l) { %c = $xb($+(%a,$chr(32),%b)) } if ($prop == h) { %c = $xb($phost($1)) } if ($prop == n) { %c = $xb($pident($1)) } if ($prop == i) { %c = $xb($pidle($1)) } if ($prop == c) { %c = $xb($replace($comchans($1),$chr(32),$chr(44))) } if ($prop == a) { %c = $xb($address($1,5)) } return %c }