class GPIO: BCM = "BCM" OUT = "OUT" HIGH = "HIGH" LOW = "LOW" @staticmethod def setwarnings(flag): print(f"[Mock GPIO] Warnings set to {flag}") @staticmethod def setmode(mode): print(f"[Mock GPIO] Mode set to {mode}") @staticmethod def setup(pin, mode): print(f"[Mock GPIO] Pin {pin} set as {mode}") @staticmethod def output(pin, state): print(f"[Mock GPIO] Pin {pin} output set to {state}") @staticmethod def cleanup(): print("[Mock GPIO] Cleanup called") class SimpleMFRC522: def read(self): print("[Mock RFID] Simulated card read.") # Simüle edilmiş bir kart ID'si ve veri döndür return 123456789, "MockUser-MockDepartment"