storage = "" --TAKE BLOCK World Name storageid = "" --DOOR ID pnbdunya = "" --PNB World Name pnddunyaid = "" --PNB World Door ID StorageSeed = "" --DROP SEED World Name StorageSeedID = "" --DOOR ID PackDropWorld = "" --DROP PACK World Name PackDropWorldID = "" --DOOR ID --pnb bot pos x,y to check (x,y) WRENCH YOUR NAME IN REAL GROWTOPIA APP BotPx = 2 BotPy = 23 packname = "world_lock" --if you write wrong you will get ercon packID = 242 --if you write wrong you will get ercon pricepack = 2000 --if you write wrong you will get ercon packDropCount = 4 --when drop pack example : if you type 4, the bot's item will drop when it has 5 pieces BlockID = 260 SeedID = BlockID+1 --do not change delaybreak = 200 delayplace = 200 MoveDirection = -1 -- 1 = Right | -1 = Left trashList = {1406,9346,5040,5042,5044,5032,5034,5036,5038,5024,5026,5028,7162,7164} Webhooks = "" YourDiscordid = "" function GonWebhook(Shinuqi) local script = [[ $webHookUrl = "]]..Webhooks..[[" $thumbnailObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ url = "" } $color = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 16777215 $title = 'profes - PNB' $description = "**]]..Shinuqi..[[**" $footer = [PSCustomObject]@{ icon_url = "" text = "]].."profes | Date : "..("%d/%m/%y":upper().." Hour : ")"%I")..":""%M").." ""%p"):upper()..[[" } $embedObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ color = $color title = $title description = $description thumbnail = $thumbnailObject footer = $footer } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$embedArray = @() $embedArray.Add($embedObject) $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{ embeds = $embedArray } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webHookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' ]] local pipe = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w") pipe:write(script) pipe:close() end function join(a,b) sleep(2000) sendPacket(3,"action|join_request\nname|"..a.."|"..b.."\ninvitedWorld|0") sleep(5000) end function take() for _,obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if == BlockID then local x = math.floor(obj.x / 32) local y = math.floor(obj.y / 32) findPath(x,y) sleep(1000) collect(2) sleep(1000) end if findItem(BlockID) > 1 then break end end end function tarama() itemler = 0 for _, obj in pairs(getObjects()) do if == BlockID then itemler = itemler + obj.count end end return itemler end function TrashTheJunks() for i, trash in ipairs(trashList) do if findItem(trash) > 50 then sendPacket(2, "action|trash\n|itemID|"..trash) sleep(2000) sendPacket(2, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|trash_item\nitemID|"..trash.."|\ncount|"..findItem(trash)) sleep(2000) end end end function WhiteDoorControl() if getTile(math.floor(getBot().x / 32),math.floor(getBot().y / 32)).fg == 6 then join(getBot().world,pnddunyaid) end end BotPxz = BotPx-1 BotPyz = BotPy-1 function PNB() WhiteDoorControl() sleep(1000) findPath(BotPxz,BotPyz) sleep(2000) botx2 = math.floor(getBot().x / 32) boty2 = math.floor(getBot().y / 32) sleep(1000) while findItem(BlockID) > 0 do if getBot().status ~= "online" or getBot().world == "EXIT" then break end WhiteDoorControl() if math.floor(getBot().x / 32) ~= BotPxz and math.floor(getBot().y / 32) ~= BotPyz then findPath(BotPxz,BotPyz) sleep(1000) botx2 = math.floor(getBot().x / 32) boty2 = math.floor(getBot().y / 32) end if getTile(botx2-1,boty2).fg == 0 then collect(4) sleep(delayplace) place(BlockID,-1,0) sleep(delayplace) place(BlockID,-1,1) sleep(delayplace) place(BlockID,-1,-1) sleep(delayplace) end while getTile(botx2-1,boty2).fg ~= 0 do if getBot().status ~= "online" or getBot().world == "EXIT" then break end WhiteDoorControl() if math.floor(getBot().x / 32) ~= BotPxz and math.floor(getBot().y / 32) ~= BotPyz then findPath(BotPxz,BotPyz) sleep(1000) botx2 = math.floor(getBot().x / 32) boty2 = math.floor(getBot().y / 32) end punch(-1,0) sleep(delaybreak) punch(-1,1) sleep(delaybreak) punch(-1,-1) sleep(delaybreak) end end end function DropF() while findItem(112) > pricepack do sendPacket(2, "action|buy\nitem|"..packname) sleep(3000) -- you can change delay end if findItem(SeedID) > 100 then join(StorageSeed,StorageSeedID) end while findItem(SeedID) > 100 do WhiteDoorControl() move(MoveDirection,0) sleep(500) drop(SeedID) sleep(500) end if findItem(packID) > packDropCount then join(PackDropWorld,PackDropWorldID) end while findItem(packID) > packDropCount do WhiteDoorControl() move(MoveDirection,0) sleep(500) drop(packID) sleep(500) end end join(storage,storageid) tarama() while itemler > 1 do ::bas:: if getBot().status == "online" then senmes = 1 if findItem(BlockID) == 0 then join(storage,storageid) tarama() take() GonWebhook("<:growbot:992058196439072770> Bot Name : "..getBot().name.. "\n <:peppertree:999318156696887378> Left Block : "..itemler) end if findItem(BlockID) > 1 then join(pnbdunya,pnddunyaid) PNB() end DropF() TrashTheJunks() else if senmes == 1 then GonWebhook("<@" .. YourDiscordid .. ">".." "..getBot().name.." "..getBot().status) senmes = 0 end goto bas end end Botad = getBot().name join(storage,storageid) drop(SeedID) sleep(500) drop(packID) sleep(500) GonWebhook("<:growbot:992058196439072770> Bot Name : "..Botad.. "\n No Left Block") removeBot(Botad)