SeedID = 261--Write Seed ID, You can find items-ids channel Plantdelay = 200 --Suggest 150-200 PlantWorld = {"WORDLNAME1","WORLDNAME2","WORLDNAME3"} --Write Capital Letter, Unlimited World {"",""} PlantWorldID = "" --Door ID storage = "" --Take Seed World storageid = "" --Door ID Webhooks = "" --You can research on Youtube YourDiscordid = "" function GonWebhook(Shinuqi) local script = [[ $webHookUrl = "]]..Webhooks..[[" $thumbnailObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ url = "" } $color = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 16777215 $title = 'profes - Plant' $description = "**]]..Shinuqi..[[**" $footer = [PSCustomObject]@{ icon_url = "" text = "]].."profes | Date : "..("%d/%m/%y":upper().." Hour : ")"%I")..":""%M").." ""%p"):upper()..[[" } $embedObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ color = $color title = $title description = $description thumbnail = $thumbnailObject footer = $footer } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$embedArray = @() $embedArray.Add($embedObject) $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{ embeds = $embedArray } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local pipe = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") pipe:write(script) pipe:close() end function floats(idz) float = 0 for _, obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if == idz then float = float + obj.count end end return {ucanlar = float} end function join(a,b) sleep(3000) sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|"..a.."|"..b.."\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(3000) end kalanlar=1 function take(list) for _,obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if == SeedID then Reconnect(list) local x = math.floor(obj.x / 32) local y = math.floor(obj.y / 32) findPath(x,y) sleep(1000) LeftSeed = floats(SeedID).ucanlar if LeftSeed > 1 then GonWebhook("<:growbot:992058196439072770> Bot Name : "..getBot().name.. "\n Current World : "..getBot().world.. "\n Status : "..getBot().status.. "\n <:pepper_tree_seed:1012630107715797073> Left Seed : "..floats(SeedID).ucanlar) collect(2) sleep(500) else kalanlar = 0 end end if findItem(SeedID) > 1 then break end end end function plant(list) for _,tile in pairs(getTiles()) do Reconnect(list) if findItem(SeedID) == 0 then Reconnect(list) join(storage,storageid) sleep(500) LeftSeed = floats(SeedID).ucanlar if LeftSeed < 1 then kalanlar = 0 break end take(list) sleep(500) join(list,PlantWorldID) sleep(500) end if tile.flags ~= 0 and tile.y ~= 0 and getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == 0 then Reconnect(list) findPath(tile.x,tile.y - 1) while getTile(tile.x,tile.y - 1).fg == 0 and getTile(tile.x,tile.y).flags ~= 0 and findItem(SeedID) > 0 do Reconnect(list) if math.floor(getBot().x / 32) ~= tile.x and math.floor(getBot().y / 32) ~= tile.y then findPath(tile.x,tile.y - 1) end place(SeedID,0,0) sleep(Plantdelay) end end end end function OnlineOffline(loglars) local script = [[ $webhookUri = "]]..Webhooks..[[" $Body = @{ 'username' = 'Shinuqi#2111' 'content' = ']] .. loglars .. [[' 'avatar_url' = '' } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webhookUri -Method 'post' -Body $Body echo done ]] local pipe = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") pipe:write(script) pipe:close() end botcuk = getBot().name function Reconnect(list) if getBot().status == "suspended" or getBot().status == "currently banned" or getBot().status == "temporary ban" then OnlineOffline(botcuk.." "..getBot().status.." Bot Removed") sleep(1000) removeBot(botcuk) end if getBot().status ~= "online" then OnlineOffline("<@" .. YourDiscordid .. ">".."\n<:growbot:992058196439072770> | Bot Name : "..getBot().name.."\n<:mega:984686541383290940> | Information : Bot Is Offline Trying To Reconnect.... \n<:red_circle:987661002868936774> | Status : Offline ") while getBot().status ~= "online" do connect() sleep(10000) end sleep(1000) OnlineOffline("<@" .. YourDiscordid .. ">".."<:growbot:992058196439072770> | Bot Name : "..getBot().name.."\n<:mega:984686541383290940> | Information : Bot Is Back Online\n | Status : Online\n | Current World : "..getBot().world.." \n<:jam:987145988470898758> | UpTime Bot : "..SecondTT(os.difftime(os.time(), startT))) end if getBot().world == "EXIT" then join(list,PlantWorldID) end if getTile(math.floor(getBot().x/32),math.floor(getBot().y/32)).fg == 6 then join(list,PlantWorldID) end end function main() for _, list in pairs(PlantWorld) do join(storage,storageid) LeftSeed = floats(SeedID).ucanlar if LeftSeed > 1 then Reconnect(list) if findItem(SeedID) > 0 then join(list,PlantWorldID) sleep(1000) plant(list) sleep(1000) end if findItem(SeedID) == 0 then join(storage,storageid) sleep(1000) take(list) sleep(1000) join(list,PlantWorldID) sleep(1000) plant(list) sleep(1000) end if findItem(SeedID) > 0 then join(list,PlantWorldID) sleep(1000) plant(list) sleep(1000) end if kalanlar == 0 then GonWebhook("No left more seed") break end end end end main() collectSet(false, 2) sleep(1000) join(storage,storageid) sleep(1000) drop(SeedID) sleep(1000) GonWebhook("<:growbot:992058196439072770> Bot Name : "..getBot().name.. "\n Plant Done!!!") sendPacket(3,"action|quit_to_exit")