dialog tksop { title "@p Teşekkür Menüsü" size -1 -1 201 103 option dbu list 1, 3 24 17 40, size edit "", 2, 81 63 22 10, read autohs edit "", 3, 23 10 174 12, disable autohs box "", 4, 1 3 21 65 box "", 5, 21 3 179 37 radio "+", 6, 4 8 14 6, group radio "-", 7, 4 16 15 6 combo 8, 131 52 65 46, size box "Muaf Kanallar", 9, 106 43 94 58 button "Ekle", 10, 109 52 19 13, disable button "Düzenle", 11, 24 43 18 13, disable button "No", 12, 24 60 18 13, disable box "", 13, 21 36 25 40 box "Sayaç", 14, 76 43 31 33 box "Sitil", 15, 45 43 32 33 radio "/me", 16, 50 52 22 7, group radio "/msg", 17, 49 63 22 7 icon 19, 24 24 171 11 text "", 20, 85 51 12 9 button "Sil", 21, 109 68 19 13, disable button "Temizle", 22, 109 84 19 13, disable box "Logo", 23, 1 72 81 29 edit "", 24, 3 84 77 12, autohs box "", 25, 81 72 26 29 button "Bilgi", 26, 85 84 18 13 button "Kayıt", 27, 24 43 18 13, hide } on *:dialog:tksop:*:*: { if ($devent = init) { d-1 -c 6 d-2 -a 1 v h o a q if ($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1) { d-1 -c 16 } else { d-1 -c 17 } if ($readini(tksop.ini,config,logo)) { d-1 -ra 24 $tksop.c-2($readini(tksop.ini,config,logo)) } var %a- = $readini(tksop.ini,config,exc) if (%a-) { d-2 -a 8 %a- | d-1 -e 22 } } if ($devent = sclick) { if ($did = 1) { if ($did($dname,6).state = 1) { d-1 -ra 3 $tksop.c-2($readini(tksop.ini,more,$did($dname,1).seltext)) | d-1 -r 2,20 if ($readini(tksop.ini,mct,$did($dname,1).seltext)) { d-1 -ra 2 $readini(tksop.ini,mct,$did($dname,1).seltext) | d-1 -ra 20 + $+ $did($dname,1).seltext } if ($did($dname,3).text != none) && ($len($did($dname,1).seltext) >= 1) { tksop.prev $did($dname,3).text } if ($did($dname,3).text = none) { d-1 -h 19 } } if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { d-1 -ra 3 $tksop.c-2($readini(tksop.ini,less,$did($dname,1).seltext)) | d-1 -r 2,20 if ($readini(tksop.ini,lct,$did($dname,1).seltext)) { d-1 -ra 2 $readini(tksop.ini,lct,$did($dname,1).seltext) | d-1 -ra 20 - $+ $did($dname,1).seltext } if ($did($dname,3).text != none) && ($len($did($dname,1).seltext) >= 1) { tksop.prev $did($dname,3).text } if ($did($dname,3).text = none) { d-1 -h 19 } } d-1 $iif($len($did($dname,1).seltext) >= 1,-e,-b) 11-12 } if ($did = 6) { d-1 -r 1-3 | d-2 -a 1 v h o a q | d-1 -h 19 } if ($did = 7) { d-1 -r 1-3 | d-2 -a 1 v h o a q | d-1 -h 19 } if ($did = 8) { if ($len($did($dname,8).text) >= 2) { d-1 -e 21-22 } } if ($did = 10) { if ($len($did($dname,8).text) >= 2) { var %a- = $readini(tksop.ini,config,exc) if (!$istok(%a-,$did($dname,8).text,32)) { tkw config exc %a- $did($dname,8).text } d-1 -r 8 d-2 -a 8 $readini(tksop.ini,config,exc) } } if ($did = 11) { if ($len($did($dname,1).seltext) >= 1) { d-1 -e 3 | d-1 -h 11 | d-1 -v 27 | tksop.blk b } } if ($did = 12) { if ($did($dname,3).text != none) { if ($did($dname,6).state = 1) { tkw more $did($dname,1).seltext None } if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { tkw less $did($dname,1).seltext None } d-1 -ra 3 None } } if ($did = 16) { tkw config style 1 } if ($did = 17) { tkw config style 2 } if ($did = 21) { if ($len($did($dname,8).seltext) >= 2) { var %a- = $readini(tksop.ini,config,exc) if ($numtok(%a-,32) > 1) { tkw config exc $remtok(%a-,$did($dname,8).seltext,1,32) | d-1 -r 8 | d-2 -a 8 $readini(tksop.ini,config,exc) | halt } if ($numtok(%a-,32) = 1) { remini tksop.ini config exc | d-1 -r 8 } } } if ($did = 22) && ($readini(tksop.ini,config,exc)) { remini tksop.ini config exc | d-1 -r 8 } if ($did = 26) { if (!$dialog(tksop-inf)) { dialog -m tksop-inf tksop-inf } } if ($did = 27) { if ($did($dname,6).state = 1) { tkw more $did($dname,1).seltext $chr(36) $+ eval( $+ $tksop.c-1($did($dname,3).text) $+ ,0 $+ ) } if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { tkw less $did($dname,1).seltext $chr(36) $+ eval( $+ $tksop.c-1($did($dname,3).text) $+ ,0 $+ ) } d-1 -b 3 | d-1 -h 27 | d-1 -v 11 | tksop.blk e } } if ($devent = edit) { if ($did = 3) { d-1 $iif($len($did($dname,3).text) <= 1,-b,-e) 27 | tksop.prev $did($dname,3).text } if ($did = 8) { if ($len($did($dname,8).text) >= 2) { d-1 -e 10 } else { d-1 -b 10 } } } if ($devent = close) { if ($len($did($dname,24).text) >= 1) { tkw config logo $tksop.c-1($did($dname,24).text) } else { if ($readini(tksop.ini,config,logo)) { remini tksop.ini config logo } } } } dialog tksop-inf { title "Thanks-Op Info" size -1 -1 201 96 option dbu box "$identifiers", 1, 2 3 197 91 text "you can use some mIRC identifiers in your Thanks msgs by editing in the dialog. BUT you cant put anything together the identifiers. ATTENTION on the SPACES eg:", 2, 5 11 191 20 text "Right: -( $nick )- xXx $nick xXx < $nick > *~ $nick ~* @( $nick )@", 3, 5 31 189 8 text "Wrong: -($nick)- xXx$nickxXx <$nick > *~ $nick~* @( $nick)@", 4, 5 39 189 8 text "They are:", 5, 5 48 26 8 list 6, 5 58 191 33, size link "Bugs??", 7, 174 49 19 8 } on *:dialog:tksop-inf:*:*: { if ($devent = init) { var %a- = $eval($me,0), %b- = $eval($nick,0), %c- = $eval($chan,0), %d- = $eval($tklogo,0), %e- = $eval($tkcount(+q),0), %f- = $eval($tkcount(+a),0), %g- = $eval($tkcount(+o),0), %h- = $eval($tkcount(+h),0), %i- = $eval($tkcount(+v),0), %j- = $eval($tkcount(-q),0), %k- = $eval($tkcount(-a),0), %l- = $eval($tkcount(-o),0), %m- = $eval($tkcount(-h),0), %n- = $eval($tkcount(-v),0) d-3 -a 6 |- %a- = you, your nick in that moment. | d-3 -a 6 |- %b- = People that have seted the mode on your nick. | d-3 -a 6 |- %c- = Channel that you have received the status. | d-3 -a 6 |- %d- = the logo that you can create in the dialog with your Script-name. | d-3 -a 6 |- %e- = Number of times received owner +q. | d-3 -a 6 |- %f- = Number of times received Protected +a. | d-3 -a 6 |- %g- = Number of times received Op +o. | d-3 -a 6 |- %h- = Number of times received Halfop +h. | d-3 -a 6 |- %i- = Number of times received Voice +v. d-3 -a 6 |- %j- = Number of deowned times -q. | d-3 -a 6 |- %k- = Number of deProtected times -q. | d-3 -a 6 |- %l- = Number of times deoped -o. | d-3 -a 6 |- %m- = Number of dehalfoped times -h. | d-3 -a 6 |- %n- = Number of devoiced times -v. } if ($devent = sclick) { if ($did = 7) { run iexplore.exe http://www.hawkee.com/ } } } alias -l tksop.blk { if ($1 = b) { d-1 -b 1,6-8,10,12,16-17,21-22,24,26 } if ($1 = e) { d-1 -e 1,6-8,10,12,16-17,21-22,24,26 } } alias -l d-1 { if ($dialog(tksop)) { did $1 tksop $2- } } alias -l d-3 { if ($dialog(tksop-inf)) { did $1 tksop-inf $2- } } alias -l tksop.c-1 { return $replace($1-,,¢¬,,¢b¬,,¢u¬,,¢r¬) } alias -l tksop.c-2 { return $replace($1-,¢¬,,¢b¬,,¢u¬,,¢r¬,) } alias -l tklogo { if ($readini(tksop.ini,config,logo)) { return $tksop.c-2($readini(tksop.ini,config,logo)) } } alias -l tkw { writeini tksop.ini $1- } alias -l d-2 { var %a- = $numtok($3-,32) while (%a- >= 1) { if ($dialog(tksop)) { did $1 tksop $2 $gettok($3-,%a-,32) } dec %a- } } alias -l tksop { if ($dialog(tksop)) { dialog -x tksop | dialog -m tksop tksop } else { dialog -m tksop tksop } } alias -l tkcount { if ($1 = +q) { return $readini(tksop.ini,mct,q) } if ($1 = +a) { return $readini(tksop.ini,mct,a) } if ($1 = +o) { return $readini(tksop.ini,mct,o) } if ($1 = +h) { return $readini(tksop.ini,mct,h) } if ($1 = +v) { return $readini(tksop.ini,mct,v) } if ($1 = -q) { return $readini(tksop.ini,lct,q) } if ($1 = -a) { return $readini(tksop.ini,lct,a) } if ($1 = -o) { return $readini(tksop.ini,lct,o) } if ($1 = -h) { return $readini(tksop.ini,lct,h) } if ($1 = -v) { return $readini(tksop.ini,lct,v) } } alias -l tksop.prev { var %a- = $len($1-), %b- = fixedsys, %c- = 9, %d- = $iif($calc($width($1-,%b-,%c-) + $len($1-)) > 60,$v1,60), %e- = $iif($height($1-,%b-,%c-) > 12,$v1,12) var %f- = $eval($tklogo,0), %g- = $iif(%f- !isin $1-,$1-,$replace($1-,%f-,$tklogo)) window -c @tksop window -ph +d @tksop 0 0 $iif($width($removecs($1-,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0),%b-,%c-) > 350,$v1,350) $iif($height($1-,%b-,%c-) > 22,$v1,22) drawfill @tksop $colour(background) $colour(background) 1 1 drawtext -pb @tksop $colour(own) $colour(background) %b- %c- 3 3 %g- drawsave @tksop tksop.bmp | window -c @tksop d-1 -v 19 d-1 -g 19 tksop.bmp } on *:load: { tkw config style 2 tkw config logo $ $+ eval( $+ 15,1 -4=7^14,1 S15,1a0NC14,1a0,1K 7,1^4=15-  $+ ,0) tkw more q $ $+ eval( $+ Thanks for the Owner $+ ,0) | tkw mct q 0 tkw more a $ $+ eval( $+ Thanks for the Protect $+ ,0) | tkw mct a 0 tkw more o $ $+ eval( $+ Thanks for the Op $+ ,0) | tkw mct o 0 tkw more h $ $+ eval( $+ Thanks for the HalfOp $+ ,0) | tkw mct h 0 tkw more v $ $+ eval( $+ Thanks for the Voice $!tklogo $+ ,0) | tkw mct v 0 tkw less q $ $+ eval( $+ Gimme that Back :´ $+ ,0)| | tkw lct q 0 tkw less a $ $+ eval( $+ <---People DeProtected $+ ,0) | tkw lct a 0 tkw less o $ $+ eval( $+ ROLF @ my op $!nick $+ ,0) | tkw lct o 0 tkw less h $ $+ eval( $+ +HeLLLLLLLLLL $+ ,0) | tkw lct h 0 tkw less v $ $+ eval( $+ :x $+ ,0) | tkw lct v 0 } on !*:rawmode:*: { var %a- = $readini(tksop.ini,config,exc) if ($istok(%a-,$chan,32)) { halt } else { if ($nick != $server) && ($chr(46) !isincs $nick) && ($me isin $2-) { var %j- = $1, %k- = $2- if (($left(%j-,2) = +q)) && ($me = $2) { var %d- = $calc($tkcount(+q) + 1) | tkw mct q %d- if ($readini(tksop.ini,more,q)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,more,q) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,more,q),3)) } } if (($left(%j-,2) = +a)) && ($me = $2) { var %d- = $calc($tkcount(+a) + 1) | tkw mct q %d- if ($readini(tksop.ini,more,a)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,more,a) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,more,a),3)) } } if (($left(%j-,2) = -q)) && ($me = $2) { var %d- = $calc($tkcount(-q) + 1) | tkw lct q %d- if ($readini(tksop.ini,less,q)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,less,q) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,less,q),3)) } } if (($left(%j-,2) = -a)) && ($me = $2) { var %d- = $calc($tkcount(-a) + 1) | tkw lct a %d- if ($readini(tksop.ini,less,a)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,less,a) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,less,a),3)) } } if ($mode(0).op >= 1) { var %a- = $mode(1).op $mode(2).op $mode(3).op $mode(4).op $mode(5).op $mode(6).op if ($istok(%a-,$me,32)) { var %b- = $calc($tkcount(+o) + 1) | tkw mct o %b- if ($readini(tksop.ini,more,o)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,more,o) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,more,o),3)) } } } if ($mode(0).help >= 1) { var %a- = $mode(1).help $mode(2).help $mode(3).help $mode(4).help $mode(5).help $mode(6).help if ($istok(%a-,$me,32)) { var %b- = $calc($tkcount(+h) + 1) | tkw mct h %b- if ($readini(tksop.ini,more,h)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,more,h) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,more,h),3)) } } } if ($mode(0).voice >= 1) { var %a- = $mode(1).voice $mode(2).voice $mode(3).voice $mode(4).voice $mode(5).voice $mode(6).voice if ($istok(%a-,$me,32)) { var %b- = $calc($tkcount(+v) + 1) | tkw mct v %b- if ($readini(tksop.ini,more,v)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,more,v) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,more,v),3)) } } } if ($mode(0).deop >= 1) { var %a- = $mode(1).deop $mode(2)de.op $mode(3).deop $mode(4).deop $mode(5).deop $mode(6).deop if ($istok(%a-,$me,32)) { var %b- = $calc($tkcount(-o) + 1) | tkw lct o %b- if ($readini(tksop.ini,less,o)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,less,o) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,less,o),3)) } } } if ($mode(0).dehelp >= 1) { var %a- = $mode(1).dehelp $mode(2).dehelp $mode(3).dehelp $mode(4).dehelp $mode(5).dehelp $mode(6).dehelp if ($istok(%a-,$me,32)) { var %b- = $calc($tkcount(-h) + 1) | tkw lct h %b- if ($readini(tksop.ini,less,h)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,less,h) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,less,h),3)) } } } if ($mode(0).devoice >= 1) { var %a- = $mode(1).devoice $mode(2).devoice $mode(3).devoice $mode(4).devoice $mode(5).devoice $mode(6).devoice if ($istok(%a-,$me,32)) { var %b- = $calc($tkcount(-v) + 1) | tkw lct v %b- if ($readini(tksop.ini,less,v)) && ($readini(tksop.ini,less,v) != none) { $iif($readini(tksop.ini,config,style) = 1,describe $chan,msg $chan) $tksop.c-2($eval($readini(tksop.ini,less,v),3)) } } } } } } menu menubar,channel,status { Ayar .@p Teşekkür:/tksop } ;### The EnD ;)~ ###(267).lines